2,395 research outputs found

    Lorentz invariant intrinsic decoherence

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    Quantum decoherence can arise due to classical fluctuations in the parameters which define the dynamics of the system. In this case decoherence, and complementary noise, is manifest when data from repeated measurement trials are combined. Recently a number of authors have suggested that fluctuations in the space-time metric arising from quantum gravity effects would correspond to a source of intrinsic noise, which would necessarily be accompanied by intrinsic decoherence. This work extends a previous heuristic modification of Schr\"{o}dinger dynamics based on discrete time intervals with an intrinsic uncertainty. The extension uses unital semigroup representations of space and time translations rather than the more usual unitary representation, and does the least violence to physically important invariance principles. Physical consequences include a modification of the uncertainty principle and a modification of field dispersion relations, in a way consistent with other modifications suggested by quantum gravity and string theory .Comment: This paper generalises an earlier model published as Phys. Rev. A vol44, 5401 (1991

    The apparent roughness of a sand surface blown by wind from an analytical model of saltation

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    We present an analytical model of aeolian sand transport. The model quantifies the momentum transfer from the wind to the transported sand by providing expressions for the thickness of the saltation layer and the apparent surface roughness. These expressions are derived from basic physical principles and a small number of assumptions. The model further predicts the sand transport rate (mass flux) and the impact threshold (the smallest value of the wind shear velocity at which saltation can be sustained). We show that, in contrast to previous studies, the present model's predictions are in very good agreement with a range of experiments, as well as with numerical simulations of aeolian saltation. Because of its physical basis, we anticipate that our model will find application in studies of aeolian sand transport on both Earth and Mars

    Quantum repeaters and quantum key distribution: analysis of secret key rates

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    We analyze various prominent quantum repeater protocols in the context of long-distance quantum key distribution. These protocols are the original quantum repeater proposal by Briegel, D\"ur, Cirac and Zoller, the so-called hybrid quantum repeater using optical coherent states dispersively interacting with atomic spin qubits, and the Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller-type repeater using atomic ensembles together with linear optics and, in its most recent extension, heralded qubit amplifiers. For our analysis, we investigate the most important experimental parameters of every repeater component and find their minimally required values for obtaining a nonzero secret key. Additionally, we examine in detail the impact of device imperfections on the final secret key rate and on the optimal number of rounds of distillation when the entangled states are purified right after their initial distribution.Comment: Published versio

    Reduced Deadtime and Higher Rate Photon-Counting Detection using a Multiplexed Detector Array

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    We present a scheme for a photon-counting detection system that can be operated at incident photon rates higher than otherwise possible by suppressing the effects of detector deadtime. The method uses an array of N detectors and a 1-by-N optical switch with a control circuit to direct input light to live detectors. Our calculations and models highlight the advantages of the technique. In particular, using this scheme, a group of N detectors provides an improvement in operation rate that can exceed the improvement that would be obtained by a single detector with deadtime reduced by 1/N, even if it were feasible to produce a single detector with such a large improvement in deadtime. We model the system for continuous and pulsed light sources, both of which are important for quantum metrology and quantum key distribution applications.Comment: 6 figure

    Influence of the bias voltage on the structure and the tribological performance of nanoscale multilayer C/Cr PVD coatings

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    Nanoscale multilayer C/Cr coatings have been deposited by utilising the combined steered cathodic arc/unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique. The coating microstructure and tribological performance have been investigated as a function of the bias voltage, ranging from U-b=-65 to -350 V. The XRD results revealed that C/Cr coatings are amorphous at low U-b, but became more crystalline when the Ub increased to -350 V. High-resolution XTEM analysis indicated coating densification and smoothening as well as formation of novel amorphous nanostructure, in which carbon-rich clusters are surrounded by a Cr-rich matrix, leading to the formation of self-organised multilayer structure as the bias voltage was increased from -65 to -350 V. An increase of the bias voltage from -65 to -350 V resulted in an increase in the hardness from 8 to 25 CiPa and Young's modulus, E from 186 to 319 GPa. A pin-on-disc test showed that the friction coefficient was reduced from 0.22 to 0.16 when the bias voltage was increased from -65 to -95 V However, a further increase in the bias voltage to -350 V led to an increase in the friction coefficient to 0.31. The lowest wear coefficient K(c)similar to6.25 x 10(-17) m(3) N-1 m(-1) was achieved at U-b = - 120 V. Standard HSS drills, 8 mm in diameter, coated with C/Cr have been tested using solution annealed AISI 304 stainless steel as the work piece material. An improvement of the lifetime by a factor of similar to9 has been achieved as compared to the uncoated tools. In this test, the C/Cr coating outperformed a number of commercially available PVD coatings, such as TiCN, TiAlCrN and showed similar performance to TiAlCrYN. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Nano-displacement measurements using spatially multimode squeezed light

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    We demonstrate the possibility of surpassing the quantum noise limit for simultaneous multi-axis spatial displacement measurements that have zero mean values. The requisite resources for these measurements are squeezed light beams with exotic transverse mode profiles. We show that, in principle, lossless combination of these modes can be achieved using the non-degenerate Gouy phase shift of optical resonators. When the combined squeezed beams are measured with quadrant detectors, we experimentally demonstrate a simultaneous reduction in the transverse x- and y- displacement fluctuations of 2.2 dB and 3.1 dB below the quantum noise limit.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to "Special Issue on Fluctuations & Noise in Photonics & Quantum Optics" of J. Opt.

    There is no unmet requirement of optical coherence for continuous-variable quantum teleportation

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    It has been argued [T. Rudolph and B.C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 077903 (2001)] that continuous-variable quantum teleportation at optical frequencies has not been achieved because the source used (a laser) was not `truly coherent'. Here I show that `true coherence' is always illusory, as the concept of absolute time on a scale beyond direct human experience is meaningless. A laser is as good a clock as any other, even in principle, and this objection to teleportation experiments is baseless.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, no equations, to be published in Journal of Modern Optics. This is a long version of quant-ph/0104004. I have not replaced that paper with this one because some authors have referenced that one approvingly who may feel differently about doing so to this versio

    Theory of monolayers with boundaries: Exact results and Perturbative analysis

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    Domains and bubbles in tilted phases of Langmuir monolayers contain a class of textures knows as boojums. The boundaries of such domains and bubbles may display either cusp-like features or indentations. We derive analytic expressions for the textures within domains and surrounding bubbles, and for the shapes of the boundaries of these regions. The derivation is perturbative in the deviation of the bounding curve from a circle. This method is not expected to be accurate when the boundary suffers large distortions, but it does provide important clues with regard to the influence of various energetic terms on the order-parameter texture and the shape of the domain or bubble bounding curve. We also look into the effects of thermal fluctuations, which include a sample-size-dependent effective line tension.Comment: replaced with published version, 21 pages, 16 figures include

    Universal continuous-variable quantum computation: Requirement of optical nonlinearity for photon counting

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    Although universal continuous-variable quantum computation cannot be achieved via linear optics (including squeezing), homodyne detection and feed-forward, inclusion of ideal photon counting measurements overcomes this obstacle. These measurements are sometimes described by arrays of beam splitters to distribute the photons across several modes. We show that such a scheme cannot be used to implement ideal photon counting and that such measurements necessarily involve nonlinear evolution. However, this requirement of nonlinearity can be moved "off-line," thereby permitting universal continuous-variable quantum computation with linear optics.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, replaced with published versio
