30 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The article presents the results of the study of the relationship between the type of temperament and the mechanisms of psychological protection used by a person. Methodology: The study was conducted on the basis of the Belgorod State National Research University. The study involved students aged 18-20 years old in the amount of 300 people. The groups were formed taking into account the dominance of the type of temperament. Gr. #1 included respondents with a predominance of sanguine temperament; gr. #2 - phlegmatic; gr. #3 - choleric and gr. #4 - melancholic type. Result: It is shown that there are differences in the severity of the mechanisms of psychological protection in individuals with different dominant temperament. It is revealed that emotionally stable persons with high indicators of strength and balance of nervous processes (sanguine and phlegmatic types) use more complex and ontogenetically later mechanisms of psychological protection. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of --- is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The prevailing mechanisms of psychological protection at persons with different dominance of temperament

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    The article presents the results of the study of the relationship between the type of temperament and the mechanisms of psychological protection used by a perso

    Аналіз рівня експресії матриксних металопротеїназ 2 та 9 імуноцитохімічним методом діагностики у хворих на рак гортані з реґіонарними метастазами

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    In this study we investigated the expression levels of molecular markers of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in patients with larynx cancer with regional metastases. Cytological specimens were examined by means of immunocytochemical tecnique. The material was obtained by fine-needle aspiration biopsy. A relationship between the expression of the marker and the presence of metastases has been established. A link between the expression of molecular markers of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 with metastasis to lymph nodes in a direct correlation has been proved which allows us to recommend the study of these markers as factors in the metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx in the regional lymph nodes in the neck.В данной работе исследовались уровни экспрессии молекулярных маркеров матриксной металлопротеиназы 2 и матриксной металлопротеиназы 9 у больных раком гортани с регионарными метастазами. Цитологические препараты исследовались с помощью иммуноцитохимического метода. Материал был получен методом тонкоигольной аспирационной биопсии. Определены связи между экспрессией маркера и наличием метастазов. Доказана связь экспрессии молекулярных маркеров матриксной металлопротеиназы 2 и матриксной металлопротеиназы 9 с метастазированием в лимфатические узлы наличием прямых корреляционных связей, что позволяет рекомендовать исследования данных маркеров в качестве факторов наличии метастазов плоскоклеточного рака гортани в регионарные лимфатические узлы шеи.У статті проведений аналіз рівня експресії молекулярних маркерів матриксної металопротеїнази 2 та матриксної металопротеїнази 9 у хворих на рак гортані імуноцитохімічним методом. Дослідження проведено у 74 хворих на рак гортані III - IV стадій (T3-4N0-3M0). Матеріал для імуноцитохімічного дослідження отриманий методом тонкоголкової аспіраційної біопсії лімфатичних вузлів у період обстеження пацієнтів до лікування. Отримані дані дозволяють зробити висновки про наявність зв’язків між рівнем експресії маркерів та наявністю метастазів. Доведений прямий кореляційний зв’язок експресії молекулярних маркерів матриксної металопротеїнази 2 та матриксної металопротеїнази 9 з метастазуванням у лімфатичні вузли, що дозволяє рекомендувати дослідження даних маркерів як прогностичних факторів наявності метастазів плоскоклітинного раку гортані в реґіонарні лімфатичні вузли шиї

    Прогностичні імуногістохімічні показники реґіонарного метастазування плоскоклітинних раків гортані

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    Background. The comprehension of molecular events that underlie malignant transformation of squamous cell epithelium could not only extend the knowledge about the etiology of this process, but also is basic for predictive markers and target therapy. Objective. The article analyzes the predictive immunohistochemical indicators of regional metastasis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Methods. In the study we used the original biopsy material from 70 patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma T3-4N0-3M0 (69 men and 1 woman) aged from 33 to 74 during the period 2011-2014. The primary monoclonal antibodies for cyclin D1, CD34 and VEGF (TermoScientific, USA) were used. Results. There were significant correlation between increased expression of markers cyclin D1 (р<0,0001), VEGF (р=0,018), extension of microvessel density (р=0,032) and presence of regional metastasis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Conclusion. The significant increase of microvessel density and expression of VEGF and cyclin D1markers in the laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas proves their predictive importance.Статья посвящена ретроспективному исследованию 70 случаев плоскоклеточного рака гортани III - IV стадий (T3-4N0-3M0) иммуногистохимическим методом с использованием моноклональных антител к циклину D1, CD34 и VEGF с целью определения их прогностического значения. Было сформировано две группы – без метастазов в лимфатические узлы шеи (n=31) и с регионарными метастазами (n=39). Найдено статистически достоверную связь между повышением экспрессии циклина D1 (р<0,0001), VEGF (р=0,018), увеличением плотности микрососудов (р=0,032) и наличием регионарных метастазов в лимфатические узлы шеи, а для циклина D1, еще и со снижением степени дифференциации плоскоклеточных раков гортани (р=0,004).Стаття присвячена ретроспективному дослідженню 70 випадків плоскоклітинного раку гортані III - IV стадій (T3-4N0-3M0) імуногістохімічним методом з використанням моноклональних антитіл до цикліну D1, CD34 та VEGF з метою визначення їх прогностичного значення. Було сформовано дві групи – без метастазів в лімфатичні вузли шиї (n=31) та з реґіонарними метастазами (n=39). Знайдено статистично вірогідний зв'язок між підвищенням експресії цикліну D1 (р<0,0001), VEGF (р=0,018), збільшенням щільності мікросудин (р=0,032) та наявністю метастазів в лімфатичні вузли шиї, а для цикліну D1, ще і зі зниженням ступеня диференціації плоскоклітинних раків гортані (р=0,004)

