8 research outputs found


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    METHODS OF ZOPICLONE INVESTIGATION IN THE OBJECT OF FORENSIC EXAMINATIONV. M. Korobchuk1, V. M. Yatsyuk1, M. M. Mykhalkiv2, I. B. Ivanusa2Temopil Scientific and Research Forensic Centre of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine1Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University2Introduction. Zopiclone rapidly induces sleep, without decreasing the proportion of a fast sleep in its structure, and then supports sleep with preservation of normal phase composition. However, Zopiclone is found the non-medical usage. Perhaps drug dependents use zopiclone in the crisis period, or with opiates for the state of euphoria, sometimes in combination with other psychoactive substances.Zopiclone (C17H17ClN6O3) – (5RS)-6-(5-Chloropyridin-2-yl)-7-oxo-6,7-dihydro-5Hpyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrazin-5-yl 4-methylpiperazine-1-carboxylate – is white or slightly yellowish powder, practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in methylene chloride, sparingly soluble in acetone, practically insoluble in ethanol (96 per cent). It dissolves in dilute mineral acids.The most common methods for the qualitative detection of zopiclone are chemical reactions, chromatography in thin layer sorbent (TLC), gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), mass-, infrared (IR) -, ultraviolet (UV)- spectroscopy.Aim of investigation – a generalization of already existing methods for detection and quantitative determination of zopiclone in different objects and develop a new approach to the determination of zopiclone by TLC, GC, IR spectroscopy.Investigation methods. To solve this purpose, we used a sample of medicine "Sonnat zopiclone 0.0075 g", which was taken from the collection of the laboratory department of study materials, substances and products Ternopol scientific and research forensic centre the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine. Identification of zopiclone was performed by chemical (qualitative reactions with Dragendorff’s, Bushard’s, Zonnenstein’s, Nessler’s, Scheibler's, Wagner’s, Marqui's reagents, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, freshly prepared 1% solution of Reinecke salt, rhodamine cobalt) and physical-chemical (infrared spectroscopy, TLC, GC, GC / MS) methods. IR spectroscopic investigation was performed on spectrophotometer SPECORD M80, the recording spectrum 4000-400 cm-1; integration time - 0.5 seconds; slit width – 12, GLC investigation were performed on chromatograph "HP 6890", GC / MS investigation on chromatograph GC / MS Agilent Technologies 6890N / 5975B.Results and discussion. To identify of zopiclone were used precipitation and color reactions. We observed the formation of the corresponding color precipitate with the precipitation reagent (Dragendorff’s, Bushard’s, Zonnenstein’s, Scheibler's, Wagner’s, etc.). To identify by color reactions were used various reagents recommended for examination of drastic substances (Nessler’s, Marqui's reagents, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, freshly prepared 1% solution of Reinecke salt, rhodamine cobalt). It has been established, only Nessler’s reagent dives with zopiclone orange color with the transition into gray, is opportunity to differ it from the ketamine, atropine, clophelin, dimedrol.TLC, IR spectroscopy is used in order to confirm quality results of chemical reactions. Chromatographic investigation was first conducted in three solvent systems: benzene - ethanol - triethylamine (9:1:1); chloroform - methanol (9:1) and chloroform - acetone (4:1). As developers are used UV irradiation (green fluorescence) and iodine vapor (light brown stain). Plates are processed by Nessler’s reagent after a complete sublimation of iodine from the surface (orange stain that gradually gray).In infrared spectroscopic investigation the spectrum was obtained with absorption bands characteristic for zopiclone (710, 750, 845, 980, 1090, 1140, 1290, 1380, 1440, 1710 sm-1). For the qualitative and quantitative determination of zopiclone selective method is gas chromatography with GC-MS detection. The obtained mass spectrum was compared with the mass spectrum drastic substances from the mass spectrum library. The comparison determined that the resulting mass spectrum was consistent with the mass spectrum of zopiclone.It was to explore the possibility of quantitative GC-determination of of zopiclone in the test object. Conditions of chromatography: capillary column (length -30 m; diameter -250 mm; phase thickness -0.25 m; constant flow carrier gas through the column - 2.0 ml / min.), carrier gas – helium, injector temperature -280 °C, detector – FID, internal standard – metylstearat, solvent – chloroform, sample volume - 1 mcl. Retention time of zopiclone - 9.949 min.Conclusions. It was research individual qualitative chemical reactions characteristic to identify of zopiclone, prompted to select Nessler’s reagent. It was analyzed and proposed eluent systems for thin-layer-chromatographic investigations. Screening of reagents for zopiclone zones detection after chromatography in a thin layer of sorbent was spend. It is proposed IR-spectroscopic method as a version of zopiclone investigation.A new modern approach to the identification of zopiclone and determination of its amount in the forensic objects is used GC and GC / MS methods. It was analyzed the possibility of application of UV and visible spectral regions, HPLC for the quantitative determination of zopiclone in the investigated objects.References1. Mashkovskiy M.D. Lekarstvennyye sredstva : v 2 t. / M.D. Mashkovskiy. – M., 2012. – T. 1. – 32 s.2. Abuse and dependence potential for the nonbenzodiazepid hipnotics zolpidem and zopiclon: a revier of case reports and epidemiological data / G. Hajak, W. E. Muller, D. Pittow, W. Kirch // Additson. – 2003. – V. 98 (10) - P. 1371–1378.3. Nakaz MOZ Ukrayiny № 490 vid 17.08.2007 “Pro zatverdzhennya Perelikiv otruynykh ta sylʹnodiyuchykh likarsʹkykh zasobiv”, zareyestrovanoho v Ministerstvi yustytsiyi Ukrayiny 03 veresnya 2007 roku za №1008/14275.4. Khimiko-toksikologicheskiy analiz imovana / YU.A. Khomov, N.V. Koksharova, M. Dayyekh, V.P. Garanin // Problemy ekspertizy v meditsine. – 2004. - № 13-1, tom 04. – S. 25-27.5. Bolotov V. V. Rozrobka kolʹorovykh reaktsiy na zopiklon / V. V. Bolotov, L. YU. 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    The aim of the work. To study the IR and UV absorption spectra of dextromethorphan, to calculate its molar and specific absorptivity in solvents of different polarity. Materials and Methods. The substance of dextromethorphan hydrobromide was used for the analysis. Cary 50 M and Lambda-25 spectrophotometers were used to record the electronic absorption spectra and measure absorption. Nicolet iS 10FTIR spectrometer was used for IR spectroscopic study of dextromethorphan hydrobromide. Results and Discussion. We studied the UV spectra of dextromethorphan in solvents of different polarity: ethanol, chloroform, water, hexane, diethyl ether. Our research has shown that the absorption maximum of dextromethorphan in the UV region is ranges from 280 to 282 nm in all solvents. The peculiarity and difference in the spectra in solvents with different polarity is the presence of a smaller or larger expansion-bifurcation in the absorption maximum. The largest values of molar and specific absorptivity ​​are in chloroform (2193 and 80.83, in accordance) and ethanol (2181 and 80.40, in accordance) dextromethorphan solutions. The IR spectra of dextromethorphan was deciphered. Conclusions. IR and UV absorption spectra of dextromethorphan are obtained and can be further used for its identification and assay. Molar and specific absorptivity was calculated in various solvents. Ethyl alcohol was proved to be a rational solvent for quantitative determination.Мета роботи. Вивчити ІЧ- та УФ-спектри поглинання декcтрометорфану, розрахувати його молярні та питомі показники світлопоглинання у розчинниках різної полярності. Матеріали і методи. Для аналізу було використано субстанцію декстрометорфану гідроброміду. Для запису електронних спектрів поглинання і вимірювання абсорбції застосовували спектрофотометри Cary 50 M і Lambda-25. ІЧ-спектроскопічне вивчення декcтрометорфану гідроброміду здійснювали з використанням спектрометра Nicolet iS 10FTIR. Результати й обговорення. Ми вивчили УФ-спектри декстрометорфану в різних розчинниках, які відрізняються полярністю: етанол, хлороформ, вода, гексан, діетиловий ефір. Як показують результати наших досліджень, максимум поглинання декстрометорфану в УФ-ділянці знаходиться в діапазоні 280 - 282 нм у всіх розчинниках. Особливістю і відмінністю спектрів у різних за полярністю розчинниках є наявність меншого чи більшого розширення-роздвоєння у максимумі смуги поглинання. Як показали результати наших досліджень, найбільший молярний і питомий показники світлопоглинання характерні для розчинів декстрометорфану в хлороформі (2193 та 80,83 відповідно) і етанолі (2181 та 80,40 відповідно). Було розшифровано ІЧ-спектр декcтрометорфану. Висновки. Отримані ІЧ- та УФ-спектри поглинання декстрометорфану можуть у подальшому будуть використані для ідентифікації та кількісного визначення, розраховані молярні та питомі показники світлопоглинання у різних розчинниках. При кількісному визначенні як розчинник раціонально використовувати етиловий спирт

