The effect of a medicinal herb mouthwash on inflamed gingival tissue


Ispitivano je djelovanje »Rastlinske ustne vode za desni« (Biljna voda za usta i desni) na upalno promijenjeno tkivo gingive. U grupi A ispitanika primijenjivana je samo biljna voda, bez dodatne parodontne terapije i uočen pad PI indeksa od 2,8 na 1,4 a KS indeksa sa 2,7 na 1,9. Određivanje KS indeksa u grupe B pacijenata kod koje je uporedo vršena parodontna terapija a gornja čeljust služila kao kontrolna, pokazuje podjednak pad vrijednosti za kontrolnu (2,5 na 1,8) i eksperimentalnu (2,3 na 1,7). U grupi C ispitanika, od kojih je kod polovine vršeno svakodnevno tuširanje razrijeđenom biljnom vodom, a u kontrolnoj grupi običnom vodom, pokazao se relativno sporiji pad PI vrijednosti na kontrolnoj grupi (2,1 na 1,7) u odnosu na pad vrijednosti eksperimentalne grupe (2,2 na 1,2). Vrijednost KS indeksa pala je u eksperimentalne grupe od 2,6 na 2,1, dok su u kontrolnoj grupi padale nešto sporije, od 2,5 na 2,3. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da se u toku primjene ovog preparata, uz odgovarajuće terapijske mjere, kliničko stanje parodonta poboljšalo, te se usna voda priređena iz ljekovitog bilja može uvrstiti među preparate koji se mogu preporučiti.The effect of »Rastlinska ustna voda za desni« (Medicinal Herb Mouthwash) on inflamed gingival tissue has been investigated. In Group A, where the examinees used the mouthwash only, without receiving parodontal therapy, the PI index fell from 2.8 to 1.4, and the SB index from 2.7 to 1.9. In Group B, where the patients received parallel parodontal therapy and the upper jaw served as control, the decrease in the SB index was approximately equal in the control (2.5 to 1.8) and the experimental jaw (2.3 to 1.7). In Group C, where half of the examinees rinsed their mouths daily with the diluted herbal mouthwash and the other half with tap water (control group), there was a relatively slower decrease in the PI values in the control group (2.1 to 1.7) compared to the decrease in the experimental group (2.2 to 1.2). The values of the SB index decreased from 2.6 to 2.1 in the experimental group, while in the control group there was a somewhat slower decrease - from 2.5 to 2.3. The results have shown that the clinical condition of the parodontium miproved during the application of this preparation when adequate therapeutic measures were also used, and that this mouthwash, prepared from medicinal herbs, can be included among recommended preparations

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