297 research outputs found

    Oczekiwania jednostek administracji samorządowej jako potencjalnych pracodawców absolwentów kierunku : zdrowie publiczne

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    Projektowane zmiany w finansowaniu jednostek samorządu terytorialnego - ocena kierunkowych założeń

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    Celem artykułu jest ocena kierunkowych założeń projektowanych zmian legislacyjnych w finansowaniu JST pod kątem ich potencjalnych konsekwencji dla budżetów JST. Zastosowano metodę analizy dokumentów tj. zgłoszonych w 2017 r. propozycji zmian legislacyjnych w finansowaniu JST. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, iż:Przekształcenia zadań zleconych z zakresu administracji rządowej, mających charakter zadań stałych, w zadania własne JST mogą utrwalić negatywne konsekwencje dla budżetów JST z tytułu braku rzetelnej wyceny realizacji tych zadań. Zmiany w zakresie naliczania indywidualnego wskaźnika zadłużenia JST mogą wpłynąć na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa finansowego samorządów, ale mogą także spowodować ograniczenie ich możliwości inwestycyjnych. Przekształcenia ustawowe transferu subwencyjnego na dotacyjny ograniczają samodzielność finansową JST w realizacji ich zadań własnych

    Oczekiwania jednostek administracji rządowej jako potencjalnych pracodawców absolwentów kierunku : zdrowie publiczne

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    Globalny wymiar zdrowia publicznego – program modułu integracyjnego w ramach studiów Europubhealth, Kraków 2008

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    Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego po raz drugi był gospodarzem modułu integracyjnego dla studentów Europejskich Studiów Zdrowia Publicznego Europubhealth realizowanych w ramach programu Erasmus Mundus. Zajęcia odbyły się w terminie 23 czerwca–18 lipca 2008 roku i były poświęcone tematyce zdrowia publicznego w perspektywie globalnej


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    The issue of an operating surplus of local government units (LGUs) is gaining significance due to, inter alia, the enactment of legal changes resulting in a decline in the current income of LGUs from PIT. The purpose of the research is evaluation of the development of the LGUs' operating surplus in the context of legal changes (enacted in 2019-2022) causing the said decline as well as the evaluation of the mechanisms compensating LGUs for that decline. The following were applied to accomplish the research objective:(1) quantitative analysis, taking into consideration the data of the Ministry of Finance presented in the reports on LGUs' budget implementation for 2020-2021 and multi-annual financial forecasts for the LGUs’ budget plan for 2022; (2) review of source literature and legislation related to the research subject. The analysis performed for the years 2020-2022 shows that the period of growth in the value of the operating surplus in all types of LGUs in 2021 in comparison to 2020 is followed by a significant decline in its value in 2022 (as planned). Across Poland, this applies to: municipalities, cities with county rights and voivodeships. Whereas, in the case of counties (on a Poland-wide scale), no operating surplus has been planned at all for 2022. The above situation may result not only in a decline in the capacity to finance investments from the operating surplus in LGUs, but also in the differentiation of these capacities within specific LGU types. Increased differentiation of this phenomenon in specific local governments may be affected by, inter alia, the adopted system of criteria of distribution of funds as part of the compensation for the decline in current income from PIT (especially in the development part of the general subsidy)

    The 2015 emergency care reform in Poland: some improvements, some unmet demands and some looming conflicts

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    Between 2006 and 2015, the Act on the State Emergency Medical System was the key act governing the organization, financing and provision of emergency care in Poland. From the moment it entered into force, it had been heavily criticized. The critique focused, among others, on the lack of provisions allowing for emergency medical services (EMS) to be performed outside the EMS units, the lack of a separate Act regulating the profession of a medical rescuer and the lack of a separate professional organization representing medical rescuers. As early as 2008 a team of specialists was set up to work on amending the Act and these works resulted in the draft Act on the State Emergency Medical System that was submitted to public consultations on 19 August, 2014. This draft was further reworked in 2015 and was signed by the President on 25 September of the same year. The Act addressed some of the shortcomings of the EMS legislation that was previously in place. However, the new Act did not meet the key demands of medical rescuers; namely, it did not introduce a separate legal act regulating this profession nor established a professional organisation representing their interests. An analysis of the vested interests of various groups of medical professionals indicates that these interests are likely to have influenced the final legislative outcome. The Act, as well as its implementing executive regulation from April 2016, may reduce support of certain medical professional groups during the Act’s implementation as well as create tensions between these groups, especially between medical rescuers and nurses

