25 research outputs found

    Evaluation of apertura piriformis and related cranial anatomical structures through computed tomography: golden ratio

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    Background: The purpose of study was to evaluate normal morphometric measurements of piriform aperture (PA) by limiting the age range in genders to show the morphometry of the relevant and close proximal cranial structures; and also to investigate whether these are in compliance with the golden ratio. Materials and methods: Our study was performed on 83 (42 female, 41 male) multidetector computed tomography images obtained from patients. A total of 14 morphological measurements were performed including the height of PA, the width of PA and 12 cranial structures; and these measurements were evaluated for compliance with the golden ratio. The differences of 14 parameters between the genders and age groups, and also the interaction of these two factors were analysed. Results: In our morphometric study, significant difference between the genders was found in all measurements except for the distance between vertex and rhinion (V~Rh), between rhinion and right foramen supraorbitalis (Rh~FSOR), between rhinion and left FSO (Rh~FSOL), and the width of PA on the level between the right and left foramen infraorbitalis (PAW~FIO) with the difference valid for both age subgroups (p < 0.05). When the differences between the age subgroups were evaluated, there was significant difference only at the widest distance of cranium (CW; p = 0.008); and it was observed that the average has increased with age in both genders. When the golden ratio was examined, the ratio of the distance between anterior nasal spine and nasion to the height of piriform aperture (NSA~N:PAH) was found to be within the limits of the golden ratio in males (p = 0.074). No golden ratio has been found in females. Conclusions: In our study, significant differences were detected between genders in all parameters of PA and in some parameters of the close cranial structures in the age group we examined. The effect of age was detected only in the CW parameter, and the PA and close cranial structures were not affected. In our study, the averages of the morphometric measurements of 13 parameters of young adults were determined. The PA and surrounding cranial structures are important for the area and related surgical procedures; however, gender differences must be considered in this respect. In addition to this, in the PA, which is the anterior limit of the skeletal nose in males, the NSA~N:PAH ratio having the ideal golden ratio limits is valuable in aesthetical terms and due to its position of the PA in the face

    Clonninger's temperament and character inventory profiles of anatomists: is there a relation with specialty choice?

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    Career psychologists have argued that the career choice and personality interfere with each other. There have been lots of investigations aimed at seeking the relationships between career interests and personality characteristics. There is limited knowledge on personality profiles of the anatomists and on how they are related with their specialty choices. AIM: In this research we aimed to explore the relationship between personality and career interests of anatomists

    The effects of oral administration of Aloe vera [barbadensis] on rat central nervous system: An experimental preliminary study

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    Aloe vera [barbadensis] (Av) is widely used for both commercial and therapeutic purposes. It has been used for an array of ailments since ancient times as a medicinal plant. There are more than 360 diffcrent species of Av. Its products have been used in health foods for medical and preservative purposes. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Av on the rat's central nervous system; since there are limited studies on that issue. Gel form of Av is used in the study. It is commercial, preserved but otherwise untreated form of Av. Female Wistar Albino rats were divided into three study groups. Tissue specimens from cerebrum, cerebellum, hippocampus and ventricular area were processed for the microscopic examination. All sections from each group were stained with hematoxylin eosin and cresyl violet. Our results indicate that Av did not have any clear toxic effects on both neurons and glial cells of the central nervous system in different areas. Cytoplasmic features of the neurons, Nissle bodies, axonal hillock, and nuclei of neurons were the same after the treatment. However; the relationship between the Purkinje cells and the surrounding cerebellar tissue was decreased in the treated group. The other important finding was the change of ependymal cells at the ventricular zone: The number and the height of these cells were obviously increased. The single layered epithelium changed into the stratified epithelium in certain areas. It was also evident that microvilli and the cilia on the apical side of these cell increased dramatically. The capillaries in the region of choroid plexus were also dramatically increased. We believe that further studies related with these morphological changes will be helpful to understand the mechanism(s) of the similar transformation of the cells in different conditions. © Neuroanatomy

    Possible healing effects of aloe barbadensis on nephrotoxicity induced by soybean oil in rats [Sıçanlarda soya yagı ile oluşturulan böbrek hasarı üzerine aloe barbadensis' in i ·yileştirici etkileri]

