27 research outputs found


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    Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the contemporary publically available e-learning materials for primary schools. Different viewpoints of communication emerged during the analysis: technical communication, didactical communication and visual communication. Most thorough knowledge is in the area of technical communication. But the problems of incompatibility and software settings are present on the daily basis. Didactical communication are presents multilevel problems. The goals of education are to be covered and the form of communication needs to be suitable for learners. Visual communications are the most problematic since there are no clear principles how to assess the quality of visual communications. Jet they are highly important in the distance education and e-learning materials.Učenje na daljinu i upotreba e-gradiva je u nekoliko zadnjih godina u velikom zamahu. U Sloveniji su Europski socijalni sklad i Ministarstvo za školstvo i sport financirali više projekata radnih grupa i pojedinih autora, u kojima su nastale e-građe različite kvalitete. Autori u prilogu analiziraju različite aspekte komunikacije u suvremenim e-gradivima koje su dostupne korisnicima za obrazovanje po programu osnovne škole. Gradivo je analizirano posebno sa aspekta kvalitete i to: kvaliteta tehničke komunikacije, didaktičke komunikacije i vizualne komunikacije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to, da dolazi do poteškoća kod tehničke komunikacije zbog različitih sistema kod korisnika, a kao didaktički nedostatak evidentirana je lošija pokrivenost sa obrazovnim ciljevima. Kao problematične su se u velikoj mjeri pokazala vizualna rješenja e-građe


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    Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the contemporary publically available e-learning materials for primary schools. Different viewpoints of communication emerged during the analysis: technical communication, didactical communication and visual communication. Most thorough knowledge is in the area of technical communication. But the problems of incompatibility and software settings are present on the daily basis. Didactical communication are presents multilevel problems. The goals of education are to be covered and the form of communication needs to be suitable for learners. Visual communications are the most problematic since there are no clear principles how to assess the quality of visual communications. Jet they are highly important in the distance education and e-learning materials.Učenje na daljinu i upotreba e-gradiva je u nekoliko zadnjih godina u velikom zamahu. U Sloveniji su Europski socijalni sklad i Ministarstvo za školstvo i sport financirali više projekata radnih grupa i pojedinih autora, u kojima su nastale e-građe različite kvalitete. Autori u prilogu analiziraju različite aspekte komunikacije u suvremenim e-gradivima koje su dostupne korisnicima za obrazovanje po programu osnovne škole. Gradivo je analizirano posebno sa aspekta kvalitete i to: kvaliteta tehničke komunikacije, didaktičke komunikacije i vizualne komunikacije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to, da dolazi do poteškoća kod tehničke komunikacije zbog različitih sistema kod korisnika, a kao didaktički nedostatak evidentirana je lošija pokrivenost sa obrazovnim ciljevima. Kao problematične su se u velikoj mjeri pokazala vizualna rješenja e-građe


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    Advancement of computer hardware and software authoring tools has enabled wider use of multimedia learning materials in elementary education. Elementary education (lower level primary school) teachers should consider the advantages of multimedia learning materials. They are not just users of readymade multimedia learning materials, but also producers or disseminators. Teachers’ competency level in the application of multimedia learning materials is growing. Introductory courses and increased availability of educational technology equipment have changed the teaching paradigm. Even elementary teachers in primary schools should have competencies for creating e-learning materials. The differences between recommendation and reality can only be established with data, and in our case we use surveys. The work of elementary teachers as creators of multimedia learning materials and their motivation are discussed in this article. Our research is focused on teachers at lower levels of primary schools (elementary education) as they are the first step in the educational pyramid.Napredovanje računalnog hardvera i softvera, te autorskih alata omogućilo je širu uporabu materijala za multimedijalno učenje u osnovnom obrazovanju. Nastavnici u osnovnom obrazovanju ( niža razina osnovnoškolci ) trebaju razmotriti prednosti materijala za učenje multimedijskih sadržaja. Oni su ne samo korisnici gotovih materijala za multimedijalno učenje, nego i proizvođači ili širitelji. Nastavnička razina kompetencija u primjeni multimedijskih nastavnih materijala raste. Uvodni tečajevi i povećana dostupnost obrazovne opreme su promijenili nastavni paradigmu. Čak i nastavnici u osnovnim školama trebaju imati kompetencije za stvaranje e-learning materijals. Razlike između preporuka i stvarnosti mogu se utvrditi samo s podacima, a u našem slučaju koristimo se anketama. Rad nastavnika kao tvoraca multimedijalnih materijala za učenje i njihovu motivaciju promatra se u ovom članku. Naše istraživanje je usmjereno na nastavnika na nižim razinama osnovnih škola ( osnovno obrazovanje) jer su oni prvi korak u obrazovnoj piramidi

    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education

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    The post-COVID period drastically accelerated the development and increased use of artificial intelligence. These changes have not been limited to industry but have begun to be introduced into education. The digital literacy of all involved in education must also incorporate ethical considerations related to the application of AI in education. The article presents the ethical codes of AI and analyse the four basic building blocks of an ethical attitude towards AI in education (autonomy, privacy, trust and responsibility). Understanding the concepts of AI and their ethical implications is a condition for acting in accordance with them and for their introduction in education


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    The theoretical contribution to the use of modern information and communication technology in educational processes should be discussed critically. The multimedia learning materials and their use at different stages of the educational process in the context of their technical, educational, communicational and aesthetic quality have been reviewed from different perspective. There are many advantages in using multimedia learning materials in education but also disadvantages. Excesive use of electronic learning can lead to the possible unwanted situation in student personal development and upbringing goals may not be achieved. Since interactive multimedia learning materials are becoming more widely used in education they must be added into the teachers qualifications. Only competente teachers can use full potential of multimedia learning materials. How multimedia learning materials in all phases of education is used was tested on primary school teachers. Results are very useful for further teachers\u27 education. The fear that educational process may loose some human quality is real.Teorijski doprinos za korištenje suvremene informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) u obrazovnim procesima treba kritički ocijeniti. Multimedijski materijali za učenje i njihovo korištenje u različitim fazama odgojno-obrazovnog procesa u kontekstu njihovih tehničkih, obrazovnih, komunikacijskih i estetskih kvaliteta provjerili smo iz različitih perspektiva. Postoje mnoge prednosti u korištenju multimedijskih obrazovnih materijala u obrazovanju, ali tu su i nedostaci. Pretjerivanje u korištenju elektroničkog učenja može dovesti do mogućih neželjenih situacija u studentskom razvoju i odgojnih ciljeva nije moguće postići. Budući da se interaktivni multimedijski materijali široko koriste u obrazovanju moraju ta biti znanja dodana u studijske programe budućih učitelja. Samo kompetentni nastavnici mogu koristiti puni potencijal multimedijskih obrazovnih materijala. Kako se multimedijskih materijala koristi za učenje u svim fazama obrazovanja testirali smo na većoj populaciji učitelja razredne nastave. Rezultati su vrlo korisne za daljnje obrazovanje nastavnika. Utvrdili smo, da pretjeranom primjenom IKT obrazovni proces može izgubiti neke opće ljudske kvalitete

    E-learning materials for social science students

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    Today\u27s student population is rightfully categorized as digital natives. From the beginning of their education, they used ICT. The technological gadgets, internet, and social networks are like a glove to them. Such generation of students require more than just textbooks. In the 2013 University of Maribor establish a task force for e-learning materials development. The goal was to identify the optimal technological, didactical and financial approach to the long process of e-learning materials development. Members of the task force have many workshops presenting different views, acquired experiences from their previous projects, technological constraints, prediction, etc. During these workshops it was decided it would be the best to prepare different types of e-learning materials and test them by the students. From their feedbacks we could set the guidelines for large scale production. At the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Faculty of Education students needs to acquire also the digital competences to become successful teachers. For special didactics study programs different types of e-learning materials were produced with different technological approach. The concept was to upgrade the previous deliverables (PowerPoint slides) and narrate them. Narrated slides would enable students to refresh their lectures and should be used as blended e-learning materials. Narrations were prepared in different format: textual narration, voice narration and video narration. But later it was decided that these types are not enough and a mix of narratives (integrated multimedia learning materials) could be used on individual slides depending on the content of the slide. Students first receive the lecture in the classroom and in the same week they need to study associated e-learning materials and write their review of corresponding e-learning materials. In their review students were required to log the required time for studying the e-learning materialsbenefits and drawbackspotential improvement of e-learning materialsand open text of impression of using e-learning materials. Effectiveness and outcomes were tested with the electronic quizzes. Students were highly motivated with these new types of learning materials and provide us valuable feedback. Most efficient were text narrated learning materials, but the favourite was integrated multimedia learning materials. Video and audio narrations take them more time to study since they were constrained with the speed of speech of the recorded lecturer

    Aesthetic of e-learning materials

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    Skladno z razvojem IKT se spreminjajo tudi sodobna e-učna gradiva. Država s pomočjo sredstev iz evropskih socialnih skladov financira njihov razvoj. Javna naročila za izdelavo e-gradiv izhajajo v glavnem iz zahtev po kakovostni tehnični plati (število multimedijskih elementov, interaktivnih elementov, slik, animacij, simulacij, ...), manj pa je poudarka na didaktični kakovosti. Estetika e-gradiva pa sploh ni omenjena. Izdelava kakovostnih e-gradiv za izobraževanje na daljavo pa mora ob tehnični in didaktični kakovosti zadostiti tudi estetskim kriterijem. Članek temelji na analizi e-gradiv, ki so bila v slovenskem pedagoškem prostoru izdelana v zadnjih nekaj letih. Namenjena so bila predvsem osnovnošolski populaciji. Pri analizi se nismo osredotočali na vsebino temveč na estetsko dimenzijo gradiv. Prikazali bomo nekatere najbolj pogoste estetske pomanjkljivosti e-gradiv s ciljem dviga kakovosti pri njihovem nadaljnjem razvoju.Contemporary e-learning materials are developed according to the advancement in the ICT. Government and European social funds encourage and finance the development of new e-learning materials. Public tenders for e-learning materials development specifies only requirements in quality of technical aspects of learning materials (number of multimedia elements, interactive elements, images, animations, simulations ...) whereas much less attention are focused to the didactical quality. Aesthetic of e-learning materials are not even mentioned in the requirement specifications. Development of high quality e-learning materials for distance learning needs to satisfy all criteria (technical, didactical and aesthetical). This article is based on analysis of e-learning materials in Slovenian educational area developed in last few years. They were developed mostly for primary schools. Our goal is to present some of most common aesthetical faults in order to increase the quality of further development of e-learning materials