8 research outputs found

    Die Struktur und Ultrastruktur des Epithelansatzes

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    Uvodno se diskutira o ulozi epitelnog pričvrstka i razvoju u vrijeme erupcije zuba. Iznosi se pregled istraživanja u nekoliko godina, o strukturi epitelnog pričvrstka i suvremena shvaćanja o odnosu epitela i cakline. Citoplazmatske strukture karakteristične za ovaj epitel dokumentirane su elekronmikroskopskim snimkama.The role of the epithelial attachment and the development in the course of the eruption of the teeth is discussed in the introduction. A review is presented of the research work in the course of the years dealing with the structure of the epithelial attachment and the present day conceptions about the relationship between the epithelium and the enamel are discussed. The cytoplasmatic structures, typical for this epithelium are documented by electronmicroscopic recordings.Eingangs wird die Rolle des Epithelansatzes in der Entwicklung und im Verlauf des Zahndurchbruches geschildert. Es wird eine Übersicht der Forschungen über die Struktur des Epithelansatzes und über die zeitgemässen Anschaungen vom Verhältnis des Epithels zum Schmelz, vorgebracht. Cytoplas- matische Strukturen, die dieses Epithel karakterisieren, werden anhand von elektronmikroskopischen Aufnahmen dokumentiert

    Die Rolle der ulzerösen Gingivitis in der Progredienz der Parodontics

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    Ulcerozna upala gingive ili gingivo-parodontitis, kako ga neki nazivaju, akutna je bolest koja zahtijeva neodgodivu obradu, jer pri svakoj novoj ataki ovog oboljenja dolazi do destrukcije dubljih dijelova parodonta. Izražena klinička slika ove bolesti lako se prepoznaje. Zbog ulceroznog procesa gubi se normalna konfiguracija gingive. Interdentalne papile nastaju pa se u interdentalnim prostorima mogu stvarati niše ili negativne papile. Ovakav oblik gingive čini predilekcijsko mjesto za nastanak plaka i zato se s pravom smatra, da niša ima kardinalnu ulogu u progresiji upalnog procesa u dublje dijelove parodonta.Ulcerative inflammation of the gingiva or gingivo-parodontitis as some authors prefer to call it, is an acute disease requiring immediate attention, since with every new attack of this diseases destruction of the deeper parts of the parodontium occurs. The marked clinical picture of this disease is easily recognized. The normal configuration of the gingiva is lost due to the ulcerating process. The interdental papillae disappear and niches or negative papillae may form in the interdental spaces. Such a gingiva presents the site of predilection for the forming of dental plaque and the assumption is therefore justified that the niche plays a cardinal role in the progression into the deeper parts of the parodontium of the inflammatory process.Die ulzeröse Entzündung der Schleimhaut, auch Gingivo-Parodontitis genannt, ist eine akute Erkrankung welche eine sofortige Therapie erfordert, denn jeder neue Anfall ruft Zerstörungen in den tieferen Schichten des Parodonts, hervor. Das ausgebildete klinische Bild dieser Erkrankung ist leicht zu erkenen. Der ulzeröse Prozess zerstört die normale Konfiguration der Gingiva. Die interdentalen Papillen schwinden, in den interdentalen Räumen entstehen Nischen oder negative Papillen. Solche Form der Gingiva schafft gute Bedingungen für die Entstehung von Plaques, Daher wird mit Recht angenommen dass die Nische eine Hauptrolle in der Progression des Entzündungsprozesses in tiefere Schichten des Parodont, spielt

