13 research outputs found

    Litter consumption and soil translocation by termites under maize and banana near Chuka, Kenya

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    Applying and implementing future-oriented methods on a national level; towards enhanced policy and service preparedness to threats in the drugs domain

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    Background Developments in the area of drugs are evolving rapidly and new threats request countries to step up to address these challenges. Meanwhile, most drug policies and services are still grounded in response approaches that address issues of the past decades (e.g. problematic heroin and cocaine use). The current rise of prevalence and use of synthetic opioids (SO) in a number of countries in Europe stresses the need to become better prepared in order to prevent further harm. More innovation and future-oriented strategies are needed to address other current and future developments in the drug&nbsp;field. The presentation will first describe how to identify and respond to known and currently ongoing threats. The second part will describe how foresight research can contribute to national drug information systems for better preparedness and how it can be developed and implemented at national&nbsp;levels. Methods A combination of more traditional multi-source qualitative research (literature research, Reitox workbook consultations, key stakeholder interviews and focus groups) is combined with more innovative future-oriented approaches (e.g. horizon scanning, scenario development and back-casting). Outcomes are used to actively support research agencies, policymakers and services. Multiple workshops and national dialogues will be facilitated in order to implement these methods on a national&nbsp;level. Results On preparedness of the known threat of Synthetic Opioids. Research indicates that European countries are likely to face increases in prevalence and use of SO. All countries in Europe are recommended to become well prepared in terms of monitoring and responses. In order to support that process a set of implementation guides on effectively respond to synthetic opioids substances is&nbsp;developed. On preparedness to currently ongoing threats. Through literature research and questionnaires to Reitox National Focal Points and through a European civil society network, the current situation in Europe in terms of patterns in drug use, people who use drugs, societal developments, patterns in drug markets has been summarized. On a national level, drug researchers and policy makers can use this information to respond&nbsp;accordingly. Foresight research is applied on a European and on a national level (in 6 countries) for the&nbsp; identification of possible threats in the (mid-term) future that are shaped by current societal developments. On the basis of this scanning exercise, various response national scenarios will be developed and implications will discussed by national key&nbsp;stakeholders. Conclusions and&nbsp;discussion Multi-method research, using traditional and more innovative methods, is effective in supporting better monitoring and intervention activities. It proves useful in preparing for particular possible trends&#8239;—&thinsp;like with SO&#8239;—&thinsp;and it will be useful for other similar developments in substance prevalence, trade and&nbsp;consumption. In order to supports enhanced preparedness and resilience of European countries’ drug information and intervention capacity to respond to emerging drug trends and threats, intensified research and applied implementation support is highly recommended. Targeted foresight research is a very useful instrument for national observatories, policy makers and civil society to get better insight and understanding in possible upcoming developments and respond&nbsp;accordingly. In becoming better prepared for the&nbsp;future.</p

    Magnetization reversal of NiFe films exchange-biased by IrMn and FeMn

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    We have used the transmission electron microscope to study how the magnetization reversal mechanism of thin NiFe layers exchange-biased by IrMn and FeMn varies over a wide temperature range, The reversal behaviour was qualitatively similar for layers biased by both types of antiferromagnet, At room temperature and below the most striking feature was the scale of the domain structures observed. Very high density domain structures with micron (or sub-micron) wall separations developed. By contrast at elevated temperatures, the reversal mechanism simplified. This is consistent with there being a strong local variation of the pinning strength between the NiFe and the antiferromagnetic layer, The overall temperature variation of the pinning changes much more rapidly than the magnetic properties of an isolated NiFe layer over a similar temperature range

    Een professionele kijk op borstvoeding

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    Na de geboorte van een kind is één van de eerste keuzen waarvoor de ouders worden gesteld: hoe voeden wij ons kind? Borstvoeding is de meest natuurlijke en gezonde voeding, en de meeste moeders (91%) starten dan ook vol enthousiasme, maar na de eerste week is de borstvoeding slechts bij 80% goed op gang gekomen. Vaak haakt een aanzienlijk deel van de moeders in de periode daarna snel weer af. Te vaak nog is dat terug te voeren op een te kort schietende begeleiding van de ouders. Er is weliswaar veel informatie over borstvoeding beschikbaar, maar deze wordt gefragmenteerd aangeboden en is (lang) niet altijd evidence-based en up to date. Een professionele kijk op borstvoeding voorziet in die leemte. Anatomie, fysiologie, toxicologie en psychosociale aspecten van borstvoeding komen aan de orde, maar ook is er volop aandacht voor de klinische, de praktische en de beleidsmatige aspecten. De wetenschappelijke achtergronden zoals de immunologische werking van moedermelk – de belangrijkste reden waarom borstvoeding zo gezond is – komen aan de orde. De uitgave is bestemd voor alle professionals die zijn betrokken bij de zorg voor borstvoeding: verloskundigen, gynaecologen, kinderartsen, verpleegkundigen van de afdeling neonatologie en gynaecologie, huisartsen, nurse practitioners, artsen en verpleegkundigen werkzaam in de jeugdgezondheidszorg, lactatiekundigen, diëtisten, kraamverzorgenden en doktersassistenten en zij die daarvoor in opleiding zijn. De uitgave biedt overigens ook volop nuttige informatie voor studenten en docenten van opleidingen in de gezondheidszorg, medische studenten en co-assistenten. Met dit eerste wetenschappelijke (leer)boek over borstvoeding verwacht de redactie professionals – meer dan voorheen – op één lijn te krijgen ten aanzien van het geven van uniforme adviezen en een wetenschappelijke onderbouwing te leveren voor de overtuiging dat ‘breast is best’

    Signals from the future: Exploring implications for drug policies

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    Building futures literacy in the drug policy domain contributes to enhanced preparedness and will support more proactive drug policy responses. As part of the DRUG-PREP project, this workshop aims to introduce the participants to basic foresight approaches and mutual learning practices for exploring the dynamics of future uncertainties and change in the drugs&nbsp;field. The overall aim of DRUG-PREP is to contribute to enhanced preparedness and resilience of EU countries’ drug surveillance systems and effective policy making. To this end, conference participants form an important component for this foresight project by bringing along the required international perspectives and experience from diverse domains in current drug policy, practice and&nbsp;science. In a first step, participants will be introduced to key drivers, predetermined elements and critical uncertainties that form the basis for shaping the future drugs policy area, which will have been mapped by DRUG-PREP via horizon scanning prior to the workshop. A participatory consultation process will then be facilitated for in-depth exploration of subsequent implications for European drug policies. A distinction will be defined between drivers and trends with a certain and uncertain outcome. By mapping when and how emerging issues and themes are likely to impact on the policy area, a shared sense of purpose is built and the requirements for mitigating threats and seizing opportunities are&nbsp;marked. The identified insights of high impact for the future EU drug policy area will serve as a precursor for the next research stage in the DRUG-PREP project, which involves strategic planning through further developing country-specific policy implications, visioning change and roadmapping towards an alternative future for drug policies in&nbsp;2030+. The strength of this interactive session is the twofold return by creating foresight capacity building with the workshop participants, as well as the active contribution that will be injected into the overall DRUG-PREP foresight&nbsp;exercise.</p

    Message farming

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