6 research outputs found

    Effective Forms of Teaching Students of Secondary Vocational Education in the «Blended Learning» Format

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    Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам применения технологии смешанного обучения (blended learning) при обучении студентов СПО. В статье рассматриваются эффективные формы обучения студентов СПО в формате «Blended learning».The article is devoted to the topical issues of the application of the technology of blended learning (blended learning) in the training of students of secondary vocational education. The article deals with effective forms of teaching students of secondary vocational education in the «Blended learning» format

    The XXI Century Competencies Formation: the Methodology of Foresight, “Adornation” and Deconstruction

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    The methodology of foresight and “adornation” of competencies is analyzed. The concept of deconstruction of competencies is introduced. The article substantiates the necessity of foresight, adornment and deconstruction in the process of forming competencies of the future, the relationship of which can be represented both in the form of a cycle of successive technologies, and in the form of intertwining processes with one of the technologies dominating, depending on the specifics of the situation and the social context.Анализируются методологии форсайта и адорнации компетенций. Впервые вводится понятие деконструкции компетенций. Обосновывается одинаковая необходимость форсайта, адорнации и деконструкции в процессе формиро-вания компетенций будущего, взаимосвязь которых может быть представлена как в форме цикла сменяющих друг друга технологий, так и в форме взаимнопереплетающихся процессов с доминированием одной из технологий в зависимости от особенностей ситуации и социального контекста

    Regarding the evidence-based use of micronized progesterone

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    An issue of habitual miscarriage poses a high social importance especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, healthcareworkers faced a mass media campaign against using micronized progesterone upon habitual miscarriage, which, as viewed by us, displays signs of prejudiced data manipulation and may disorient practitioners. In this Letter we provide objective information on accumulated data regarding gestagenes efficacy and safety. We invoke healthcare professionals to make decisions deserving independent primary source trust presented by original scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals, clinical recommendations proposed by professional medical communities as well as treatment standards and protocols