14 research outputs found

    Investigation on the relationship between personal characteristics with lip, jaw and philtrum dimensions

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    Background: The relationship between the sizes of the structures that form our face, such as lips, philtrum, and the jaw, and our personality characteristics are unknown. In this study, it was scientifically researched whether lip, jaw and philtrum anatomy can give us clues on personality characteristics or not.Methods: The photographs of the university students were taken using digital camera in two positions. The students who were photographed were asked to simultaneously complete personality test. The photographs were transferred to the computer and, using photoshop program installed on the computer, measurements were made. The mouth widths, upper and lower lip thicknesses, the distance between lip spots, philtrum length and width, lateral mouth width, jaw heights were recorded, and lip type and philtrum depth were identified. The results were compared to the personality characteristics of the students.Results: Lip thicknesses were found to be correlated positively only with the ‘openness to experience’ trait from among personality characteristics. A positive correlation between lip type and ‘conscientiousness’ was also found. There was a negative correlation between philtrum length and ‘negative valence’.Conclusions: This study shows that lip thickness and philtrum length can give us an idea regarding personality characteristics


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    The aim of the study was to compare the first and last magnetic resonance images (MRIs) in patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) with MRIs of normal subjects. We wanted to investigate the region initially involved in MS patients. In this retrospective study, midsagittal plane was explored on brain MRIs taken at the time when MS diagnosis was established and the last MRI was obtained following treatment for MS. Comparison was done between healthy subjects and patients diagnosed with MS. The measures included the area of corpus callosum, cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, bulbus, fourth ventricle and pituitary gland. As a result, while there was growth in the fourth ventricle area, there was shrinkage in the other areas in MS patients. In women, the tissues involved at the beginning of the disease were pituitary gland, cerebrum and bulbus, and in men corpus callosum and cerebrum. Atrophy was not time-dependent. Assessment of the correlation between the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDDS) and atrophy revealed an increase in EDDS (disease progression) to be associated with a decrease in the area of cerebrum and corpus callosum in men, and an increase in the fourth ventricular area in women. In conclusion, we demonstrated that pituitary gland atrophy develops in the early stage of MS, especially in women. Additional studies are needed to investigate the phenomenon of early pituitary and bulbus atrophy in women versus late atrophy of these tissues in men.Cilj rada bio je usporediti prve i posljednje slike magnetske rezonancije (MR) u bolesnika s multiplom sklerozom (MS) sa slikama zdravih osoba. Kod bolesnika s MS htjeli smo ispitati najranije zahvaćeno područje. U ovoj studiji se srednjesagitalno područje kod bolesnika s postavljenom dijagnozom MS pregledalo na slikama MR mozga u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze i nakon liječenja. Uspoređivalo se zdrave osobe s bolesnicima kojima je dijagnosticirana MS. Mjerenje je uključilo područje korpusa kalozuma, mozga, malog mozga, ponsa, bulbusa, četvrtog ventrikula i hipofi ze. Kod bolesnika s MS došlo je do porasta na području četvrtog ventrikula, a do smanjenja u drugim područjima. Utvrđeno je da su zahvaćena tkiva u žena na početku bolesti bila hipofi za, mozak i bulbus, a kod muškaraca korpus kalozum i mozak. Otkriveno je da atrofi ja ne ovisi o vremenu. Kada se promatralo korelaciju između zbira na Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDDS) i atrofi je, vidjelo se da s povećanjem EDDS (kada bolest napreduje) dolazi do smanjenja područja malog mozga i korpusa kalozuma u muškaraca, a povećanja područja četvrtog ventrikula u žena. Pokazali smo da se atrofi ja hipofi ze razvija u ranoj fazi MS, osobito u žena. Pozornost privlači rana atrofi ja hipofi ze i bulbusa u žena te kasna atrofi ja ovih tkiva u muškaraca

    Effect of foot anthropometric measurements on postural stability

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    Aim: To examine the effect of foot anthropometric measurements and body sizes of young male adults with normal posture on balance. Methods: In this study, the effect of body size and foot anthropometric measurements of 112 young male adults with normal posture on balance was investigated. The foot and body parameters of the cases were measured. The static and the dynamic balance tests were evaluated according to the dominant foot in each case. The parameters that affected balance were determined and the variables were taken to the model. In addition, the significance levels that defined the effects of the properties examined in relation with the balance were also calculated. Results: When the findings were evaluated, it was determined that the effect of the foot parameters other than the foot length, and the effect of 15 body parameters other than the biiliac diameter, trochanteric height, and right upper extremity length on balance performance was significant. The balance test performance was predicted with success ranging from 7.8% to 43% with the parameters included in the model. Conclusion: In this study, the fact that the relation between the foot anthropometric and body dimensions and functional balance performances of young male adults was found to be significant shows that this relation must be considered in the creation of a normative database on balance, and in clinical studies that will be conducted on the subject

