76 research outputs found

    The dark side of coffee. Price war in the German market for roasted coffee

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    Germany is the second largest coffee market in the world, just overshadowed by the United States. Coffee is the most popular beverage in Germany – in fact more popular than beer. In 1999 the five biggest companies in the raosted coffee market had a combined market share of 84.5%. The market is characterized by fierce competition which continues to squeeze the earnings of the German coffee roasters. The degree of competition was expected to increase even more as a result of a merger in 1997. This paper examines the pricing behavior in the German market for roasted coffee. The second question is whether the degree of competition has changed due to changes in market structure and changes in demand. Changes in market structure are the merger of Tchibo and Eduscho in 1997. Changes in demand are cyclical demand fluctuations - every year before Easter and Christmas. Empirical results are derived using data on the aggregate market for roasted coffee in Germany during 1992:1 to 2000:12 and indicate that the market is suffering on not only a severe price competition, but on price war. --Market for roasted coffee ; Germany ; conjectural variation ; market power ; simultaneous equation system ; GMM

    The Dark Side of Coffee Market Power in the German Market for Roasted Coffee

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    Germany is the second important coffee market in the world, just overshadowed by the United States. Coffee is the most famous beverage in Germany - even more popular than beer. On the supply side dominate few roasters. Market structure influences the market outcome and explains the processors' ability to exercise market power. This paper aims at studying the pricing behavior in the German market for roasted coffee. Respectively, it discusses the impact of three different explanations. First, market power may be due to low price elasticity related to a high level of consumption. Second, pricing behavior may be influenced by the industry concentration. And finally, pricing behavior may be change over time due to exogenous shocks. In particular, the degree of competition has changed as a consequences of a merger. Further, cyclical demand changes induce pricing behavior. Empirical results are derived using data on the aggregate market for roasted coffee in Germany during 1992:1 to 2000:12.Market for roasted coffee, Germany, elasticity of conjectural variation, market power, simultaneous equation system, GMM, Industrial Organization,

    Do retail coffee prices increase faster than they fall? Asymmetric price transmission in France, Germany and the United States

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    This investigation examines price transmission asymmetries (PTA) between international and retail coffee prices in the US, France and Germany. Differences in price transmission mechanisms provide evidence for disparities in market structure and market performance across countries. Although all processors of roasted coffee purchase green coffee at the same price in the international markets, one finds significant differences in retail prices among these countries. The study develops an Error Correction (EC) representation model to assess PTA of non-stationary models. Finally, it claims that identifying differences in price transmission asymmetry is an approach to compare market structure across countries.coffee, markets, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,

    Die Zyklik der Profite in der Ernährungswirtschaft: Ein internationaler Vergleich.

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    Im Rahmen des Struktur-Verhaltens-Ergebnis-Ansatz analysiert der vorliegende Aufsatz die Determinanten und die Zyklik der Profite verschiedener Branchen der Ernährungswirtschaft in Deutschland, den USA sowie den Niederlanden. Aus der Schwankung der Profite im Zeitablauf lassen sich, bei gegebener Marktstruktur, Hinweise auf die Intensität des Wettbewerbs und damit das Verhalten der Unternehmen gewinnen. Die Ergebnisse der ökonometrischen Panelanalyse zeigen ausgeprägte prozyklische Schwankungen der Profite in Deutschland in hochkonzentrierten Branchen, während das Ausmaß der Schwankungen in Branchen mit niedriger Konzentration in Deutschland sowie in sämtlichen Branchen der USA gering ist. Die Beobachtungen für Deutschland deuten auf eine Zunahme der Wettbewerbsintensität in einer Rezession hin. Die Schätzung ökonometrischer Modelle für die Niederlande führt zu unbefriedigenden Ergebnissen. -- Based upon the structure-conduct-performance-approach the present paper analyses determinants of price-cost-margins over the business cycle for food industries in Germany, the USA as well as the Netherlands. Controlling for market structure variables, cyclical fluctuations in profitability are interpreted as evidence for changes in firm behaviour. The econometric panel data models reveal procyclic fluctuations of profits in highly concentrated industries in Germany. In contrast, profitability in competitive industries in Germany as well as in all US-food industries are found to be more stable over the business cycle. This observation is explicable in terms of a more aggressive behaviour of firms in boom periods. The econometric model does not adequately explain industry differences in profitability in the Netherlands.Struktur-Verhalts-Ergebnis-Ansatz,LERNER-Index,Ernährungswirtschaft,Panelanalyse,Deutschland,Niederlande,structure-conduct-performance-approach,LERNER-index,food industries,panel data,Germany,Netherlands,USA

    Searching in Lists While Driving

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    More and more in-vehicle systems are rapidly becoming commercially available, making the driving task more and more complex. Driving performance in such multiple-task situations depends primarily on the level of task demands imposed on the driver by certain situations. The higher the perceived task difficulty, the higher the workload level of that individual. The aim of this dissertation was therefore to investigate possible trade-offs between primary task (driving) and secondary task (searching in a list) performance in a simulated driving environment. For this purpose, the effects of a standardized secondary visual search task on the primary task of driving were evaluated and compared between several conditions. Even though there was a clear tendency to protect the primary task of driving, participants seemed incapable of fully prioritising the primary task of driving over the secondary search task at all times

