247 research outputs found

    Object Oriented Modeling of Rotating Electrical Machines

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    Der Photonendetektor fĂĽr die Schule als Einstieg in die Quantenphysik

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    Vielfältige fachdidaktische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten der letzten Jahre zielen auf einen adäquaten, schülergerechten Zugang zur Quantenphysik. Beispielsweise fokussiert das in München entwickelte Konzept milq auf grundlegende Phänomene der Quantenphysik und damit verbundene Deutungsfragen, wobei für den Einstieg in die Quantenphysik hier vor allem Simulationen und Videos verwendet werden. In Ergänzung dieses Ansatzes haben wir einen Flächendetektor zum Nachweis geringer Lichtintensitäten entwickelt, um darauf aufbauend in schulpraxistauglichen Realexperimenten grundlegende Phänomene der Quantenphysik am Doppelspaltexperiment zu visualisieren. Unter Verwendung eines Lasers als Lichtquelle wird mit dem Detektor ein Demonstrationsexperiment aufgebaut, das auf jüngeren fachdidaktischen Entwicklungsarbeiten verschiedener Gruppen basiert und zielorientiert für einen praxistauglichen Schuleinsatz angepasst wurde

    Der Photonendetektor fĂĽr die Schule als Einstieg in die Quantenphysik

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    Vielfältige fachdidaktische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten der letzten Jahre zielen auf einen adäquaten, schülergerechten Zugang zur Quantenphysik. Beispielsweise fokussiert das in München entwickelte Konzept milq auf grundlegende Phänomene der Quantenphysik und damit verbundene Deutungsfragen, wobei für den Einstieg in die Quantenphysik hier vor allem Simulationen und Videos verwendet werden. In Ergänzung dieses Ansatzes haben wir einen Flächendetektor zum Nachweis geringer Lichtintensitäten entwickelt, um darauf aufbauend in schulpraxistauglichen Realexperimenten grundlegende Phänomene der Quantenphysik am Doppelspaltexperiment zu visualisieren. Unter Verwendung eines Lasers als Lichtquelle wird mit dem Detektor ein Demonstrationsexperiment aufgebaut, das auf jüngeren fachdidaktischen Entwicklungsarbeiten verschiedener Gruppen basiert und zielorientiert für einen praxistauglichen Schuleinsatz angepasst wurde

    ILC2-mediated immune crosstalk in chronic (vascular) inflammation

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    Crosstalk between innate and adaptive immunity is pivotal for an efficient immune response and to maintain immune homeostasis under steady state conditions. As part of the innate immune system, type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) have emerged as new important regulators of tissue homeostasis and repair by fine-tuning innate-adaptive immune cell crosstalk. ILC2s mediate either pro- or anti-inflammatory immune responses in a context dependent manner. Inflammation has proven to be a key driver of atherosclerosis, resembling the key underlying pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Notably, numerous studies point towards an atheroprotective role of ILC2s e.g., by mediating secretion of type-II cytokines (IL-5, IL-13, IL-9). Boosting these protective responses may be suitable for promising future therapy, although these protective cues are currently incompletely understood. Additionally, little is known about the mechanisms by which chemokine/chemokine receptor signaling shapes ILC2 functions in vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. Hence, this review will focus on the latest findings regarding the protective and chemokine/chemokine receptor guided interplay between ILC2s and other immune cells like T and B cells, dendritic cells and macrophages in atherosclerosis. Further, we will elaborate on potential therapeutic implications which result or could be distilled from the dialogue of ILC2s with cells of the immune system in cardiovascular diseases

    Detection of Broken Outer-Cage Bars for Double-Cage Induction Motors Under the Startup Transient

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    (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Unlike single-cage rotor fault detection, fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based steady-state spectrum analysis techniques can fail to detect outer-cage faults in double-cage induction motors due to the small outer-cage current under running conditions. Double-cage motors are typically employed in applications that require loaded starts. This makes the outer cage vulnerable to fatigue failure since it must withstand the high starting current and long startup time frequently. However, there are only a few publications that investigate detection techniques specifically for double-cage motors. In this paper, considering that the influence of the faulty outer cage is strong at startup due to the large outer-cage current, detection of outer-cage faults under the startup transient is investigated. A discrete-wavelet-transform-based method is proposed as a viable solution to the detection of outer-cage faults for double-cage motors. An experimental study on fabricated copper double-cage induction motors shows that the proposed method provides sensitive and reliable detection of double-cage rotor faults compared to FFT.This work was supported in part by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,” in the framework of the “Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental,” under Project Reference DPI2008-06583/DPI, and in part by the Human Resources Development of Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning under Grant 20114010203010 funded by the Korean Government Ministry of Knowledge EconomyAntonino-Daviu, J.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Pons Llinares, J.; Park, J.; Lee, SB.; Yoo, J.; Kral, C. (2012). Detection of Broken Outer-Cage Bars for Double-Cage Induction Motors Under the Startup Transient. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 48(5):1539-1548. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2012.2210173S1539154848

    ILC2-mediated immune crosstalk in chronic (vascular) inflammation

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    Crosstalk between innate and adaptive immunity is pivotal for an efficient immune response and to maintain immune homeostasis under steady state conditions. As part of the innate immune system, type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) have emerged as new important regulators of tissue homeostasis and repair by fine-tuning innate-adaptive immune cell crosstalk. ILC2s mediate either pro- or anti-inflammatory immune responses in a context dependent manner. Inflammation has proven to be a key driver of atherosclerosis, resembling the key underlying pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Notably, numerous studies point towards an atheroprotective role of ILC2s e.g., by mediating secretion of type-II cytokines (IL-5, IL-13, IL-9). Boosting these protective responses may be suitable for promising future therapy, although these protective cues are currently incompletely understood. Additionally, little is known about the mechanisms by which chemokine/chemokine receptor signaling shapes ILC2 functions in vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. Hence, this review will focus on the latest findings regarding the protective and chemokine/chemokine receptor guided interplay between ILC2s and other immune cells like T and B cells, dendritic cells and macrophages in atherosclerosis. Further, we will elaborate on potential therapeutic implications which result or could be distilled from the dialogue of ILC2s with cells of the immune system in cardiovascular diseases

    The AdvancedMachines Library: Loss Models for Electric Machines

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    This paper presents how losses of electric machines are modeled as an extension of the Mode-lica.Electrical.Machines library. The theoretical background of the different loss models is elaborated and a Modelica implementation – the Ad-vancedMachines Library – is presented. Additional examples demonstrate the usage of the library
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