60 research outputs found

    Bildung von Nitrit in nitratbelastetem Trinkwasser.

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    Photokatalytischer Abbau von organischen Verbindungen an Titandioxid.

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    Formation of oxygen species and their reactions with organic chemicals in aqueous solution.

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    Factors affecting the photoinduced formation of oxygen species and their reaction with organic chemicals in aqueous solutions were examined. It has been found that the presence of nitrate increases the production of oxidizing species by humic materials in water. ESR-spectroscopy studies on solution of humic substances of different origin also indicate the influence of UV-irradiation by the generation of stable radicals

    Absorptionsverhalten und Photoreaktivit�t adsorbierter organischer Molek�le

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    Beitrag zum Verhalten von Octachlorstyrol bei UV-Bestrahlung.

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    Octachlorostyrene was irradiated with wavelengths λ > 230 nm using n-hexane, acetone, methanol and methanol/water as solvents. Heptachlorostyrene and two isomers of hexachlorostyrene were identified as main products of the photochemical reaction. Minor amounts of pentachlorostyrene and tetrachlorostyrene were also found by GC/MS. Total degradation is effected by continued irradiation

    Photokatalytischer Abbau von Chlornitrobenzolen an TiO<sub>2</sub> in w&auml;&szlig;riger Phase.

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    1,2-Chloronitrobenzene, 1,4-chloronitrobenzene, 2,3-dichloronitrobenzene and 3,4-dichloronitrobenzene in aqueous solution were irradiated in the presence of TiO2 with wavelengths &lambda; &gt; 290 nm. Due to the attack of oxygen containing radicals a fast reaction of these stable compounds was observed. Chloronitrophenols and chlorodinitrobenzenes in minor amounts were determined as intermediate products. Continued irradiation leads to total degradation

    Absorptionsverhalten und Photoreaktivit&auml;t adsorbierter organischer Molek&uuml;le.

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    Risk characterization and proposal of exposure thresholds to indoor chemical agents: the Index European Project

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    The European INDEX project was finalised to identify priorities and to assess the needs for an European Community strategy and action plan in the area of indoor air pollution. A list of 5 chemicals, with potential of high indoor concentrations, uncontested health impacts, and effective risk management, were selected to be regulated with priority: Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Benzene and Naphtalene. For each compound, guideline values and management options were suggested

    Automatische Texterschliessung mit PASSAT Verfahrensbeschreibung

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    TIB Hannover: RA 2498(255) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman