101 research outputs found

    Prophylactic aspects of mobile prosthetic therapy

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    Problemi vezani s gubitkom prirodnih zubi poznati su svakom stomatologu. Promjene koje nastaju nakon gubitka zubi kontinuirane su i progresivne. Progresivna resorpcija alveolne kosti i koštanog fundamenta, kao i gubitak proprioceptivnih osjeta najteže su posljedice. Primarni zadatak protetskog liječenja mora biti očuvanje preostalih zubi i oralnih tkiva. To posebno vrijedi za zube u donjoj čeljusti. Često se mogu sačuvati i zubi s oslabljenim parodontom. U slučaju nepovoljnog odnosa kliničke krune i korijena zuba, krunu zuba treba skratiti. Veliki se uspjeh postiže metodom radektomije. Sačuvane zube, ili pojedine korjenove zubi, autor je iskoristio za retenciju djelomičnih i totalnih proteza. Nakon višegodišnjeg pozitivnog iskustva, sugerira takav način protetskog liječenja, kao alternativu često olakom vađenju prirodnih zubi.The problems related to the loss of natural teeth are known to every dentist. The changes occurring after the teeth loss are continuous and progressive. The progressive resorption of the alveolar bone and the osteal base as well as the loss of proprioceptive sensations are the most severe consequences. The preservation of the remaining teeth and oral tissues should be the main goal of the prosthetic treatment. This particularly applies to the teeth of the lower jaws. Frequently, it is possible to preserve also the teeth with already affected periodontal tissue. In case of the unfavourable relationship between the clinical crown and the root-canal the crown must be shortened. The method of radeotomy is rather successfully applied for this purpose. For the retention of the partial and total prosthesis the author used the preserved teeth or the roots of individual teeth. After a long-term positive experience the author suggests the above mentioned prosthetic treatment as the alternative to frequent extractions of natural teeth

    The study of efficiency of removable prosthetic therapy

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    Na uzorku od stotinu i četrdeset i tri ispitanika provedeno je ispitivanje uspješnosti mobilnoprotetske terapije. Istovremeno je primijenjena elektromiografska metoda i metoda testa mastikatorne efikasnosti. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Eksperimentalnu skupinu čine ispitanici sa donjom djelomičnom i gornjom totalnom protezom, a obuhvaća pedeset i jednog ispitanika. Kontrolnu skupinu čine devedeset i dva ispitanika sa sačuvanim svim prirodnim zubima. U elektromiografskoj registraciji biopotencijala oba m. masetera i oba m. temporalisa primijenjene su dvije metode: metoda serioelektromiograma i metoda elektromiograma centralne okluzije. Istovremeno sa serioelektromiogramom izveden je test mastikatorne efikasnosti. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da kod ispitanika sa donjom djelomičnom protezom (Kennedy klasa 1) i gornjom totalnom protezom postoji znatno slabija efikasnost mastikacije. Kod ispitanika sa prirodnim zubima postoji veća povezanost vrijednosti varijabla testa mastikatorne efikasnosti i varijabla elektromiograma centralne okluzije, dok kod ispitanika sa donjom djelomičnom (Kennedy kl. 1) i gornjom totalnom protezom postoji veća povezanost varijable testa mastikatorne efikasnosti sa varijablama serioelektromiograma.The study of the efficiency of removable prosthetic therapy was carried in 143 patients. The electromyographic method and the test of masticatory efficiency were simultaneously applied. The sample was divided in two groups. The experimental group consisted of 51 patients with the partial lower and the total upper prosthesis. The control group consisted of 92 subjects with preserved natural teeth. Two methods were applied in the electromyographic registration of the biopotential of both m. maseter and both m. temporalis: the serioelectromyogram method and the centra! occlusion electromyogram method. The masticatory efficiency test was carried out by the serioelectromyogram. On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded that the patients with the partial lower and total upper prosthesis show a considerably lower masticatory efficiency. In subjects with natural teeth there is a higher correlation between the masticatory efficiency variables and the variables of the central occlusion electromyogram, while in patients with the partial lower and the total upper prosthesis there is a higher correlation between the masticatory efficiency variables and the serioelectromyogram variables

