7 research outputs found

    Einfluss produktionsbezogener Kommunikation auf das Verbrauchervertrauen in (Bio-)Lebensmittel

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    Untersuchungsgegenstand in der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der Einfluss von Vertrauen in Lebensmittel auf den Kaufentscheidungsprozess und die Bedeutung von produktionsbezogener Kommunikation auf das Verbrauchervertrauen. Die EntscheidungsgrĂŒnde fĂŒr oder gegen bestimmte Lebensmittel wurden bereits in einigen Studien untersucht. Dabei werden beispielsweise die Bedeutung des Preises, des Gesundheitswertes und des Tier- und Umweltschutzes erfasst. Ebenso werden Ängste der Konsumenten in Bezug auf Lebensmittel in Zeiten von Lebensmittelskandalen aufgezeigt. Wenig BerĂŒcksichtigung hingegen findet der Einfluss von produktionsbezogener Kommunikation auf das Vertrauen der Konsumenten. Mit dieser Arbeit soll diese ForschungslĂŒcke geschlossen werden. Es wird analysiert, welche Rolle Vertrauen im Kaufentscheidungsprozess von Lebensmitteln spielt und ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem interpersonellen Vertrauen und dem Vertrauen in bestimmte Lebensmittel, an dieser Stelle Biolebensmittel, besteht. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss produktionsbezogener Kommunikation auf das Verbrauchervertrauen erörtert.This scientific paper aims to analyze the effect of trust in food on the purchasing-decision-making process and the importance of production-related communication on consumer confidence. The decision-making rationale in favor of or against buying a special kind of food has already been examined in several studies including the importance of price, health value, protection of animals, and environmental protection. Another aim is to illustrate consumers’ fear and to discover whether consumers get worried about food in times of food scandals. But the influence of production-related communication on consumers’ confidence is not been investigated, yet. The aim of this study is to close this research gap. The role of trust in the purchasing-decision-making process and the connection between interpersonal trust and trust in a special kind of food, i.e. organic food, are analyzed. Furthermore, the influence of production-related communication on consumer confidence is discussed

    How can consumer trust in organic products be enhanced?

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    The study presented explores consumer trust in organic food and the effectiveness of enhancing consumer trust by communication strategies on traceability. The research is based on the general finding that trust is one of the most crucial aspects when consumer decide whether to buy or not to buy organic products. However, there are hardly any empirical works which analyse in detail consumer trust in organic food and the ways it can be enhanced. First, based on a quantitative inquiry of 600 persons in Germany the study presented investigates consumer trust in the different actors involved in the organic supply chain (farmers, processors, traders, labels), in distinct attributed qualities such as benefits for health, ecology and animal welfare as well as the customers’ criteria for assessing trustworthiness of the organic products. Empirical data is analysed by multivariate statistics such as cluster analysis to identify distinct consumer segments with respect to their trust characteristics. In a second step there will be a qualitative research method using interviews combined with a visualizing technique. The aim of this method is to understand the consumers’ attitudes towards the supply chain of organic food and the complex construct of trust better. The results shall help to develop communication strategies for enhancing consumer trust in organic food

    Verbrauchervertrauen in Biolebensmittel

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    Heutzutage existiert ein sehr komplexer und anonymer Lebensmittelmarkt. Somit ist das Vertrauen in Lebensmittel fĂŒr den Verbraucher zu einem SchlĂŒsselproblem bei seiner Lebensmittelauswahl geworden. Dieser Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Frage, ob Verbraucher dem Produktionsprozess von Biolebensmitteln oder dem Produkt als solches vertrauen. Weiterhin soll der Einfluss von RĂŒckverfolgbarkeitssystemen auf den Kaufentscheidungsprozess untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Verbraucher in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt werden können, Verbraucher die dem Produktionsprozess vertrauen und Verbraucher, die dem Produkt vertrauen. Bezogen auf RĂŒckverfolgbarkeitssysteme wird deutlich, dass sie im Prozess der Kaufentscheidung des Verbrauchers fĂŒr oder gegen Biolebensmittel keine bedeutsame Rolle spielen. Allerdings ist die Herkunft des Lebensmittels, wie regionale Herkunft oder Ursprungsland, ein wichtiges Kriterium bei der Entscheidung des Verbrauchers fĂŒr oder gegen ein Lebensmittel. Die Ergebnisse der Studie sollen helfen, Kommunikationsstrategien fĂŒr die StĂ€rkung des Verbrauchervertrauens in Biolebensmittel zu entwickeln