    Orientierungen und Studierfähigkeit

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    Untersucht wurde die Öffnung der Hochschulweiterbildung aus Perspektive der Studierenden. In einer qualitativen Studie konnte die Studierfähigkeit von Studierenden in die Typen, akademisch orientierten Bildungsaufsteiger:innen, im Studium Angekommenen und prekär Studierenden, rekonstruiert und in einer anschließenden quantitativen Studie überprüft werden. Die Studierfähigkeit bildet die Passung der Studiengangskultur zum Herkunftsmilieu der Studierenden ab und das Erleben des Studierens sowie der Orientierungsrahmen sind die wesentlichen Dimensionen hierfür

    Harnessing Dendritic Cells for Poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) Microspheres (PLGA MS)—Mediated Anti-tumor Therapy

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    With emerging success in fighting off cancer, chronic infections, and autoimmune diseases, immunotherapy has become a promising therapeutic approach compared to conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or immunosuppressive medication. Despite the advancement of monoclonal antibody therapy against immune checkpoints, the development of safe and efficient cancer vaccine formulations still remains a pressing medical need. Anti-tumor immunotherapy requires the induction of antigen-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses which recognize and specifically destroy tumor cells. Due to the crucial role of dendritic cells (DCs) in initiating anti-tumor immunity, targeting tumor antigens to DCs has become auspicious in modern vaccine research. Over the last two decades, micron- or nanometer-sized particulate delivery systems encapsulating tumor antigens and immunostimulatory molecules into biodegradable polymers have shown great promise for the induction of potent, specific and long-lasting anti-tumor responses in vivo. Enhanced vaccine efficiency of the polymeric micro/nanoparticles has been attributed to controlled and continuous release of encapsulated antigens, efficient targeting of antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as DCs and subsequent induction of CTL immunity. Poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), as one of these polymers, has been extensively studied for the design and development of particulate antigen delivery systems in cancer therapy. This review provides an overview of the current state of research on the application of PLGA microspheres (PLGA MS) as anti-tumor cancer vaccines in activating and potentiating immune responses attempting to highlight their potential in the development of cancer therapeutics

    A Multicenter Screening Study

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    Background In cystic fibrosis, highly variable glucose tolerance is suspected. However, no study provided within-patient coefficients of variation. The main objective of this short report was to evaluate within-patient variability of oral glucose tolerance. Methods In total, 4,643 standardized oral glucose tolerance tests of 1,128 cystic fibrosis patients (median age at first test: 15.5 [11.5; 21.5] years, 48.8% females) were studied. Patients included were clinically stable, non-pregnant, and had at least two oral glucose tolerance tests, with no prior lung transplantation or systemic steroid therapy. Transition frequency from any one test to the subsequent test was analyzed and within-patient coefficients of variation were calculated for fasting and two hour blood glucose values. All statistical analysis was implemented with SAS 9.4. Results A diabetic glucose tolerance was confirmed in 41.2% by the subsequent test. A regression to normal glucose tolerance at the subsequent test was observed in 21.7% and to impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance or both in 15.2%, 12.0% or 9.9%. The average within-patient coefficient of variation for fasting blood glucose was 11.1% and for two hour blood glucose 25.3%. Conclusion In the cystic fibrosis patients studied, a highly variable glucose tolerance was observed. Compared to the general population, variability of two hour blood glucose was 1.5 to 1.8-fold higher

    Randomized controlled phase 2 trial of hydroxychloroquine in childhood interstitial lung disease

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    Background No results of controlled trials are available for any of the few treatments offered to children with interstitial lung diseases (chILD). We evaluated hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in a phase 2, prospective, multicentre, 1:1-randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group/crossover trial. HCQ (START arm) or placebo were given for 4 weeks. Then all subjects received HCQ for another 4 weeks. In the STOP arm subjects already taking HCQ were randomized to 12 weeks of HCQ or placebo (= withdrawal of HCQ). Then all subjects stopped treatment and were observed for another 12 weeks. Results 26 subjects were included in the START arm, 9 in the STOP arm, of these four subjects participated in both arms. The primary endpoint, presence or absence of a response to treatment, assessed as oxygenation (calculated from a change in transcutaneous O 2 -saturation of ≥ 5%, respiratory rate ≥ 20% or level of respiratory support), did not differ between placebo and HCQ groups. Secondary endpoints including change of O 2 -saturation ≥ 3%, health related quality of life, pulmonary function and 6-min-walk-test distance, were not different between groups. Finally combining all placebo and all HCQ treatment periods did not identify significant treatment effects. Overall effect sizes were small. HCQ was well tolerated, adverse events were not different between placebo and HCQ. Conclusions Acknowledging important shortcomings of the study, including a small study population, the treatment duration, lack of outcomes like lung function testing below age of 6 years, the small effect size of HCQ treatment observed requires careful reassessments of prescriptions in everyday practice (EudraCT-Nr.: 2013-003714-40, www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu , registered 02.07.2013)
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