    Electromyographic recording of the action potentials of the masseter and temporal muscles in central occlusion

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    Elektromiografska analiza aktivnosti žvačnih mišića u ispitanika s mobilnim protezama može razjasniti njihov udjel u različitim kretnjama mandibule. Kod djelomičnog i totalnog gubitka zubi može se očekivati promjena u aktivnosti tih mišića. Istraživanja su vršena na uzorku od 173 ispitanika. Prva skupina (92 ispitanika) (ima sačuvane sve zube u obje čeljusti. Druga skupina (51 ispitanik) ima djelomičnu protezu obostrano slobodnih sedla, a u gornjoj čeljusti totalnu protezu. Treća grupa (30 ispitanika) ima u donjoj čeljusti djelomičnu protezu obostrano slobodnih sedla, a u gornjoj sve prirodne zube. Kod svih ispitanika izvršena je simultana registracija akcijskih potencijala lijevog i desnog temporalisa i masetera za vrijeme snažne kontrakcije u centralnoj okluziji. Kod prve skupine dobivene se vrijednosti aritmetičkih sredina digitalno integriranih kalcijskih potencijala: lijevi m. temporalis 66,098 desni m. temporalis 72,620, lijevi m. masseter 77,072 i desni m masseter 83,293. U drugoj skupini vrijednosti su bile: »lijevi m. temporalis 20,482, desni m. temporalis 21,340, lijevi m. masseter 19,711 i desni maseter 20,168. Treća skupina: lijevi m. temporalis 31,062, desni im. temporalis 26,630, lijevi m. masseter 26,496 i desni m. masseter 26,563. Može se zaključiti da se vrijednost akcijskih potencijala m. temporalisa i m. massetera smanjuje proporcijski opsegu mobilnoprotetske opskrbe. Vrijednost registriranih akcijskih potencijala pada porastom životne dobi. Veće vrijednosti akcijskih potencijala nađene su kod mišića desne strane .Electromyograiphic analysis of the activity of the chewing muscles in subjects with removable dentures may explain their participation in the various movements of the mandible. In partial or complete loss of teeth changes in the activities of these muscles may be expected. A total of 173 subjects have been studied. In the first group (92 examinees) all teeth in both jaws were preserved. The examinees in the second group (51 subjects) had partial dentures bilaterally with free saddles and complete dentures in the upper jaw. The third group (30 examinees) comprised those with bilateral partial dentures over free saddles and all the natural teeth preserved in the upper jaw. In all examiness simultaneous recording of the action potentials of the left and right temporal and masseter muscles was performed during a strong contraction in central occlusion. In the first group the following arithmetic means of the digitally integrated action potentials were obtained: left m. temporalis 66.098, right m. temporalis 72.620, left m. masseter 77.072 and right m. masseter 83.293. The values obtained in the second group were: left m. temporalis 20.482, right m. temporalis 21.340, left m. masseter 19.711 and right m. masseter 20.168, and in the third group: left m. temporalis 31.062, right m. temporaliis 26.630, left m. masseter 26.496 and right m. masseter 26.563. It can be concluded that the action potentials of m. temporalis and m. masseter decrease proportionally with the extent of removable dentures. The recorded action potential values also decrease with increase in age. The action potentials recorded were higher in the muscles of the right side

    Prof. dr. sc. Danko Nikšić 1929— 1982.

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    The Information – Communication Process in a Business with Outsourcing for the Maintenance of a Complex Technical System

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    This paper discusses the process of communication between service providers and recipients when monitoring and maintaining complex technical systems. This requires sophisticated equipment, trained personnel and special methods and procedures. This is especially true for technical diagnostics, as the most complex form of monitoring and preventive maintenance. The relevant elements of maintenance by state and the experience of engaging an external partner are highlighted, especially when the complete monitoring for process control is performed virtually. In that sense, an information and communication process is proposed to ensure the efficiency of the complete system. The education of the external partner and the connection with the holders of external memories, research institutions and centres of excellence can be emphasized

    Testing of the tensile strength of acrylics processed by different polymerization technologies

