76 research outputs found

    Event-Related Theta Power during Lexical-Semantic Retrieval and Decision Conflict is Modulated by Alcohol Intoxication: Anatomically Constrained MEG

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    Language processing is commonly characterized by an event-related increase in theta power (4–7 Hz) in scalp EEG. Oscillatory brain dynamics underlying alcohol’s effects on language are poorly understood despite impairments on verbal tasks. To investigate how moderate alcohol intoxication modulates event-related theta activity during visual word processing, healthy social drinkers (N = 22, 11 females) participated in both alcohol (0.6 g/kg ethanol for men, 0.55 g/kg for women) and placebo conditions in a counterbalanced design. They performed a double-duty lexical decision task as they detected real words among non-words. An additional requirement to respond to all real words that also referred to animals induced response conflict. High density whole-head MEG signals and midline scalp EEG data were decomposed for each trial with Morlet wavelets. Each person’s reconstructed cortical surface was used to constrain noise-normalized distributed minimum norm inverse solutions for theta frequencies. Alcohol intoxication increased reaction time and marginally affected accuracy. The overall spatio-temporal pattern is consistent with the left-lateralized fronto-temporal activation observed in language studies applying time-domain analysis. Event-related theta power was sensitive to the two functions manipulated by the task. First, theta estimated to the left-lateralized fronto-temporal areas reflected lexical-semantic retrieval, indicating that this measure is well suited for investigating the neural basis of language functions. While alcohol attenuated theta power overall, it was particularly deleterious to semantic retrieval since it reduced theta to real words but not pseudowords. Second, a highly overlapping prefrontal network comprising lateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex was sensitive to decision conflict and was also affected by intoxication, in agreement with previous studies indicating that executive functions are especially vulnerable to alcohol intoxication

    Laser shock peening of N-155 superalloy after longtime service

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    Uzorci superlegure željeza N-155 isječeni su iz lopatice turbine nakon dugotrajnog rada na povišenim temperaturama i tlakovima. Uzorci su izloženi impulsima lasera različitih parametara, promatrani skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) i analizirani energodisperzivnom spektrometrijom (EDS). U ovisnosti o parametrima lasera, interakcija laserskog snopa i materijala je u nekim slučajevima promatrana kao mehanička, a u drugim kao termomehanička obrada. Mikrotvrdoće su mjerene po Vikersu. U ovom radu, analizirane su mikrostrukture nastale nakon različitih frekvencija impulsa i zatim uspoređene.Iron base superalloy N-155 samples have been cut from the turbine blade which had been exposed to elevated pressure and temperature during its long-time service. The samples have been irradiated with pulsed laser beam, observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analysed by energo-dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The range of implemented beam parameters for which two types of treatments – mechanical and thermo-mechanical – occurred, has been determined. Vickers micro hardness tests have shown the increase in micro hardness after laser treatment

    Exploring critical factors affecting sign language knowledge and motivation for sign language learning in nurses: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: In times when the term inclusion, rights of patients, and the patient as a subject in health care are used more often, the limited availability of written material or sign language interpreters at health services is still a key barrier to health services for people who are hearing-impaired. The aim of this study is to examine nurses’ knowledge of communication skills with hearing-impaired patients, their preferred methods, and the possibility of using translation services. Methods: The study was cross-sectional, and data were collected in September–October 2019. The study included 407 nursing students. A demographic data form and questions divided into three parts, namely, communication skills (six questions), communication methods (three questions), and interpretation services (five questions), were used to collect data. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results: The questionnaire was administered among 424 students, and total of 407 students completed the questionnaire. Most of the respondents were female (320 [78.6%]) with 0–5 years of work experience (227 [55.8%]) in the tertiary level of healthcare (184 [45.3%]). The results showed that 326 (80.1%) of the respondents encountered a person with some form of hearing impairment during their work. Sign language was used by 56 (13.8%) of the respondents, but 74 (18.14%) nurses did not communicate when meeting with hearing-impaired patients. Two-thirds of the respondents never had the opportunity to learn sign language, and 43 (10.54%) respondents would choose an official interpreter as support. Male respondents were aware of the importance of communication with hearing-impaired patients and the use of an application for pain assessment (p < 0.05). No statistically significant difference was observed regarding the department in which the respondents work (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The results of the study showed insufficient knowledge and skills of nurses to communicate with hearing-impaired people

    Technostress and academic motivation: direct and indirect effects on university students' psychological health

