59 research outputs found

    Study of synergetic effect of co-pyrolysis of lignite and high density polyethylene in an open system – petrographic and geochemical approach

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji je urađeno detaljno ispitivanje pirolize uzoraka preekstrahovanihlitotipova lignita, polietilena visoke gustine (eng. High Density Polyethylene, HDPE) i kopirolizenjihove smeše u otvorenom sistemu, kao moguće metode za racinalnu primenu niskokvalietnog lignita uz istovremenu upotrebuplastičnih kesa...In the doctoral dissertation, a detailed examination of pyrolysis of bitumen-free lignite lithotypesamples, high density polyethylene (HDPE) and co-pyrolysis of their mixture in an open system wasperformed, to assess the possibility for rational utilization of low quality lignite with the simultaneous usage of plastic bags..

    Korovi livada i pašnjaka Vlasinske visoravni

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    Meadows of lowland and upland areas of Vlasina Plain represent a significant natural plant resource. A botanical study of the Vlasina Plain region conducted by RANĐELOVIĆ (2002) identifies four lowland meadow communities (ass. Equiseto-Scirpetum xilvaticae Šegulja, ass. Polygono-Scirpetum xilvaticae Schw., ass. Brachythecio-Menthetum longifoliae V. Rand. and ass. Deschampsietum caespitosae H-ić.) and six phytocoenoses of hilly-mountainous meadows and pastures (ass. Diantho-Armerietum rumelicae N. Rand., ass. Festuco nigre.icenti-Nardetum strictae N. Rand., ass. Lino-Nardetum strictae Rexp. et N. Rand., ass. Thymo-Poetum violaceae Mic., ass. Festucetum paniculatae Horv. and ass. Centattrio-Festucetum validate N. Rand.). Besides identifying the weed species that participate in the grassland communities of Vlasina Plain, this study deals with all relevant parameters concerning that particular plant category, including primarily: taxonomic analysis, quantitative representation in certain grassland communities, life forms (biological spectrum), phyto-geographical characteristics (floral elements), ecological and biological features and categorization according to their harmful effect (very poisonous, weakly poisonous and useless species). This first brief report contains data on the weed flora of meadows and pastures of Vlasina Plain, while the main subject of a second communication (in preparation) would be focused on detailed analysis of weed species in the region, their biological characteristics and specific features.Dolinske i brdske, odnosno, planinske livade i pašnjaci predstavljaju značajne prirodne biljne resurse Vlasinske visoravni. Prema istraživanjima V. Randelovića (2002) na ovom području zastupljene su 4 biljne zajednice dolinskih livada (ass. Equiseto-Scirpetum silvaticae Segulja, ass. Polygono-Scirpetuin silvaticae Schw., ass. Brachythecio-Menthetum longifoliae V. Rand, i ass. Deschampsietum caespitosae H-ić) i 6 fitocenoza planinskih livada i pašnjaka (ass. Diantho-Arinerietimi rumelicae N. Rand., ass. Festuc.o nigrescenti-Nardelnm atrictae N. Ranđ., ass. Lmu-Nunletum xtrictae Rexp. el N. Rand., ass. Thymo-Poetum violaceae Mic., ass. Festucetum paniculatae Horv. i ass. Centaurio-Fesiucctum validae N. Rand.). Pored identifikacije travnjačkih korovskih vrsta u livadskim i pašnjačkim zajednicama Vlasinske visoravni, proučeni su i analizirani svi važniji parametri koji se odnose na ovu kategoriju biljaka, kao što su: taksonomska anali/a, kvantitativna zastupljenost u pojedinim travnjačkim fitocenozama, kategorizacija korova prema štetnosti (vrlo otrovne, slabo otrovne, bezvredne vrste), ekološke i biološke osobine, pripadnost odgovarajućim životnim oblicima (biološki spektar), fitogeografske karakteristike (udeo pojedinih geoelemenata). U prvom saopštenju, ovom prilikom, dat je samo pregled korovskih vrsta u livadskim i pašnjačkim fitocenozama Vlasinske visoravni, dok će se u drugom delu ove studije analizirati karakteristike i specifičnosti pojedinih travnjačkih korova u livadskim i pašnjačkim zajednicama na području Vlasinske visoravni

