21 research outputs found

    Biotechnology: reality or dream

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    The development of molecular biology and molecular genetics, especially of the recombinant DNA technology enabled improvement of experimental methods that provide manipulation within a cell-free system, such as cell and tissue cultures. Such methods resulted in the development of different new technologies with specific properties in relation to the conventional definitions. According to PERSLEY and lantin (2000) the following components are essential for the contemporary biotechnology: (i) genomics - a molecular characterization of all genes and gene products of an organism (ii) bioinformatics - the assembly of data from genomic analysis into accessible forms; (iii) transformation - the introduction of genes controlling a trait of interest into a genome of a desired organism (micro organisms, plants, animal systems). By the application of cotemporary biotechnology new methods in the field of diagnostic are developed such as rapid and more accurate identification of the presence and absence of genes in the genome of the organism of interest (identification of pathogens prenatal diagnostics, molecular markers assisted breeding for plants, etc). The traits of an organism are determined by its genetic material, i.e. by a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). watson and crick (1953) were the first scientists to describe the structure of DNA as a double-stranded helix. Higher organisms contain a set of linear DNA molecules - chromosomes and a full set of chromosomes of an organism is a genome. Each genome is divided into a series of functional units, i.e. genes. The traits of an organism depend on genes, but their expression depends not only on genes but also on many other factors, including whether a gene, controlling the trait, expresses, specific cells in which it expresses and specially the mode by which the gene and its product interact with the environment. A special aspect within the application of biotechnology occurs as an interaction of a foreign gene with a genome of an integrated organism. Also application of biotechnology provides transfer of one or several favorable genes from any evolutionary category into other category of an organism and in such a way it is possible to develop genetically modified organisms (GMO) having expressed desired, target traits. A survey of the application of biotechnology in the world and our country is presented in this paper

    KoriŔćenje proteinskih markera za karakterizaciju i utvrđivanje genetičke čistoće semena kukuruza

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    Purity control and genetically characterization of maize inbred lines and hybrids have great importance in every phase of experimental or commercial hybrid seed production and inbred maintenance. Embryo proteins as genetic markers for maize genotypic identification as well as genetic purity determination were used. By electrophoresis embryo proteins have been separated into numerous components and showed great heterogeneity. All analyzed genotypes have specific protein pattern. Some of protein fraction appeared for each genotype at the same position and could be use as reference bands. The differences of protein complex among various maize varietĀ­ies could be use to detect relationship between hybrids and their parental lines. The method is rapid, cheap and date can be use to form genetically identification card of inbred lines and hybrids.Kontrola genetičke čistoće i identifikacija genotipa je od velikog značaja u svim fazama proizvodnje eksperimentalnih i komercijalnih hibrida i održavanju linija kukuruza. U radu su koriŔćeni proteini klice za genetičku karakterizaciju genotipova kukuruza kao i za utvrđivanje genetičke čistoće semena. Elektroforezom proteini klice su razdvojeni na veliki broj frakcija koje pokazuju visoku heterogenost. Svi ispitani genotipovi kukuruza imali su jedinstvenu proteinsku sliku pri čemu se određen broj proteinskih frakcija nalazi na približno istoj poziciji u svim ispitanim uzorcima tako da se koriste kao referentne. Razlike u proteinskom sastavu linija mogu da se koriste i za utvrđivanje veze između hibrida i roditeljskih linija. Metod je brz, jeftin i podaci mogu da se koriste za formiranje genetičke identifikacione karte linija i hibrida kukuruza

    The conventional and contemporary technologies in maize (Zea mays L) breeding at Maize Research Institut Zemun Polje

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    Broad genetic variability of starting biological material is crucial prerequisite for the successful breeding program. Maize Research Institute, owning Gene bank with more than 6,000 accessions consisted of the local and introduced collection, has the opportunity for the investigation both fundamental genetic processes, pre-breeding and breeding for commercial purposes. To search for new sources of maize drought tolerance Gene bank accessions were scored visually on stay-green phenotype and total appearance. More than 50 genotypes have been identified as a potential source for drought tolerance. Besides breeding on improved storage protein quality decreasing of phytate content in kernel is also under the consideration, because the most phosphorous is bound in phytate. In breeding program it is desirable to have genotypes with higher content of available phosphorous (P) not bound in phytate. Among 60 analyzed populations from Gene bank only one has been determined to have very low phytate content and will be used in maize breeding program on low phytate in kernel. Process of maize breeding, to get high yielding hybrids, begins by the genetic variability determination of starting breeding material, either populations or selected inbred lines. Genetic divergence of parental inbred lines is main step to get high heterotic effect in yield after crossing. Use of different molecular markers allowed cluster analysis by use of UPGMA methods and select high number of genotypes to be included in crossing process

