3 research outputs found

    Floppy-iris syndrome

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    Gevşek iris sendromu (GİS), fako tekniği ile yapılan katarakt ameliyatı sırasında görülen anormal pupil davranışı ile tanımlanan bir durumdur. Bu sendromun üç anahtar özelliği bulunmaktadır. Bunlar gevşek irisin normal sıvı akışı sırasında anormal dalgalanma göstermesi, irisin fako ve yan kesiye prolapsus eğilimi ve ameliyat sırasında ilerleyici pupiller miyozis gelişmesidir. Bu özellikler ameliyatın daha yorucu ve komplikasyonlara açık olmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu makalede GİS’nun özellikleri ve sebep olan etkenler tartışılıp, alınması gereken önlemler üzerinde durulmuşturFloppy-iris syndrome (FIS) is a condition defined as abnormal pupil behaviour during cataract surgery using the phacoemulsification technique. There are three key features of this syndrome: a floppy iris that undulates abnormally during normal fluid movement, propensity of the iris to prolapse towards the phaco and side-port incision, and development of progressive pupillary miosis during surgery. These features make the operation more tiresome and complications more likely. In this article the features and causative factors of IFIS are discussed and preventive measures that must be taken are mentione

    Temporal Arteritis Masquerading as Migraines

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    WOS: 000283294800008We report on a 66-year-old patient referred to our clinic with sudden loss of vision in her right eye and decreased vision in the left, starting the day before admittance. She had suffered from migraines since early adulthood. Eight days earlier she had been referred to an ophthalmology clinic complaining of decreased vision in her right eye and was informed that she had occlusion of the arteries in the right eye. A complete ophthalmologic examination was performed. Her visual acuity was "no light perception" in the right eye and 20/32 (6/10) in the left. Her erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 51 mm/h and the C-reactive protein value was 9.5 mg/L. She was diagnosed as having temporal arteritis (TA) and was treated with high-dose pulsed intravenous corticosteroids. The final vision in the right eye was no light perception, and visual acuity was 20/25 (6/7.5) in the left. TA requires early diagnosis and treatment to prevent blindness. Sometimes, the diagnosis may be overlooked or delayed because of analgesic usage or another disease (e. g., migraine). Thus, a diagnosis of TA should be kept in mind for patients over 50 years of age presenting with sudden vision loss

    Okuloglanduler ve orofaringeal tularemi: Olgu sunumu ve literatür derlemesi

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    Tularemi hastalığı küçük, Gram-negatif, pleomorfik kokobasil olan Francisella tularensis bakterisi ile oluşur. Okuloglanduler tularemi nadir görülen bir formdur. Okologlanduler tularemi ile ilgili az sayıda yayın vardır, PubMed taramasında günümüze kadar 20'den az yayın bulunmaktadır. Bu yazıda okuloglanduler ve orofaringeal tularemi tanısı konulan, 31 yaşında bir bayan olgu sunuldu ve okuloglanduler tularemi ile ilgili yayınlar derlendi. Olgu hastanemize üç haftadır devam eden ani başlangıçlı ateş, halsizlik, baş ağrısı, boğaz ağrısı, sol gözde kızarıklık, üst göz kapağında şişlik, göz yaşında artma ve sol preaurikuler bölgede ağrısız şişlik ve genel vücut ağrısı ile başvurdu, göz travması öyküsü yoktu. Tulareminin endemik olduğu bir köyde oturuyordu, hayvan teması öyküsü yoktu. Klinik bulgularla okuloglanduler ve orofaringeal tularemi tanısı konuldu, tanı mikroaglütinasyon testi ve PCR ile konfirme edildi. Olgu siprofloksasin tedavisinin sekizinci gününde tamamen iyileşti. Tularemi, ateş, boğaz ağrısı, konjunktivit ve servikal kitlesi olan ve özellikle penisilin veya sefalosporin tedavisine yanıt vermeyen ve tulareminin endemik olduğu bölgeden gelen olgularda akla gelmelidir.Tularemia is caused by a small, Gram-negative, pleomorphic coccobacillus, Francisella tularensis. Oculoglandular tularemia is a rare clinical form. There are few reports about oculoglandular tularemia, and less than 20 cases with oculaglandular tularemia have been reported in PubMed up to date. We reviewed the literature about oculoglandular tularemia, and reported a 31-year-old woman with oculoglandular and oropharyngeal tularemia. She admitted to our hospital with a three-week history of sudden onset of fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, swollen left upper lid, injected and erythematous left eye, epiphora, preauricular nontender lump on the left and generalized aches, but there was no history of eye injury. She was living in a village where tularemia is endemic, but no history of encountering with an animal. The clinical diagnosis of oculoglandular and orophayngeal tularemia was confirmed by microagglutination test and PCR. She was fully improved on the eighth day of the ciprofloxacine treatment. Tularemia should come to mind in patients with fever, severe throat, conjunctivitis and cervical masses especially unresponsive to penicillin or cephalosporine therapy, coming from a tularemia endemic area