328 research outputs found

    The concept of a system for monitoring the investment activity of natural monopolies

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    The construction of a monitoring system for investment activities of natural monopolies is considered. It is noted that the companies of this type play a key role in regional development and consequently their investment strategy should be linked with the strategies of the country’s spatial and economic development. It is shown that in spite of the developed theoretical base in the field of project management, in practice, there are often failures in the timing of project implementation, a violation of financial discipline, inefficient resource management, etc. A significant number of investment projects is failed - either they do not reach the established performance targets or are not finished. The approach to the formation of investment plans of subjects of natural monopolies covering four aspects is presented: the time (project’s calendar plan), the cost (project’s budget), the risk (risk-analysis of the project), and key performance indicators (expected interim and final indicators of the project). The features of the formation and calculation of a system of indicators in these areas are considered. An example of calculating the need for project financing taking into account the necessary reserves is given. The concept of building a monitoring system for the implementation of long-term investment projects of natural monopolies is proposed, aimed at identifying deviations from the original plan at the earliest stages of their occurrence. The monitoring methodology is based on control the compliance of the actual schedule of work performed with the approved calendar plan, actually incurred and planned costs, actual and planned risks, and actually achieved and expected performance indicators of the project. The proposed approach allows to sequentially and orderly control the process of project execution control, and to ensure timely and reliable accounting of investment indicators in federal and regional economic policies and strategies

    Investment development of Russian regions backed up by natural monopolies

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    The article considers the issues of the relationship between business investment activities and the economic and social development of the regions. Based on the statistical data analysis it is shown that the decrease in investment activities negatively affects all key indicators of regional development after a short period of time. The article shows that a peculiarity defining Russian economy is that its significant part is actually controlled by natural monopolies. At the same time, they are strongly sensitive to all the problems of socioeconomic development of the country's territories and, therefore, are parties concerned in ensuring sustainable and qualitative growth of regional economies. Today many of the natural monopolies implement large-scale investment programs with allocated substantial resources. The analysis of these investment programs showed that they all contain components that contribute to the development of the region where the manufacturing facilities or transportation capacities of these companies are located. It is concluded that a systemic state investment policy aimed at stimulating real investments, rather than "portfolio" ones, is required to address the problem of sustainable economic growth.peer-reviewe


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    The paper analyzes the reasons that provoked unfair competition on the part of the USA and Ukraine against Russian companies in the defense industry market along with the US policy of imposing sanctions on Russia using the situation in Ukraine as a pretext to drive Russia out of the military production market and force the US and Canadian rules of play in this market segment.Subject to discussion are issues of relocation or replacement of the Ukranian enterprises engaged in the production of equipment and spare parts (key parts and components for marine engines, technological equipment for tanks as well as components and assemblies for heavy nuclear missiles) for the Russian military-industrial complex, in particular for the space industry (manufacture of satellite systems and new generation launch vehicles for delivery to the International Space Station (ISS)) aimed at modernization of the military-industrial complex of Russia and revival of its industrial potential [1]. This area of the Russian economy development is viewed as extremely important in today’s increasingly competitive environment in the markets of high-tech manufacturers, and as a way out of the hydrocarbon extraction focused scenario. В статье анализируются причины формирования элементов несправедливой конкуренции США и Украины в отношении российских компаний на рынке оборонной промышленности; политика США по вводу санкций в отношении России в связи с ситуацией на Украине как способ «выдавливания» России с рынка военно-промышленного комплекса (ВПК). Исследованы основания навязывания условий функционирования в данном сегменте рынка американскими и  канадскими компаниями. Рассмотрены вопросы перемещения или замены производства оборудования и запасных частей предприятиями Украины (ключевых деталей и узлов для судовых двигателей, технологического оборудования для танков, а также компонентов и узлов для тяжелых ядерных ракет) для ВПК России, в частности в ракетно-космической отрасли [производство спутниковых систем и ракетоносителей нового поколения, осуществляющих доставку грузов на Международную космическую станцию (МКС)], направленные на модернизацию оборонно-промышленного комплекса России, возрождение ее промышленного потенциала [1]. Данное направление развития российской экономики рассматривается как крайне важное в современных условиях усиления конкуренции на рынках высокотехнологичных производителей и как выход из предложенного сценария специализации страны в области добычи углеводородных ресурсов.