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    Introduction: Research has well demonstrated that the pandemic entailed several implications among university students worldwide in terms of increased use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), technostress, disruptions in academic goals and motivation processes, and growing psychological suffering. Responding to the new research need to go in-depth into the processes linking technostress and motivation dimensions to inform current research/interventions, the present study aimed to explore the direct effects of perceived Technostress dimensions (Techno-Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Pace of Change, Techno-Ease, Techno-Reliability, and Techno-Sociality) and Academic Motivation dimensions (Amotivation, Intrinsic, and Extrinsic Motivation dimensions) on students' perceived levels of Anxiety/Depression and test the potential indirect effect (mediating role) of Academic Motivation dimensions in the associations between Technostress and psychological health conditions. Methods: Overall, 1,541 students from five European countries (Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Serbia, United Kingdom) completed a survey comprising a Background Information Form, the Technostress Scale, the Academic Motivation Scale-College, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Hayes' PROCESS tool was used to test direct and indirect (mediating) effects. Results: Data revealed that Techno-Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Amotivation, and Extrinsic Motivation-Introjected had a direct negative effect, whereas Techno-Ease, Techno-Reliability, Techno-Sociality, all Intrinsic Motivation dimensions, and Extrinsic Motivation-Identified had a direct protective role for students' psychological health. The significant indirect role of motivation dimensions in the associations between Technostress dimensions and Anxiety/Depression was fully supported. Discussion: Findings allow gaining further insight into the pathways of relationships between technostress, motivation, and psychological health, to be used in the current phase, featured by the complete restoration of face-to-face contacts, to inform the development of tailored research and interventions, which address lights and shadows of the technology use, and which take into account the necessity to enhance its potentials yet without impairing students' motivation and psychological health

    A Study On The Model Of Profit And Risk In Xiamen’s Commercial Banks

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    随着相对滞后的金融体制改革提上议事日程,金融业中的银行业的风险和效益的矛盾对立统一日益成为讨论的焦点、热点。加入WTO对金融业意味着拥有先进管理技术和经验的外资银行抢滩国内银行业务,其对国内中资银行的竞争和生存环境的影响是巨大且不可预测的。作者认为国内中资银行是缺乏效率的,为避免银行命脉被外资控制,国内中资银行不能讳疾忌医,而要以有容乃大、自省的态度积极寻求市场经济下的解决之道,最可取的莫过于解剖一只麻雀。 按照这一思路,本文选取了厦门8家经营较稳定的商业银行进行收益风险模式比较,为国内其他中资商业银行的经营管理提供实证参考。 第一章导言。对银行经营活动的一般特点进行描述。提出银行作为经济...Owing to the combination between banking and economics , influencing factor is increasingly complicated. Banker needs to design one macroanalysis model to logically judge different kinds of income chance and danger all banks faced with,through which banker may supply effective diagnose for banking operating management. The theses takes banking 'data in Xiamen as an example .It exists that huge c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19981505

    FAIR4Health: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data to foster Health Research

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    Due to the nature of health data, its sharing and reuse for research are limited by ethical, legal and technical barriers. The FAIR4Health project facilitated and promoted the application of FAIR principles in health research data, derived from the publicly funded health research initiatives to make them Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). To confirm the feasibility of the FAIR4Health solution, we performed two pathfinder case studies to carry out federated machine learning algorithms on FAIRified datasets from five health research organizations. The case studies demonstrated the potential impact of the developed FAIR4Health solution on health outcomes and social care research. Finally, we promoted the FAIRified data to share and reuse in the European Union Health Research community, defining an effective EU-wide strategy for the use of FAIR principles in health research and preparing the ground for a roadmap for health research institutions. This scientific report presents a general overview of the FAIR4Health solution: from the FAIRification workflow design to translate raw data/metadata to FAIR data/metadata in the health research domain to the FAIR4Health demonstrators' performance.This research was financially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 824666 (project FAIR4Health). Also, this research has been co-supported by the Carlos III National Institute of Health, through the IMPaCT Data project (code IMP/00019), and through the Platform for Dynamization and Innovation of the Spanish National Health System industrial capacities and their effective transfer to the productive sector (code PT20/00088), both co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) ‘A way of making Europe’.Peer reviewe

    Dominance of Nosema ceranae in honey bees in the Balkan countries in the absence of symptoms of colony collapse disorder

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    International audienceNosema species were determined in honey bees from Balkan countries. A total of 273 Nosema-positive samples were analysed. Duplex PCR and PCR-RFLP with newly designed primers, nos-16S-fw/rv, were used to differentiate between N. apis and N. ceranae. N. apis was detected in only one sample (collected in 2008 in Serbia) and N. ceranae in all the others (N = 272) including 35 older samples from Serbia collected between 2000 and 2005. No co-infection was detected. The results suggest (1) the dominance of N. ceranae infection in all Balkan countries monitored throughout the last three years; (2) the presence of N. ceranae in Serbia at least since 2000, which means that N. ceranae has not recently displaced N. apis; (3) the higher efficacy of PCR-RFLP with newly designed primers, nos-16S-fw/rv, in comparison with duplex PCR (100%:82%, respectively). The prevalence of N. ceranae in Balkan countries was not associated with an increase in nosemosis or colony losses resembling Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)