    Phylodynamics helps to evaluate the impact of an HIV prevention intervention

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    Assessment of the long-term population-level effects of HIV interventions is an ongoing public health challenge. Following the implementation of a Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP) in Odessa, Ukraine, in 2013-2016, we obtained HIV pol gene sequences and used phylogenetics to identify HIV transmission clusters. We further applied the birth-death skyline model to the sequences from Odessa (n = 275) and Kyiv (n = 92) in order to estimate changes in the epidemic's effective reproductive number (Re) and rate of becoming uninfectious (δ). We identified 12 transmission clusters in Odessa; phylogenetic clustering was correlated with younger age and higher average viral load at the time of sampling. Estimated Re were similar in Odessa and Kyiv before the initiation of TRIP; Re started to decline in 2013 and is now below Re = 1 in Odessa (Re = 0.4, 95%HPD 0.06-0.75), but not in Kyiv (Re = 2.3, 95%HPD 0.2-5.4). Similarly, estimates of δ increased in Odessa after the initiation of TRIP. Given that both cities shared the same HIV prevention programs in 2013-2019, apart from TRIP, the observed changes in transmission parameters are likely attributable to the TRIP intervention. We propose that molecular epidemiology analysis can be used as a post-intervention effectiveness assessment tool. © 2020 by the authors

