130 research outputs found

    Third-harmonic generation in photonic topological metasurfaces

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    We study nonlinear effects in two-dimensional photonic metasurfaces supporting topologically-protected helical edge states at the nanoscale. We observe strong third-harmonic generation mediated by optical nonlinearities boosted by multipolar Mie resonances of silicon nanoparticles. Variation of the pump-beam wavelength enables independent high-contrast imaging of either bulk modes or spin-momentum-locked edge states. We demonstrate topology-driven tunable localization of the generated harmonic fields and map the pseudospin-dependent unidirectional waveguiding of the edge states bypassing sharp corners. Our observations establish dielectric metasurfaces as a promising platform for the robust generation and transport of photons in topological photonic nanostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Topological states in disordered arrays of dielectric nanoparticles

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    We study the interplay between disorder and topology for the localized edge states of light in topological zigzag arrays of resonant dielectric nanoparticles. We characterize topological properties by the winding number that depends on both zigzag angle and spacing between nanoparticles in the array. For equal-spacing arrays, the system may have two values of the winding number ν=0\nu=0 or 11, and it demonstrates localization at the edges even in the presence of disorder, being consistent with experimental observations for finite-length nanodisk structures. For staggered-spacing arrays, the system possesses richer topological phases characterized by the winding numbers ν=0\nu=0, 11 or 22, which depend on the averaged zigzag angle and disorder strength. In a sharp contrast to the equal-spacing zigzag arrays, staggered-spacing arrays reveal two types of topological phase transitions induced by the angle disorder, (i) ν=0↔ν=1\nu = 0 \leftrightarrow \nu = 1 and (ii) ν=1↔ν=2\nu = 1 \leftrightarrow \nu = 2. More importantly, the spectrum of staggered-spacing arrays may remain gapped even in the case of a strong disorder.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Nonlinear imaging with all-dielectric metasurfaces

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    Nonlinear metasurfaces incorporate many of the functionalities of their linear counterparts such as wavefront shaping but simultaneously they perform nonlinear optical transformations. This dual functionality leads to a rather unintuitive physical behavior which is still widely unexplored for many photonic applications. The nonlinear processes render some basic principles governing the functionality of linear metasurfaces not directly applicable, such as the superposition principle and the geometric optics approximation. On the other hand, nonlinear metasurfaces facilitate new phenomena that are not possible in the linear regime. Here, we study the imaging of objects through a dielectric nonlinear metalens. We illuminate objects by infrared light and record their generated images at the visible third-harmonic wavelengths. We revisit the classical lens theory and suggest a generalized Gaussian lens equation for nonlinear imaging, verified both experimentally and analytically. We also demonstrate experimentally higher-order spatial correlations facilitated by the nonlinear metalens, resulting in additional image features

    Nonlinear Dielectric Metalenses: Imaging and Higher-Order Correlations

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    We demonstrate the first highly efficient all-dielectric nonlinear metalens that realizes third-harmonic imaging accompanied by spatial third-order correlations carrying information about coherence effects. We describe this metalens analytically with a generalized nonlinear lens equation.We acknowledge a support from the Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

    Transparent Dielectric Metasurfaces for Spatial Mode Multiplexing

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    Expanding the use of physical degrees of freedom to employ spatial multiplexing of data in optical communication is considered to be the most disruptive and effective solution for meeting the capacity demand of the growing information traffic. Development of space division–multiplexing methods stimulated research on spatial encoding, detection, and processing of data, attracting interest from various fields of science. Here a passive all-dielectric metasurface with near-unity transmission is demonstrated that engineers spatial mode profiles, potentially of an arbitrary complexity. The broadband response of the metasurface covers all S, C, and L bands of fiber communications. Unlike conventional phase plates, the metasurface allows for both phase and polarization conversion, providing full flexibility for the mode engineering. The dielectric metasurface is employed for mode multiplexing in a free-space optical communication system with an extinction ratio in excess of 20 dB over the whole C-band with negligible penalty even for 100 Gb s−1 data transmission. These results merge two seemingly different fields, optical communication and metamaterials, and they suggest a novel approach for an ultimate miniaturization of mode multiplexers and advanced LiFi technologies
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