14 research outputs found

    Geotechnical Aspect of Damage In Adapazari City During the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, Earthquake

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    This report summerizes detailed investigation on the structural damage and its geotechnical condition in the Adapazaý City, Turkey, during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake by the reconnaissance team of the Japanese Geotechnical Society. Damages to individual buildings were investigated along several streets in the downtown area. A little rough investigation was made almost all downtown area, in which damages were classified by its cause, i.e., inertia force or soil liquefaction. These investigations as well as hearing investigation and areal investigation by means of helicopters made clear the area where there was an island a few hundred years ago by which the name of Adapazarý i.e., ada (island) + pazarý (market), came from. In addition, the damage in the Adapazarý City is shown to be strongly affected by the ground condition because damage caused by liquefaciton was observed only outside the old island and areas where significant structural damage was observed were concentrated near the boundary between the old riverbed and island


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    ABSTRACT Improvement of residual stress is effective in a countermeasure to deal with the stress corrosion cracks in pipe welds. A irradiated laser stress improvement process (L-SIP) will be introduced as a method to improve residual stress inside steel pipes. This work method is to improve inner surface residual stress from tensile stress to compressive stress by irradiating laser beam around the welds of steel pipe and utilizing the temperature differences between inner and outer surface. Recently this method is applied to PWR pressurizer surge nozzle on TRUGA unit 2. INTRODUCTION In the welds of steel pipes at nuclear power plant or thermal power plant, stress corrosion crack (SCC) is regarded as a damage mode. Stress corrosion crack is caused by tensile residual stress, materials and environment (including water quality and temperature, etc.). It is very difficult to improve the material and environment of pipes in operation plant. Therefore, the residual stress improvement work method is used as a simplified method. In order to improve residual stress, some ways of peening including shot peening are applied. In the welds of steel pipes, it is often impossible to apply them to inner surface of pipes where stress corrosion crack occurs due to the inaccessibility. To date, the use of laser beam as a maintenance technology for nuclear power plants have been studied (1)(2)(3)(4) , it is one of the applicable method from outside of the pipe. This study will report the first application to nuclear power plant in order to improve the inner residual stress of pressurizer surge nozzle

    Upper Permian Fossils from Island of Salamis, Greeoe

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    The Upper Permian fossils are discovered from the southern coast of Kaki Vigla Bay in the Island of Salamis, Greece. They comprise twelve species of foraminifers (Palaeofusulina cf. fusiformis, Reichelina cf. cribroseptata, Colaniella parva, C. inflata, Wanganella sp., Nodosaria longissima, etc), six species of brachiopods (Haydenella? sp., Wellerella sp., Hustedia sp., Reticulariina cf. netschaewi, etc.), and three species of corals (Pleramplexus leptoconicus, "Neozaphrentis" permicus, and Asserculina? sp.). The foraminiferal assemblage indicates the latest Permian Changhsingian age which is generally considered to be equivalent to the late Dzhulfian (Dorashamian), while the general characters of brachiopods and corals show the early Dzhulfian age (Araksian). The discrepancy of the age suggests some overlapping between the Changhsingian and the early Dzhulfian. Brief systematic descriptions are also given


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    ABSTRACT As a countermeasure against high residual stress, we have developed some residual stress improvement methods, as Water Jet Peening (WJP) WJP is applied to Reactor Vessel (RV) outlet/inlet nozzle safe-end joints (Alloy600 weld metal), RV Bottom Mounted Instrument (BMI) inner surface and J-weld. Especially, it is difficult to apply BMI because BMI inner surface is very narrow space (inner diameter; approximately 10 -15mm) and BMI J-weld is complicated 3-dimensional form. On the occasion of actual application, we carry out the verification tests and check that a stress improvement was effective as one of PWSCC mitigation. And the compressive stress induced by WJP is verified to continue to exist under actual plant operation conditions. Thus, in addition to replacing the material with Alloy 690, converting the residual stress to the compressive can prevent the occurrence of PWSCC

    The Permian and the Lower Triassic Systems in Abadeh Region, Central Iran

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    The continuous sequence of the Permian and the Lower Triassic Systems was fully examined paleontologically and sedimentologically in Abadeh region, Cenral Iran. Based on the correlation of the Permian in the Tethys province by means of fusulinid, ammonoid and conodont zonations together with brachiopod, coral and bryozoan fossils, it is concluded that the Upper Permian is reasonably classified into three stages, the Abadehian, the Dzhulfian, and the Dorashamian. Biostratigraphical and sedimentological study indicates a paraconformable relation between the Permian and Triassic, and the equivalent of the lower half of the Otoceras woodwardi zone is missing as judged from the conodont zones. The Dorashamian is older than the Griesbachian or Gangetian, and not the equivalent of the latter. The faunal change is related to not only local environmental change but universal causes. A remarkable attrition of species began in the Dzhulfian and reached a climax at the end of the Permian. Almost all the species had disappeared by the end of the Permian corresponding to the progressive shallowing and retreat of the sea. Rapid transgression and incoming of new organisms at the beginning of the Triassic is evident in the lithofacies and biofacies of the Lower Triassic