78 research outputs found

    Recruitment and Selection Strategies in Optometric Education Towards Addressing Human Resource Disparities in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The dire need for eye care services and a dearth of human resources (HR) in sub-Saharan Africa motivated the setting up of new optometry programmes. However, to make a meaningful impact, geographical, gender, economic and educational disparities must additionally be addressed. A qualitative study utilizing purposive sampling to select academic leadership and students from optometry programmes in sub-Saharan Africa was conducted. Individual and focus group interviews produced data that were coded and analysed using a deductive thematic analysis approach. The themes that emerged as contributing to disparities in access through recruitment and selection were institutional barriers (student intake numbers, programme marketing, minimum entry requirements, absence of pre-medical programme) and socio-economic barriers (finance, poor secondary school education, lack of knowledge of optometry, geographic location of institutions, gender). To address equity, institutions should engage with communities, market via community radio stations, offer pre-medical and bridging programmes, partner with governments and private funders to offer loans and bursaries and affirm females and rural applicants in recruitment and selection. In conclusion, universities must be socially accountable in all facets of education including recruitment and selection

    Optical products for refractive error and low vision

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    This article will focus on the optical products required for the efficient delivery of refractive error and low vision services, and provide insight into how they can be managed effectively to ensure a quality service. You can consult the IAPB Standard List (see page 30) for suggestions regarding the optical products you may require at your facility as well as recommended suppliers

    Rapid Assessment of Refractive Error, Presbyopia, and Visual Impairment and Associated Quality of Life in Nampula, Mozambique

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    Introduction: Uncorrected refractive error is the leading cause of visual impairment worldwide and leads to an impaired quality of life. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of uncorrected refractive error and presbyopia, to assess spectacle coverage, and to evaluate visual health-related quality of life among persons aged 15–50 years old in Nampula, Mozambique. Methods: Participants were assessed using a validated rapid assessment of refractive error protocol, comprised of a demographic questionnaire, a standardized ophthalmic assessment to determine refractive status and spectacle coverage, and a modified vision-related quality of life questionnaire to assess the impact of uncorrected refractive error on participants’ visual health status. Results: Among the 3,453 respondents, visual impairment prevalence was 3.5% (95%, CI 2.7%–4.2%), with 65.8% of those visually impaired being 35 years of age and older. Uncorrected refractive error prevalence was 2.6% (95%, CI 2.1–3.2%), and was the primary cause of visual impairment among 64.5% of cases. The spectacle coverage for uncorrected refractive error was 0%. Presbyopia prevalence was higher, at 25.8% (95%, CI 12.0–30.5%), with only 2.2% spectacle coverage. Respondents with visual impairment demonstrated statistically significantly lower quality of life scores compared to those without visual problems (p \u3c 0.01). Implications for practitioners: The uncorrected refractive error problem and a distinct lack of spectacle coverage for refractive error and presbyopia indicate an urgent need for the development and delivery of a comprehensive refractive error service in the Nampula region of Mozambiqu

    Relationship between biometry, fovea, and choroidal thickness in Nigerian children with myopia

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    Background: Understanding the relationship between biometric and structural changes in childhood myopia is necessary to effectively manage myopia progression. Aim: To determine the relationship between ocular biometry, fovea and sub-fovea choroidal thickness in school-aged children with myopia of Nigerian descent. Setting: Abuja, Nigeria. Methods: This study involved 189 children (117 girls and 72 boys), and myopia was defined as cycloplegic spherical equivalent refraction (SER) of ≤ −0.50 D. Keratometry values, biometry data, fovea and sub-foveal choroidal thickness (SFChT) values were obtained from medical records retrospectively and analysed. Results: The median age was 13 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 5). The median SER, fovea and SFChTs were −2.63 D (IQR: 3.38), 249 μm (IQR: 118) and 225 μm (IQR: 341), respectively. Male children had flatter corneas, thicker fovea and thinner SFChT compared to female children. The vitreous chamber and axial length were longer and sub-fovea choroid was thinner in children with high myopia. There was a weak but significant positive correlation between myopia and sub-fovea choroidal thickness (r = 0.270 respectively, P  0.01). A moderate negative correlation was found between myopia and vitreous chamber depth (r = −0.536, P  0.001), and a strong negative correlation was found between myopia and axial length (r = −0.706, P  0.001). Conclusion: Myopia in school-aged Nigerian children is associated with sub-fovea choroidal thinning, increased vitreous chamber depth and axial elongation. Contribution: This study provides data on the relationship between ocular biometry, fovea and sub-foveal choroidal thickness in school-aged Nigerian children with myopia

