29 research outputs found

    The Mechanism of Peptide Hydrolysis Catalysed by Dipeptidyl Peptidase III from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron

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    Dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) is a zinc- dependent peptidase that cleaves dipeptides off of N-termini of its substrates. Previous studies on human DPP III reveal a reaction mechanism similar to that of thermolysin. Since the active site is conserved within the DPP III family, it is not surprising that the mechanism determined for Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron DPP III (BtDPP III) closely resembles that of hDPP III. However, the hydrogen bond network within the model differs slightly from that in the human ortholog, which results in two proposed pathways. The calculated Gibbs activation energy of 90.1 kJ molā€“1 is larger than the one calculated from kinetic data for the preferred substrate Arg2-2-naphthylamide at room temperature (69 kJ molā€“1), suggesting the importance of treating the whole DPP III enzyme in the calculations

    Towards the Strongest Neutral Organic Superbases Based on Intramolecular H-bonds

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    Utilizing several different trialkylarsine oxides and substituted pyridine N-oxides as a hydrogen bond acceptors in tri-substituted guanidines we designed several very basic superbases possessing intramo-lecular hydrogen bonds (IHB-superbases), with proton affinity in the gas phase that comes very close to that of paradigmatic P4-tBu Schwesinger superbase and with pKa in acetonitrile up to 36 units

    Utjecaj vinskih sorta na aromu destilata

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    Aroma is a phenomenon that occurrs when food and live organism mutually react during the process of consumption. Many factors influence the making of aroma of wine distillates (e.g. cognac) during the technological process of distillation. It is extremely difficult to bring an objective judgement on the influence of individual factors since aroma is very subjective in its nature. The possibility of objective assessment of the influence of grape varieties on wine distillate was performed in this work using a computer in processing the results of cromatographic analyses of aroma substances. The given results were verified by sensor analyses. The achieved results have shown that mathematical model for calculating aroma chromatogram similarity can be successfully used for objective assessment of the influence of individual factors on aroma of wine distillates and that grape varieties have significant impact on aroma and the quality of wine distillates.Aroma je fenomen koji se pojavljuje tijekom konzumiranja hrane u organizmu. Pri stvaranju ukupne kakvoće (tip cognac) vinskih destilata upravo taj fenomen ima dominirajuću, a vrlo često i odlučujuću ulogu. Na aromu vinskih destilata utječe mnogo činitelja tijekom njezina stvaranja u tehnoloÅ”kom procesu proizvodnje. Međutim, objektivnu je prosudbu o utjecaju pojedinog činitelja iznimno teÅ”ko donijeti jer aroma ima i subjektivni karakter. U ovom je radu ispitana mogućnost objektivne procjene utjecaja sorte na aromu vinskih destilata primjenom računala u obradbi kromatografskih rezultata analize tvari arome, a navedeni su rezultati provjereni senzorskim analizama. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da se matematički model za kompjutorsko izračunavanje sličnosti kromatograma arome može uspjeÅ”no koristiti pri objektivnoj procjeni utjecaja pojedinih činitelja na aromu vinskih destilata, te da sorta grožđa bitno utječe na aromu i kakvoću vinskih destilata


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    The article presents the exploitation of mineral raw materials for the cement industry of Split from the beginning of this century till today. Geological and geomcchanical characteristic of the open pits Ā»PartizanĀ« and "PrvoboracĀ«, located within the same deposit and the technological exploitation process with basic parameters of suecessibility in both pits arc detaily discussed. The works of open pits\u27 reclamation which has to be carried out simultanouslly with the exploitation itself arc also considered, as well as the perspectives of further exploitation development, in accord with modern tendencies to the mining technology developmentU članku je iznesen prikaz eksploatacije mineralnih sirovina za cementnu industriju Splita, od početka ovog stoljeća do danas, Dataljnije su obrađene geoloÅ”ke i geomehaničke karakteristike kopova Ā»PartizanĀ« i Ā»PrvoboracĀ« koji se nalaze unutar istog ležiÅ”ta, te tehnoloÅ”ki proces eksploatacije s osnovnim pokazateljima uspjeÅ”nosti na oba kopa. Također, prikazani su radovi na sanaciji kopova, koju je potrebno provoditi paralelno sa samom eksploatacijom. Konačno, prikazane su perspektive daljnjeg razvoja eksploatacije u skladu sa suvremenim tendencijama razvoja rudarske tehnologij

