7 research outputs found

    Immediately Mathematical Model of Maneuverability of the Items of the Administration

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    At the current stage of the reformation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of the operation of the United Nations (Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO)), there was a need to increase the effectiveness of the use of troops without increasing the cost of the resource. In the context of increasing capabilities of the armies of the leading countries in the world to investigate and defeat the forces of the opposite side, the problem of maintaining and restoring combat capability in the course of hostilities is very acute. One of the important components that determines combat capability is the maneuverability of the control points (PU). In the course of the defense, the problem of increasing the survivability of the PU system is important because the forces of the opposite side, with the onset of aggression, will try, first of all, to dismantle the PU using modern means of defeat and the massive use of high-precision weapons (WTZ), as well as aircraft and artillery strikes, electronic information and information fight, the use of sabotage and reconnaissance groups and tactical airborne troops to disrupt the control of defending troops. Important importance of the ability to timely carry out maneuver (organized movement) of PU and its elements into a new area in the preparation and in the course of military operations. The traditional approach to ensuring the survivability of PU does not allow to ensure the proper stability of their functioning. There is an objective necessity in the development of such a mathematical model of maneuverability, which in its characteristics would meet the dynamically increasing requirements of the control system of troops in the difficult conditions of projected operations. To ensure the quality management of military units, various measures to ensure the survivability of PU are considered. The article outlines approaches to the definition of indicators of estimation of maneuverability of PU and methods of their calculation. The research is carried out in modern conditions of combat operations, taking into account the movement of the line of the combat collision of the parties and the disclosure of the PU to the enemy's intelligence

    Justification of the Using of the Method of Air Reconnaissance of Area of Intensive Application of Mine Weapons

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of mine protection that concerns troops, it is a set of measures carried out by all types and branches of troops, and it is aimed at protecting personnel and military equipment from mine weapons. One of the ways to increase mine protection of troops is to enlarge the efficiency of informing the troops about the mine situation directly in the area of combat operations. Therefore, the timeliness of carrying out activities for the search, identification, fixation of explosive objects in the ground, as well as the timely collection and communication to relevant officials and departments of this information is the main goal of engineering intelligence in areas of intensive mine warfare. One of the ways to improve the effectiveness of engineering intelligence is to introduce the practice of identifying mine-explosive barriers and countering the enemy sabotage, reconnaissance forces and illegal armed groups that install them in order to establish new ways of conducting intelligence. The methods are based on the using of modern means of obtaining, processing and promptly bringing intelligence data about the mine situation. So a significant increasing of the intelligence capabilities of engineering units is possible through the using of unmanned aerial vehicles. When units are equipped with such devices, it becomes possible to move from an object-based method of conducting reconnaissance to a more efficient one — a zonal one, the essence of which lies in certain subunits of intelligence in areas of responsibility. This will allow the intelligence units to introduce continuous monitoring of the terrain with its full coverage, carrying out maneuvers, if necessary, largely by means, not forces. It will lead to increase effectiveness of the using of engineering reconnaissance units, their full coverage of the operation band, a reduction in the time management cycle of exploration and the achievement of a high degree of efficiency in providing information to the commanders on the mine situation

    Methods for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Logistics Support for Groups of Heterogeneous Forces (Troops)

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    The occupation of Crimea and the Russian Federation's support for separatist movements in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions showed the fallacy of the until recently current assessments of the military-political situation that has developed around Ukraine, as well as internal and external threats to the national interests of the state. An analysis of the anti-terrorist operation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions (Operation of the Joint Forces) shows that the system of logistics, technical, medical and other types of support needed to be quickly adapted to the real situation, forms and methods of using units (subdivisions) at different stages of its implementation. In the context of European integration and new tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine related to the participation of Ukraine in anti-terrorist operations, in peacekeeping activities under the auspices of NATO and the UN, there is a need to reform the troops (forces), types of logistics, technical and medical support in accordance with the requirements of NATO standards. This article has developed a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of logistical support for a grouping of heterogeneous forces (troops) of the Naval Forces in a special period. In the course of the research conducted by the authors, the basic provisions of the theory of complex technical systems, the theory of artificial intelligence, the taxonomic method, as well as general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis were used. The above methodology makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the logistics support system for a grouping of heterogeneous forces (troops) of the Naval Forces in a special period, to determine measures aimed at improving logistics support. On the basis of this methodology, the authors will develop recommendations for improving the logistics support for the grouping of heterogeneous forces (troops) of the Naval Forces in the Azov operational zone in a special period

    Modern Methods for Forecasting the Technical Condition of Aviation Equipment

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    The article discusses methodological approaches to predicting changes in the technical state of aircraft structures based on the results of statistical processing of data received from repair and operating organizations. The results of forecasting changes in time of the parameters of the state of aviation equipment by the methods of linear and nonlinear forecasting during operation according to the technical state are presented. The possibility of the practical application of the proposed methods in determining the maintenance system and the required amount of additional work during the operation of aviation equipment is shown

    Accounting Policy of the Government Sector Entity at the Current Stage of Accounting Systems Development in Accordance with International Standards

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    The article defined notion of “accounting policy”, its contest, purpose and practical implementation.  Described main levels of accounting policy formation, their instruments that contribute and support the idea of harmonizing the accounting and financial reporting system in accordance with national and International regulations (standards). Proved the relevance and importance of research of accounting policy formation at the modern stage of development, in conditions where integrity of the accounting system and continuity of the accounting process are the basis for management strategic decisions making. Determined the peculiarities of formation of accounting policy for government sector entities at the modern stage of accounting system modernization. Considered the method of organization of creation the accounting policy of government sector entities through the system of stage-by-stage actions. Identified the content and elements of accounting policy, main target of which – ensuring the organization of comprehensive accounting process. Introduced number of risks which appear directly under the conditions of adaptation of public sector entities to the modern requirements of the accounting system, which has impact to the quality of accounting process and to the level of implementation of planned actions. Proved importance of accounting policy formation for government sector entities