28 research outputs found

    Декоративна дендрологія

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    Декоративна дендрологія дає можливість спеціалістам, які проектують садово-паркові об’єкти та інженерно-технічним працівникам, які здійснюють їх будівництво, докладно вивчити найбільш цікаві для містобудівництва декоративні властивості видів деревних рослин, ознайомитись у достатній мірі з їх біологічними та екологічними особливостями для найбільш раціонального використання в зеленому будівництві різних регіонів України. Викладена робоча програма курсу та методичні рекомендації до проведення лабораторних занять. Рекомендовано студентам 2 курсу біологічного факультету напряму підготовки 6.090103 „Лісове і садово-паркове господарство


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    Dependence of grain size of alloyed high-strength steels of austenitic, bainitic, maraging classes on temperature and degree of deformation at non-stationary intensive plastic deformation by explosion has been studied. A model which enables to calculate dispergating limit value considering dependence of coefficient of grain-boundary diffusion on degree of deformation and temperature is constructed. The results of calculations by the offered formula and their comparing to experimental data show satisfactory coincidence. A rejection is 3–5%. It is set that the intensive growing shallow under the action of high-speed flowage the explosion of alloyed high-strength steels takes place at the degrees of deformation 20–30%. Increase of degree of deformation to 30–40% does not cause the change of size of grain. At deformations more than 40–50% the accumulated flowage causes additional local warming-up of material and development of recrystallizational processes, sizes of grain increase as a result. At deformations higher 50–60% appearances of cracks in materials is possible.Изучена зависимость размера зерна легированных высокопрочных сталей аустенитного, бейнитного, мартенситностареющего классов от температуры и степени деформации при нестационарной интенсивной пластической деформации взрывом. Построена модель, позволяющая рассчитать величину предела диспергирования и учитывающаязависимость коэффициента зернограничной диффузии от степени деформации и температуры. Результаты расчетов по предложенной формуле и их сравнение с экспериментальными данными показывают удовлетворительное совпадение. Отклонение составляет 3-5%. Установлено, что интенсивное измельчение под действием высокоскоростной пластической деформации взрывом высокопрочных сталей происходит при степенях деформации 20-30%. Увеличение степени деформации до 30-40% не приводит к изменению размера зерна. При деформациях более 40-50% накопленная пластическая деформация, вызывающая дополнительный локальный разогрев материала, обусловливает развитие рекристаллизационных процессов, в результате чего размеры зерна увеличиваются. При деформациях выше 50-60% в материалах возможно появление трещин

    Modification of Nonlinear Optical Properties in CdSe/PBMA Film by High Intensity Light

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    Excitation-relaxation dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals passivated with tri-n-octylphosphine oxide and embedded in the poly(butylmethacrylate) polymer was investigated before and after their irradiation by high intensity laser pulses. The irradiation causes a significant bleaching of the sample absorption as well as the shift of the lowest energy absorption band to the short wavelength side. The film irradiation reduces the nonlinear transient absorption bleaching on the long wavelength side of the low energy absorption band, however, it has only minor influence on the transient absorption relaxation


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    It is shown that optimal schema of the steel 40X processing is slaughter and letting down. Processing by blast leads to complex improvement of mechanical characteristics

    Management by the process of forming of personality qualities of students

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    <p>The new approach is considered to the process of forming of personality qualities of students from positions of the guided system. A management object is presented in an aggregate with a managing subsystem as an open system. The bifurcation phenomena are watched in an educational process. In an experiment took part 326 students in age 17-20 years. The system of pedagogical technologies, able to provide forming of personality qualities of graduating student of higher educational establishment is certain. It is certain that this system allow in the compressed terms to adapt oneself to the corporate culture of firm-employer. Introduction is recommended in practice of preparation of students of complex special fitness of the programs. Underline, that these programs are directed on complex achievement of indexes of physical development and spiritual level. It is marked that the use of synergetics approach in modern practical activity of higher school is instrumental in enriching of educational educate process the methods of pedagogical co-operation.</p


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    The technology for obtaining of porous powder materials with frame structure on the basis of spherical particles of titanium powder, using application of technological coatings of Тi (Si+Мо), (Si+С) or (W+С) was developed. Formation of the powder with the coating was conducted in molding die under the pressure below the flow limit (under 200 MPa). Reaction sintering in a vacuum furnace was carried out at the temperature of 900 оС with the exposure within 1 hour, which allowed receiving penetration factor over 39·10–13 m2 with the formation of powder porous materials with isotropic structure and increased properties