24 research outputs found

    Green knowledge exchange Turkey-The Netherlands : priority issues identified for cooperation in the field of biodiversity protection and conservation : interviews with experts from Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations based in Turkey and based in The Netherlands

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    As a consequence of its geographical location Turkey is very rich in biodiversity; its flora is richest, both in terms of overall plant diversity and level of endemism compared to Europe, North Africa, or countries in the Middle East. This report gives an overview of important biodiversity issues in Turkey and priorities for cooperation selected by Turkish and Dutch parties. The project aimed to facilitate the set up of a long-term cooperation between Turkey and The Netherlands in a structural ‘Green Knowledge Exchange’ between officials and experts of the two countries. Reports of interviews with (non)governmental organizations (Netherlands and Turkey) form the backbone of this publication. It also provides a SWOT analysis and comparison of the information obtained from Turkish side and the information provided by organisations based in The Netherlands

    Enhancing the Wise Use of Wetlands : A Framework for Capacity Development

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    To be effective in implementing the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, you need to have a good balance between theoretical background and the available methods for capacity development interventions on the one hand and personal facilitation, leadership and communication skills on the other. This guide provides a stepwise approach for developing and implementing capacity development initiatives to achieve the wise use of wetlands

    Agribusiness development in Libya : a fact-finding mission

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    Libya, a country full of largely unknown beauties to the rest of the world, is very motivated to move fast forward from being a heavily centralised state to a more decentralised and diversified economy with open, well-functioning markets in place. Improving agribusiness governance and creating an enabling environment for agribusiness development are currently topics high on Libya’s agenda. This report is the result of a fact finding mission in frame of a Letter of Intent signed between the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth and the Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. Report number CDI-12-025

    Lac Ayata dans la Vallée d’Oued Righ : Quick-scan of options and preliminary recommendations for the Management of Lake Ayata in the Valley of Oued Righ

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    The rational use and integrated management of wetlands in the Sahara is essential to ensure the sustainability of the Saharan wetlands. These wetlands are of vital importance to sustain the ecological network of the area, (even worldwide considering e.g. important bird migration routes) and to sustain the livelihood of local people. The Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation has completed a quick scan about the actual situation of Algeria’s wetlands and water resources but more specifically on Lake Ayata located in the region of the Wilaya of El Oued in Algeria. This quick scan has been initiated by a request from the Wilaya of El Oued through the Councelor for Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality based at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Paris (France), at the time that Algeria was included in her area of jurisdiction. This quick scan developed recommendations on the management, conservation and options for the sustainable use of the Lac Ayata, e.g. by preliminary recommendations for small-scale tourism development. Including translation in French (executive summary, short summary, some final remarks and acknowledgement)

    Turkse boer gaat grote trap beschermen

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    Als kandidaat-lid van de Europese Unie moet Turkije al gaan voldoen aan Europese richtlijnen als de Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) en de Vogel- en Habitarichtlijn (VHR). Het ministerie van EL&I ondersteunt Turkije bij implementatie van Europees beleid

    Sustainable Nutrition for All - Phase II : Mid-Term Review Report

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    This report describes the mid-term review (MTR) of Phase II of the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4) project implemented in Uganda and Zambia. SN4A is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SNV in partnership with Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI)

    Sustainable Nutrition for All - Phase II : Mid-Term Review Report

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    This report describes the mid-term review (MTR) of Phase II of the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4) project implemented in Uganda and Zambia. SN4A is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SNV in partnership with Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI)

    Agribusiness development in Libya : a fact-finding mission

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    Libya, a country full of largely unknown beauties to the rest of the world, is very motivated to move fast forward from being a heavily centralised state to a more decentralised and diversified economy with open, well-functioning markets in place. Improving agribusiness governance and creating an enabling environment for agribusiness development are currently topics high on Libya’s agenda. This report is the result of a fact finding mission in frame of a Letter of Intent signed between the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth and the Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. Report number CDI-12-025