    Preliminary study of copper(II) ions removal from wastewater using solid residue obtained by co-pyrolysis of lignite and high density polyethylene mixture

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    In this study the solid residue obtained by the co-pyrolysis of low quality, mineral-rich lignite taken from the Kostolac Basin, Serbia (45.36% of ash; 33.42% of total organic carbon; net calorific value of 9.5 MJ/kg) and high density polyethylene, HDPE (mass ratio, 1:1) at 500 oC was tested as a sorbent for Cu2+ ions, considering that as a coaly-based material, simultaneously enriched in clays, it may have good adsorption properties. Sorption experiments of were performed using 0.5 g of solid co-pyrolysis lignite/HDPE product, as sorbent which was treated with 5 cm3 of model solutions containing ~ 200 times higher concentration of Cu2+ ions (242.60 mg/dm3), in relationship to its maximal allowed content in surface water of bad quality. Model solutions were prepared using corresponding nitrates dissolved in distilled water. Two model solutions were prepared. The first model solution contained individual Cu2+ ions, whereas the second one contained mixture of Cu2+, Pb2+, Co2+ and Cd2+ ions. Concentration of each ion in latter was also ~ 200 times higher than its maximal allowed content in surface water of bad quality. Treatment with distilled water was used as a blank. Concentrations of heavy metal ions in initial model solutions and supernatants obtained after sorption experiments were measured using inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry. The obtained results indicated very efficient sorption of Cu2+ ions from its individual model solution, attaining 99.96%. The efficiency of Cu2+ ions sorption was also high (99.95%) from model solution, which contained mixture of metal ions. It is important to mention that sorption of other metal ions from model solution mixture was also effective (99.99%, 80.70% and 71.04% for Pb2, Cd2+ and Co2+, respectively). The preliminary results showed promising sorption properties of solid residue obtained by the co-pyrolysis of lignite and HDPE against Cu2+, but also possibly for other heavy metals, particularly, Pb2+ ions.Abstracts and Field guides: [https://opac.geologie.ac.at/wwwopacx/wwwopac.ashx?command=getcontent&server=images&value=Pangeo_Austria_2022.pdf

    Efficient biodegradation of petroleum n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by polyextremophilic Pseudomonas aeruginosa san ai with multidegradative capacity

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa san ai, an alkaliphilic, metallotolerant bacterium, degraded individual selected petroleum compounds, i.e., n-alkanes (n-hexadecane, n-nonadecane) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (fluorene, phenanthrene, pyrene) with efficiency of 80%, 98%, 96%, 50% and 41%, respectively, at initial concentrations of 20 mg L 1 and in seven days. P. aeruginosa san ai showed a high biodegradative capacity on complex hydrocarbon mixtures, the aliphatic and aromatic fractions from crude oil. The efficiency of P. aeruginosa san ai degradation of crude oil fractions in seven days reached stage 3–4 of the oil biodegradation scale, which ranges from 0 (no biodegradation) to 10 (maximum biodegradation). Identified metabolites concomitant with genomic and enzymatic data indicated the terminal oxidation pathway for the n-alkane degradation, and the salicylate and phthalate pathways for fluorene biodegradation. Polyextremophilic P. aeruginosa san ai, as a biosurfactant producer with multidegradative capacity for hydrocarbons, can be used in an improved strategy for environmental bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated sites, including extreme habitats characterized by low or elevated temperatures, acidic or alkaline pH or high concentrations of heavy metals

    Chemical Constituents of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.): A Comprehensive Review on Phenolic and Polyphenolic Compounds and Their Bioactivity

