Angular leaf spot and phytoplasmoses of strawberry


Uglata pjegavost lista jagode koju uzrokuje bakterija Xanthomonas fragariae može izazvati znatne gubitke u proizvodnji jagode. Nakon što je prvi put opisana u SAD-u 1960-ih, u idućih 15 godina pojavila se na svim kontinentima u zemljama gdje se uzgaja jagoda. Uz tu bolest, jagode mogu biti zaražene i fitoplazmama iz više od deset ribosomskih skupina i podskupina. Iako fitoplazmoze i bakterioze najčešće nisu razorne bolesti, uzrokuju znatne gubitke ponajprije zbog lošeg izgleda i kakvoće ploda koji nije prihvatljiv za tržište.Angular leaf spot caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas fragariae can be of considerable economic importance in the production of strawberry. After it was described for the first time in the USA in early 60\u27s, it was reported in all strawberry growing countries in all continents. Besides this bacterium, phytoplasmas belonging to more than ten different 16S subgroups can infect strawberry. These disease are rarely devastating. However, economic losses can be considerable due to poor quality and appearance of fruit

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