1,116 research outputs found

    Discovering Maine\u27s Prehistory Through Archaeology : An Interdisciplinary Curriculum Unit for Grades 5-8

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    Discovering Maine\u27s Prehistory Through Archaeology : An Interdisciplinary Curriculum Unit for Grades 5-8 Developed by Diane R. Kopec for the Maine Historic Preservation Commission (Draft Edition), Augusta, Me., 1988. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Description / Organization & General Procedures / Educational Goals & Behavioral Objectives / Unit Plan / What is Archaeology / Doing Archaeology: The Archaeologist & Methods / Doing Archaeology: Prehistory / Doing Archaeology: Excavation & Interpretation / Living Archaeology / Native Americans Today / You and Archaeology / Sources. References, Teacher Bibliography and Glossaryhttps://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/me_collection/1044/thumbnail.jp

    Assessing Human Error Against a Benchmark of Perfection

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    An increasing number of domains are providing us with detailed trace data on human decisions in settings where we can evaluate the quality of these decisions via an algorithm. Motivated by this development, an emerging line of work has begun to consider whether we can characterize and predict the kinds of decisions where people are likely to make errors. To investigate what a general framework for human error prediction might look like, we focus on a model system with a rich history in the behavioral sciences: the decisions made by chess players as they select moves in a game. We carry out our analysis at a large scale, employing datasets with several million recorded games, and using chess tablebases to acquire a form of ground truth for a subset of chess positions that have been completely solved by computers but remain challenging even for the best players in the world. We organize our analysis around three categories of features that we argue are present in most settings where the analysis of human error is applicable: the skill of the decision-maker, the time available to make the decision, and the inherent difficulty of the decision. We identify rich structure in all three of these categories of features, and find strong evidence that in our domain, features describing the inherent difficulty of an instance are significantly more powerful than features based on skill or time.Comment: KDD 2016; 10 page

    Improving In Vivo Brain Delivery of Monoclonal Antibody Using Novel Cyclic Peptides

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Many proteins can be used to treat brain diseases; however, the presence of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) creates an obstacle to delivering them into the brain. Previously, various molecules were delivered through the paracellular pathway of the BBB via its modulation, using ADTC5 and HAV6 peptides. This study goal was to design new cyclic peptides with N-to-C terminal cyclization for better plasma stability and modulation of the BBB. Cyclic HAVN1 and HAVN2 peptides were derived from a linear HAV6 peptide. Linear and N-to-C terminal cyclic ADTHAV peptides were designed by combining the sequences of ADTC5 and HAV6. These novel cyclic peptides were used to deliver an IRdye800CW-labeled IgG monoclonal antibody into the brain. Cyclic HAVN1 and HAVN2 peptides deliver IgG into the brain, while the parent linear HAV6 peptide does not. Cyclic and linear ADTHAV and ADTC5 peptides enhanced brain delivery of IgG mAb, in which cyclic ADTHAV peptide was better than linear ADTHAV (p = 0.07). Cyclic ADTHAV and ADTC5 influenced the distribution of IgG mAb in other organs while HAV6, HAVN1 and HAVN2 did not. In summary, the novel cyclic peptides are generally better BBB modulators than their linear counterparts for delivering IgG mAb into the brain

    GluR1 links structural and functional plasticity at excitatory synapses

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    Long-term potentiation (LTP), a cellular model of learning and memory, produces both an enhancement of synaptic function and an increase in the size of the associated dendritic spine. Synaptic insertion of AMPA receptors is known to play an important role in mediating the increase in synaptic strength during LTP, whereas the role of AMPA receptor trafficking in structural changes remains unexplored. Here, we examine how the cell maintains the correlation between spine size and synapse strength during LTP. We found that cells exploit an elegant solution by linking both processes to a single molecule: the AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunit 1 (GluR1). Synaptic insertion of GluR1 is required to permit a stable increase in spine size, both in hippocampal slice cultures and in vivo. Synaptic insertion of GluR1 is not sufficient to drive structural plasticity. Although crucial to the expression of LTP, the ion channel function of GluR1 is not required for the LTP-driven spine size enhancement. Remarkably, a recombinant cytosolic C-terminal fragment (C-tail) of GluR1 is driven to the postsynaptic density after an LTP stimulus, and the synaptic incorporation of this isolated GluR1 C-tail is sufficient to permit spine enlargement even when postsynaptic exocytosis of endogenous GluR1 is blocked. We conclude that during plasticity, synaptic insertion of GluR1 has two functions: the established role of increasing synaptic strength via its ligand-gated ion channel, and a novel role through the structurally stabilizing effect of its C terminus that permits an increase in spine size

    Land use implications of future energy system trajectories-The case of the UK 2050 Carbon Plan

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    The UK's 2008 Climate Change Act sets a legally binding target for reducing territorial greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, relative to 1990 levels. Four pathways to achieve this target have been developed by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, with all pathways requiring increased us of bioenergy. A significant amount of this could be indigenously sourced from crops, but will increased domestic production of energy crops conflict with other agricultural priorities? To address this question, a coupled analysis of the UK energy system and land use has been developed. The two systems are connected by the production of bioenergy, and are projected forwards in time under the energy pathways, accounting for various constraints on land use for agriculture and ecosystem services. The results show different combinations of crop yield and compositions for the pathways lead to the appropriation of between 7 and 61% of UK's agricultural land for bioenergy production. This could result in competition for land for food production and other land uses, as well as indirect land use change in other countries due to an increase in bioenergy imports. Consequently, the potential role of bioenergy in achieving UK emissions reduction targets may face significant deployment challenges.This work has been funded by ESPRC through the Whole System Energy Modelling (wholeSEM) consortium. EPSRC Grant number EP/K039326/1.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2015.07.00

