30 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Immature morphological properties in subcellular-scale structures in the dentate gyrus of Schnurri-2 knockout mice: a model for schizophrenia and intellectual disability

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    Figure S1. Analysis area of the middle molecular layer of the dorsal DG for SBF-SEM imaging. (a) A schematic of the sampling area (red square) at a distance of approximately 100 μm from the upper blade of the granule cell layer. OML, outer molecular layer; MML, middle molecular layer; IML, inner molecular layer; GCL, granule cell layer. (b) Boxed regions indicate the tissue area sampled used for detailed morphological analyses in the dendrites in three WT mice and three Shn2 KO mice. Scale bar: 100 μm. Figure S2. Three-dimensional reconstruction of all dendrites for analysis in WT mice. Dendrite segments (white transparent) are illustrated with mitochondria (blue) and spines (head, orange; neck, green; PSD, magenta). Eight dendrites per each of three WT mice. Figure S3. Three-dimensional reconstruction of all dendrites for analysis in Shn2 KO mice. Dendrite segments (white transparent) are illustrated with mitochondria (blue) and spines (head, orange; neck, green; PSD, magenta). Eight dendrites per each of three Shn2 KO mice. Figure S4. Decreased expression levels of synaptic proteins in the DG of Shn2 KO mice (a–i) Bar graphs of SV2, GluR1, and PSD95 in the inner (a–c) and outer (d–f) molecular layers of the DG, and CA1 radiatum layer (d–f) represent fluorescence intensity normalized to that of WT mice, and are presented as the mean ± SEM. IML, inner molecular layer; OML, outer molecular layer; Rad, radiatum layer. For WT, n = 4 mice; for Shn2 KO, n = 4 mice. The P-values were calculated using Student’s t-test. Figure S5. Volumetric comparisons of mitochondria in WT and Shn2 KO mice. Comparison of mitochondria volume (a), mitochondria length (b), and mitochondria number per 1 μm of dendrite (c) in WT (n = 96 mitochondria from 24 dendrites, 8 dendrites per each of 3 mice) and Shn2 KO mice (n = 57 mitochondria from 24 dendrites, 8 dendrites per each of 3 mice). The P-values were calculated using Wilcoxon rank sum test. (DOC 8 mb

    Risk-Aversion and Prudence in Rent-Seeking Games

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    This paper considers a common n-agent symmetric rent-seeking game. It derives conditions so that risk-aversion and risk always decrease rent-seeking efforts. These conditions hold for any regular contest success function when risk-averse rent-seekers are also prudent. Under n = 2, prudence is a necessary and sufficient condition for risk-aversion to decrease rent-seeking efforts compared to risk-neutrality. An intuition for this result is given based on a self-protection model