    Genetički modifikovane biljke - koristi i rizici

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    Modern biotechnology is applied in agriculture, together with classical technology, in aim to increase production and improve quality of food. Revolutionary event for the plant biotechnology was possibility of creations of genetically modified plants, in fact, possibility of introducing of the genes from any organisms, to the plant genome. A genetic modified plant has the potential to offer very significant improvements in the quantity quality and acceptability of the world's food supply. First genetically modified plant were generated less than 18 years ago and now many GM plants are beginning to widely grown and products of these plants are available in the market place. Since the first commercial introduction of a genetically modified plant growing area has increase rapidly to more than 50 mill ha. The first generation of genetically modified crops with "input "traits as insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, delayed ripening, virus resistance are currently on the market.Moderna biotehnologija se primenjuje u poljoprivredi, zajedno sa klasičnim tehnologijama, u cilju povećanja proizvodnje hrane i poboljÅ”anja njenog kvaliteta. Revolucioni pomak na polju biotehnologije biljaka predstavlja mogućnost stvaranja genetički modifikovanih biljaka tj. mogućnost ugrađivanja gena poreklom iz bilo kog organizma u genom biljke. Genetički modifikovane biljke imaju mogućnost da obezbede viÅ”e, bolje i bezbednije proizvode koji zajedno sa klasičnom tehnologijom, povećavaju proizvodnju hrane koja će moći da zadovolji potrebe rastuće ljudske populacije. Prva genetički modifikovana biljka je dobijena pre osamnaest godina, a danas se gaje komercijalno mnoge genetički modifikovane biljke i proizvodi od njih su dostupni na tržiÅ”tu. Prva generacija genetički modifikovanih biljaka za takozvane Ā²inputĀ² osobine obuhvata tolerantnost na totalne herbicide rezistentnost na insekte, rezistentnost na viruse. Od prve komercijalizacije genetički modifikovanih biljaka povrÅ”ine na kojima se gaje su značajno povećane na viÅ”e od 50 mil ha

    Ethics in scientific results application: gene and life forms patenting

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    Konstantinov K., S. Mladenovic Drinic, V. Andelkovic and M. Babic (2010): Ethics in scientific results application: gene and life forms patenting - Genetika, Vol 42, No. 1, 195 -208. The remarkable development and application of new genetic technologies over the past decades has been accompanied by profound changes in the way in which research is commercialized in the life sciences. As results, new varieties of commercially grown crops with improved or new traits are developed. Many thousands of patents which assert rights over DNA sequences have been granted to researchers across the public and private sector. The effects of many of these patents are extensive, because inventors who assert rights over DNA sequences obtain protection on all uses of the sequences. Extremely valuable to breeders in the national agricultural research system is the ability to genotype their collections to get a clear picture of their diversity and how diversity could be enhanced through sharing and access to global collections. The issue of the eligibility for patenting of DNA sequences needs to be reopened. Patents that assert rights over DNA sequences and their uses are, in some cases, supportable, but in others, should be treated with great caution. Rights over DNA sequences as research tools should be discouraged. That the best way to discourage the award of such patents is by stringent application of the criteria for patenting, particularly utility. A more equitable, ethically based food and agricultural system must incorporate concern for three accepted global goals: improved well being, protection of the environment and improved public health (particular point food from GMO). To mitigate conflict one of the approach to solve problem is ethical and truthful label of GM food, because consumers have a right to choose whether to eat genetically modified foods or not. Interesting examples and risks as consequences of free availability of genetic resources utilization, its transformation, patenting of "new" organism and selling it back to the genetic resource owner are presented. Society has obligations to raise levels of nutrition and standards living by all respect to ethics at each step

    Genetic characterization of early maturing maize hybrids (Zea mays L.) obtained by protein and RAPD markers

