11 research outputs found

    Synthesis of α-hydroxy(polyprenyl) bisphosphonates

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    Bisphosphonates derived from natural terpenes were synthesized by phosphonylation of corresponding aldehydes. The general strategy of introduction of the phosphonate groups into the polyprenol molecule involves successive treatment of a hydroxyl compound by Swern reagent to oxidize the C-OH group into C=O and a (EtO)3P/[PyH]+ClO - 4 mixture to phosphylate the resulting carbonyl compound. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Synthesis of α-hydroxy(polyprenyl) bisphosphonates

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    Bisphosphonates derived from natural terpenes were synthesized by phosphonylation of corresponding aldehydes. The general strategy of introduction of the phosphonate groups into the polyprenol molecule involves successive treatment of a hydroxyl compound by Swern reagent to oxidize the C-OH group into C=O and a (EtO)3P/[PyH]+ClO - 4 mixture to phosphylate the resulting carbonyl compound. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Аеропружні коливання лопаткового вінця турбомашини у тривимірному потоці в’язкого газу

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    The method used for the solution of the combined aeroelastic problem that allows for the prediction of the amplitude-frequency spectrum of blade vibrations in the three-dimensional flow of the viscous gas including forced self-excited vibrations and self-induced oscillations to increase the efficiency and reliability of the sets of blades of turbine machines has been presented. The viscous gas flow through the blade ring is described by nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations that are presented in the conservative form of conservation laws. A dynamic analysis uses a model approach and finite element analysis to calculate eigenvibrations and vibration frequencies of the blades. The numerical method is based on the successive integration of aerodynamic equations and those of elastic vibrations of the blades with the information exchange (boundary conditions) at each iteration. The reliability of the computational data is confirmed by the comparison with the experimental data for the 11th standard configuration. The numerical analysis of combined vibrations proved for this mode the availability of the aerodamping at the interaction of the first six eigenvibrations.Представлен метод решения связанной аэроупругой задачи, позволяющий прогнозироватьамплитудно-частотный спектр колебаний лопаток в трёхмерном потоке вязкого газа, включаявынужденные, самовозбуждающиеся колебания и автоколебания с целью повышения экономичности инадёжности лопаточных аппаратов турбомашин. Достоверность расчетных результатов подтверждаетсясопоставлением с экспериментом для 11-й стандартной конфигурации. Численный анализ связанныхколебаний подтвердил для данного режима аэродемпфирование при взаимодействии первых шестисобственных форм.Представлений метод вирішення зв’язаної аеропружної задачі, що дозволяє прогнозувати амплітудно-частотний спектр коливань лопаток у тривимірному потоці в’язкого газу, включаючи вимушені, самозбудні коливання і автоколивання з метою підвищення економічності та надійності лопаткових апаратів турбомашин. Достовірність розрахункових результатів підтверджується зіставленням з експериментом для 11-й стандартної конфігурації. Чисельний аналіз зв’язаних коливань підтвердив аеродемпфування для даного режиму при взаємодії перших шести власних форм

    Synthesis of α-hydroxy(polyprenyl) bisphosphonates

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    Bisphosphonates derived from natural terpenes were synthesized by phosphonylation of corresponding aldehydes. The general strategy of introduction of the phosphonate groups into the polyprenol molecule involves successive treatment of a hydroxyl compound by Swern reagent to oxidize the C-OH group into C=O and a (EtO)3P/[PyH]+ClO - 4 mixture to phosphylate the resulting carbonyl compound. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    Aim. Analysis of inflammation biomarkers using reverse transcription with real time PCR (RT-PCR-RT) and multiplex immunofluorescent analysis xMAP with magnetic beads for the influenza infection. Materials and methods. Analysis of nasopharyngeal swabs, lymphocytes and blood sera of 10 patients with influenza and 10 donors was performed during the first 2 days of the disease by means of RT-PCR-RT and xMAP using the kit «37-plex» (BioRad). Results.The influenza virus A was revealed in 4 samples, the influenza virus B — in 6 swabs without mixed infections with other respiratory viruses. Analysis of the interferons (IFN) showed IFNα gene expression activation in patients’ lymphocytes but both the detection rate and the concentrations of IFNβ, IFNγ and IFNλ RNA were similar for patients and healthy donors. Among 37 inflammation biomarkers the concentrations of 7 proteins were enhanced including IFNα2, cytokines of TNF family (APRIL and BAFF), their soluble receptors sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2, protein osteopontin and IL10. The concentrations of the complex of glycoprotein gp130 with the soluble receptor IL6 gp130/sIL-6Rβ and the matrix metalloprotease ММР-1 were reduced in patients’ sera. The polarization coefficient PI=[IL10]/[IFNγ]=0.53 for influenza samples suggested Th1 immune response. Conclusion. At the early stage of the influenza infection IFNα gene expression activation along with the induction of TNF family cytokines (APRIL and BAFF), their receptors (sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2) and osteopontin as well as the inhibition of the complex gp130/sIL-6Rβ and metalloprotease ММР-1 were shown. Th1 immune response regulated by IL10 resulted in the recovery of the patients without complications

    Heterocyclic diazo compounds as starting materials in organic synthesis (review)

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