32 research outputs found

    Crown gall of grapevine

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    Rak vrata korijena vinove loze primarno uzrokuje bakterija Agrobacterium vitis. Rasprostranjena je u cijelom svijetu u područjima uzgoja vinove loze. Tumori se mogu pojaviti na bilo kojem dijelu vinove loze, čak i na korijenu ispod razine tla. Kao i za većinu bolesti uzrokovanih bakterijama, iznimno je važna prevencija pojave bolesti i smanjivanje šteta u vinogradu eradikacijom zaraženih trsova.Crown gall of grapevine, caused by bacterium Agrobacterium vitis, is widespread in all viticultural areas. Galls can develop on any part of the plant, even below the soil surface. As for most of bacterial plant diseases, it is crucial to try and prevent the disease occurrence in the vineyard

    Molecular epidemiology and multigene typing of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ in Croatia

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    Fitoplazme ('Candidatus Phytoplasma') su unutarstanični, pleomorfni biljni patogeni iz razreda Mollicutes koji tijekom životnog ciklusa koloniziraju biljke i kukce - vektore. Proliferacija jabuke (Apple Proliferation, AP) jedna je od važnijih fitoplazmoza prisutnih u većini europskih zemalja. Uzrokuje ekonomske gubitke u proizvodnji i uzgoju jabuke. Ovim istraživanjem i multigenskom analizom sojeva uzročnika bolesti 'Ca. P. mali' (2011. – 2014. i 2016.)obuhvaćena su značajna područja uzgoja jabuke u Hrvatskoj. 'Ca. P. mali' detektirana je i identificirana metodama PCR i real-time PCR baziranim na umnažanju gena za 16S rRNA. Za karakterizaciju sojeva primijenjena je metoda multigenske tipizacije za koju su odabrana 4 ciljna gena različite razine konzerviranosti i evolucije: aceF, pnp, imp i secY. U odnosu na do sada iz literature poznate genotipove, za svaki od gena je redom identificirano tri, dva, sedam te pet novih genotipova. Najveća raznolikost genotipova prisutna je na malom području Međimurske županije. Na osnovi rezultata opisano je 20 alelnih profila od kojih je dominantan ST1 (A13-P10-S12-I21). Po prvi puta uopće tipizirani su i sojevi izolirani iz kukca – vektora vrste Cacopsylla picta te su ovim istraživanjem značajno prošireni dosadašnji rezultati multigenske tipizacije 'Ca. P. mali' u Europi. Stečena saznanja pridonose razumijevanju epidemiologije i temelj su za daljnja istraživanja te poboljšanje mjera kontrole i sprečavanja širenja bolesti u Hrvatskoj.Phytoplasmas ('Candidatus Phytoplasma') are intracellular pleomorphic plant pathogens belonging to the class Mollicutes. Their life cycle includes colonisation of both plant hosts and insect vectors. Apple proliferation (AP) is present in many European countries. It is one of the most important phytoplasmoses causing significant economic loses in apple production. Causal agent, 'Ca. P. mali', was identified in the scope of this survey (2011 – 2014 and 2016) using PCR and real-time PCR based on amplification of 16S rRNA gene. In multilocus sequence typing (MLST), variability of four selected genetic markers differing in level of conservation and evolution (aceF, pnp, imp and secY) was studied. In addition to previously described and published genotypes, new ones were discerned for each genetic marker: 3 for aceF, 2 for pnp, 7 for imp and 5 for secY gene. Overall, 20 different sequence types (ST) were revealed. Based on the current results, the core sequence type ST1 (A13-P10-S12-I21) can be proposed. This is the first extensive research and multigene typing performed on 'Ca. P. mali' isolates in Croatia, as well as the first typed isolate from an insect vector host, Cacopsylla picta. Obtained results revealed considerable genetic diversity of epidemiological relevance limited to only one part of the country, Međimurje region. Characterization represents a good starting point for improvement of measures for preventing and control of the disease and further research

    Usporedba izvedbe na 5-KOG testu u pacijenata sa shizofrenijom, alkoholizmom i depresijom

