Pyrodoxinmangel als Faktor in der diagnostik des Zungenbrennens


Žarenje jezika može biti rani znak općih oboljenja organizma, uzrokovanih različitim etiološkim faktorima. Zbog toga je postavljanje prave dijagnoze otežano, a time i određivanje adekvatne terapije. Pri dijagnosticiranju etioloških faktora, koji dovode do žarenja jezika, služimo se različitim laboratorijskim pretragama. U novije vrijeme primjenjuju se i specifične enzimatske metode određivanja snabdjevenosti vitaminima B skupine, za koje znamo da imaju osobito značenje u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici oboljenja kojeg je popratni simptom žarenje jezika. S tim u vezi bila su vršena i ova istraživanja. U skupini nasumce odabranih bolesnika koji su se duže vrijeme liječili u Zavodu za bolesti usta Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pod dijagnozom glossopyrosis, uz uobičajene laboratorijske pretrage: želučane sekrecije, krvne slike i dr. određivali smo, pomoću enzimskih metoda i snabdjevenost organizma tijaminom, riboflavinom i piridoksinom. Rezultati su pokazali, da je opskrba tijaminom i riboflavinom, pri različitim kliničkim slikama i različitim laboratorijskim nalazima oboljelih od glosopirozisa, odgovarala normalnim vrijednostima. Količina piridoksina pak, bila je u svim tim slučajevima snižena.Stinging of the tongue or glossopyrosis may be an early sign of general disease of the organism caused by different etiological factors. It is thus rather difficult to give a correct diagnosis and subsequently to determine an adequate therapy. Varios laboratory investigations are used in the diagnosis of the etiological factors leading to glossopyrosis. In recent times specific enzymatic methods have been applied in the determination of the vitamin-B group supplies of which we know that they have a special significance in the differential diagnosis of diseases, of which stinging of the tongue is an accompanying symptom. These investigations were made in this connection. In a group of patients selected at random, who for a longer period have been undergoing treatment for glossopyrosis in the Departement for Diseases of the Mouth Faculty of Stomatology, University of Zagreb, attempts were made to determine by means of enzymatic methods the supply of the organism with thiamine, riboflavine and pyridoxine in addition to the usual laboratory investigations, i. e. gastric secretion, blood picture etc. The resulte showed that the thiamine and riboflavine supply was normal in different clinical pictures and different laboratory findings of patients suffering from glossopyrosis. The pyridoxine quantity, however, was reduced in all these cases.Zungenbrennen kann ein Frühsymptom einer Allgemeinerkrankung sein, von verschiedenen aethio- logischen Faktoren verursacht. Dadurch ist die Diagnosestellung und die Wahl der adequaten Therapie erschwert. In der Diagnostik der äthiologischen Faktoren, die Zungenbrennen verursachten, kommen verschiedene laboratorische Methoden in Betracht. In neurer Zeit werden auch spezifische enzymatischc Methoden bei der Bestimmung der Versorgung mit Vitamin-B Gruppe, angewendet, welche eine besonderer Bedeutung in der Differentialdiagnose der Erkrankungen deren Begleitsymptom Zungenbrennen ist, haben. Damit in Zusammenhang sind auch diese Untersuchungen ausgeführt. In einer beliebig ausgewählten Patientengruppe, welche schon längere Zeit mit der Diagnose Glossopharyngitis in Behandlung sind, wurde, neben den üblichen laboratorischen Untersuchungen, die Versorgung des Organismus mit Tiamin, Riboflavin und Pyrodoxin auch mittels der enzymatischen Methode bestimmt. Die Resultate zeigten dass die Versorgung mit Tiamin und Riboflavin bei verschiedenen klinischen Bildern und verschiedenen Laborbefunden bei Patienten mit Glossopyrosis den normalen Wert entsprechen. Die Pyrodoxinmenge jedoch war in allen diesen Fällen erniedrigt

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