    Pyrodoxinmangel als Faktor in der diagnostik des Zungenbrennens

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    Žarenje jezika može biti rani znak općih oboljenja organizma, uzrokovanih različitim etiološkim faktorima. Zbog toga je postavljanje prave dijagnoze otežano, a time i određivanje adekvatne terapije. Pri dijagnosticiranju etioloških faktora, koji dovode do žarenja jezika, služimo se različitim laboratorijskim pretragama. U novije vrijeme primjenjuju se i specifične enzimatske metode određivanja snabdjevenosti vitaminima B skupine, za koje znamo da imaju osobito značenje u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici oboljenja kojeg je popratni simptom žarenje jezika. S tim u vezi bila su vršena i ova istraživanja. U skupini nasumce odabranih bolesnika koji su se duže vrijeme liječili u Zavodu za bolesti usta Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pod dijagnozom glossopyrosis, uz uobičajene laboratorijske pretrage: želučane sekrecije, krvne slike i dr. određivali smo, pomoću enzimskih metoda i snabdjevenost organizma tijaminom, riboflavinom i piridoksinom. Rezultati su pokazali, da je opskrba tijaminom i riboflavinom, pri različitim kliničkim slikama i različitim laboratorijskim nalazima oboljelih od glosopirozisa, odgovarala normalnim vrijednostima. Količina piridoksina pak, bila je u svim tim slučajevima snižena.Stinging of the tongue or glossopyrosis may be an early sign of general disease of the organism caused by different etiological factors. It is thus rather difficult to give a correct diagnosis and subsequently to determine an adequate therapy. Varios laboratory investigations are used in the diagnosis of the etiological factors leading to glossopyrosis. In recent times specific enzymatic methods have been applied in the determination of the vitamin-B group supplies of which we know that they have a special significance in the differential diagnosis of diseases, of which stinging of the tongue is an accompanying symptom. These investigations were made in this connection. In a group of patients selected at random, who for a longer period have been undergoing treatment for glossopyrosis in the Departement for Diseases of the Mouth Faculty of Stomatology, University of Zagreb, attempts were made to determine by means of enzymatic methods the supply of the organism with thiamine, riboflavine and pyridoxine in addition to the usual laboratory investigations, i. e. gastric secretion, blood picture etc. The resulte showed that the thiamine and riboflavine supply was normal in different clinical pictures and different laboratory findings of patients suffering from glossopyrosis. The pyridoxine quantity, however, was reduced in all these cases.Zungenbrennen kann ein Frühsymptom einer Allgemeinerkrankung sein, von verschiedenen aethio- logischen Faktoren verursacht. Dadurch ist die Diagnosestellung und die Wahl der adequaten Therapie erschwert. In der Diagnostik der äthiologischen Faktoren, die Zungenbrennen verursachten, kommen verschiedene laboratorische Methoden in Betracht. In neurer Zeit werden auch spezifische enzymatischc Methoden bei der Bestimmung der Versorgung mit Vitamin-B Gruppe, angewendet, welche eine besonderer Bedeutung in der Differentialdiagnose der Erkrankungen deren Begleitsymptom Zungenbrennen ist, haben. Damit in Zusammenhang sind auch diese Untersuchungen ausgeführt. In einer beliebig ausgewählten Patientengruppe, welche schon längere Zeit mit der Diagnose Glossopharyngitis in Behandlung sind, wurde, neben den üblichen laboratorischen Untersuchungen, die Versorgung des Organismus mit Tiamin, Riboflavin und Pyrodoxin auch mittels der enzymatischen Methode bestimmt. Die Resultate zeigten dass die Versorgung mit Tiamin und Riboflavin bei verschiedenen klinischen Bildern und verschiedenen Laborbefunden bei Patienten mit Glossopyrosis den normalen Wert entsprechen. Die Pyrodoxinmenge jedoch war in allen diesen Fällen erniedrigt