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    Polyphenolic compounds are of great interest in today’s science. Naturally, they occur in plants and other sources in many different forms. Their wide range of biological activity has attracted the attention of the scientific community. One of the sources of phenolic compounds is stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), a common plant in almost all parts of the world. A long tradition of utilization and an interesting chemical profile make this plant a fascinating and extensive object of study. The chemical profile also allows this plant to be used as a food and a pigment source in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Previously conducted studies found phenolic acids and polyphenolic compounds in root, stalk, and stinging nettle leaves. Different extraction techniques were usually used to isolate them from the leaves. Obtained extracts were used to investigate biological activity further or formulate different functional food products. This study aimed to collect all available knowledge about this plant, its chemical composition, and biological activity and to summarize this knowledge with particular attention to polyphenolic compounds and the activity and mechanisms of their actions

    Matematičko modeliranje odnosa između održivog profita i održivog poslovanja

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    Već nekoliko desetljeća poznato je da osim maksimizacije profita kao primarnog cilja, poduzeće za cilj ima i što veću razinu društveno odgovornog poslovanja (DOP). Praćenje odnosa između razine dobiti koju poduzeće iskazuje te razine ulaganja u održivo poslovanje, kako pokazuju strana istraživanja, vrlo je značajno za uspješno poslovanje poduzeća. Danas se u svijetu, osim kvalitativnog praćenja, odnos između održivosti profita (eng. sustainability of profit) i društveno odgovornog poslovanja sve više opisuje kvantitativnim modelima, koji daju zanimljive i precizne smjernice za uspješno upravljanje poduzećem u smislu približavanja ostvarenju oba cilja istovremeno. Stoga je od velike važnosti podići svijest o ovom fenomenu u krugu domaćih hrvatskih poduzeća. U ovom radu donosimo i razrađujemo model autora (Sudtasan, Suriya (2013)) koji koristeći fazni dijagram opisuje odnos između održivog profita i DOP-a. Iako jednostavan te ograničen određenim pretpostavkama, model vrlo dobro može poslužiti kao početni korak u analizi odnosa između održivog profita i DOP-a. Koliko je autorima poznato, ovakvo modeliranje nije do sada primjenjeno na uzorku hrvatskih poduzeća

    Preliminary investigation of aromatic fraction composition indust extract from the Library of the Facility of Chemistry in Belgrade

