36 research outputs found

    Az Istállós-kői-barlang ásatásának folytatása és a Bükki Aurignaci kérdése = Continuation of Excavating Istállós-kő Cave and Problem of Bükk Aurignacian

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    A T046892 OTKA pályázat kutatási programja keretében 2004-2005-ben sikerült tovább folytatni az Istállós-kői-barlang, 2005-2006-ban pedig a Herman Otto-barlang revíziós ásatását elvégezni. A program keretében lehetőség nyílt a teljes Bükki-Aurignacien kultúra techno-tipológiai és komplex rétegtani-őskörnyezettani, kronológiai és paleoetnológiai feldolgozására. Szerencsés módon William Davies (University of Southampton) és Marcel Otte (Universite de Liege) C14 programjával együttműködve, több új radiometrikus kormeghatározást elvégezni a Bükki-Aurignacien kultúrával kapcsolatban. Így sor került a különleges jelentőségű Miskolc-Tapolcai-kőfülke Aurignacien koponyaleletének C14 kormeghatározására is. Az eredményeket több konferencián és publikációban mutattuk be. | The number T46892 research program funded by the OTKA, included further excavations and revisions of two main sites: the Istallós-kő (2004-2005) and the Otto Herman Cave (2005-2006). The detailed research program on the Aurignacien Culture in the Bükk Mountains, involved processing all the available data; such as the techno-tipological and the complex stratigraphical-paleoenvironmental, the chronological and the paleoethnological. Working closely with other research programs led by William Davies (University of Southampton) and Marcel Otte (Universite de Liege) we were able to perform many new C14 radiometric dating. Among others, the extremely significant one was done on the occipital bone found in Miskolc-Tapolca's Rockshelter. We have presented the results and conclusions in many conferences and in publications


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    The genesis of the linear complex is of topmost importance for revolving the neolithization problem of Central Europe. The problem mentioned above is here treated based on Lithic inventories. Lithic illusory of Alfold and East Slovakia linear circle leans on Starčevo – Körös complex and appears to be its topologically and technological continuation. It is, therefore, possible to consider East Linear ceramics as a later phase of the »barbotino« complex. However, it is much more difficult to trace the origin of the west linear complex. In its older phase art is quite different from the »barbotine« circle but is very similar to the Vinča group from its middle phase. Although it does not explain the genesis of the west linear complex, it is at least indisputable that it stands under strong Vinča influence from the middle phase

    Excavation in the Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria): Final Report

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    Excavation in the Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria): Final Report

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    Excavation in the Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria): Final Report

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