    Pyrodoxinmangel als Faktor in der diagnostik des Zungenbrennens

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    Žarenje jezika može biti rani znak općih oboljenja organizma, uzrokovanih različitim etiološkim faktorima. Zbog toga je postavljanje prave dijagnoze otežano, a time i određivanje adekvatne terapije. Pri dijagnosticiranju etioloških faktora, koji dovode do žarenja jezika, služimo se različitim laboratorijskim pretragama. U novije vrijeme primjenjuju se i specifične enzimatske metode određivanja snabdjevenosti vitaminima B skupine, za koje znamo da imaju osobito značenje u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici oboljenja kojeg je popratni simptom žarenje jezika. S tim u vezi bila su vršena i ova istraživanja. U skupini nasumce odabranih bolesnika koji su se duže vrijeme liječili u Zavodu za bolesti usta Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pod dijagnozom glossopyrosis, uz uobičajene laboratorijske pretrage: želučane sekrecije, krvne slike i dr. određivali smo, pomoću enzimskih metoda i snabdjevenost organizma tijaminom, riboflavinom i piridoksinom. Rezultati su pokazali, da je opskrba tijaminom i riboflavinom, pri različitim kliničkim slikama i različitim laboratorijskim nalazima oboljelih od glosopirozisa, odgovarala normalnim vrijednostima. Količina piridoksina pak, bila je u svim tim slučajevima snižena.Stinging of the tongue or glossopyrosis may be an early sign of general disease of the organism caused by different etiological factors. It is thus rather difficult to give a correct diagnosis and subsequently to determine an adequate therapy. Varios laboratory investigations are used in the diagnosis of the etiological factors leading to glossopyrosis. In recent times specific enzymatic methods have been applied in the determination of the vitamin-B group supplies of which we know that they have a special significance in the differential diagnosis of diseases, of which stinging of the tongue is an accompanying symptom. These investigations were made in this connection. In a group of patients selected at random, who for a longer period have been undergoing treatment for glossopyrosis in the Departement for Diseases of the Mouth Faculty of Stomatology, University of Zagreb, attempts were made to determine by means of enzymatic methods the supply of the organism with thiamine, riboflavine and pyridoxine in addition to the usual laboratory investigations, i. e. gastric secretion, blood picture etc. The resulte showed that the thiamine and riboflavine supply was normal in different clinical pictures and different laboratory findings of patients suffering from glossopyrosis. The pyridoxine quantity, however, was reduced in all these cases.Zungenbrennen kann ein Frühsymptom einer Allgemeinerkrankung sein, von verschiedenen aethio- logischen Faktoren verursacht. Dadurch ist die Diagnosestellung und die Wahl der adequaten Therapie erschwert. In der Diagnostik der äthiologischen Faktoren, die Zungenbrennen verursachten, kommen verschiedene laboratorische Methoden in Betracht. In neurer Zeit werden auch spezifische enzymatischc Methoden bei der Bestimmung der Versorgung mit Vitamin-B Gruppe, angewendet, welche eine besonderer Bedeutung in der Differentialdiagnose der Erkrankungen deren Begleitsymptom Zungenbrennen ist, haben. Damit in Zusammenhang sind auch diese Untersuchungen ausgeführt. In einer beliebig ausgewählten Patientengruppe, welche schon längere Zeit mit der Diagnose Glossopharyngitis in Behandlung sind, wurde, neben den üblichen laboratorischen Untersuchungen, die Versorgung des Organismus mit Tiamin, Riboflavin und Pyrodoxin auch mittels der enzymatischen Methode bestimmt. Die Resultate zeigten dass die Versorgung mit Tiamin und Riboflavin bei verschiedenen klinischen Bildern und verschiedenen Laborbefunden bei Patienten mit Glossopyrosis den normalen Wert entsprechen. Die Pyrodoxinmenge jedoch war in allen diesen Fällen erniedrigt

