14 research outputs found

    Procedures for Calculation of 3D Nanometric Surface Texture Parameters

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    In this article the method and algorithms for three dimensional digital evaluation of surface nanometric texture is proposed. Description of machined surfaces is based on the model containing a certain number of single asperities. For calculation of texture parameters the array of surface point elevations is used. Such array of point heights may be obtained by parallel scanning of surface along a specific number of surface profiles. Any kind of measuring equipment may be used for scanning.

    Prediction of 3D Surface Roughness Using Regression Analysis and Fuzzy Logic, and their Comparative Analysis

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    Nowadays, more and more new quality standards are developed for manufactured components. One of these quality standards is the surface roughness, especially the 3D surface roughness. In manufacturing of parts, the manufacturer must strictly follow the assigned surface roughness values. It makes manufacturing complicated and requires additional control to be imposed on the components. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a technique or methodology that facilitates the control of the surface roughness in production and provides possibility to control the surface roughness according to the technological parameters.

    Prediction of Surface Roughness in End-Milling Using Fuzzy Logic and Its Comparison to Regression Analysis

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    Mūsdienās augsti automatizētu darbagaldu lietošana ražošanā prasa drošus virsmas raupjuma prognozēšanas modeļus un metodes. Šis pētījums ir veltīts empīrisku virsmas raupjuma prognozēšanas modeļu izveidei gala frēzēšanā, lietojot regresijas analīzes un faziloģikas metodes. Modeļi ietver sekojošus griešanas režīmus: padeve, griešanas ātrums, griešanas dziļums. Empīrisko modeļu izveidē ir lietotas divas konkurējošas datu apstrādes metodes – lineārā regresija un faziloģika. Ar šo modeļu palīdzību prognozētās virsmas raupjuma vērtības ir salīdzinātas ar izmērītajām, lai novērtētu un salīdzinātu modeļus. Kā virsmas raupjuma parametrs ir lietots 3D parametrs Sa 2D parametru vietā. Šī 3D pieeja dod precīzāku virsmas raupjuma veidošanās ainu. Tālākos pētījumos šie modeļi tiks pielietoti CNC adaptīvajā vadībā


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    . This study focuses on developing empirical prediction models using regression analysis and fuzzy logic for surface roughness prediction in end-milling. The model considers the following cutting parameters: feed, cutting speed, depth of cut. Two competing data mining techniques, linear regression analysis and fuzzy logic, are used in developing empirical models. The values of surface roughness predicted by these models are then compared with those from measured – representing procedures for validation and comparison of models. In addition, as surface roughness parameters are used 3D surfaces roughness parameters, especially Sa, instead of 2D roughness parameters. This 3D approach gives more precise look at development of surface roughness in end-milling. Further research could be done in implementing these models in CNC adaptive control mechanisms

    Prediction of 3D Surface Roughness Using Regression Analysis and Fuzzy Logic, and their Comparative Analysis

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    Nowadays, more and more new quality standards are developed for manufactured components. One of these quality standards is the surface roughness, especially the 3D surface roughness. In manufacturing of parts, the manufacturer must strictly follow the assigned surface roughness values. It makes manufacturing complicated and requires additional control to be imposed on the components. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a technique or methodology that facilitates the control of the surface roughness in production and provides possibility to control the surface roughness according to the technological parameters

    Тенденции развития сварочных технологий

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    Rakstā tika apskatītas mūsdienu tendences metināšanas tehnoloģiju jomā: gan metināšanā ar kausēšanu, gan metināšanā ar spiedienu

    System for Three – Dimensional Surface Roughness Testing

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    System for three – dimensional surface roughness testin