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    U ovom je istraživanju ispitivana otpornost na vlak toplo vezujućeg akrilatnog materijala za baze proteze (Biocryl R), nakon tri tehnološka postupka polimerizacije. Eksperimenti su izvršeni na univerzalnoj aparaturi za testirannje S.A.D.A.M.E.L., i sa pisačem Hewlett-Packard. Dobivene brojčane vrijednosti su obrađene na IBM računaru Student (T) testom i Snedecor (F) testom. Na osnovu statističke obrade dobivenih rezultata testiranja otpornosti na vlak nakon tri tehnološka postupka polimerizacije [A = 68.62 TO6 N/m2 (68.62 N/mm2), B = 62.21-10« N/m2 (62.21 N/mm2), C = 65.35 *10« N/m2 (65.35 N/mm2)] nije ustanovljena značajna razlika među dobivenim vrijednostima za mehaničku otpornost na vlak ispitivanog akrilatnog materijala. Samo iz ekonomskih razloga može se preporučiti metoda »A«, kao najkraći postupak polimerizacije.The tensile strength of thermosetting acrylics on the base of prostheses (Biocryl-R) following three different polymerization technique has been tested. The experiments were conducted in a S.A.D.A.M.E.L. universal test appliance equipped with a Hewlett Packard recorder. The numerical values obtained were processed using an IBM computer with Student\u27s test and Snedecor\u27s F test. On the basis of the statistical analysis of the tensile strength test results following three different polymerization technologies (A = 68.62 • 106 N/m2 (68.62 N/mm2), B = - 62.21 • 106 N/m2 (62.21 N/mm2), C = 65.35 • 106 N/m2 (65.35 N/mm2) no significant differences among the values obtained for mechanical resistance to tensile strength of the acrylics studied could be demonstrated. Method A could be recommended for economic reasons only, as it is the shortest polymerization technology

    [Instrumental functional analysis with the Lauritzen and Slavicek-Mack method]

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    Za sigurnu i točnu dijagnozu disfunkcija stomatognatog sustava razvijena je standardizirana analiza simptoma, nalaza i funkcije — funkcijska analiza, koja se dijeli u: a) standardizirano kliničko ispitivanje i b) instrumentalnu analizu. Izrade se modeli gornje i donje čeljusti i metodom interkondilne šarnirske osi odredi međusobni odnos. Model gornje čeljusti prenese se obraznim lukom u artikulator, a model donje čeljusti učvrsti prema njemu interokluzijskim centričnim registratom. Time su modeli smješteni u artikulatoru pravilno s obzirom na zglob pacijenta i s obzirom na instrument, a u istom prostornom odnosu kao u glavi. Prilagođivanje artiikulatora izvrši se voštanim registratima ili podacima dobivenim specifičnom pantografijom — aksiografijom. Grafički rezultati aksiografije mogu se i direktno tumačiti posebnim monogramima i tablicama. Nefiziološki položaj unutar zglobova uvjetovan okluzijskim reljefom jedan je od osnovnih uzroka bolnih simptoma disfunkcije. Ekscentričnost kondila utvrdi se brzo i jednostavno po razlici položaja modela u artikulatoru pri maksimalnoj interkuspidaciji i centričnoj relaciji »indikatorom mandibularnog položaja« MPI-SAM sistema. Klinički simptomi disfunkcije dijagnosticiraju se jednostavno, no za početne smetnje, često prikrivene, neophodna je instrumentalna analiza.To obtain an accurate diagnosis of the dysfunction of the stomatognathic system, a standardized analysis of symptoms, findings and function was developed and divided into: a) standardized clinical investigation, and b) instrumental analysis. Casts were made of the upper and lower jaw and their relationship to each other was determined \u27by the intercondylar axis method. The model of the upper jaw was transferred by the face bow into the articulator, and the model of the lower jaw as attached to the upper jaw model by the interocclusal centric registrate. These models were positioned in the articulator in the same location as the patient’s joint and the joint mechanism of the instrument, and in the same relation to the head. . The articulator was adjusted with wax registrates amd to the data obtioned ith specific pantographyaxillography. The axiographic findings could be presented directly m special nomograms and taibles. The nonphysiological position of the condyle within the joint, conditioned iby the occlusion pattern, is one of the basic dysfunctional pain symptoms. The excentricity of the condyle is confirmed rapidly and simply on the basis of differences in the position of the models in the articulartor, during maximal intercuspidation, and during the centric relation with the »indicator mandibular position« of the MPI-SAM system. Clinical symptoms of dysfunction are simply diagnosed, but for early disturbances, which are often hidden, the instrumental analysis is essential