    The effect of a medicinal herb mouthwash on inflamed gingival tissue

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    Ispitivano je djelovanje »Rastlinske ustne vode za desni« (Biljna voda za usta i desni) na upalno promijenjeno tkivo gingive. U grupi A ispitanika primijenjivana je samo biljna voda, bez dodatne parodontne terapije i uočen pad PI indeksa od 2,8 na 1,4 a KS indeksa sa 2,7 na 1,9. Određivanje KS indeksa u grupe B pacijenata kod koje je uporedo vršena parodontna terapija a gornja čeljust služila kao kontrolna, pokazuje podjednak pad vrijednosti za kontrolnu (2,5 na 1,8) i eksperimentalnu (2,3 na 1,7). U grupi C ispitanika, od kojih je kod polovine vršeno svakodnevno tuširanje razrijeđenom biljnom vodom, a u kontrolnoj grupi običnom vodom, pokazao se relativno sporiji pad PI vrijednosti na kontrolnoj grupi (2,1 na 1,7) u odnosu na pad vrijednosti eksperimentalne grupe (2,2 na 1,2). Vrijednost KS indeksa pala je u eksperimentalne grupe od 2,6 na 2,1, dok su u kontrolnoj grupi padale nešto sporije, od 2,5 na 2,3. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da se u toku primjene ovog preparata, uz odgovarajuće terapijske mjere, kliničko stanje parodonta poboljšalo, te se usna voda priređena iz ljekovitog bilja može uvrstiti među preparate koji se mogu preporučiti.The effect of »Rastlinska ustna voda za desni« (Medicinal Herb Mouthwash) on inflamed gingival tissue has been investigated. In Group A, where the examinees used the mouthwash only, without receiving parodontal therapy, the PI index fell from 2.8 to 1.4, and the SB index from 2.7 to 1.9. In Group B, where the patients received parallel parodontal therapy and the upper jaw served as control, the decrease in the SB index was approximately equal in the control (2.5 to 1.8) and the experimental jaw (2.3 to 1.7). In Group C, where half of the examinees rinsed their mouths daily with the diluted herbal mouthwash and the other half with tap water (control group), there was a relatively slower decrease in the PI values in the control group (2.1 to 1.7) compared to the decrease in the experimental group (2.2 to 1.2). The values of the SB index decreased from 2.6 to 2.1 in the experimental group, while in the control group there was a somewhat slower decrease - from 2.5 to 2.3. The results have shown that the clinical condition of the parodontium miproved during the application of this preparation when adequate therapeutic measures were also used, and that this mouthwash, prepared from medicinal herbs, can be included among recommended preparations

    The effect of a medicinal herb mouthwash on inflamed gingival tissue

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    Ispitivano je djelovanje »Rastlinske ustne vode za desni« (Biljna voda za usta i desni) na upalno promijenjeno tkivo gingive. U grupi A ispitanika primijenjivana je samo biljna voda, bez dodatne parodontne terapije i uočen pad PI indeksa od 2,8 na 1,4 a KS indeksa sa 2,7 na 1,9. Određivanje KS indeksa u grupe B pacijenata kod koje je uporedo vršena parodontna terapija a gornja čeljust služila kao kontrolna, pokazuje podjednak pad vrijednosti za kontrolnu (2,5 na 1,8) i eksperimentalnu (2,3 na 1,7). U grupi C ispitanika, od kojih je kod polovine vršeno svakodnevno tuširanje razrijeđenom biljnom vodom, a u kontrolnoj grupi običnom vodom, pokazao se relativno sporiji pad PI vrijednosti na kontrolnoj grupi (2,1 na 1,7) u odnosu na pad vrijednosti eksperimentalne grupe (2,2 na 1,2). Vrijednost KS indeksa pala je u eksperimentalne grupe od 2,6 na 2,1, dok su u kontrolnoj grupi padale nešto sporije, od 2,5 na 2,3. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da se u toku primjene ovog preparata, uz odgovarajuće terapijske mjere, kliničko stanje parodonta poboljšalo, te se usna voda priređena iz ljekovitog bilja može uvrstiti među preparate koji se mogu preporučiti.The effect of »Rastlinska ustna voda za desni« (Medicinal Herb Mouthwash) on inflamed gingival tissue has been investigated. In Group A, where the examinees used the mouthwash only, without receiving parodontal therapy, the PI index fell from 2.8 to 1.4, and the SB index from 2.7 to 1.9. In Group B, where the patients received parallel parodontal therapy and the upper jaw served as control, the decrease in the SB index was approximately equal in the control (2.5 to 1.8) and the experimental jaw (2.3 to 1.7). In Group C, where half of the examinees rinsed their mouths daily with the diluted herbal mouthwash and the other half with tap water (control group), there was a relatively slower decrease in the PI values in the control group (2.1 to 1.7) compared to the decrease in the experimental group (2.2 to 1.2). The values of the SB index decreased from 2.6 to 2.1 in the experimental group, while in the control group there was a somewhat slower decrease - from 2.5 to 2.3. The results have shown that the clinical condition of the parodontium miproved during the application of this preparation when adequate therapeutic measures were also used, and that this mouthwash, prepared from medicinal herbs, can be included among recommended preparations