    A deep femoral artery passing in front of the femoral vein

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    It is known that a different ramification pattern can occur as a function of the development of the arteries of the lower limb. During a routine dissection, a variation of the deep femoral artery was found passing in front of the femoral vein in the left lower limb of a 43-year-old male cadaver. This case is reported because of its rare occurrence in the literature. The variation is discussed on the basis of the possible embryological development of the lower limb arteries

    An Examination of Bacterial Contamination of Models Used in Anatomy Laboratories

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    Background. Bacterial, viral, and parasitic transmission is a common issue involving items that are used in crowded places and are touched. In this study, it was aimed to identify the types of bacteria on models used in anatomy laboratories and the types of bacteria that contaminate students’ hands. Methods. Swab samples were taken from 30 models used in the laboratory and from the dominant hands of 94 students prior to and after contact with the models and were examined in the microbiology laboratory. Results. Five types of bacteria were isolated from the anatomy models: coagulase-negative staphylococcus, staphylococcus aureus, bacillus spp., enterococcus spp., and escherichia coli. Coagulase-negative staphylococcus, staphylococcus aureus, and bacillus spp. were isolated from the hands of the students before the contact, and additionally, enterococcus spp. were isolated after the contact. The hands were not found to be contaminated with escherichia coli originating from the models, whereas enterococcus spp. were found to be transmitted to the hands after the contact. Conclusion. The necessity of washing hands before and after working on the models and the necessity of occasionally disinfecting the models have emerged

    18 yaşındaki serebral palsili ve normal erkeklerde büyüme ve gelişmenin değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Mental retardasyon, motor disfonksiyon, konuşma bozukluğu, zayıf koordinasyon, zayıf denge ya da anormal hareketler, öğrenme güçlüğü, dikkat bozuklukları, yutma güçlüğü, işitme bozukluğu, iletişim güçlüğü gibi nedenlerden dolayı, serebral palsili insanlar beslenme güçlükleri ile karşılaşabilmektedirler. Bu da büyüme ve gelişmeyi etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada 18 yaş grubu sağlıklı genç erkeklerle, 18 yaş grubu serebral palsili genç erkeklerin bazı antropolojik ölçümleri karşılaştırılarak, serebral palsili gençlerin büyüme ve gelişmeleri değerlendirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: 18 yaş grubu sağlıklı genç erkekler ile 18 yaş grubu serebral palsili genç erkeklerin antropolojik ölçümleri ve deri kıvrım kalınlıkları alındı. Antropolojik ölçümler: boy, kilo, vücut kitle indexi, yaşa göre boy ve kilo için z skoru, baş çevresi, kol çevresi, biakromial genişlik, papilla mammae çapı, areola mammae çapı, orta hattan papilla mammae uzaklığı, oturma yüksekliği, kulaç uzunluğu, göğüs çevresi, thorax çıkışı çapı, thorax derinliği. Deri kıvrım kalınlıkları: Subscapular, triceps, suprailiak. Çalışmamız 18 yaşında 46 sağlıklı genç erkek ve 16 serebral palsili genç erkek üzerinde yapılmıştır.. Zonguldak ilinde bulunan Spastik Çocuklar Merkezi ile Kozlu ilçesinde bulunan Sarı Başak Özel Eğitim Merkezi’ndeki serebral palsili gençlerden grubumuza uygun olanları seçilerek (GMFCS’a göre 1 ve 2) ölçümleri yapıldı. Sağlıklı gençler Karaelmas Üniversitesi merkez kampusü öğrencilerinden seçilmiştir. Sonuç: Normal ve serebral palsili gençlerin ölçümleri karşılaştırıldığında baş çevresi, orta hattan papilla mammae uzaklığı ve oturma yüksekliği anlamlı olarak farklı bulundu. Ölçümler serebral palsili gençlerde daha küçüktü. Deri kıvrım kalınlıklarında fark bulunmadı.Objective: The pati ents with cerebral palsy may encou nter nutrition difficu lties related to menta l retardation, 'motor dysfu nction, spe aking difficulties, impaired coo rdination, impaired equ ilibrium and abnormal moti ons, learning difficulties, att ention problems, troubles in swa llowing and hearing, and communic at ion prob lem. As a result of this situation, growth and development can be effected. In this study, the antropolog ica l mea surements of healthy ma le indiviuals of 18 ye ars of age and tho se of peer ma le patients with cerebral palsy were compared and the growth and development of the patient s wit h cer ebral palsy were evaluated. M aterials and Met hods: The anthropologica l measure ¬ ments of healthy male indiviuals of 18 years of age and peer male patients with cerebral pa lsy were performed and the skin fold thickness va lues were noted. The anthropo ¬ logical me asurement s were length, wei ght, head circumference, arm circ umference, biacromial breadth, nipple diameter, the diameter of areola, the distance of the nipple from the med ian line, sitting height, fathom length , chest circumference, thoracic outlet diameter, thor ax depth. The skin fold thi cknesse s used were subsca pular, triceps, suprai liac . The stud y wa s performed with 45 hea lthy young mal es of 18 years of age and 16 pat ient s of the same age wit h ce rebral palsy. The study group was selected among the young pati ent s with cerebral palsy appropriate for the study (GMFCS 1 and 2) in Spastic Children Center in Zongulda k and Sari Basak Specia l Education Center in Kozlu and their measurements were done. The healthy co ntro ls were the students in the ce ntral cam pus of Zonguldak Karae lmas University. Results: When the mea sureme nts of the normal individuals and those wit h cerebral pa lsy were compared , significan t differences were found in hea d circumference, distance of nipp le from the median line and sitting height.The measure me nts wer e smaller in the pat ient s with cerebral palsy. No significant diffferences were found for skin fold thickness

