12 research outputs found
Model of the sustainable revitalization of the old industrial areas
Revitalizacija degradiranih območij, med katerimi je največ starih industrijskih območij, je velik potencial za izvajanje trajnostnega prostorskega razvoja. Njihov ponoven razvoj mora biti usmerjen vzdržno, s čimer se preprečuje onesnaženost okolja ter se spodbuja socialna vključenost in novi ekonomski izzivi. Dosedanji modeli trajnostne revitalizacije degradiranih območij v celoti ne uresničujejo zahtev vzdrženga razvoja, ker v praksi niso enakomerno vključene vse komponente, torej poleg ekonomske tudi socialna in okoljska. Zato je v članku predstavljen model trajnostne revitalizacije starih industrijskih območij, ki sloni na celovitosti in enakovrednem vključevanju vseh komponent razvoja, ker so le te vzročno in posledično povezane ter skupaj sestavljajo celoto. Holističen model trajnostne revitalizacije, kakor smo ga poimenovali, je sestavljen iz štirih komponent: naravni kapital, trajnostna družba, lokalno gospodarstvo in snovni krogotok. Model, ki smo ga razvili, pa se udejanja na primeru revitalizacije starih industrijskih območij (primer eko industrijski park).Revitalizations of degraded areas, most of them are old industrial areas, have high potential for the implementation of the sustainable spatial development and protection of the green areas. The revitalization of them has to be sustainable planned and have to promoted social inclusion and new economic challenges.The current models of the sustainable revitalization of degraded areas are not fully realized this, because in the redevelopment are not equally involved all components. Paper presents a new model of the sustainable revitalization of old industrial areas, that comprehensively covers all components of development and they are causally and consequently related. It consists of four components: natural capital, sustainable society, local economy and material circuit. This model is realized by the revitalization of old industrial areas by the developing the eco industrial parks
Performing energy efficiency policy in Slovenia
Energetska učinkovitost predstavlja enega izmed ključnih stebrov podnebno-energetske politike Evropske unije, saj uresničuje spoznanje, da je energija, ki je ne porabimo, najcenejša, najbolj čista in najbolj zanesljiva. To je bila podlaga za spremembe v veljavni direktivi o energetski učinkovitosti, ki obveznost doseganja prihrankov podaljšuje do leta 2030. V prispevku podrobneje predstavljamo novosti,ki jih bo morala Slovenija na področju politike učinkovite rabe energije upoštevati. Prav tako pa prikazujemo rezultate poročanja o doseženih prihrankih v letu 2015 ter napovedujemo novosti, ki bodo prispevale k izpolnjevanju zastavljenih ciljev dopolnjene direktive.Energy efficiency is one of the key pillars of the EU\u27s climate and energy policy, as it pursues the awareness that only the energy that we don’t use is the cheapest, cleanest and the most reliable. This awareness was the basis for amendments of existing Directive on energy efficiency, which extends the energy savings targets by 2030. In this article, we present novelties that Slovenia will have to take into 7account regarding energy efficiency. We also introduce the results of energy savings that were reported for 2015, as well as new measures, which will contribute to achieving the objectives set out in the amended Directive
Adhesion and stiffness of detached breast cancer cells in vitro
Metastatic cancer cells can overcome detachment-induced cell death and can proliferate in anchorage-independent conditions. A recent study revealed that a co-treatment with two drugs that interfere with cell metabolism, metformin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose, promotes detachment of viable MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. In the present study, we analyzed if these detached viable MDA-MB-231 cells also exhibit other features related to cancer metastatic potential, i.e., if they are softer and more prone to adhere to epithelial cells. The cell mechanics of attached cells and floating cells were analyzed by optical tweezers and cell deformability cytometry, respectively. The adhesion was assessed on a confluent monolayer of HUVEC cells, with MDA-MB-231 cells either in static conditions or in a microfluidic flow. Additionally, to test if adhesion was affected by the state of the epithelial glycocalyx, HUVEC cells were treated with neuraminidase and tunicamycin. It was found that the treated MDA-MB-231 cells were more prone to adhere to HUVEC cells and that they were softer than the control, both in the floating state and after re-seeding to a substrate. The changes in the HUVEC glycocalyx, however, did not increase the adhesion potential of MDA-MB-231
Ecoremediation educational polygons in Slovenia as good examples of experiential learning of geography
Teaching in the 21st century is focused on learning for life and sustainable development. Lifelong knowledge, which is focused on education for sustainable development, could only be obtained with experiential learning, where students can come up with new knowledge through research and observation. Geography can bring many lifelong skills for students. Last years, the teaching of geography made great importance to education on environmental protection in nature itself. Therefore, this paper presents ecoremediation educational polygons in Slovenia. They are intended to offer young people the most authentic environment through direct experience in a real environment and in nature. On the educational polygons in real environments there are conditions for solving problems, while learning and doing research. Education on such polygons offers a great opportunity for young people to acquire practical knowledge, which can be used for effective decisions in life in relation to the environment
Analysis of fluid flow around a beating artificial cilium
Biological cilia are found on surfaces of some microorganisms and on surfaces of many eukaryotic cells where they interact with the surrounding fluid. The periodic beating of the cilia is asymmetric, resulting in directed swimming of unicellular organisms or in generation of a fluid flow above a ciliated surface in multicellular ones. Following the biological example, externally driven artificial cilia have recently been successfully implemented as micropumps and mixers. However, biomimetic systems are useful not only in microfluidic applications, but can also serve as model systems for the study of fundamental hydrodynamic phenomena in biological samples. To gain insight into the basic principles governing propulsion and fluid pumping on a micron level, we investigated hydrodynamics around one beating artificial cilium. The cilium was composed of superparamagnetic particles and driven along a tilted cone by a varying external magnetic field. Nonmagnetic tracer particles were used for monitoring the fluid flow generated by the cilium. The average flow velocity in the pumping direction was obtained as a function of different parameters, such as the rotation frequency, the asymmetry of the beat pattern, and the cilium length. We also calculated the velocity field around the beating cilium by using the analytical far-field expansion. The measured average flow velocity and the theoretical prediction show an excellent agreement