    Die Rolle der ulzerösen Gingivitis in der Progredienz der Parodontics

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    Ulcerozna upala gingive ili gingivo-parodontitis, kako ga neki nazivaju, akutna je bolest koja zahtijeva neodgodivu obradu, jer pri svakoj novoj ataki ovog oboljenja dolazi do destrukcije dubljih dijelova parodonta. Izražena klinička slika ove bolesti lako se prepoznaje. Zbog ulceroznog procesa gubi se normalna konfiguracija gingive. Interdentalne papile nastaju pa se u interdentalnim prostorima mogu stvarati niše ili negativne papile. Ovakav oblik gingive čini predilekcijsko mjesto za nastanak plaka i zato se s pravom smatra, da niša ima kardinalnu ulogu u progresiji upalnog procesa u dublje dijelove parodonta.Ulcerative inflammation of the gingiva or gingivo-parodontitis as some authors prefer to call it, is an acute disease requiring immediate attention, since with every new attack of this diseases destruction of the deeper parts of the parodontium occurs. The marked clinical picture of this disease is easily recognized. The normal configuration of the gingiva is lost due to the ulcerating process. The interdental papillae disappear and niches or negative papillae may form in the interdental spaces. Such a gingiva presents the site of predilection for the forming of dental plaque and the assumption is therefore justified that the niche plays a cardinal role in the progression into the deeper parts of the parodontium of the inflammatory process.Die ulzeröse Entzündung der Schleimhaut, auch Gingivo-Parodontitis genannt, ist eine akute Erkrankung welche eine sofortige Therapie erfordert, denn jeder neue Anfall ruft Zerstörungen in den tieferen Schichten des Parodonts, hervor. Das ausgebildete klinische Bild dieser Erkrankung ist leicht zu erkenen. Der ulzeröse Prozess zerstört die normale Konfiguration der Gingiva. Die interdentalen Papillen schwinden, in den interdentalen Räumen entstehen Nischen oder negative Papillen. Solche Form der Gingiva schafft gute Bedingungen für die Entstehung von Plaques, Daher wird mit Recht angenommen dass die Nische eine Hauptrolle in der Progression des Entzündungsprozesses in tiefere Schichten des Parodont, spielt

    Die Struktur und Ultrastruktur des Epithelansatzes

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    Uvodno se diskutira o ulozi epitelnog pričvrstka i razvoju u vrijeme erupcije zuba. Iznosi se pregled istraživanja u nekoliko godina, o strukturi epitelnog pričvrstka i suvremena shvaćanja o odnosu epitela i cakline. Citoplazmatske strukture karakteristične za ovaj epitel dokumentirane su elekronmikroskopskim snimkama.The role of the epithelial attachment and the development in the course of the eruption of the teeth is discussed in the introduction. A review is presented of the research work in the course of the years dealing with the structure of the epithelial attachment and the present day conceptions about the relationship between the epithelium and the enamel are discussed. The cytoplasmatic structures, typical for this epithelium are documented by electronmicroscopic recordings.Eingangs wird die Rolle des Epithelansatzes in der Entwicklung und im Verlauf des Zahndurchbruches geschildert. Es wird eine Übersicht der Forschungen über die Struktur des Epithelansatzes und über die zeitgemässen Anschaungen vom Verhältnis des Epithels zum Schmelz, vorgebracht. Cytoplas- matische Strukturen, die dieses Epithel karakterisieren, werden anhand von elektronmikroskopischen Aufnahmen dokumentiert