66 research outputs found

    Assessment of effect of large investment projects on development of investment potential of regions of Russia as exemplified by Universiade 2013 in Kazan

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    Objective: development and testing in Russia of methods of assessment of the effect of individual managerial decisions on modification of investment attractiveness of the region Methods: institutional, cost and systemic approaches were employed, as well as econometric modeling Results: new methods of assessment of the effect of individual managerial decisions and measures on the level of investment attractiveness of the region are suggested and evaluated as exemplified by assessment of the effect of preparation and hosting Universiade 2013 in Kazan on investment attractiveness of the Republic of Tatarstan. Employment of the mentioned methods is illustrated by assessment of the consumer potential growth in the Republic of Tatarstan. Scientific novelty: methods of assessment of the effect of managerial decisions and measures of regional level on investment attractiveness of the region are offered, a number of regression models is built allowing to assess the effect of large regional projects on the consumer potential of the region of Russia as exemplified by the Republic of Tatarstan. Practical value: The suggested methods are universal and can be applied when assessing any large regional project in Russia, in any of its subjects

    Drivers of economic growth and investment attractiveness of Russian regions

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    This paper deals with the identification and justification of the drivers of growth and regional development in Russia. Based on the regression analysis in this paper we consider the influence of the level of domestic demand and income inequality in the regions of Russia on the pace of their economic growth and their foreign investment attractiveness. The relationship of these indicators and their transformation in recent years are identified and analyzed

    Developing the corporate management model on the basis of state-private partnership in energy supply to the state and municipal budget organizations

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article presents the research results of one of the topical issues of corporate management – interaction between a corporation and state in the frameworks of state-private partnership for increasing the energy efficiency and energy saving in the budget sphere. The advanced model of corporate management offers ways of developing the state-private partnership mechanism in this sector

    Test ing Kuznets' hypothesis for Russ ian regions: Trends and interpretations

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    The paper established a number of "stylized facts", one of which is a confirmation of the S. Kuznets' hypothesis of the nonlinear dependence between the degree of inequality in income distribution and welfare economic systems on the example of a group of Russian regions for the period 2002-2012. It is shown that, for a given sample, the welfare and economic growth factors amplify their influence on inequality in income distribution in the post-crisis period. The monotonous growth of income inequality which was observed before the crisis of 2008 is slowing in the process of raising the per capita gross regional product (GRP) during the post-crisis period, and for the foreseeable future, in some regions, its direction can be reversed, while maintaining a trend of socio-economic development. Despite the persistence over time of a convex nature of S. Kuznets' curve for Russian regional data, its parameters changed during the reporting 2002-2012 period. The maximum point of the curve shifts to the left, its convexity increases. These facts indicate that the income inequality growth of the Russian regions' as a result of growth of per capita GRP is slowing. For some regions in the post-crisis period, the income inequality does not grow with the growth of per capita GRP, or it even reduces. This fact can be attributed to the implementation of the Russian federal socially oriented projects and programs in recent years. The results can be used for the development of regional economic policy in order to regulate the level of income distribution inequality in the regions of Russia

    Review of the monograph “O. Yu. Dyagel. Analytical procedures of anticrisis management: monograph. Krasnoyarsk: Sibirial Federal University, 2020. 268 p.”.

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    Objective: to conduct a detailed and complete analysis of a monograph by O. Yu. Dyagel2, which is devoted to the study of a wide range of issues related to analytical procedures of crisis management.Methods: the basic techniques of the abstract-logical method were used (analysis and synthesis, analogy, generalization, comparison, transition from abstract to concrete, etc.).Results: the leading line of this work is the differentiation of analytical procedures for crisis management, which implies a further standardization of individual diagnostics of enterprises’ financial condition. The reviewers emphasize the importance of the approaches to diagnosing the enterprises’ financial insolvency, systematized in the monograph.The reviewers assess the grouping of the author's approaches in the implementation of analytical procedures for crisis management, starting with preventive crisis management and ending with arbitration management.Scientific novelty: a new promising direction of financial analysis has been identified: standardization of an individual financial analysis based on specific groups of financial indicators suitable for a specific enterprise and its situation.Practical significance: the reviewers concluded that O. Yu. Dyagel’s monographic study contains examples of the practical application of the theoretical, methodological and regulatory approaches studied by the author, which significantly increases the possibility of their application in practice

    Import substitution and integration processes of corporate management as tools for competitiveness development of the Russian regions under modern conditions

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    Objective: to identify and systematize the key factors of international competitiveness of the Russian regions and identify the key areas of its improvement. Methods: institutional and systemic approaches, factor and comparative analysis. Results: The key current problems of agriculture in Russia are highlighted; promising areas of support to Russian agriculture under the WTO restrictions are identified. The Republic of Tatarstan is viewed as an example, as it has the potential to become a food donor of federal significance. The model of the import substitution project implementation is formed, in which a сentral place belongs to the regional import substitution strategy. Scientific novelty: a high potential of WTO "green basket" measures in the sphere of the Russian agro-industrial complex support is grounded. The model of import substitution project is constructed, based on the regional import substitution strategy, which includes interaction with the project stakeholders and takes into account the impact of internal and external institutional environments on the project. Practical value: the research results can be used for the formation of the federal program of import substitution in Russia, as well as for the formation of regional strategies of import substitution

    Defining priorities of management of investment attractiveness of the region and their consideration in the framework of implementing large sports events