    Global prevalence of visual impairment associated with myopic macular degeneration and temporal trends from 2000 through 2050:systematic review, meta-analysis and modelling

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    PURPOSE: We used systematic review and meta-analysis to identify and assimilate evidence quantifying blindness and visual impairment (VI) associated with myopic macular degeneration (MMD), then derived models to predict global patterns. The models were used to estimate the global prevalence of blindness and VI associated with MMD from 2000 to 2050.METHODS: The systematic review identified 17 papers with prevalence data for MMD VI fitting our inclusion criteria. Data from six papers with age-specific data were scaled to relative age-dependent risk and meta-analysed at VI and blindness levels. We analysed variance in all MMD VI and blindness data as a proportion of high myopia against variables from the place and year of data collection, with a model based on health expenditure providing the best correlation. We used this model to estimate the prevalence and number of people with MMD VI in each country in each decade.RESULTS: We included data from 17 studies comprising 137 514 participants. We estimated 10.0 million people had VI from MMD in 2015 (prevalence 0.13%, 95% CI 5.5 to 23.7 million, 0.07% to 0.34%), 3.3 million of whom were blind (0.04%, 1.8 to 7.8 million, 0.03% to 0.10%). We estimate that by 2050, without changing current interventions, VI from MMD will grow to 55.7 million people (0.57%, 29.0 to 119.7 million, 0.33% to 1.11%), 18.5 million of whom will be blind (0.19%, 9.6 to 39.7 million, 0.11% to 0.37%).CONCLUSION: The burden of MMD blindness and VI will rise significantly without efforts to reduce the development and progression of myopia and improve the management of MMD.</p

    Potential Lost Productivity Resulting from the Global Burden of Myopia:Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Modeling

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    PURPOSE: We estimated the potential global economic productivity loss resulting from vision impairment (VI) and blindness as a result of uncorrected myopia and myopic macular degeneration (MMD) in 2015.CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Understanding the economic burden of VI associated with myopia is critical to addressing myopia as an increasingly prevalent public health problem.METHODS: We estimated the number of people with myopia and MMD corresponding to critical visual acuity thresholds. Spectacle correction coverage was analyzed against country-level variables from the year of data collection; variation in spectacle correction was described best by a model based on a human development index, with adjustments for urbanization and age. Spectacle correction and myopia data were combined to estimate the number of people with each level of VI resulting from uncorrected myopia. We then applied disability weights, labor force participation rates, employment rates, and gross domestic product per capita to estimate the potential productivity lost among individuals with each level and type of VI resulting from myopia in 2015 in United States dollars (US).Anestimateofcareassociatedproductivitylossalsowasincluded.RESULTS:Peoplewithmyopiaarelesslikelytohaveadequateopticalcorrectioniftheyareolderandliveinaruralareaofalessdevelopedcountry.TheglobalpotentialproductivitylossassociatedwiththeburdenofVIin2015wasestimatedatUS). An estimate of care-associated productivity loss also was included.RESULTS: People with myopia are less likely to have adequate optical correction if they are older and live in a rural area of a less developed country. The global potential productivity loss associated with the burden of VI in 2015 was estimated at US244 billion (95% confidence interval [CI], US49billionUS49 billion-US697 billion) from uncorrected myopia and US6billion(956 billion (95% CI, US2 billion-US$17 billion) from MMD. Our estimates suggest that the Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia Global Burden of Disease regions bear the greatest potential burden as a proportion of their economic activity, whereas East Asia bears the greatest potential burden in absolute terms.CONCLUSIONS: Even under conservative assumptions, the potential productivity loss associated with VI and blindness resulting from uncorrected myopia is substantially greater than the cost of correcting myopia.</p