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    Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the effects of Aloe barbadensis on kidney. Material and Methods: Eighteen Wistar Albino female rats were used for the experiment. They were divided into 3 groups. Biopsy materials were taken from the right kidneys of the rats and were analyzed under the light microscope. Results: Biopsy materials, which were taken from the kidneys of the control subjects, revealed normal structural features of renal cortex and medulla. No distinctive difference was found in the Malpighi corpuscles in the group receiving Aloe Barbadensis. However, various degrees of vacuolization in the proximal tubules, and the complete loss of structural characteristics of proximal tubules were observed. Vacuolization was rarely seen in distal tubules. Congestion was clear in the medulla. In the third group receiving only soybean oil, a distinctive congestion was observed in all glomerulus and in the medulla. The detected pathologic changes were more common and severe in the third experiment group that received only soybean oil. Congestion in glomerulus was mostly observed in this group. Conclusion: These results lead us to consider that Aloe barbadensis plays a healing role against the toxic effects of soybean oil on the kidney

    Microscopic examination of placenta of rats prenatally exposed to Aloe barbadensis: A preliminary study

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    Aloe barbadensis is the most widely used both commercially and therapeutic properties. It has been used for an array of ailments since ancient times as a medicinal plant. There are more than 360 different species of Aloe. Its products have been used in health foods for medical and preservative purposes. The objective of this study was to search the effects of Aloe barbadensis on the rat's placenta. Gel form of Aloe barbadensis is used in the study. It is commercial, preserved but otherwise untreated form of Aloe Barbadensis gel capsul. Female Wistar Albino rats were divided into three groups. Placenta specimens from each groups were processed for the microscopic examination. Trophoblastic giant cells and spongiotrophoblasts were decreased in number after Aloe barbadensis; trophoblastic giant cells which showed degenerative changes. The nuclei of these giant cells were going degeneration characterized by pyknosis and bizarrely shaped. Extracellular matrix production around the cells was increased, thicker and more irregular basal membrane like formation around the cells. Decreased and abnormal vessel formation in labyrinth area was clear and reduced functional capacity of the trophoblastic barier. The study shows that, in the presence of Aloe barbadensis, relevant alterations associated with a possible compensatory adjustment to maintain adequate metabolic exchange take place in the structure of placenta. Our results also demonstrated that the exposure to Aloe barbadensis during pregnancy not led to fetal growth retardation, fetal death, abortion or teratogenic effect

    Investigation of effects of Aloe Barbadensis on reproductive system

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    Bir Aloe Vera tipi olan Aloe Barbadensis’in doğum sürecindeki ratların reprodüktif sistemine olan etkisi araştırıldı. Bunun için Aloe Barbadensis’in tedavi amaçlı kullanılmayan ticari bir formu olan Aloe Vera jel kullanıldı. Bir kontrol ve 2 deney grubu olmak üzere, 3 grup Wistar Albino hiç doğum yapmamış dişi ratlar üzerinde çalışıldı. Grup I’e günde 25 mg (140 mg/kg ) Aloe Barbadensis oral yolla ve gavaj uygulanarak verildi. Aloe Barbadensis 500 mg soya yağı içeren kapsüller içinde bulunmaktaydı, o nedenle grup II’ye her gün 500 mg soya yağı verildi. Grup III ise kontrol grubuydu. 3 grup da normal yem ve su ile beslendi. Doğum gerçekleşene kadar 20 gün boyunca hergün madde uygulandı. 21. gün ratlar anestezi altında açıldı. Reprodüktif sisteme ait organların doku örnekleri rutin histolojik prosedürü takiben ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Aloe Barbadensis verilen grupta uterus dokusu hiperemik görünümde damarlar belirgin ve dilateydi. Lamina propria’dan myometriuma kadar tüm katmanlarda nötrofil lökosit infiltrasyonu belirlendi. Endometriumda bezler kistik dilate görünümde, damarlanmada artma ve endometrium lümen epitelyumunda hipertrofi mevcuttu. Endometriumun epitelyum hücrelerinin Aloe Barbadensis verilen grupta yer yer yüksekliklerinin artmış olduğu, nucleus’larının büyüdüğü, tek katlı epitelyumun yer yer çok katlı hale geldiği gözlendi. Hiperplaziden çok hipertrofi belirgindi. Aloe Barbadensis verilen grupta ovaryum dokusunun damarlı ve hiperemik hali dikkat çekiciydi. Ovaryumlardaki folliküller incelendiğinde primer follikül sayısında azalma, sekonder follikül çapında küçülme ve sayısında artış meydana geldi. Gebelik süresince uygulanan Aloe Barbadensis fetal ölüme, gelişme geriliğine, abortusa ya da anomaliye sebep olmadı. Histolojik değişiklikler bize uterusta Aloe Barbadensis’in angiogenesis etkisini ve östrojen benzeri etkisini, ovaryumda ise FSH benzeri etkisini işaret etmektedir. Bu etki 140 mg/kg dozda fetusa zarar vermemiştir.Effects of Aloe Barbadensis, a type of Aloe Vera, on reproductive system were investigated during pregnancy. Aloe Vera gel, a commercial and nontherapeutic form of Aloe Barbadensis, was used for this purpose. 3 groups – 1 control and 2 test groups – of female Wistar Albino rats with no birth before were studied. Group I was administered 25 mg (140 mg/kg) of Aloe Barbadensis per day both orally and through gavage. Aloe Barbadensis was inside capsules that contain 500 mg of soybean oil; therefore Group II was administered that 500 mg of soybean oil. Group III were the control group. All three groups were nourished on normal feed and water ad libitum. The substance had been administered for 20 days until the birth. Organs involved in reproductive system were examined on histological bases. Tissue of uterus had a hyperemic view, and vessels were distinct and dilated. Neutrophil leukocyte infiltration was detected on all layers from lamina propria to myometrium. Glands were cystic dilated, and epitel had a hyperplasic view some regions. Vascular increase and hypertrophy on endometrium lumen epitel were observed. Vascular increase and hyperemic form of ovary in the group administered with Aloe Barbadensis was notable. Decreasing of primer follicle’s number, increasing of seconder follicle’s number and diminishing of seconder follicle’s diameter have been occurred in ovary. Aloe Barbadensis administered during pregnancy period did not cause fetal death, growth retardation, abortus or anomaly. The histological changes imply angiogenesis effect of Aloe Barbadensis and an effect like estrogen in uterus and an effect like FSH in ovary. This effect did not damage fetus a dose of 140 mg/kg

