2,366 research outputs found

    Analyzing plant stress granules in response to plant viruses

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    Plant viruses have the ability to redirect host machineries and processes to establish a productive infection. Virus-host interactions lead to the reprogramming of the plant cell cycle and transcriptional controls, inhibition of cell death pathways, interference with cell signaling and protein turnover, and suppression defense pathways. Stress granules (SGs) are structures within cells that regulate gene expression during stress response, e.g. viral infection. In mammalian cells assembly of SGs is dependent on the Ras-GAP SH3-domain–binding protein (G3BP). The C-terminal domain of the viral nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) forms a complex with mammalian G3BP and sequesters it into viral RNA replication complexes in a manner that inhibits the formation of SGs. The binding domain of nsP3 to HsG3BP was mapped to two tandem ‘FGDF’ repeat motifs close to the C-terminus of the viral proteins. It was speculated that plant viruses employ a similar strategy to inhibit SG function.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Programa de doctorado "Biotecnología Avanzada

    A Fragile Pillar: Statutory Pensions and the Risk of Old-age Poverty in Germany

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    The statutory pension system is still the most important income source among seniorcitizens in Germany. Due to increasing disruptions in employment biographies since the1970s and due to the mass unemployment in Eastern Germany since the 1990s, there isa growing fear of post-retirement poverty in Germany. We develop a micro-simulationmodel to compare the distribution of statutory pension incomes for new retirees in 2020with those in 2004. The pension income distribution is calculated for Eastern andWestern Germany separately, for men and women, and for different skill levels.Throughout Germany, we find a growing post-retirement poverty, especially for lowskilledworkers. Eastern Germany will lose its current advantage in terms of highpensions and low inequality.Statutory pension system, old-age poverty risk, pension distribution, education

    Automation Process for Morphometric Analysis of Volumetric CT Data from Pulmonary Vasculature in Rats

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    With advances in medical imaging scanners, it has become commonplace to generate large multidimensional datasets. These datasets require tools for a rapid, thorough analysis. To address this need, we have developed an automated algorithm for morphometric analysis incorporating A Visualization Workshop computational and image processing libraries for three-dimensional segmentation, vascular tree generation and structural hierarchical ordering with a two-stage numeric optimization procedure for estimating vessel diameters. We combine this new technique with our mathematical models of pulmonary vascular morphology to quantify structural and functional attributes of lung arterial trees. Our physiological studies require repeated measurements of vascular structure to determine differences in vessel biomechanical properties between animal models of pulmonary disease. Automation provides many advantages including significantly improved speed and minimized operator interaction and biasing. The results are validated by comparison with previously published rat pulmonary arterial micro-CT data analysis techniques, in which vessels were manually mapped and measured using intense operator intervention

    U2 3D

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    Viele Rockumentaries haben das Ziel, nicht nur ein Konzert, ein Festival, eine Tournee oder eine Band zu porträtieren, sondern auch das Gefühl zu vermitteln, wie es war, dabeigewesen zu sein. Dazu lädt vor allem das anwesende Publikum ein, weshalb Bilder vom Publikum, die die emotionale Angerührtheit oder auch nur die Begeisterung der Fans zeigen, zu den Standardbildern fast aller Rockfilme zählen. Gleichwohl bleibt eine große Differenz zwischen Real-Geschehen und Film bestehen, so intensiv auch der Wunsch des Zuschauers sein mag, den Film als Medium eines imaginären Dabeigewesenseins zu nutzen. Die seit wenigen Jahren sich ausbreitende 3D-Kinematographie scheint zumindest auf den ersten Blick jenem Wunsch nach intensiver Illusionierung entgegenzukommen. Sie scheint ein räumliches Erlebnis zu ermöglichen, das dem Realeindruck näher kommt als die normale 2D-Darstellung. Natürlich gibt es schon diverse Filme, die in 3D gezeigt werden können, jedoch war die Aufnahmetechnik, besonders die Kamera, sehr teuer, sehr kompliziert und sehr groß. Eine Lösung für diese Probleme bietet die digitale Technik

    Network Centralities in Polycentric Urban Regions: Methods for the Measurement of Spatial Metrics

