22,620 research outputs found

    Off-Shell Electromagnetic Form Fators of the Nucleon in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We study the electromagnetic form factors of a nucleon in next-to-leading order chiral perturbation theory (CPT) in the case where one of the nucleons is off its mass shell. We calculate the leading nonanalytic contributions to relevant measures for the off-shell dependence in the limited kinematical range allowed.Comment: 3 pages LaTeX with worldsci.sty (available by mailing [email protected] and typing "get worldsci.sty" in the subject line), invited talk given at the International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics, Beijing, August 199

    Detection of Other Planetary Systems Using Photometry

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    Detection of extrasolar short-period planets, particularly if they are in the liquid-water zone, would be one of the most exciting discoveries of our lifetime. A well-planned space mission has the capability of making this discovery using the photometric method. An Earth-sized planet transiting a Sun-like star will cause a decrease in the apparent luminosity of the star by one part in 10,000 with a duration of about 12 hours and a period of about one year. Given a random orientation of orbital plane alignments with the line-of-sight to a star, and assuming our solar system to be typical, one would expect 1 percent of the stars monitored to exhibit planetary transits. A null result would also be significant and indicate that Earth-sized planets are rare. For the mission to be successful one needs a sensor system that can simultaneously monitor many thousands of stars with a photometric precision of one part in 30,000 per hour of integration. Confirmation of a detection will involve detection of a second transit that will yield a period and predict the time for a third and subsequent transits. The technology issues that need to be addressed are twofold: one is for an appropriate optical design; the other is for a detector system with the necessary photometric precision. Two candidates for the detector system are silicon diodes and CCD's

    Excitation Induced Dephasing in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    A quantum kinetic theory is used to compute excitation induced dephasing in semiconductor quantum dots due to the Coulomb interaction with a continuum of states, such as a quantum well or a wetting layer. It is shown that a frequency dependent broadening together with nonlinear resonance shifts are needed for a microscopic explanation of the excitation induced dephasing in such a system, and that excitation induced dephasing for a quantum-dot excitonic resonance is different from quantum-well and bulk excitons.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Extensively revised text, two figures change

    State estimation and absolute image registration for geosynchronous satellites

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    Spacecraft state estimation and the absolute registration of Earth images acquired by cameras onboard geosynchronous satellites are described. The basic data type of the procedure consists of line and element numbers of image points called landmarks whose geodetic coordinates, relative to United States Geodetic Survey topographic maps, are known. A conventional least squares process is used to estimate navigational parameters and camera pointing biases from observed minus computed landmark line and element numbers. These estimated parameters along with orbit and attitude dynamic models are used to register images, using an automated grey level correlation technique, inside the span represented by the landmark data. In addition, the dynamic models can be employed to register images outside of the data span in a near real time mode. An important application of this mode is in support of meteorological studies where rapid data reduction is required for the rapid tracking and predicting of dynamic phenomena

    Aspects of the Third Reich

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    Many-Body Dynamics and Exciton Formation Studied by Time-Resolved Photoluminescence

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    The dynamics of exciton and electron-hole plasma populations is studied via time-resolved photoluminescence after nonresonant excitation. By comparing the peak emission at the exciton resonance with the emission of the continuum, it is possible to experimentally identify regimes where the emission originates predominantly from exciton and/or plasma populations. The results are supported by a microscopic theory which allows one to extract the fraction of bright excitons as a function of time.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Tunable magnetization damping in transition metal ternary alloys

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    We show that magnetization damping in Permalloy, Ni80Fe20 (``Py''), can be enhanced sufficiently to reduce post-switching magnetization precession to an acceptable level by alloying with the transition metal osmium (Os). The damping increases monotonically upon raising the Os-concentration in Py, at least up to 9% of Os. Other effects of alloying with Os are suppression of magnetization and enhancement of in-plane anisotropy. Magnetization damping also increases significantly upon alloying with the five other transition metals included in this study (4d-elements: Nb, Ru, Rh; 5d-elements: Ta, Pt) but never as strongly as with Os.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let