    Predictive immunohistochemical indicators of regional metastasis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma.

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    Background. The comprehension of molecular events that underlie malignant transformation of squamous cell epithelium could not only extend the knowledge about the etiology of this process, but also is basic for predictive markers and target therapy. Objective. The article analyzes the predictive immunohistochemical indicators of regional metastasis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Methods. In the study we used the original biopsy material from 70 patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma T3-4N0-3M0 (69 men and 1 woman) aged from 33 to 74 during the period 2011-2014. The primary monoclonal antibodies for cyclin D1, CD34 and VEGF (TermoScientific, USA) were used. Results. There were significant correlation between increased expression of markers cyclin D1 (р<0,0001), VEGF (р=0,018), extension of microvessel density (р=0,032) and presence of regional metastasis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Conclusion. The significant increase of microvessel density and expression of VEGF and cyclin D1markers in the laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas proves their predictive importance

    The new winter triticale variety ‘Uralan’ for the arid zone of the Republic of Kalmykia

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    The scheme of the winter triticale breeding at the National Center of grain named after P. P. Lukiyanenko provides for extensive ecological variety trials in various soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation that makes it possible to reliably estimate the adaptability of promising breeding material and more reasonably and accurately select varieties for the State Variety Testing (Kovtunenko et al., 2017). The breeding material developed in the department of wheat and triticale breeding and seed production at the NCG named after P. P. Lukiyanenko (Krasnodar) was tested on the experimental plot of the KNIISKh, a branch of the FGBNU “PAFNTs RAS” in the SPOK “Agroniva” of the Tselinny district of the Republic of Kalmykia. The purpose of the current study was to identify the most highly productive breeding lines adaptable to local conditions and, on their basis, to develop new varieties. In the course of joint work begun in 1996, KNIISKh, a branch of the FGBNU “PAFNTs RaS” and the NCG named after P P Lukiyanenko (Krasnodar) developed highly productive joint varieties of winter triticale ‘Khongor', ‘Barun', ‘Bogdo' and ‘Khot'. In 2018 a new variety of winter triticale ‘Uralan', which meets the best world achievements in breeding, has been sent to the State Variety Testing. In 2019 at the Elista GSU, the productivity of the variety ‘Uralan' was 5.37 t/ha, exceeding the standard variety ‘Valentin 90' on 1.4 t/ha. In 2016, the productivity of the new winter triticale variety ‘Uralan' was 6.43 t/ha, which was the absolute maximum identified in the long-term ecological variety trials of this grain crop on the experimental plots of the KNIISKh, a branch of the FGBNU “PAFNTs RAS” in arid conditions of the Republic of Kalmykia. The current paper has presented the productivity data and investigated the feed advantages of the new winter triticale variety ‘Uralan' in 2017-2019


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    The article deals with the principles, methods and study results of the development of winter wheat varieties, tolerant to the widely spread and harmful diseases. The article gives the characteristics of phytosanitary risks dangerous for the gross yields of wheat. The main trends of the breeding-immunological researches in the institute, materials and methods which are used in wheat breeding for their immunity have been presented here. The results of the complex immunological assessment of winter wheat varieties tolerant to leaf rust are discussed in the article. The molecular screening showed that the winter wheat varieties, developed in the institute, possessed different types of tolerance genetically determined by the nature. It was established that the commercial varieties possessed poorly effective genes of tolerance Lr1, Lr10, Lr26, Lr34 and their various combinations or ‘pyramids’. The article presents the classification of the varieties according to the degree of their infection with leaf rust that is of great importance for the breeding and the conducting of genetic monitoring of disease resistance, to optimize phytosanitary state in the wheat agro phytocenosis. It has been determined that the most efficient method to create the varieties tolerant to head fusarium is a complex hybridization, intended on the pyramiding of the genes with specific and unspecific resistance. The important thing of the breeding work is to carry out multiple selections in the hybrid populations, starting with F2 under artificial infection. Using such methods the new variety ‘Urup’ has been obtained and approved for use in the production