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    Usled modernog načina života ljudi provode oko 90 % vremena u zatvorenim prostorijama, kao što su kuće/stanovi, kancelarije, automobili itd. Prašina je sve prisutna u svim pomenutim sredinama i nalazi se kao čestice suspendovane u vazduhu ili istaložena na površinama. Čestice prašine se mogu lako udahnuti i mogu da oštete respiratorni sistem i pluća. Pored toga, čestice prašine akumuliraju hemikalije iz zatvorenih prostorija i predstavljaju važan put izlaganja ljudi tim jedinjenjima. U kućnoj prašini se mogu naći ftalati, policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici i ostala poluisparljiva jedinjenja. Ftalati se često koriste kao plastifikator u proizvodnji polivinil hlorida (PVC-a) i predmeta opšte upotrebe kao što su građevinski materijal, dečije igračke i nameštaj, ali i u proizvodnji podnih obloga, veštačke kože, lepkova, tepiha, maziva, cevi, žica, sredstava za čišćenje kuće, proizvoda za negu tela (fiksatori mirisa, proizvodi za negu kože, pene i šamponi) i ambalaže za namirnice. Primena ftalata zavisi od njihove molekulske mase. Ftalati male molekulske mase, kao što su di-metil-ftalat (DMP), di-etil-ftalat (DEP), di-propil-ftalat (DPP), di-izobutil-ftalat (DiBP), di-n-butil ftalat (DBP), di-n-pentil-ftalat (DNPP) i benzil- butil-ftalat (BBP), se koriste u rastvaračima, lepkovima, voskovima, mastilu, lekovima, kozmetici i insekticidima.Visokomolekulski ftalati, kao di-2-etilheksil-ftalat (DEHP), di- ciklo-heksil-ftalat (DCHP) i di-izo-nonil-ftalat (DiNP), su plastifikatori u PVC proizvodima i predmetima od opšte upotrebe. Estri ftalata su povezani sa velikim brojem zdravstvenih problema kod ljudi. Pre svega, ftalati deluju kao endokrini disruptori i doprinose stvaranju varijacija u reprodukcionom sistemu kao što su opadanje broja spermatozoida, oštećenje DNK u spermatozoidima, prevremeni razvoj dojki i promena u reproduktivnim hormonima. Ftalati utiču na pojavu astme, alergija i poremećaja funkcije nervnog sistema. Pored toga, DEHP je okarakterisan kao 2b kancerogena supstanca, tj. kao potencijalno kancerogen za ljude, od strane IARC-a (Međunarodna agencija za istraživanje raka, eng. International Agency for Research on Cancer). Treba napomenuti da su pojedini metaboliti ftalata često toksičniji od samih nepromenjenih ftalata. Ljudi mogu biti izloženi ftalatima inhalacijom, ingestijom i apsorpcijom preko kože. Oko 1 g istaložene prašine je sakupljen iz biblioteke Hemijskog fakulteta u Beogradu, sa visine iznad 1m od poda. Uzorci su odmereni, ekstrahovani, prečišćeni i aromatična frakcija je snimljena metodom gasne hromatografije, povezanom sa masenim spektrometrom. Lokacija uzorkovanja i hromatogram aromatične frakcije je prikazan na slici 1. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da, pored prirodnih proizvoda kao što su metil estri masnih kiselina (koje su najverovatnije znatno obilnije u alifatičnoj frakciji), uzorak sadrži 3,5-di- terc-butil-4-hidroksibenzaldehid, metabolit 2,6-di-terc-butil-4-methilfenola, koji se koristi kao antioksidans u namirnicama i kozmetičkim proizvodima [3]. Najzastupljenija jedinjenja u aromatičnoj frakciji su DiBP), DBP i DEHP. Interesantno je primetiti da se detektovani ftalati koriste u dve različite svrhe, kao aditivi u plastici i drugim proizvodima (DiBP i DBP) i kao plastifikatori u polimerima (DEHP). Kao što je prethodno pomenuto, DEHP je klasifikovan kao potencijalno kancerogena supstanca za ljude. Pored toga, primena DiBP, DBP i DEHP je ograničena od strane Evropske komisije. Zbog prisustva ftalata koji imaju veliki uticaj na ljudsko zdravlje u ekstraktu prašine, potrebno je izvršiti dodatna ispitivanja na većem broju uzoraka i uraditi detaljnu kvantifikaciju i procenu rizika po ljudsko zdravlje.Постерска презентација представљена је на 9. симпозијуму Хемија и заштита животне средине ENVIROCHEM2023 са међународним учешћем у Кладову, Србија у периоду од 04. до 07. јуна 2023. године

    Comparative Petrographical and Organic Geochemical Study of Eocene and Oligocene Coal Basins from Sw Bulgaria

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    In the current study formation of coal in the Suhostrel (Early-Mid Eocene) and the Bobov Dol (Late Oligocene) basins located in the SW Bulgaria was evaluated using organic petrographic characteristics and biomarker patterns. Furthermore, the potential of biomarkers to indicate climate cooling trend in the late Oligocene, which was less pronounced in Bulgaria compared to the global one was examined. Studied coals significantly differ in their coalification degree: Suhostrel (Ro ~ 1.10%), Bobov Dol (Ro ~ 0.45–0.50%). The obtained results show that main organic matter (OM) sources of Bobov Dol coal were mixed Pinaceae/Cupressaceae conifer communities from moderately wet oligo- to mesotrophic swamps. OM of Suhostrel coal is mainly derived from mixed angiosperm hydrophytic and woody vegetation, with the predominance of the former. The peatification was performed under reducing conditions with occasional marine ingressions into the paleomire. Although comparison of biomarker patterns at different OM maturity levels is complicated, some relevant indication can be observed from the compositions of non-hopanoid terpenoids, which showed that mild late Oligocene climate cooling in Bulgaria was associated with change from hydrophytic angiosperm- to gymnosperm-dominated peatlands. This is consistent with the results of investigation of the Bulgarian Paleogene flora