    Building consensus for the development of child eye care services in South Darfur State of Sudan using the Delphi technique

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    Background: Global estimates suggest there are almost 19 million visually impaired children worldwide, most of whom reside in poor countries, with the major cause being treatable. Aim: To determine the barriers to accessing childhood eye care services and to develop an eye care plan for children in South Darfur State, Sudan. Setting: The study took place in South Darfur State, Sudan. Methods: The classical Delphi technique was used to build consensus on a list of statements, which were generated based on the themes established by the experts, as well as on an extensive literature review. Results: Response rates ranged from 90% in the first round (n = 18), 100% in the second round (n = 18) to 89% in the third and final round (n = 16). The total number of statements recommended by the Delphi panellists for development of the paediatric eye care plan, was 60 based on a consensus level of 80% agreement or more. The expert’s consensus on the following key elements for promotion and improvement of child eye care: The main barriers to accessing child eye care were high poverty rate, unavailability of child eye services and a lack of community awareness. The challenges facing visually impaired children were an absence of paediatric ophthalmologists, low vision and orthoptic services. Conclusion: The main barriers to accessing child eye care services were financial, clinical access and lack of knowledge. There should be greater collaboration between the Ministries of Health, Education and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), to work together in addressing these barriers


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    There was conducted simulation of process of final fixed plug drawing relating to tube from brass L96 with dimensions 8,0×0,2 mm. There were calculated residual stresses distribution on pipes walls with the aid of procedure that used method of «dissection of solids», taking into account condition of «conformity». Insignificance discrepancies of calculations and results of stimulation testified that offered procedure is adequately described process of residual stresses occurrence in tubes walls, and could be applied for the assessment of its level.Проведено моделирование процесса финишного короткооправочного волочения труб из латуни Л96 размером 8,0×0,2 мм. Рассчитаны распределения осевых остаточных напряжений по стенкам труб с помощью методики, использующей метод «расчленения тел» с учетом условия «совместности». Незначительные расхождения расчетов и результатов моделирования свидетельствуют о том, что предлагаемая методика адекватно описывает процесс возникновения в стенках труб остаточных напряжений и может применяться для оценки их уровня


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    One of the problems encountered in the production of copper pressed profiles and tires on the continuous pressing line by the “CONFORM” method is the presence of defects of the “internal lamination” type. These defects may occur due to contact with the press product oxidized surface of the workpiece. The design of the press unit provided for the removal of the flash from the bottom of the workpiece, which is adjacent to the wheel, while the upper part enters the press product. In this work, the modeling of continuous pressing of the copper busbars on the line “CONFORM” with the stripping of the upper part of the workpiece.Одной из проблем, возникающих при производстве медных прессованных профилей и шин на линии непрерывного прессования методом CONFORM, является присутствие дефектов типа «внутреннее расслоение». Эти дефекты могут возникать вследствие попадания в пресс-изделие окисленной поверхности заготовки. Конструкцией прессового агрегата было предусмотрено снятие облоя с нижней части заготовки, которая прилегает к колесу, в то время как верхняя часть попадает в пресс-изделие. В работе было проведено моделирование непрерывного прессования медной шины на линии CONFORM со снятием верхней части заготовки


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    Проведено моделирование процесса горячей объемной штамповки детали из дисперсионно-твердеющего сплава 36НХТЮ (ЭИ-702). Получено распределение деформации по сечению детали. Проведено исследование влияния микроструктуры на свойства железоникелевых сплавов.A simulation of hot die forging billets from precipitation-hardening alloy 36NHTU (EI-702) was made. The distribution of the deformation over the cross section parts was found. The influence of the microstructure on the properties of iron-nickel alloys was investigated