994 research outputs found

    Electro and gamma nuclear physics in Geant4

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    Adequate description of electro and gamma nuclear physics is of utmost importance in studies of electron beam-dumps and intense electron beam accelerators. I also is mandatory to describe neutron backgrounds and activation in linear colliders. This physics was elaborated in Geant4 over the last year, and now entered into the stage of practical application. In the {\sc Geant4} Photo-nuclear data base there are at present about 50 nuclei for which the Photo-nuclear absorption cross sections have been measured. Of these, data on 14 nuclei are used to parametrize the gamma nuclear reaction cross-section The resulting cross section is a complex, factorized function of AA and e=log(Eγ)e = log(E_\gamma), where EγE_\gamma is the energy of the incident photon. Electro-nuclear reactions are so closely connected with Photo-nuclear reactions that sometimes they are often called ``Photo-nuclear''. The one-photon exchange mechanism dominates in Electro-nuclear reactions, and the electron can be substituted by a flux of photons. Folding this flux with the gamma-nuclear cross-section, we arrive at an acceptable description of the electro-nuclear physics. Final states in gamma and electro nuclear physics are described using chiral invariant phase-space decay at low gamma or equivalent photon energies, and quark gluon string model at high energies. We will present the modeling of this physics in {\sc Geant4}, and show results from practical applications.Comment: Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, La Jolla, California, March 24-28, 2003 1 tar fil

    Comparative study of evolution of structured flows at boundary of the regime change “diffusion — concentration convection” in isothermal multicomponent mixing in gases by techniques of visual and numerical analysis

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    During isothermal multicomponent diffusion process, the number of effects appear that are not observed visually when mixed in binary mixtures. These include occurrence of convective instability with subsequent formation of structured flows. The feature of this type of mixing is that convection is realized under conditions of decrease in density of mixture with height. Flow visualization method allows to fix information about distribution of medium parameters by dynamics of structures in convective flows. Application of computer processing methods, as well as techniques of identifying images of thermophysical fields, allows to obtain quantitative information about convective flows. For an isothermal ternary gas mixture heliumargonnitrogen, shadow images of structural formations formed in convective flows due to the instability of mechanical equilibrium are represented in this work. To carry out digital analysis of experimental shadow images, a simplified virtual model of the lower chamber of the diffusion cell was created. Based on digital analysis of visual images, quantitative characteristics related to estimation of the size of convective formations, period of their formation, and linear velocity of convection cells when moving through diffusion channel are presented. It has been established that the growing convective disturbances arising in the system cause a change in the characteristic scale of convective cells. The analysis of shadow images also showed that a vortex is formed in convective flows, which consists mainly of a component with the highest molecular weight. Comparison of visual images of experimental fields with simulation flows is implemented, on the basis of which composition of mixture components in convective structures is estimated. It is shown that the obtained value of the concentration of the heavy component in the vortex filament can be taken as the minimum

    Нормативная база обеспечения безопасной эксплуатации железнодорожной техники по ресурсу несущих конструкций

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    Switching the operation of railway equipment to life cycle contracts and confirming its safety compliance with industry technical regulations in the absence of a legislative framework for the recall of substandard products entails the need for a more thorough analysis of resource indicators of structural components of rolling stock and track superstructure. From this point of view, the state of the existing regulatory framework for confirming the strength and service life criteria of load­bearing elements of rolling stock and track, the influence of the regulatory «guillotine» and the general transition from the system of Soviet state standards GOSTs and strength rules to modern approaches of certification and differentiation of such concepts as «standard» and «supporting standard».Trends in moving away from classical bench testing methods towards introduction of a resource-based approach with defectiveness assessment are shown using examples of previously carried out research on safe operation of ER200 bogie frame and on the transition to domestic cassette bearings as part of import substitution, currently carried out for different types of rolling stock.Based on the new methods and approaches, it is possible to consider longer periods of operation, reasonably assess the extension of service life, or introduce resource-restoring technology, ensuring further safe operation. As part of these new trends, a transition is being made to modern modelling methods for assessing product safety, concepts such as «virtual sensor» and «virtual train-track system» are being introduced. It is shown that a reasonable combination of full-scale operational tests and virtual digital modelling makes it possible to offer reliable estimates of service life and safety indicators at the design and operation stages in a short time.Перевод эксплуатации железнодорожной техники на договоры жизненного цикла и подтверждение соответствия её безопасности отраслевым техническим регламентам в условиях отсутствия законодательной базы по отзыву недоброкачественной продукции влекут за собой необходимость более тщательного анализа ресурсных показателей конструктивных составляющих подвижного состава и верхнего строения пути. Под таким углом зрения рассмотрены состояние имеющейся нормативной базы подтверждения критериев прочности и ресурса несущих элементов подвижного состава и пути, влияние регуляторной «гильотины» и общий переход от системы советских ГОСТов и норм прочности к современным подходам к сертификации и разделению таких понятий, как «стандарт» и «поддерживающий стандарт».На примерах проводимых ранее работ по обеспечению безопасности эксплуатации рамы тележки ЭР200 и работ по переходу на отечественные кассетные подшипники в рамках импортозамещения, проводимых в настоящее время для разных типов подвижного состава, показаны тенденции отхода от классических методов стендовых испытаний, внедрение ресурсного подхода с оценкой дефектности.Основываясь на этих новых методах и подходах, возможно рассматривать более длительные периоды эксплуатации, обоснованно давать оценку продлению срока службы или назначать ресурсовосстанавливающую технологию, обеспечивая дальнейшую безопасную эксплуатацию. В рамках этих новых тенденций осуществляется переход к современным методам моделирования оценки безопасности продукции, внедряются такие понятия, как «виртуальный датчик» и «виртуальная система «поезд – путь». Показано, что разумное сочетание натурных эксплуатационных испытаний и виртуального цифрового моделирования позволяют в сжатые сроки дать достоверные оценки показателей ресурса и безопасности на стадиях проектирования и эксплуатации