    Molecular analysis of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals in a network-based intervention (Transmission Reduction Intervention Project): Phylogenetics identify HIV-1-infected individuals with social links

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    Background. The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP) is a network-based intervention that aims at decreasing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) spread. We herein explore associations between transmission links as estimated by phylogenetic analyses, and social network-based ties among persons who inject drugs (PWID) recruited in TRIP. Methods. Phylogenetic trees were inferred from HIV-1 sequences of TRIP participants. Highly supported phylogenetic clusters (transmission clusters) were those fulfilling 3 different phylogenetic confidence criteria. Social network-based ties (injecting or sexual partners, same venue engagement) were determined based on personal interviews, recruitment links, and field observation. Results. TRIP recruited 356 individuals (90.2% PWID) including HIV-negative controls; recently HIV-infected seeds; longterm HIV-infected seeds; and their social network members. Of the 150 HIV-infected participants, 118 (78.7%) were phylogenetically analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses suggested the existence of 13 transmission clusters with 32 sequences. Seven of these clusters included 14 individuals (14/32 [43.8%]) who also had social ties with at least 1 member of their cluster. This proportion was significantly higher than what was expected by chance. Conclusions. Molecular methods can identify HIV-infected people socially linked with another person in about half of the phylogenetic clusters. This could help public health efforts to locate individuals in networks with high transmission rates. © The Author(s) 2018

    A network intervention that locates and intervenes with recently HIV-infected persons: The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP)

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    Early treatment, soon after infection, reduces HIV transmissions and benefits patients. The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP) evaluated a network intervention to detect individuals recently infected (in the past 6 months). TRIP was conducted in Greece (2013-2015) and focused on drug injector networks. Based on HIV status, testing history, and the results of an assay to detect recent infections, TRIP classified drug injector "Seeds" into groups: Recent Seeds (RS), and Control Seeds with Long-term HIV infection (LCS). The network members of RS and LCS were traced for two steps. The analysis included 23 RS, 171 network members of the RS, 19 LCS, and 65 network members of the LCS. The per-seed number of recents detected in the network of RS was 5 times the number in the network of LCS (Ratio RS vs. LCS: 5.23; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.54-27.61). The proportion of recents among HIV positives in the network of RS (27%) was approximately 3 times (Ratio RS vs. LCS: 3.30; 95% CI: 1.04-10.43) that in the network of LCS (8%). Strategic network tracing that starts with recently infected persons could support public health efforts to find and treat people early in their HIV infection

    A network intervention that locates and intervenes with recently HIV-infected persons: The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP)

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    Early treatment, soon after infection, reduces HIV transmissions and benefits patients. The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP) evaluated a network intervention to detect individuals recently infected (in the past 6 months). TRIP was conducted in Greece (2013-2015) and focused on drug injector networks. Based on HIV status, testing history, and the results of an assay to detect recent infections, TRIP classified drug injector "Seeds" into groups: Recent Seeds (RS), and Control Seeds with Long-term HIV infection (LCS). The network members of RS and LCS were traced for two steps. The analysis included 23 RS, 171 network members of the RS, 19 LCS, and 65 network members of the LCS. The per-seed number of recents detected in the network of RS was 5 times the number in the network of LCS (Ratio RS vs. LCS: 5.23; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.54-27.61). The proportion of recents among HIV positives in the network of RS (27%) was approximately 3 times (Ratio RS vs. LCS: 3.30; 95% CI: 1.04-10.43) that in the network of LCS (8%). Strategic network tracing that starts with recently infected persons could support public health efforts to find and treat people early in their HIV infection

    A network intervention that locates and intervenes with recently HIV-infected persons: The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP)

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    Early treatment, soon after infection, reduces HIV transmissions and benefits patients. The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP) evaluated a network intervention to detect individuals recently infected (in the past 6 months). TRIP was conducted in Greece (2013-2015) and focused on drug injector networks. Based on HIV status, testing history, and the results of an assay to detect recent infections, TRIP classified drug injector "Seeds" into groups: Recent Seeds (RS), and Control Seeds with Long-term HIV infection (LCS). The network members of RS and LCS were traced for two steps. The analysis included 23 RS, 171 network members of the RS, 19 LCS, and 65 network members of the LCS. The per-seed number of recents detected in the network of RS was 5 times the number in the network of LCS (Ratio RS vs. LCS: 5.23; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.54-27.61). The proportion of recents among HIV positives in the network of RS (27%) was approximately 3 times (Ratio RS vs. LCS: 3.30; 95% CI: 1.04-10.43) that in the network of LCS (8%). Strategic network tracing that starts with recently infected persons could support public health efforts to find and treat people early in their HIV infection. © The Author(s) 2016