    Glutamate receptor exocytosis and spine enlargement during chemically induced long-term potentiation

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    The changes in synaptic morphology and receptor content that underlie neural plasticity are poorly understood. Here, we use a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein to tag recombinant glutamate receptors and monitor their dynamics onto dendritic spine surfaces. We show that chemically induced long-term potentiation (chemLTP) drives robust exocytosis of AMPA receptors. In contrast, the same stimulus produces a small reduction of NMDA receptors from the spine surface. chemLTP produces similar modification of small and large spines. Interestingly, during chemLTP induction, spines increase in volume before accumulation of AMPA receptors on their surface, indicating that distinct mechanisms underlie changes in morphology and receptor content

    The Effect of Walking an Unfamiliar Versus Companion Dog on Mood, Exercise Enjoyment, and Heart Rate: A Pilot Field Study

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 2: Issue 1, Article 3, 2021. Background: Walking unfamiliar dogs, such as therapy dogs, has been shown to improve physiological exercise responses and exercise adherence, but whether walking a companion dog results in superior benefits is currently unknown. The purpose of the current pilot field study was to elucidate preliminary evidence of how walking an unfamiliar or companion dog influences mood, exercise enjoyment, and heart rate during a 1.5-mile walk. Methods: Participants (n=8) walked 1.5-miles at their own pace with an unfamiliar or companion dog while mood, exercise enjoyment, and heart rate were measured. Point of application #1: Walking an unfamiliar dog resulted in improved pre- to post- exercise mood changes compared to walking their own companion dog. Point of application #2: Enjoyment of exercise was higher while walking the unfamiliar dog compared to the companion dog. Point of application #3: Mean exercise heart rate was significantly higher while walking the unfamiliar versus companion dog although time to completion of the 1.5-miles was unaffected

    Corporate Culture and Its Connection with External and Internal Public Relations

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    The main aim of this article is to present the influence of corporate culture on company's stakeholders. This paper signalises the tendency in corporate communication with its internal and external publics. It is focused on two issues: corporate social responsibility and employer branding. Those two categories are consequences of corporate culture model.Głównym celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wpływu jaki wywiera charakter kultury korporacyjnej na związanych z przedsiębiorstwem interesariuszy (stakeholders). W artykule zasygnalizowane zostały główne tendencje wyznaczające charakter komunikacji między organizacją a jej wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym otoczeniem. Tekst koncentruje się na dwóch kwestiach: społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstwa (corporate social responsibilty) i budowanie wizerunku pracodawcy (employer branding), które zaprezentowane zostały jako efekty określonego modelu kultury organizacyjnej

    A robust automated method to analyze rodent motion during fear conditioning

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    A central question in the study of LTP has been to determine what role it plays in memory formation and storage. One valuable form of learning for addressing this issue is associative fear conditioning. In this paradigm an animal learns to associate a tone and shock, such that subsequent presentation of a tone evokes a fear response (freezing behavior). Recent studies indicate that overlapping cellular processes underlie fear conditioning and LTP. The fear response has generally been scored manually which is both labor-intensive and subject to potential artifacts such as inconsistent or biased results. Here we describe a simple automated method that provides unbiased and rapid analysis of animal motion. We show that measured motion, in units termed significant motion pixels (SMPs), is both linear and robust over a wide range of animal speeds and detection thresholds and scores freezing in a quantitatively similar manner to trained human observers. By comparing the frequency distribution of motion during baseline periods and to the response to fox urine (which causes unconditioned fear), we suggest that freezing and non-freezing are distinct behaviors. Finally, we show how this algorithm can be applied to a fear conditioning paradigm yielding information on long and short-term associative memory as well as habituation. This automated analysis of fear conditioning will permit a more rapid and accurate assessment of the role of LTP in memory

    Analysis of time-profiles with in-beam PET monitoring in charged particle therapy

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    Background: Treatment verification with PET imaging in charged particle therapy is conventionally done by comparing measurements of spatial distributions with Monte Carlo (MC) predictions. However, decay curves can provide additional independent information about the treatment and the irradiated tissue. Most studies performed so far focus on long time intervals. Here we investigate the reliability of MC predictions of space and time (decay rate) profiles shortly after irradiation, and we show how the decay rates can give an indication about the elements of which the phantom is made up. Methods and Materials: Various phantoms were irradiated in clinical and near-clinical conditions at the Cyclotron Centre of the Bronowice proton therapy centre. PET data were acquired with a planar 16x16 cm2^2 PET system. MC simulations of particle interactions and photon propagation in the phantoms were performed using the FLUKA code. The analysis included a comparison between experimental data and MC simulations of space and time profiles, as well as a fitting procedure to obtain the various isotope contributions in the phantoms. Results and conclusions: There was a good agreement between data and MC predictions in 1-dimensional space and decay rate distributions. The fractions of 11^{11}C, 15^{15}O and 10^{10}C that were obtained by fitting the decay rates with multiple simple exponentials generally agreed well with the MC expectations. We found a small excess of 10^{10}C in data compared to what was predicted in MC, which was clear especially in the PE phantom.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWorid2018), 24-28 June 2018, Sundsvall, Swede