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    Cognitive functions are essential for the normal functioning of every individual,and in cases when they are damaged we speak of cognitive deficits. Each psychiatric disorder is specific to the area and extent of cognitive deficits, and their detection is of great importance for differential diagnosis, treatment success, rehabilitation as well as social reintegration of patients. This study compared the performance on the 5-KOG test, ie investigated differences in performance on subtests of short-term and long-term memory, attention and speed of information processing, working memory, verbal fluency, and executive functions, in clinical groups of schizophrenia, alcoholism, and depression. The correlations between the subtests for each clinical group were also analyzed. A total of 86 participants, who were treated at a psychiatric clinic in a hospital in the city of Zagreb during this research, participated in the study, out of which 29 belonged to the schizophrenia group, 28 belonged to depression group and 29 belonged to the clinical group of alcoholism. A 5-KOG triage test was used to assess cognitive function in psychiatric disorders.Results showed no significant difference in the performance on subtests of undelayed and delayed recall, attention and speed of information processing, working memory, verbal fluency, and executive functions, among the studied clinical groups.Kognitivne funkcije su neophodne u normalnom funkcioniranju svakog pojedinca, a u slučaju njihovog narušenja govorimo o kognitivnom deficitu. Svaki psihijatrijski poremećaj je specifičan u smislu zahvaćenog područja i opsega kognitivnog deficita, a njihova detekcija je od velike važnosti za diferencijalnu dijagnostiku, uspješnost liječenja i oporavka, kao i društvene reintegracije pacijenata. Ova studija usporedila je rezultate dobivene 5-KOG testom, tj. istražila je različitosti rezultata podskupine testa kojima se ispituje kratkoročno i dugoročnom pamćenje, pažnja, brzina obrade informacija, radna memorija, verbalna tečnost i izvršne funkcije u kliničkim skupinama pacijenata sa shizofrenijom, alkoholizmom i depresijom. Korelacija između podskupina svake kliničke skupine pacijenata je također istražena. Ukupno 86 ispitanika koji su liječeni na Klinici za psihijatriju jedne bolnice u Zagrebu je sudjelovalo u ovom istraživanju, od toga 29 koji boluju od shizofrenije, 28 od depresije, te 29 od alkoholizma. 5-KOG trijažni test korišten je kako bi se procijenila kognitivna funkcija u pacijenata s psihijatrijskim poremećajima. Studija nije pokazala značajnu razliku u dobivenim rezultatima u podskupinama testa koje ocjenjuju neodgođeno i odgođeno prisjećanje, pažnju, brzinu obrade informacija, radnu memoriju, verbalnu tečnost i izvršne funkcije među ispitanim kliničkim skupinama pacijenata

    Etiologija bolesti uzrokovanih Colletotrichum vrstama na mandarini Unshiu u Hrvatskoj

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    During the last decade anthracnose has become a major disease of Satsuma mandarin, the most important citrus crop in Croatia. The aim of this study was to determine Colletotrichum species associated with different symptoms and to identify the origin of inoculum. From 2013 to 2016, 437 samples of plant material were collected. Colletotrichum spp. was isolated from 93% of dried twigs, 35% of dropped flowers, 89% of leaf spots, all fruit (100%) with anthracnose or calyx-end rot symptoms, 12% of fruit with post-harvest soft rot and from 40% of fruit showing spots remaining on trees after harvest. Out of 258 Colletotrichum isolates, 253 has been morphologically identified as C. gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. species complex. Twenty-seven representative isolates were selected for phylogenetic analysis. Sequencing the inter-spacer gene region of ribosomal DNA confirmed the identity of the species. Artificial inoculation of flowers led to more than 2-fold higher young fruit drop compared to control. Pathogenicity tests on green fruit induced typical anthracnose symptoms on 82% of inoculated fruit two months after inoculation. Inoculation of mature fruit caused the appearance of typical anthracnose symptoms on 87% of inoculated fruit. These results showed that C. gloeosporioides species complex is responsible for different disease types on Satsuma mandarin, and that the fungus is present throughout the year on different plant organs.Antraknoza je tijekom prošlog desetljeća postala gospodarski štetna bolest mandarine Unshiu, najvažnije vrste agruma u Hrvatskoj. Cilj rada bio je istražiti. Colletotrichum vrste povezane s različitim simptomima na mandarini te utvrditi izvor zaraze. Od 2013. do 2016. sakupljena su 437 uzorka biljnog materijala. Colletotrichum vrste izolirane su iz 93 % osušenih izbojaka, 35 % otpalih cvjetova, 89 % lisnih pjega, iz svih plodova (100 %) sa simptomima antraknoze ili truleži čaške, 12 % plodova s mekom truleži u skladištu te iz 40 % plodova s pjegama koji su ostali na stablu nakon zime. Od ukupno 258 Colletotrichum izolata, 253 je morfološki determinirano kao C. gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. kompleks. Dvadeset sedam izolata odabrano je za filogenetsku analizu. Sekvenciranjem ITS regije gena ribosomske DNA potvrđena je identifikacija vrste. Umjetna zaraza cvjetova uzrokovala je više nego dvostruko veće otpadanje mladih plodića mandarine u usporedbi s kontrolom. Testovi patogenosti na nezrelim zelenim plodovima doveli su do pojave tipičnih simptoma antraknoze na 82 % inokuliranih plodova dva mjeseca nakon umjetnih zaraza. Inokulacija zrelih ubranih plodova uzrokovala je pojavu tipičnih simptoma antraknoze na 87 % inokuliranih plodova. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je C. gloeosporioides kompleks vrsta uzročnik različitih tipova bolesti na mandarini Unshiu, kao i da je patogen prisutan na različitim biljnim organima tijekom cijele godine

    Bacterial soft rot of potato

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    Vlažnu bakterijsku trulež gomolja krumpira uzrokuje više vrsta fitopatogenih bakterija iz rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya. Simptomi bolesti su trulež gomolja ili trulež baze stabljike i venuće biljke krumpira. Razvoju bolesti u polju pogoduju visoke temperature i vlažnost tla, a do simptomi se mogu pojaviti i tek u skladištu.Bacterial rots of potato tubers may be caused by several plant pathogenic bacteria from Pectobacterium and Dickeya genus. Symptoms of the disease are rotting of potato tubers or basal part of the stem and wilting of potato plants. Development of the disease depends on temperature and humidity of soil. Depending on enviromental conditions, symptoms can develop in field or later in storage. Disease symptoms and preventive measures are described

    Angular leaf spot and phytoplasmoses of strawberry

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    Uglata pjegavost lista jagode koju uzrokuje bakterija Xanthomonas fragariae može izazvati znatne gubitke u proizvodnji jagode. Nakon što je prvi put opisana u SAD-u 1960-ih, u idućih 15 godina pojavila se na svim kontinentima u zemljama gdje se uzgaja jagoda. Uz tu bolest, jagode mogu biti zaražene i fitoplazmama iz više od deset ribosomskih skupina i podskupina. Iako fitoplazmoze i bakterioze najčešće nisu razorne bolesti, uzrokuju znatne gubitke ponajprije zbog lošeg izgleda i kakvoće ploda koji nije prihvatljiv za tržište.Angular leaf spot caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas fragariae can be of considerable economic importance in the production of strawberry. After it was described for the first time in the USA in early 60\u27s, it was reported in all strawberry growing countries in all continents. Besides this bacterium, phytoplasmas belonging to more than ten different 16S subgroups can infect strawberry. These disease are rarely devastating. However, economic losses can be considerable due to poor quality and appearance of fruit

    Bacterial diseases of tomato

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    Rajčica je jedna od važnih kultura u Hrvatskoj i godišnje se proizvede između 20 i 30 tisuća tona. Iako su se poljoprivredne površine zasađene rajčicom (u polju i u zaštićenom prostoru) u posljednjih nekoliko godina stalno smanjivale, zbog intenzivne proizvodnje prirod je u stalnom porastu i 2014. iznosio je više od 60 tona po hektaru. Tri su gospodarski najvažnije bakterioze rajčice: bakterijska pjegavost, krastavost plodova i bakterijsko venuće rajčice. Pojava i širenje bolesti ovise o vremenskim uvjetima, načinu proizvodnje te kultivaru. Ovisno o više čimbenika i primijenjenim mjerama zaštite, moguće je usporiti razvoj bolesti te smanjiti njihovu potencijalnu važnost i gospodarske štete.Tomato is one of the significant vegetable crops in Croatia. Annual production varies between 20 to 30 ton with a yield of approximately 60 t/ha. Three bacterial diseases are common in tomato production: bacterial speck, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato; bacterial spot, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria; and bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. Management of tomato bacterial diseases must focus on prevention. Damage may vary depending on abiotic conditions and cultivar. Economic impact can be reduced even after the disease symptoms are visible with good agricultural practice

    Zdravstvena selekcija višnje Maraske (Prunus cerasus cv. Marasca) u najvećoj Hrvatskoj plantaži “Vlačine”