    18 yaşındaki serebral palsili ve normal erkeklerde büyüme ve gelişmenin değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Mental retardasyon, motor disfonksiyon, konuşma bozukluğu, zayıf koordinasyon, zayıf denge ya da anormal hareketler, öğrenme güçlüğü, dikkat bozuklukları, yutma güçlüğü, işitme bozukluğu, iletişim güçlüğü gibi nedenlerden dolayı, serebral palsili insanlar beslenme güçlükleri ile karşılaşabilmektedirler. Bu da büyüme ve gelişmeyi etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada 18 yaş grubu sağlıklı genç erkeklerle, 18 yaş grubu serebral palsili genç erkeklerin bazı antropolojik ölçümleri karşılaştırılarak, serebral palsili gençlerin büyüme ve gelişmeleri değerlendirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: 18 yaş grubu sağlıklı genç erkekler ile 18 yaş grubu serebral palsili genç erkeklerin antropolojik ölçümleri ve deri kıvrım kalınlıkları alındı. Antropolojik ölçümler: boy, kilo, vücut kitle indexi, yaşa göre boy ve kilo için z skoru, baş çevresi, kol çevresi, biakromial genişlik, papilla mammae çapı, areola mammae çapı, orta hattan papilla mammae uzaklığı, oturma yüksekliği, kulaç uzunluğu, göğüs çevresi, thorax çıkışı çapı, thorax derinliği. Deri kıvrım kalınlıkları: Subscapular, triceps, suprailiak. Çalışmamız 18 yaşında 46 sağlıklı genç erkek ve 16 serebral palsili genç erkek üzerinde yapılmıştır.. Zonguldak ilinde bulunan Spastik Çocuklar Merkezi ile Kozlu ilçesinde bulunan Sarı Başak Özel Eğitim Merkezi’ndeki serebral palsili gençlerden grubumuza uygun olanları seçilerek (GMFCS’a göre 1 ve 2) ölçümleri yapıldı. Sağlıklı gençler Karaelmas Üniversitesi merkez kampusü öğrencilerinden seçilmiştir. Sonuç: Normal ve serebral palsili gençlerin ölçümleri karşılaştırıldığında baş çevresi, orta hattan papilla mammae uzaklığı ve oturma yüksekliği anlamlı olarak farklı bulundu. Ölçümler serebral palsili gençlerde daha küçüktü. Deri kıvrım kalınlıklarında fark bulunmadı.Objective: The pati ents with cerebral palsy may encou nter nutrition difficu lties related to menta l retardation, 'motor dysfu nction, spe aking difficulties, impaired coo rdination, impaired equ ilibrium and abnormal moti ons, learning difficulties, att ention problems, troubles in swa llowing and hearing, and communic at ion prob lem. As a result of this situation, growth and development can be effected. In this study, the antropolog ica l mea surements of healthy ma le indiviuals of 18 ye ars of age and tho se of peer ma le patients with cerebral palsy were compared and the growth and development of the patient s wit h cer ebral palsy were evaluated. M aterials and Met hods: The anthropologica l measure ¬ ments of healthy male indiviuals of 18 years of age and peer male patients with cerebral pa lsy were performed and the skin fold thickness va lues were noted. The anthropo ¬ logical me asurement s were length, wei ght, head circumference, arm circ umference, biacromial breadth, nipple diameter, the diameter of areola, the distance of the nipple from the med ian line, sitting height, fathom length , chest circumference, thoracic outlet diameter, thor ax depth. The skin fold thi cknesse s used were subsca pular, triceps, suprai liac . The stud y wa s performed with 45 hea lthy young mal es of 18 years of age and 16 pat ient s of the same age wit h ce rebral palsy. The study group was selected among the young pati ent s with cerebral palsy appropriate for the study (GMFCS 1 and 2) in Spastic Children Center in Zongulda k and Sari Basak Specia l Education Center in Kozlu and their measurements were done. The healthy co ntro ls were the students in the ce ntral cam pus of Zonguldak Karae lmas University. Results: When the mea sureme nts of the normal individuals and those wit h cerebral pa lsy were compared , significan t differences were found in hea d circumference, distance of nipp le from the median line and sitting height.The measure me nts wer e smaller in the pat ient s with cerebral palsy. No significant diffferences were found for skin fold thickness