    Simulation of neutrons produced by high-energy muons underground

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    This article describes the Monte Carlo simulation used to interpret the measurement of the muon-induced neutron flux in the Boulby Underground Laboratory (North Yorkshire, UK), recently performed using a large scintillator veto deployed around the ZEPLIN-II WIMP detector. Version 8.2 of the GEANT4 toolkit was used after relevant benchmarking and validation of neutron production models. In the direct comparison between Monte Carlo and experimental data, we find that the simulation produces a 1.8 times higher neutron rate, which we interpret as over-production in lead by GEANT4. The dominance of this material in neutron production allows us to estimate the absolute neutron yield in lead as (1.31 +/- 0.06) x 10^(-3) neutrons/muon/(g/cm^2) for a mean muon energy of 260 GeV. Simulated nuclear recoils due to muon-induced neutrons in the ZEPLIN-II target volume (~1 year exposure) showed that, although a small rate of events is expected from this source of background in the energy range of interest for dark matter searches, no event survives an anti-coincidence cut with the veto.Comment: 13 Pages, 11 Figures, 3 Tables. To appear in Astroparticle Physics. Version 2 has minor corrections and clarifications. Figures 1 and 3 now include neutron yields obtained with FLUKA-200

    Q2Q^2 Dependence of Quadrupole Strength in the γpΔ+(1232)pπ0\gamma^*p\to\Delta^+(1232)\to p \pi^0 Transition

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    Models of baryon structure predict a small quadrupole deformation of the nucleon due to residual tensor forces between quarks or distortions from the pion cloud. Sensitivity to quark versus pion degrees of freedom occurs through the Q2Q^2 dependence of the magnetic (M1+M_{1+}), electric (E1+E_{1+}), and scalar (S1+S_{1+}) multipoles in the γpΔ+pπ0\gamma^* p \to \Delta^+ \to p \pi^0 transition. We report new experimental values for the ratios E1+/M1+E_{1+}/M_{1+} and S1+/M1+S_{1+}/M_{1+} over the range Q2Q^2= 0.4-1.8 GeV2^2, extracted from precision p(e,ep)πp(e,e 'p)\pi^{\circ} data using a truncated multipole expansion. Results are best described by recent unitary models in which the pion cloud plays a dominant role.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (References, figures and table updated, minor changes.

    The e p -> e' p eta reaction at and above the S11(1535) baryon resonance

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    New cross sections for the reaction e p -> ep eta are reported for total center of mass energy W = 1.5--1.86 GeV and invariant momentum transfer Q^2 = 0.25--1.5 GeV^2. This large kinematic range allows extraction of important new information about response functions, photocouplings, and eta N coupling strengths of baryon resonances. Expanded W coverage shows sharp structure at W \~ 1.7 GeV; this is shown to come from interference between S and P waves and can be interpreted in terms of known resonances. Improved values are derived for the photon coupling amplitude for the S11(1535) resonance.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    GEANT4 : a simulation toolkit

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    Abstract Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250 eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics. PACS: 07.05.Tp; 13; 2

    Measurement of Inclusive Spin Structure Functions of the Deuteron

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    We report the results of a new measurement of spin structure functions of the deuteron in the region of moderate momentum transfer (Q2Q^2 = 0.27 -- 1.3 (GeV/c)2^2) and final hadronic state mass in the nucleon resonance region (WW = 1.08 -- 2.0 GeV). We scattered a 2.5 GeV polarized continuous electron beam at Jefferson Lab off a dynamically polarized cryogenic solid state target (15^{15}ND3_3) and detected the scattered electrons with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). From our data, we extract the longitudinal double spin asymmetry AA_{||} and the spin structure function g1dg_1^d. Our data are generally in reasonable agreement with existing data from SLAC where they overlap, and they represent a substantial improvement in statistical precision. We compare our results with expectations for resonance asymmetries and extrapolated deep inelastic scaling results. Finally, we evaluate the first moment of the structure function g1dg_1^d and study its approach to both the deep inelastic limit at large Q2Q^2 and to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the real photon limit (Q20Q^2 \to 0). We find that the first moment varies rapidly in the Q2Q^2 range of our experiment and crosses zero at Q2Q^2 between 0.5 and 0.8 (GeV/c)2^2, indicating the importance of the Δ\Delta resonance at these momentum transfers.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, ReVTeX 4, final version as accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Photoproduction of phi(1020) mesons on the proton at large momentum transfer

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    The cross section for ϕ\phi meson photoproduction on the proton has been measured for the first time up to a four-momentum transfer -t = 4 GeV^2, using the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. At low four-momentum transfer, the differential cross section is well described by Pomeron exchange. At large four-momentum transfer, above -t = 1.8 GeV^2, the data support a model where the Pomeron is resolved into its simplest component, two gluons, which may couple to any quark in the proton and in the ϕ\phi.Comment: 5 pages; 7 figure

    Recent Developments And Validations in Geant4 Hadronic Physics

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    The Geant4 hadronic models cover the entire range of energies required by calorimeters in new and planned experiments. The extension and improvement of the elastic, cascade, parameterized and quark-gluon string models will be discussed. Such improvements include the extension to more particle types, a review and correction of cross sections, and a better treatment of energy and momentum conservation. Concurrent with this development has been a validation program which includes comparisons with double differential cross sections. An ongoing hadronic shower validation will also be discussed which includes the examination of longitudinal shower shapes and the performance of the above models as well as their interaction with electromagnetic processes such as multiple scattering