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    Knowledge of maize germplasm genetic diversity is important for planning breeding programmes, germplasm conservation per se etc. Genetic variability of maize hybrids grown in the fields is also very important because genetic uniformity implies risks of genetic vulnerability to stress factors and can cause great losts in yield. Early maturing maize hybrids are characterized by shorter vegetation period and they are grown in areas with shorter vegetation season. Because of different climatic conditions in these areas lines and hybrids are developed with different features in respect to drought resistance and disease resistance. The objective of our study was to characterize set of early maturing maize hybrids with protein and RAPD markers and to compare this clasification with their pedigree information. RAPD markers gave significantly higher rate of polymorphism than protein markers. Better corelation was found among pedigree information and protein markers

    Proteins in seed and seedlings of selected Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) trees as genetic markers tolerant to drought

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    A precondition necessary for creation and selection of genotypes tolerant of stress conditions is a study of physiological, biochemical and molecular bases of their adaptive reaction to stress. The study includes 40 lines of free pollination originating from 5 provenances: Sutjeska, ViÅ”egrad, Tara, Teslić and Durmitor (B&H, Serbia and Montenegro). Two populations were selected from each provenance, i.e.: 5 lines of free pollination represent the population growing on the cliffs and 3 lines of free pollination represent the population growing at the best site of Austrian pine. Specific characteristics of the studied provenances, populations, and free pollination lines were confirmed by the analyses in the salt-soluble proteins. The identical protein composition was proved in a small number of cases in the replicates of the same free pollination line, which indicates a high intra-line variability, which can be the result of the effect of father, as well as of heterozygosity of mother trees. The analyses of protein composition of seed showed considerable differences at provenance level. Inter-line, population and provenance differences, and also, the interaction between the origin and drought factor, were recorded for 9-day-old seedlings germinated in induced drought conditions and in normal conditions

    Polimorfizam proteinskih markera kod half-sib linija omorike

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    This paper present the results of determination of the degree of genetic polymorphism of Serbian spruce half-sib lines belonging to different varieties: var .'semidihotomy', var.'serbica' and var.'nana', incorporated in the seedling seed orchard, by the application of protein markers. The analysis in the salts of soluble proteins of the endosperms of 12 Serbian spruce genotypes was performed by separation - electrophoresis on the polyacrylamide gel using Leammli (1970) method. The obtained electrophoregrams were the base for the calculation of the coefficient of similarity, by Sheen (1972) formula, both between individuals within the lines and between the lines. The genetic distance of the analyzed material was assessed by cluster analysis. The study results show that phenotypic variability between the analyzed varieties of Serbian spruce is genetically determined.U radu su prikazani rezultati utvrđivanja stepena genetskog polimorfizma linija polusrodnika, ugrađenih u generativnu semensku plantažu omorike koji pripadaju različitim varijetetima omorike: var. 'semidihotomy', var.'serbica' i var. 'nana', primenom proteinskih markera. Analiza u solima rastvorljivih proteina, semena 12 genotipova omorike, obavljena je razdvajanjem-elektroforezom na poliakrilamidnom gelu metodom Leammli (1970). Dobijeni elektroforegrami poslužili su kao osnova za izračunavanje koeficijenta sličnosti po formuli Sheen-a (1972), kako između individua unutar samih linija, tako i među linijma. Genetska bliskost odnosno udaljenost između analiziranog materijala utvrđena je primenom Klaster analize