    Morphometric measurements of the cranium in congenital bilateral blind males and females

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    Cranium dimensions differ according to racial, geopraphic, ethnic and nutritional factors. This study will shed light on the question “Is there a difference in the cranial distances measured between congenital bilateral blind people and healthy individuals?” Nine anthropometric measures were performed on the brain MRI midsagittally obtained from male and female congenital bilateral blinds. The anthropometric measures taken included the glabella-opisthocranion, nasion-dorsum sellae, dorsum sellae-opisthocranion, nasion-basion, nasion-opisthion, basion-opisthion, prosthion-basion, basion-vertex and the clival angle. In addition, the supratentorial and infratentorial areas were calculated. Glabella-opisthocranion, nasion-dorsum sellae, nasion-basion, prosthion-basion and clival angle were found to be smaller in the congenital bilateral blind females compared to the healthy group, but these results were not statistically significant. Whereas, other measures out of the basion-opisthion were found to be smaller in the congenital bilateral blind males than in the healthy subjects. Of these results, the distance between glabella-opisthocranion, nasion-dorsum sellae and nasion-basion was significantly smaller compared to the measurements taken from the healthy male group. The infratentorial area was significantly smaller in congenital blind male subjects and the supratentorial area was significantly larger in congenital blind female subjects. This study has revealed that the cranium dimensions of congenital blind people are to different from normal individuals. The most significant difference was in the distance of the nasion-dorsum sellae. The region anterior to the basion and dorsum sellae was prominently smaller. The infratentorial area was significantly smaller in congenital blind male subjects and the supratentorial area was significantly larger in congenital blind female subjects

    Sıçanlarda soya yağı ile oluşturulan böbrek hasarı üzerine aloe barbadensis'in iyileştirici etkileri

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada Aloe Barbadensis’in böbrek üzerine koruyucu etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Wistar Albino cinsi 18 dişi sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar 3 eşit gruba ayrıldı. Ratların sağ böbreklerinin korteka ve medulla'sından biyopsi materyalleri alınarak ışık mikroskobik düzeyde incelendi. Bulgular: Kontrol deneklerin böbreklerinden alınan biyopsi materyalleri incelendiğinde normal boyut ve yapıda Malpighi cisimcikleri gözlendi. Proksimal,distal tübüller ve medulla olağandı. Aloe barbandensis verilmiş grupta ise Malpighi cisimciklerinde belirgin bir farklılık görülmedi. Ancak proksimal tübüllerde değişen derecelerde vakuolizasyon ve sonuçta yapısal özelliklerini tamamen yitirmiş proksimal tübüller gözlendi. Distal tübüllerde ise nadiren vakuolizasyon görüldü. İnterstisyel alanda korteks ve medullada konjesyon vardı. Sadece soya yağının verildiği üçüncü grupta ise tüm glomerüllerde ve medullada belirgin konjesyon vardı. Proksimal tübüllerdeki değişiklikler de ikinci gruba göre daha yaygın ve şiddetli düzeyde idi. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar bize Aloe barbadensis’in, soya yağının böbrek üzerine olan toksik etkilerini iyileştirici rolü olduğunu düşündürmektedir.Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the effects of Aloe barbadensis on kidney. Material and Methods: Eighteen Wistar Albino female rats were used for the experiment. They were divided into 3 groups. Biopsy materials were taken from the right kidneys of the rats and were analyzed under the light microscope. Results: Biopsy materials, which were taken from the kidneys of the control subjects, revealed normal structural features of renal cortex and medulla. No distinctive difference was found in the Malpighi corpuscles in the group receiving Aloe Barbadensis. However, various degrees of vacuolization in the proximal tubules, and the complete loss of structural characteristics of proximal tubules were observed. Vacuolization was rarely seen in distal tubules. Congestion was clear in the medulla. In the third group receiving only soybean oil, a distinctive congestion was observed in all glomerulus and in the medulla. The detected pathologic changes were more common and severe in the third experiment group that received only soybean oil. Congestion in glomerulus was mostly observed in this group. Conclusion: These results lead us to consider that Aloe barbadensis plays a healing role against the toxic effects of soybean oil on the kidney