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    Objective: forming priorities of management of investment attractiveness of the region and their consideration in the framework of implementing large sports events as exemplified by the Republic of Tatarstan Methods: Institutional, cost and systemic approaches were employed in the work, as well as econometric modeling Results: Investment attractiveness of the region is not only viewed in the work as its objective aggregate characteristic, but interests and positions of existing and potential investors are also considered, considering which priorities of development of investment climate of the Republic of Tatarstan are formed. Methods of assessment of the effect of managerial decisions and measures at regional level on investment attractiveness of the region are developed and conformity of the mentioned changes to the chosen priorities of regional investment policy as exemplified by assessment of the effect of Universiade 2013 in Kazan. Academic novelty: priorities of development of investment climate of the Republic of Tatarstan are formed, methods of assessment of the effect of managerial decisions and measures of regional level on investment attractiveness of the region are offered, a number of regression models is built allowing to assess the effect of large regional projects on the investment potential of the region of Russia as exemplified by the Republic of Tatarstan. Practical relevance: The suggested methods are universal and can be applied when assessing any large regional project in Russia, in any of its subjects

    Impact of crime on economic development of the Russian regions

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    Objective: to analyze the impact of crime as a social capital measure on economic growth in the regions and municipalities of the Russian Federation.Methods: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis; econometric modeling.Results: the paper reviews the literature on the relationship between social capital and crime rate, as well as the impact of crime on economic growth The bonding social capital may generate groups competing for the public goods, which leads to a zero or negative impact of social capital.It also presents an analysis of the impact of crime rate as measures of negative social capital on the economic growth of the Russian Federation regions, including municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The number of registered crimes served as a measure of social capital. The assessment of such an element of social capital as norms through the number of crimes, the level of crime and other indicators is one of the generally recognized approaches. The analysis was carried out using an extended regression model based on the Cobb-Douglas production function. Social capital, measured by the number of reported crimes, was included as an additional factor in the model.It is scientifically proved that crime in foreign countries affects economic development and economic growth. The econometric modeling carried out in this article proves the existence of this relationship at the regional and municipal level in Russia. Scientific novelty: at present, the impact of norms as an element of social capital on the regional economic development is little studied. In this study, based on the approaches of economic and mathematical modeling, the influence of such an element of social capital as the norms, measured by the number of crimes on the gross regional product of the Russian Federation subjects and the gross territorial product of the Republic of Tatarstan municipalities for 2008-2016, is proved.Practical significance: the findings of the study can be applied in the activities of regional and municipal authorities forming the regional or municipal policy in the Russian Federation

    Digital inequality: modernization of Kuznets curve in the digital era

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    Objective: to study the impact of the level of broadband Internet access on income inequality in Russian regions.Methods: econometric modeling using the method of analyzing the relationship between inequality and economic growth, developed by Simon Kuznets, for a sample of 82 Russian regions in 2010–2020.Results: the paper examines the theoretical and practical aspects of income inequality of the population. The basis of many scientific studies is the results obtained by S. Kuznets, repeatedly tested in subsequent works. It is determined that under digital economy, inequality in economic development is also manifested in the spread of broadband Internet access. However, previous studies have not answered whether the further spread of the Internet will lead to increased income inequality. The authors of the study put forward and tested the corresponding hypothesis. Based on the analysis results, the authors draw conclusions about the existence of a nonlinear relationship between economic growth and income inequality, as well as the existence of a link between the spread of broadband Internet access and the reduction of income inequality in the Russian regions. At the same time, the results show that the relationship between the development of broadband Internet access and the Gini coefficient has an inverted U-shaped curve. This relationship is a development or analogue of the Kuznets curve, in which the development of digital infrastructure becomes one of the key factors in reducing inequality.Scientific novelty: a method for analyzing the relationship between income inequality and digital development is proposed, which is based on the results of econometric modeling. A model is substantiated and constructed that characterizes the impact of broadband Internet access on income inequality in Russia.Practical significance: the study results substantiate the need to increase the level of broadband Internet connectivity as one of the indicators of reducing income inequality in the Russian regions and, thus, indicate the directions of regional policy in the field of digital infrastructure development

    On the issue of benchmarking by the example of analyzing the efficiency of using the broadband internet in the Russian regions

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    Objective: to study the impact of broadband Internet on the economic growth of the Russian regions.Methods: econometric modeling using the Cobb-Douglas production function and the R. Solow economic growth model, comparative analysis (benchmarking).Results: broadband Internet stimulates and accelerates the process of digital transformation, contributing to the creation of economic ties. However, methods for assessing the impact of broadband Internet on economy are still imperfect. The article uses the R. Solow economic growth model to identify and justify the positive impact of broadband Internet on the gross regional product of the Russian regions in 2010-2016; the Russian regions ranking is presented, based on the degree of production factors efficiency, which includes indicators of digital infrastructure development in addition to traditional ones; the leaders of this ranking are identified, as well as the areas of best practices typical for these regions of the Russian Federation. Scientific novelty: a new method of benchmarking of the Russian regions is proposed, based on the production factors efficiency and their contribution to economic growth, according to the results of econometric modeling.Practical significance: the obtained results substantiate the need to improve and accelerate the development of broadband Internet as one of the indicators providing the Russian regional economic systems development; thus, the directions of the digital economy implementation (digital transformation) in the Russian Federation regions are identified