    Analysis of problems occurring in the care of a patient with liver cirrhosis

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    Introduction: Liver cirrhosis is a disease whose development is influenced by many factors, including those related to lifestyle. The disease causes disturbances in the functioning of not only the liver but also many other organs and systems. During the course of the disease, there are a number of complications that affect the patient's functioning in all areas. Patients with liver cirrhosis require constant and systematic treatment and comprehensive care, including care provided by nursing staff. Purpose of research: Analysis of problems occurring in the care of patients with liver cirrhosis Material and methods: The study included 103 patients with liver cirrhosis, hospitalized from October 10, 2022 to April 10, 2023. in the Observation and Infection Ward for Adults of the SPZOZ in Puławy. The method used in the work was a diagnostic survey, the technique was a survey, and the research tool was an original survey questionnaire developed for the needs of the research. Results: Patients with liver cirrhosis have many problems of a physical nature and related to non-compliance with medical recommendations, which may affect the inhibition of the progression of the disease, the prevention of complications and the improvement of the general condition. Conclusions: Patients with liver cirrhosis have a number of physical problems, the knowledge of which may affect the organization of work of nursing staff, facilitate the identification of problems, help determine the goal of care and plan nursing interventions. Not all respondents followed the specialist's recommendations, including: in the field of pharmacotherapy, dietary recommendations, performing check-ups, reporting for follow-up visits and physical activity. An important element in the care of a patient with liver cirrhosis is patient education and motivation to follow recommendations that are important in stopping the progression of the disease, preventing complications and improving the general condition

    Międzynarodowe koncepcje podstawowych funkcji/świadczeń zdrowia publicznego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem funkcji środowiskowych i ich wpływ na identyfikację priorytetów zdrowia publicznego w Polsce

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    International concepts, ideas and theories concerning the fundamental functions/services in the sphere of public health and their influence on the public health priorities identificationThe article focuses on the international concepts, ideas and theories concerning the fundamental functions/services in the sphere of public health. Particularly it concerns the environmental problems, the influence of this functions on the public health priorities identification. The main goals of the work are the international approaches identification and description of the observed frequency of the environmental actions inclusion on the lists of public health functions. The nature and specifics of the analyzed issue as well as the Polish approach are presented in the context of the National Health Program for 2007–2015. The main theme of the paper relates to the basic questions: how and in which way the internationally identified and listed public health functions influence the priorities established in Poland and if the environmental actions are being included

    Socio-demographic determinants of the acceptance of systemic connective tissue diseases

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    Introduction: Socio-demographic forecasts indicate a stable increase in the population of elderly people, which gives rise to the need to examine the relationship between the acceptance of chronic illness and socio-demographic variables not only in terms of subjective negative emotions but also because of possible social consequences. The acceptance of a chronic disease is determined by factors related to its character including its severity and the discomfort it brings about but also by factors connected with the patient that is socio-demographic determinants. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic variables and the acceptance of a chronic disease of locomotive organs. Material and methods: The study was conducted in the group of 150 patients diagnosed with a systemic connective tissue disease during its stable phase. A socio-demographic questionnaire as well as a standardised Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) adapted by Juszczyński were applied in the study. The study was conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki. Results: In the group of 150 patients suffering from a systemic connective tissue disease the percentage of women was higher than the percentage of men (60.7% vs. 39.3%). The indicator of the acceptance of illness in the group examined reached 24.5 ±7.5. The strongest correlation was found between the acceptance level and married probants (eta = 0.26; p = 0.01), high education (eta = 0.24; p = 0.04) and working activity (eta = 0.20; p = 0.01). Conclusions: Socio-demographic factors which determine the level of illness acceptance include age, marital status, education and the source of income. The acceptance of illness in the examined group of patients with systemic connective tissue diseases reached 24.5