    Morphometric analysis of occipitocervical region and cervical height in the female and male

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    In this study, midsagittal magnetic resonance images of 194 adults (101 females, 93 males) were evaluated morphologically. It was aimed to reveal the relationship between occipitocervical region and cervical height. The height of cervical vertebral column, height of axis, the distance of foramen magnum, the diameter of spinal canal and spinal cord at the level of C3 were measured. The distance of foramen magnum opening was measured as the distance between basion and opisthion. The correlation of these measurements in males and females, the differences between both sexes and possible effect of age were evaluated. There were positive correlations between the height of cervical vertebral column and axis height and between the distance of foramen magnum opening and spinal canal diameter at the level of C3 in males. There were positive correlations between the height of cervical vertebral column, and axis heigth, the distance of foramen magnum opening and the diameter of spinal canal at the level of C3 in females. There were statistically significant differences between males and females for the height of cervical vertebral column, the distance of foramen magnum opening and the diameter of spinal cord at C3 level. Males had higher values for these measurements. There was a statistically significant difference between the males who were over 40 years old and less than 40 years old when the diameter of spinal cord at the level of C3 was considered. As a result it could be suggested that upper cervical vertebrae changes are more evident in males whereas lower cervical vertebrae changes are more evident in females. © Gülhane Askeri Tip Akademisi 2007

    Characteristics of external genitalia in pre- and postmenopausal women

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    Objective: To determine those objective measurements that characterize the differences between the external genital organs of pre- and postmenopausal women. Methods: During the study period, 50 premenopausal and 50 postmenopausal patients were recruited. Only women who were admitted for routine control examinations were consecutively included in the study. Exclusion criteria were previous history of pelvic surgery including external and internal genital organs, presence of diseases that may change the anatomy of external genital organs, Mullerian anomalies, previous vaginal birth with mediolateral episiotomy, and use of hormone replacement therapy. The following measurements were performed: length and width of clitoris, labium majus, and labium minus, the distance between the clitoris and urethra, perineal length, and length of vagina. Results: The length of the vagina and the width of the labium minus were significantly different between the two groups. Mean vaginal length was significantly longer in premenopausal women compared to postmenopausal women (90.3 ± 14.8 mm vs. 82.3 ± 11.2 mm, respectively). The labia minora were wider in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women (17.9 ± 4.1 mm vs. 15.4 ± 4.7 mm). Conclusions: Characterization of the anatomical changes and relationships of external genitalia in postmenopausal women is important for functional and perioperative evaluation. In addition to reconstructive surgical procedures, determination of the objective measurements of anatomical landmarks in postmenopausal external genitalia might also be useful for assessing the results of treatment of 'atrophic' changes in women. © 2008 International Menopause Society