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    The paper deals with the structural elements of the legislative and regulatory framework and the law-making activities of the Eurasian Economic Union in the dynamics of institutional formation and recording of the integration process in statutory documents with account for the WTO experience. The integration process includes multiple multilateral international agreements aiming to establish a supra-national legislation as a regulator of integration processes for the benefit of the EAEU members. A subject of interest is the establishment of the law-enforcement practice as an effective tool for ensuring the planned dynamics of the integration process and compliance with agreements reached within the EAEU framework. The role of the Eurasian Economic Commission in monitoring the legislations of the EAEU member states in terms of their compliance with international treaties and the EAEU laws to avoid duplication of regulations and discard outdated rules and requirements in national legislations is discussed. Attention is paid to the role of the Eurasian Economic Court in ensuring the appropriate level of the law- enforcement practice in the Union and its members. Finally, the paper discusses the research and expert-analytical activities for the analysis of the law to identify factors affecting the export competitiveness of goods, works (services), the mechanism for dispute settlement, etc. with a purpose of making appropriate proposals concerning the legislation and its regulatory effect on the integration processes within the EAEU.В статье рассматриваются основные структурные элементы нормативно-правовой базы, направления законотворческой деятельности Евразийского экономического союза в динамике институционального становления и нормативного документирования данного интеграционного процесса с использованием опыта ВТО, выступающего в качестве конгломерата многосторонних межгосударственных соглашений при формировании наднационального законодательства - регулятора интеграционных процессов в интересах государств - членов ЕАЭС; формирование правоприменительной практики как эффективного инструмента, обеспечивающего запланированную динамику развития интеграционных процессов и соблюдение договоренностей, достигнутых в рамках ЕАЭС; роль Евразийской экономической комиссии по проведению мониторинга законодательства государств - членов ЕАЭС на соответствие международным договорам и законодательству ЕАЭС в целях устранения дублирования нормативных актов и отмены устаревших норм и требований в национальных законодательствах; роль Евразийского экономического суда в обеспечении должного уровня правоприменительной практики Союза и стран-членов, а также развитие научно-исследовательской и экспертно-аналитической деятельности по анализу права для выявления факторов, влияющих на экспортную конкурентоспособность товаров, работ (услуг), механизм урегулирования споров, с целью выработки соответствующих предложений по законотворчеству и его регламентирующему воздействию на интеграционные процессы в рамках ЕАЭС

    Phase Filters for 3D Localization of Point Light Sources

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    The work relates to the engineering and research of phase filters for three-dimensional localization of point light emitters. These phase filters form a light field having two clearly visible maxima in their intensity distribution (i.e. two-lobe fields). By means of numerical simulation, the influence of the amplitude and phase distortions of the wave front of the illuminating beam on the two-lobe field formation has been studied in the work. Keywords: spiral light beams, amplitude distortions, phase distortions, threedimensional localization, two-lobe field

    Assessment of adherence of the population of Nizhny Tagil to comprehensive prevention of tick-borne diseases

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    The article presents the results of assessing public awarenessof comprehensive prevention of tick-borne diseases in the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region. Findings of a sociological questionnaire-based survey conducted during the period of the seasonal rise in tick activity served as the basis for improving health risk mitigation measuresВ статье приведены результаты оценки информированности населения города Нижнего Тагила по вопросам комплексной профилактики клещевых инфекций. Полученные результаты социологического опроса, проведенного в период сезонного подъема активности клещей, явились основой совершенствования мероприятий по снижению рисков для здоровь

    Genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus in Nanaian region, Khabarovsk territory

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    Examining hepatitis C virus (HCV) genetic diversity is of great practical value in molecular-epidemiological research, development of specific prevention tools and outlining therapeutic strategy.Aim of study is to conduct analysis assessing HCV genetic diversity circulating in the Nanaisky Region population of the Khabarovsk Krai.Materials and methods. Molecular and genetic analysis of 124 blood plasma samples collected from patients with chronic hepatitis C and residing in the Nanaisky Region was conducted.Results. HCV RNA was detected in 84 (67.7±4.2%) plasma samples. HCV genotyping was performed by using AmpliSens — 1/2/3 kit (Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow, Russian Federation) showing that genotype 3 dominated reaching up to 47.6±5.4% (n = 40). Genotype 1 was detected in 30 patients (35.7±5.2%). In thirteen cases (15.5±3.9%) genotype 2 was identified, whereas in one case (1.2±1.2%) virus genotype was unidentified. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences in HCV NS5B region was performed for 60 HCV RNA-positive samples showing subtype ratio as follows: 1a — 2 (3.3±2.3%), 1b — 23 (38.3±6.3%), 2а — 6 (10.0±3.9%), 2с — 2 (3.3±2.3%), 3а — 27 (45.0±6.4%). Three samples of RF2k/1b recombinant virus were found. A full NS2 gene nucleotide sequence was cloned in order to confirm the recombination event. The results of the study evidence about a need to conduct multi-layered examination of patients with chronic hepatitis C by using current molecular and biologic methods for assigning proper therapy coupled to characteristics of the isolated strains. The data regarding hepatitis C virus molecular and genetic parameters circulating in the Far Eastern Federal District, Russia, are rather limited. Hence, our study would contribute to current understanding of HCV genovariants circulating in territories of the Russian Federation

    Coagulation Disorders in Infective Endocarditis: Role of Pathogens, Biomarkers, Antithrombotic Therapy (Systematic Review)

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    The issue of antithrombotic therapy in patients with infective endocarditis has been studied for over 75 years. During that time studying of pathogenesis of the disease and its embolic complications, lead to the introduction of the concept of “immunothrombosis”. That mechanism allows infective agents (mostly bacteria) to be cloaked from the immune system and to multiply freely, leading to growth of vegetation, thus resulting in higher chance of fragmentation. Small-scale experimental and clinical studies on the correction of hemostatic disorders in infective endocarditis, that were performed in 20th century, didn’t show any significant results, that could affect clinical practice. However, reinterpretation of available data on coagulative system will allow to have elements of hemostasis as an application point in treating infective endocarditis. The article will discuss latest insights on the role of hemostasis system in pathophysisology of infective endocarditis, its effects on the development of the embolic complications, perspectives for diagnostics and treatment