9 research outputs found
Organic Sugarcane Farming for Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Maharashtra
The economics of organic sugarcane farming (OSF) and inorganic sugarcane farming (ISF) have been examined and the OSF has been assessed with respect to important sustainability indicators such as conservation of soil, water, power and farmers’ economic well-being and livelihood security. The study is based on data for 2004-05 collected from 30 certified OSF and 30 ISF sample households from the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. The OSF households have been found younger and more educated having larger landholdings and better resources. The OSF is labour-intensive, but its cost of cultivation is lower due to savings on chemical fertilizers, irrigation, seeds and agrochemicals. The yield on OSF has been reported lower but it is more than compensated by the price premium received and the yield and profit stability observed on the OSF. In addition, the OSF has been found superior in terms of economic well-being and livelihood security of the farmer. The study has revealed that OSF has enormous potential for improving sustainability of agriculture and has suggested that organic farming should receive prime attention from all stakeholders to realize its full potential in increasing and providing the much sought after sustainability to agriculture.Agricultural and Food Policy,
Organic Sugarcane Farming for Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Maharashtra
The economics of organic sugarcane farming (OSF) and inorganic sugarcane
farming (ISF) have been examined and the OSF has been assessed with
respect to important sustainability indicators such as conservation of
soil, water, power and farmers’ economic well-being and livelihood security.
The study is based on data for 2004-05 collected from 30 certified OSF and
30 ISF sample households from the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. The
OSF households have been found younger and more educated having
larger landholdings and better resources. The OSF is labour-intensive,
but its cost of cultivation is lower due to savings on chemical fertilizers,
irrigation, seeds and agrochemicals. The yield on OSF has been reported
lower but it is more than compensated by the price premium received and
the yield and profit stability observed on the OSF. In addition, the OSF has
been found superior in terms of economic well-being and livelihood security
of the farmer. The study has revealed that OSF has enormous potential for
improving sustainability of agriculture and has suggested that organic
farming should receive prime attention from all stakeholders to realize its
full potential in increasing and providing the much sought after
sustainability to agriculture
An Evaluation of the Impact of Improved Dryland Technology on Factor Shares
The potential effects of improved sot! and water management technology on factor shares m d1yland
agnculture are evaluated by usmg data from an on-farm verification expenment conducted m 1981/82 m
TaddanpaUyvillage, Andhra Pradesh, India. The results show that the improved tecl111ologyoccup1es 75 and 90
percent of operated land and yields attractive rates of return of 134 and 147 percent on average large and small
farms, respectively In general, the technology increases the poss1b1ltty of substitutmg labour for land, and capital
for labour as well as land. A prominent rtse m the returns to management underlmes the role of extensmn and
other development agencies m 1mprovmg skills and managenal capabihtles of the farmer