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    The primary aim of this thesis is to explain the complex spatial organisations of polycentric urban regions (PURs). PURs are a form of regional morphology that often evolves from post-industrial structures and describe a subnational area featuring a plurality of urban centres. As of today, the analysis of the spatial organisation of PURs constitutes a hitherto uncharted territory. This is due to PURs’ inherent complexity that poses challenges for their conceptualisation. In this context, this thesis reviews theories on the spatial organisation of regions and cities and seeks to make a foundational methodological contribution by joining space syntax and central place theory in the conceptualisation of polycentric urban regions. It takes into account human agency embedded in the physical space, as well as the reciprocal effect of the spatial organisation for the emergence of centralities and demonstrates how these concepts can give insights into the fundamental regional functioning. The thesis scrutinises the role that the spatial organisation plays in such regions, in terms of organising flows of goods and people, ordering locational occupation and fostering centres of commercial activity. It proposes a series of novel measurements and techniques to analyse large and messy datasets. This includes a method for the application of large-scale volunteered geographic information in street network analysis. This is done, in the context of two post-industrial regions: the German Ruhr Valley and the British Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire region. The thesis’ contribution to the understanding of regional spatial organisation and the study of regional morphology lies in the identification of spatial structural features of socio-economic potentials of regions and particular areas within them. It constitutes the first comparative study of comprehensive large-scale regional spatial networks and presents a framework for the analysis of regions and the evaluation of the predictive potential of spatial networks for socio-economic patterns and the location of centres in regional contexts

    Response-calibration Techniques For Antenna-coupled Infrared Sensors

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    Infrared antennas are employed in sensing applications requiring specific spectral, polarization, and directional properties. Because of their inherently small dimensions, there is significant interaction, both thermal and electromagnetic, between the antenna, the antenna-coupled sensor, and the low-frequency readout structures necessary for signal extraction at the baseband modulation frequency. Validation of design models against measurements requires separation of these effects so that the response of the antenna-coupled sensor alone can be measured in a calibrated manner. Such validations will allow confident extension of design techniques to more complex infrared-antenna configurations. Two general techniques are explored to accomplish this goal. The extraneous signal contributions can be measured separately with calibration structures closely co-located near the devices to be characterized. This approach is demonstrated in two specific embodiments, for removal of cross-polarization effects arising from lead lines in an antenna-coupled infrared dipole, and for removal of distributed thermal effects in an infrared phased-array antenna. The second calibration technique uses scanning near-field microscopy to experimentally determine the spatial dependence of the electric-field distributions on the signal-extraction structures, and to include these measured fields in the computational electromagnetic model of the overall device. This approach is demonstrated for infrared dipole antennas which are connected to coplanar strip lines. Specific situations with open-circuit and short-circuit impedances at the termination of the lines are investigated

    Developments in Space Syntax: Past, Present and Future

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    This paper provides insights into development directions in space syntax, from its inception in the late 1970s to potential future trajectories. Past developments are synthesized from key publications, conference proceedings, as well as seminar contributions in the field of space syntax. A review of critical trends in science production is used to conclude with a series of recommendations to progress the field in the future

    The multicomponent structure of bulges

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    The morphology of disk galaxies is usually described by two major components, the centrally concentrated spheroidal component, called the bulge, and an oblate disk. The ratio of there contribution to the total luminosity - the bulge-to-disk ratio - is one of the parameters characterizing the Hubble sequence. Following de Vaucouleurs (1948), for most galaxies the radial distribution of the outer spheroid is fairly well described by the r exp 1/4 law I(r)=I(sub 0) exp(-(alpha)r), whereas the radial luminosity distribution of the disk follows an exponential law: I(r)=I(sub 0) exp(-alpha(r exp 1/4)) (Freeman 1970), with r the radial distance from the center. I(sub 0) and alpha are characteristic constants for each individual galaxy. Parameters for the structural properties of these components give important constraints for models of the formation and evolution of galaxies. Therefore we have tried to decompose disk and bulge components from high S/N CCD observations of a sample of edge-on disk galaxies. A common procedure for the decomposition is to model one component in a region where it dominates and subtract it from the combined light distribution. This technique was successfully carried out e.g. by van der Kruit & Earl (1981, 1982) and Wakamatsu & Hamabe (1984, 1989). Here we present two more examples of bulge-dominated edge-on SO galaxies, namely ESO 506-G33 and NGC 7123, which show an additional small and concentrated central component besides disk and 'bulge'

    Decomposition of luminescent compounds by high energy radiation

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