    Recording of mandibular movements by an articulator system (panadent quick analyser)

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    Kretnje mandibule i temporomandibularnih zglobova veoma su složene i opsežne. Te su kretnje uglavnom kontrolirane kretnjama kondila i vođene okluzijskim dodirima i funkcijom žvačnih mišića. Granične kretnje mandibule razlikuju se među pojedincima, ali su kod iste osobe ponovljive. U protetskom se radu kretnje mandibule mogu reproducirati pomoću pantografskih snimanja i prijenosa u artikulator. U ovom je istraživanju vršena registracija protruzivne i lateralnih kretnji mandibule pomoću artikulatora »Panadent«, koji se zahvaljujući prilično jednostavnom sistemu registracije i izmjenjivim kondilnim kučištmia ubraja u poluprilagodljive artikulatore. Uz pomoć tog artikulatora relativno je lako moguće registrirati kretnje mandibule i kondila pojedinca. Registracija je izvršena na uzorku od 8 ispitanika. Bez većeg utroška vremena registrirane su kretnja mandibule i kondila i na osnovi registrata prosuđivano je, da li kod pojedinca postoje disfunkcijske smetnje koje otežavaju izvođenje kretnji. Precizno registrirane kretnje mandibule i kondila moguće je prenijeti u artikulator, simulirati laboratorij i na taj način koristiti za dijagnosticiranje okluzijskih smetnji i planiranje i izradu protetskih nadomjestaka.The movements of the mandibula and temporomandibular joints are complex and copious. These movements are mainly controlled by the movements of the condyli and lead by occlusal contacts and the function of the muscles of mastication. The marginal movements of the mandibula differ from individual to individual, but are repeatable in the same subject. In dental prosthetics the movements of the mandibula can be reproduced by means of pantographic recordings and transfer into the articulator. In this study the protrusive and lateral movements of the mandibula were recorded using a panadent articulator, which, thanks to its relatively simple system of recording and exchangeable condyle housings, belongs to the semi-adjustable articulators. By means of this articulator one can record relatively easily the movements of the mandibula and condyli. Recordings were done in a group of 8 examinees. The movements of the mandibula and condyli could be recorded in a short period of time and the records were used to determine whether or not dysfunctional disturbances impeding proper movements existed. Precisely recorded movements of the mandibula and condyli can be transferred into an articulator and simulate laboratory conditions. This enables diagnosis of occlusion disorders and planning of the production of prosthetic substitutes

    Der Verlauf der Planung von partiellen Prothesen

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    U ovom kratkom prikazu planiranja parcijalnih proteza dati su osnovni elementi važni za korektno planiranje i uspjeh terapije. Nepridržavanje osnovnih elemenata planiranja neminovno vodi neuspjehu protetske terapije. Ovaj prikaz može biti dobar putokaz za uspješno rješavanje kompleksnog problema planiranja i izrade parcijalnih proteza.The basic elements important for correct planning and the success of therapy are given in a short review of planning partial prostheses. Failure to follow these basic elements of planning inevitably results in unsuccessful prosthetic therapy. This review may be a good indicator for successful solutions of the complex problem of planning and finishing partial prosthetic appliances.In dieser kurzen Darstellung der Planung von partiellen Prothesen werden die Grundelemente für die korrekte Planung und den Therapieerfolg vorgebracht. Die Missachtung dieser Grundelemente muss zum Misserfolg führen. Diese Darstellung kann als nützlicher Wegweiser für die erfolgreiche Lösung des komplizierten Problems der Planung und Ausführung der partiellen Prothese dienen