    Primena molekularnih markera i bioinformatike u oplemenjivanju biljaka

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    In the past decade development of molecular genetics brought new dimension of a plant breeding. Molecular markers as universally methods for all biological system virtually effect on a success of directly examination of structure and function of genome and well as determination of genetic polymorphism of plant genomes. The potential applications of molecular markers in plant breeding are: analysis of molecular basis of evolution; germ plasma identification classification and management; assessing genetic diversity; identification of genes underlying agronomy important traits as yield, resistance to stress and disease as well as heterosis. High density genetic linkage maps for a number of plant species as a basis for marker assisted selection of agronomically useful traits and isolation of these genes have been established. Important factor in the successes of the genetic improvement of crops was the development of faster and more reliable methods, which allowed easier analysis of date as well as rapid information exchange. The application of information technology and development of statistical techniques to analyze genomic information is know as 'bioinformatics'. By integrating genetics with informatics investigations of whole genomes aims to elucidate the structure function and evolution of plant genomes are faster. Together these technologies as integral part of classical breeding programs contributing significantly to shorting of plant breeding process and cycles of selection.Tokom poslednje decenije razvoj molekularne biologije uneo je novu dimenziju u oplemenjivanje biljaka. Molekularni markeri kao univerzalna metoda za sve sisteme je značajno uticala na uspeh direktnog ispitivanja strukture i funkcije genoma kao i ispitivanje genetičkog polimorfizma. Potencijalne primene molekularnih markera u oplemenjivanju biljaka su: ispitivanje molekularne osnove evolucije; identifikacija, klasifikacija i održavanje germplazme; ispitivanje genetičke raznovrsnosti; identifikacija gena koji kontroliÅ”u prinos, heterosis, stres ili bolesti. Formirane su visoko zgusnute genetičke mape za brojne biljne vrste kao osnova selekcije zasnovane na markerima za agronomski važne osobine kao i izolovanje gena. Važan faktor u uspehu genetičkog poboljÅ”anja biljaka je razvoj brzih i pouzdanih metoda koji omogućavaju lakÅ”u analizu podataka kao i brzu razmenu informacija. Primena informatike i razvoj statističkih metoda za analizu genetičkih informacija poznata je kao 'bioinformatika'. Integracijom genetike sa informatikom ispitivanja na nivou genoma sa ciljem da se rasvetli struktura, funkcija i evolucija biljnog genoma su ubrzana. Zajedno ove tehnologije kao sastavni deo konvencionalnih programa oplemenjivanja značajno doprinose skraćenju procesa selekcije

    Biotehnologija u oplemenjivanju kukuruza

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    Maize is one of the most important economic crops and the best studied and most tractable genetic system among monocots. The development of biotechnology has led to a great increase in our knowledge of maize genetics and understanding of the structure and behaviour of maize genomes. Conventional breeding practices can now be complemented by a number of new and powerful techniques. Some of these often referred to as molecular methods, enable scientists to see the layout of the entire genome of any organism and to select plants with preferred characteristics by "reading" at the molecular level, saving precious time and resources. DNA markers have provided valuable tools in various analyses ranging from phylogenetic analysis to the positional cloning of genes. Application of molecular markers for genetic studies of maize include: assessment of genetic variability and characterization of germ plasm, identification and fingerprinting of genotypes, estimation of genetic distance, detection of monogamic and quantitative trait loci, marker assisted selection, identification of sequence of useful candidate genes, etc. The development of high-density molecular maps which has been facilitated by PCR-based markers, have made the mapping and tagging of almost any trait possible and serve as bases for marker assisted selection. Sequencing of maize genomes would help to elucidate gene function, gene regulation and their expression. Modern biotechnology also includes an array of tools for introducing or deieting a particular gene or genes to produce plants with novel traits. Development of informatics and biotechnology are resulted in bioinformatic as well as in expansion of microarrey technique. Modern biotechnologies could complement and improve the efficiency of traditional selection and breeding techniques to enhance agricultural productivity.Kukuruz je jedan od ekonomski najznačajnijih useva i model sistem za genetička ispitivanja kod monokotila. Razvoj biotehnologije je omogućio bolje razumevanje strukture i funkcije genoma kukuruza a konvencionalno oplemenjivanje je dopunjeno novim i moćnim tehnikama. Neke od njih omogućavaju naučnicima da sagledaju strukturu celog genoma i odaberu biljke s poželjnim svojstvima na molekularnom nivou, Å”tedeći vreme i resurse. Primena molekularnih markera uključuje ispitivanje genetičke varijabilnosti i karakterizaciju germplazme; identifikaciju gena koji kontroliÅ”u agronomski važne osobine; selekciju pomoću markera. Sekvencioniranje genoma kukuruza pomaže rasvetljavanju funkcije, regulacije i ekspresije gena. Moderna biotehnologija uključuje seriju tehnika koje omogućavaju prenos gena iz drugih organizama ili deaktivaciju postojećih gena i stvaranje genotipova sa novim osobinama. Razvoj informatike i biotehnologije rezultirao je u stvaranju bioinformatike i omogućio je Å”iru primenu mikroarrey tehnike. Moderna biotehnologija može da dopuni i poboljÅ”a efikasnost klasičnog oplemenjivanja u cilju stvaranja visokorodnih genotipova kukuruza otpornih na bolesti i stres