    Transparent Food and Consumer Trust

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    Nowadays the food market is very complex and anonymous. Consequently, consumer trust in food has become a key issue for food choice. For example, the production process of food is not always transparent for consumers. To provide more transparency and to enhance consumer trust, different initiatives communicating traceability to the consumers exist. Visualised traceability systems such as the initiative ‘Bio mit Gesicht’ allow consumers to gather information about the farmer who has produced the food as well as information about his farm and family.This study explores consumer trust in organic food, the impact of trust in the buying decision and the effectiveness of enhancing consumer trust by communication strategies on traceability. The research is grounded on the general finding that trust is one of the most crucial aspects when consumers decide whether or not to buy organic products. The study consists of two tasks, a quantitative and a qualitative survey. In this paper the focus is laid on the second task, a qualitative survey. The used method is the structure formationtechnique. The aim is to combine an interview with a visualising technique. With the help of this method the factors which influence the decision of consumers to buy or not to buy organic food should become clear. Furthermore, the role of trust in the buying decision will be explored. Moreover, an investigation should be made as to whether or not traceability systems influence consumer trust in organic food. This research is currently being conducted but preliminary results can already be presented.The results of the study will help develop communication strategies for enhancing consumer trust in organic food

    Wie lÀsst sich das Vertrauen der Konsumenten in Bio-Lebensmittel erhöhen?

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    Trust is seen as one of the most crucial aspects when consumers decide whether or not to buy organic products. Our research investigates consumer trust in organic food and the effectiveness of enhancing consumer trust by communication strategies on traceability in a quantitative survey of 900 consumers in Germany. The survey focuses on consumer trust in the different actors involved in the organic supply chain as well as on criteria for assessing trustworthiness of organic products. The data analysis includes descriptive statistics and correlation analysis as well as multivariate analysis to identify distinct consumer segments with respect to specific trust characteristics and organic food consumption frequency. The results shall contribute to develop communication strategies for enhancing consumer trust in organic food

    Transparent Food and Consumer Trust

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    Nowadays the food market is very complex and anonymous. Consequently, consumer trust in food has become a key issue for food choice. For example, the production process of food is not always transparent for consumers. To provide more transparency and to enhance consumer trust, different initiatives communicating traceability to the consumers exist. Visualised traceability systems such as the initiative ‘Bio mit Gesicht’ allow consumers to gather information about the farmer who has produced the food as well as information about his farm and family. This study explores consumer trust in organic food, the impact of trust in the buying decision and the effectiveness of enhancing consumer trust by communication strategies on traceability. The research is grounded on the general finding that trust is one of the most crucial aspects when consumers decide whether or not to buy organic products. The study consists of two tasks, a quantitative and a qualitative survey. In this paper the focus is laid on the second task, a qualitative survey. The used method is the structure‐formation-technique. The aim is to combine an interview with a visualising technique. With the help of this method the factors which influence the decision of consumers to buy or not to buy organic food should become clear. Furthermore, the role of trust in the buying decision will be explored. Moreover, an investigation should be made as to whether or not traceability systems influence consumer trust in organic food. This research is currently being conducted but preliminary results can already be presented. The results of the study will help develop communication strategies for enhancing consumer trust in organic food

    Transparent Food and Consumer Trust

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    Nowadays the food market is very complex and anonymous. Consequently, consumer trust in food has become a key issue for food choice. For example, the production process of food is not always transparent for consumers. To provide more transparency and to enhance consumer trust, different initiatives communicating traceability to the consumers exist. Visualised traceability systems such as the initiative ‘Bio mit Gesicht’ allow consumers to gather information about the farmer who has produced the food as well as information about his farm and family. This study explores consumer trust in organic food, the impact of trust in the buying decision and the effectiveness of enhancing consumer trust by communication strategies on traceability. The research is grounded on the general finding that trust is one of the most crucial aspects when consumers decide whether or not to buy organic products. The study consists of two tasks, a quantitative and a qualitative survey. In this paper the focus is laid on the second task, a qualitative survey. The used method is the structure‐formation-technique. The aim is to combine an interview with a visualising technique. With the help of this method the factors which influence the decision of consumers to buy or not to buy organic food should become clear. Furthermore, the role of trust in the buying decision will be explored. Moreover, an investigation should be made as to whether or not traceability systems influence consumer trust in organic food. This research is currently being conducted but preliminary results can already be presented. The results of the study will help develop communication strategies for enhancing consumer trust in organic food.consumer trust, organic food, traceability systems, structure‐laying‐technique, Agribusiness, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,