    Krađe motornih vozila kao savremeni vid organizovanog kriminala u domaćoj kriminalističkoj praksi

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    The first part of the paper outlines the normative and legal framework within which criminal law provides protection of motor vehicles and lists the problems encountered by the judiciary in the practical implementation of legal provisions. The central part of the paper focuses on the modus operandi of organized criminal groups engaged in the perpetration of such criminal acts, particularly in the organization and deployment of various electronic tools used to overcome electronic protection of modern vehicle makes. Finally, the authors emphasize the fact that investigative activities aimed at tracking down organized criminal groups and identifying the roles of their members call for an approach that differs from that used for detecting other criminal acts and point out to the main guidelines for police activities aimed at dealing with such cases.U prvom delu rada autori ukazuju na normativno-pravni okvir kojim se obezbeđuje krivično-pravna zaÅ”tita motornih vozila i na probleme koji se pojavljuju u njegovoj praktičnoj primeni od strane policije i pravosuđa. Centralni deo rada tretira modus operandi organizovanih kriminalnih grupa vezan za ovu vrstu krivičnih dela, a u prvom redu organizaciju kriminalne aktivnosti i primenu različitih elektronskih alata u cilju savlađivanja elektronske zaÅ”tite prisutne na novijim tipovima vozila. Na kraju, autori ukazuju na činjenicu da kriminalistička delatnost razotkrivanja organizovanih kriminalnih grupa oformljenih za vrÅ”enje krivičnih dela krađa vozila, njihove strukture i uloge pojedinih članova, zahteva drugačiji pristup u odnosu na druga krivična dela, te ukazuju na osnovne pravce policijske delatnosti koja se preduzima u tom cilju

    Održiva poljoprivreda - značaj adaptacije agrotehničkih mera u proizvodnji ozime pŔenice

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    The objectives of this study were to examine influence conventional vs low-input technology on some important soil physical properties, weed control and grain yield of winter wheat. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this result is that the significantly bulk density has been reached in NT system. The implication of the results first figure can be seen in two next soil physical properties total porosity and air-filled porosity were significantly lower compared to CT and MT system, as a consequence of higher bulk density. The significantly higher the total number of weeds have been recorded, under NT what is expected tendency and it was especially to perennial weeds. Conventional tillage had better effect in weed control than both of conservation tillage systems had. Through this results we can see that low input cultivars yielded better than high input cultivars. The low-input cultivars out yielded than high-input cultivars. Alternative small grains (Tr. aestivum ssp compactum, Tr, durum and Tr. Spelta) gives lower grain yield compared with commercial cultivar NS-40S.Održiva poljoprivreda je kompleks pronalaženja novih puteva praćen brojnim rizicima. Tu su rizici koji mogu biti praćeni smanjenjem prinosa i brojnim nepoznanicama u zaÅ”titi bilja od bolesti i Å”tetočina, ali i nekim drugim. Prelazak sa konvencionalnih sistema gajenja na racionalne zahteva brojne promene u tehnologiji gajenja. Tehnologije nižih ulaganja u proizvodnji ozime pÅ”enice, uopÅ”teno gledajući, zahtevaju adaptaciju najvažnijih mera i sastoje se od: redukovanih sistema obrade zemljiÅ”ta, nižih normi đubrenja mineralnim đubrivima, upotrebe mikrobioloÅ”kih đubriva, veće diversifikacije useva u plodoredu, itd. Racionalne tehnologije gajenja u proizvodnji ozime pÅ”enice mogu značajno doprineti smanjenju zemljiÅ”ne erozije, značajnom smanjenju troÅ”kova, odnosno većoj ekonomskoj efikasnosti, i to bez većeg smanjenja prinosa. Redukcije u primeni agrotehničkih mera mogu biti izvor stresa (mehanički, suÅ”a). Zato ovu činjenicu moraju imati u vidu oplemenjivači bilja koji će stvarati sorte koje bi u novostvorenim uslovima reagovale većom efikasnoŔću. Nove tehnologije podrazumevaju veću fleksibilnost u primeni pojedinih agrotehničkih mera (obrade zemljiÅ”ta, đubrenja, zaÅ”tite od bolesti, Å”tetočina i korova, plodoreda) sa pažljivo odabranim sortama za te uslove. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na značaj kreiranja održivih tehnologija gajenja ozime pÅ”enice i njihov uticaj na fizičke osobine zemljiÅ”ta, kontrolu korova i prinos