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    Sour cherry cv. Marasca is considered a native Croatian variety with the best fruit quality in the Northern Dalmatia region. The current production is not sufficient to cover the demand, therefore new orchards should be established with pathogen-tested planting material. To select virus- and bacteria-free mother trees, a survey was conducted in the largest Croatian Marasca plantation "Vlačine". ELISA on 205 trees (51 elite, 103 average, 51 below average) confirmed the presence of prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) on 101 trees (49.3%); petunia asteroid mosaic virus (PeAMV) and prune dwarf virus (PDV) on 10 trees each (4.9%); raspberry ringspot virus (RpRSV) on 7 trees (3.4%); cherry leafroll virus (CLRV), arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) and plum pox virus (PPV) on 3 trees each (1.5%); and apple mosaic virus (ApMV) on 1 tree (0.5%). For PNRSV, significant ELISA detection sensitivity was found, with twigs in dormant period as more reliable virus source compared to leaves during the growing season. In addition, six trees were positive on little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2) by RT-PCR. Along with very frequent latent infections, following symptoms were observed during pre-harvest period: yellow spots on leaves (ApMV); yellowing, stunted growth, leafless twigs with leaves only at the tip (PDV), bark splitting (PeAMV), reduced leaf size (RpRSV), chlorotic/necrotic ring spots (PNRSV), and uneven fruit ripening (LChV-2). Eleven trees were free of all viruses and bacteria defined by EPPO cherry certification scheme, including PPV. The selected virus- and bacteria-free elite trees represent a valuable genetic source for propagation and further clonal selection.Višnja Maraska se smatra hrvatskom autohtonom sortom s najboljom kvalitetom plodova na području sjeverne Dalmacije. Trenutna proizvodnja ne zadovoljava potrebe tržišta stoga bi trebalo podići nove voćnjake korištenjem sadnog materijala testiranog na patogene. S ciljem pronalaska matičnih stabala bez virusa i bakterija istraživanje njihove prisutnosti provedeno je u najvećem hrvatskom nasadu višnje Maraske „Vlačine“. Rezultati testiranja serološkom metodom (ELISA) na 205 stabala (51 elitno, 103 prosječna, 51 ispodprosječno) potvrdili su prisutnost virusa nekrotične prstenaste pjegavosti trešnje (PNRSV) u 101 stablu (49.3%); virusa zvjezdastog mozaika petunije (PeAMV) i kržljavosti šljive (PDV) u 10 stabala svaki (4.9%); virusa prstenaste pjegavosti maline (RpRSV) u sedam stabala (3.4%); virusa uvijenosti lista trešnje (CLRV), virusa mozaika gušarke (ArMV) i virusa šarke šljive (PPV) u tri stabla svaki (1.5%); virusa mozaika jabuke (ApMV) u jednom stablu (0.5%). Značajna razlika u osjetiljvosti testa zabilježena je kod PNRSV-a prilikom čega su se grančice u mirovanju vegetacije pokazale kao pouzdaniji uzorak u usporedbi sa listovima prikupljenima tijekom vegetacije. Dodatno, šest stabala se metodom RT-PCR pokazalo pozitivno na virus sitnih plodova trešnje 2 (LChV-2). Pored vrlo čestih latentnih infekcija, u periodu pred berbu zabilježeni su simptomi: žuta pjegavost listova (ApMV); žućenje, zaostajanje u rastu, gole grane s listovima samo na vršnom dijelu (PDV); pucanje kore (PeAMV), smanjeni listovi (RpRSV), klorotični/ nekrotični prstenovi (PNRSV) i neujednačeno dozrijevanje (LChV-2). Slobodnim od svih virusa i bakterija definiranih EPPO certifikacijskom shemom za trešnju, uključujući i virus šarke šljive, pokazalo se 11 stabala. Izdvojena elitna stabla bez virusa i bakterija predstavljaju vrijedan genetski materijal za razmnožavanje i daljnju klonsku selekciju

    Using Scientific Methods in the Initial Teaching of Science: the Water Cycle

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    Prema NOK-u (2010.) veći dio odgojno-obrazovnih ciljeva proizlazi upravo iz nastave prirodoslovlja što upućuje na njegovu iznimnu važnost u procesu učenja i poučavanja. Postavlja se pitanje na koji način ili načine realizirati postavljene ciljeve? Prije svega nužno je promisliti što nam je ishodište (sadržaji), Kruženje vode u prirodi kojim putem krenuti (postupci), te što nam je cilj (što želimo postići)? Kako bi nastava prirodoslovlja uistinu bila suvremena kao nužan uvjet potrebno je inicirati i održavati trajnu suradnju razrednih i predmetnih učitelja, te poticati ustrajan i kontinuiran rad na projektima koji bi se iz godine u godinu sadržajno proširivali. Pokusom „Mali planet“ učenicima je kreirana okolina u kojoj otkrivaju koncept koji imenuju pojmovima te njihovu međusobnu povezanost s pojavama koje opisuju. Cilj je bio izbjeći usvajanje sadržaja na razini definiranja i reproduciranja te rutinsko učenje u spoznavanju prirodnih pojava.According to the National Framework Curriculum (2010), most educational goals result from teaching science, which points at its exceptional significance in t he process of learning and teaching. But how to achieve the set goals? First of all, it is essential to reflect on the … (content) and the aim (what do we want to achieve?). In order for the teaching of science to be really modern one of the necessary conditions is to initiate and sustain cooperation between primary teachers and specialized subject teachers and to encourage methodical and continuous work on projects, which should expand content-wise year by year. In the experiment entitled „Little Planet“, an environment was created for the students in which they discover concepts which can be named by notions and their mutual connection with the phenomena they describe. The aim was to avoid the acquisition of contents through definitions and by reproducing and routine learning in the understanding of natural phenomena