    Investigation of effects of Aloe Barbadensis on reproductive system

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    Bir Aloe Vera tipi olan Aloe Barbadensis’in doğum sürecindeki ratların reprodüktif sistemine olan etkisi araştırıldı. Bunun için Aloe Barbadensis’in tedavi amaçlı kullanılmayan ticari bir formu olan Aloe Vera jel kullanıldı. Bir kontrol ve 2 deney grubu olmak üzere, 3 grup Wistar Albino hiç doğum yapmamış dişi ratlar üzerinde çalışıldı. Grup I’e günde 25 mg (140 mg/kg ) Aloe Barbadensis oral yolla ve gavaj uygulanarak verildi. Aloe Barbadensis 500 mg soya yağı içeren kapsüller içinde bulunmaktaydı, o nedenle grup II’ye her gün 500 mg soya yağı verildi. Grup III ise kontrol grubuydu. 3 grup da normal yem ve su ile beslendi. Doğum gerçekleşene kadar 20 gün boyunca hergün madde uygulandı. 21. gün ratlar anestezi altında açıldı. Reprodüktif sisteme ait organların doku örnekleri rutin histolojik prosedürü takiben ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Aloe Barbadensis verilen grupta uterus dokusu hiperemik görünümde damarlar belirgin ve dilateydi. Lamina propria’dan myometriuma kadar tüm katmanlarda nötrofil lökosit infiltrasyonu belirlendi. Endometriumda bezler kistik dilate görünümde, damarlanmada artma ve endometrium lümen epitelyumunda hipertrofi mevcuttu. Endometriumun epitelyum hücrelerinin Aloe Barbadensis verilen grupta yer yer yüksekliklerinin artmış olduğu, nucleus’larının büyüdüğü, tek katlı epitelyumun yer yer çok katlı hale geldiği gözlendi. Hiperplaziden çok hipertrofi belirgindi. Aloe Barbadensis verilen grupta ovaryum dokusunun damarlı ve hiperemik hali dikkat çekiciydi. Ovaryumlardaki folliküller incelendiğinde primer follikül sayısında azalma, sekonder follikül çapında küçülme ve sayısında artış meydana geldi. Gebelik süresince uygulanan Aloe Barbadensis fetal ölüme, gelişme geriliğine, abortusa ya da anomaliye sebep olmadı. Histolojik değişiklikler bize uterusta Aloe Barbadensis’in angiogenesis etkisini ve östrojen benzeri etkisini, ovaryumda ise FSH benzeri etkisini işaret etmektedir. Bu etki 140 mg/kg dozda fetusa zarar vermemiştir.Effects of Aloe Barbadensis, a type of Aloe Vera, on reproductive system were investigated during pregnancy. Aloe Vera gel, a commercial and nontherapeutic form of Aloe Barbadensis, was used for this purpose. 3 groups – 1 control and 2 test groups – of female Wistar Albino rats with no birth before were studied. Group I was administered 25 mg (140 mg/kg) of Aloe Barbadensis per day both orally and through gavage. Aloe Barbadensis was inside capsules that contain 500 mg of soybean oil; therefore Group II was administered that 500 mg of soybean oil. Group III were the control group. All three groups were nourished on normal feed and water ad libitum. The substance had been administered for 20 days until the birth. Organs involved in reproductive system were examined on histological bases. Tissue of uterus had a hyperemic view, and vessels were distinct and dilated. Neutrophil leukocyte infiltration was detected on all layers from lamina propria to myometrium. Glands were cystic dilated, and epitel had a hyperplasic view some regions. Vascular increase and hypertrophy on endometrium lumen epitel were observed. Vascular increase and hyperemic form of ovary in the group administered with Aloe Barbadensis was notable. Decreasing of primer follicle’s number, increasing of seconder follicle’s number and diminishing of seconder follicle’s diameter have been occurred in ovary. Aloe Barbadensis administered during pregnancy period did not cause fetal death, growth retardation, abortus or anomaly. The histological changes imply angiogenesis effect of Aloe Barbadensis and an effect like estrogen in uterus and an effect like FSH in ovary. This effect did not damage fetus a dose of 140 mg/kg