251 research outputs found

    Do We Expect Most AGN to Live in Disks?

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    Recent observations have indicated that a large fraction of the low to intermediate luminosity AGN population lives in disk-dominated hosts, while the more luminous quasars live in bulge-dominated hosts, in conflict with some previous model predictions. We therefore build and compare a semi-empirical model for AGN fueling which accounts for both merger and non-merger 'triggering.' In particular, we show that the 'stochastic accretion' model - in which fueling in disk galaxies is essentially a random process arising whenever dense gas clouds reach the nucleus - provides a good match to the present observations at low/intermediate luminosities. However it falls short of the high-luminosity population. We combine this with models for major merger-induced AGN fueling, which lead to rarer but more luminous events, and predict the resulting abundance of disk-dominated and bulge-dominated AGN host galaxies as a function of luminosity and redshift. We compile and compare observational constraints from z~0-2. The models and observations generically show a transition from disk to bulge dominance in hosts near the Seyfert-quasar transition, at all redshifts. 'Stochastic' fueling dominates AGN by number (dominant at low luminosity), and dominates BH growth below the knee in the present-day BH mass function (<10^7 M_sun). However it accounts for just ~10% of BH mass growth at masses >10^8 M_sun. In total, fueling in disky hosts accounts for ~30% of the total AGN luminosity density/BH mass density. The combined model also accurately predicts the AGN luminosity function and clustering/bias as a function of luminosity and redshift; however, we argue that these are not sensitive probes of BH fueling mechanisms.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, PDF updated to match published versio

    AGN accretion and black hole growth across compact and extended galaxy evolution phases

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    The extent of black hole growth during different galaxy evolution phases and the connection between galaxy compactness and AGN activity remain poorly understood. We use Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the CANDELS fields to identify star-forming and quiescent galaxies at z=0.5-3 in both compact and extended phases and use Chandra X-ray imaging to measure the distribution of AGN accretion rates and track black hole growth within these galaxies. Accounting for the impact of AGN light changes ~20% of the X-ray sources from compact to extended galaxy classifications. We find that ~10-25% of compact star-forming galaxies host an AGN, a mild enhancement (by a factor ~2) compared to extended star-forming galaxies or compact quiescent galaxies of equivalent stellar mass and redshift. However, AGN are not ubiquitous in compact star-forming galaxies and this is not the evolutionary phase, given its relatively short timescale, where the bulk of black hole mass growth takes place. Conversely, we measure the highest AGN fractions (~10-30%) within the relatively rare population of extended quiescent galaxies. For massive galaxies that quench at early cosmic epochs, substantial black hole growth in this extended phase is crucial to produce the elevated black hole mass-to-galaxy stellar mass scaling relation observed for quiescent galaxies at z~0. We also show that AGN fraction increases with compactness in star-forming galaxies and decreases in quiescent galaxies within both the compact and extended sub-populations, demonstrating that AGN activity depends closely on the structural properties of galaxies.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Primary results are shown in Fig 7 and summarised by Fig 12. See Fig 16 and 17 for key interpretation/conclusion

    The Violent Youth of Bright and Massive Cluster Galaxies and their Maturation over 7 Billion Years

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    In this study we investigate the formation and evolution mechanisms of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) over cosmic time. At high redshift (z∼0.9z\sim0.9), we selected BCGs and most massive cluster galaxies (MMCGs) from the Cl1604 supercluster and compared them to low-redshift (z∼0.1z\sim0.1) counterparts drawn from the MCXC meta-catalog, supplemented by SDSS imaging and spectroscopy. We observed striking differences in the morphological, color, spectral, and stellar mass properties of the BCGs/MMCGs in the two samples. High-redshift BCGs/MMCGs were, in many cases, star-forming, late-type galaxies, with blue broadband colors, properties largely absent amongst the low-redshift BCGs/MMCGs. The stellar mass of BCGs was found to increase by an average factor of 2.51±0.712.51\pm0.71 from z∼0.9z\sim0.9 to z∼0.1z\sim0.1. Through this and other comparisons we conclude that a combination of major merging (mainly wet or mixed) and \emph{in situ} star formation are the main mechanisms which build stellar mass in BCGs/MMCGs. The stellar mass growth of the BCGs/MMCGs also appears to grow in lockstep with both the stellar baryonic and total mass of the cluster. Additionally, BCGs/MMCGs were found to grow in size, on average, a factor of ∼3\sim3, while their average S\'ersic index increased by ∼\sim0.45 from z∼0.9z\sim0.9 to z∼0.1z\sim0.1, also supporting a scenario involving major merging, though some adiabatic expansion is required. These observational results are compared to both models and simulations to further explore the implications on processes which shape and evolve BCGs/MMCGs over the past ∼\sim7 Gyr.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Origin of [O II] Emission in Recently Quenched Active Galaxy Nucleus Hosts

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    We have employed emission-line diagnostics derived from DEIMOS and NIRSPEC spectroscopy to determine the origin of the [O II] emission line observed in six active galactic nucleus (AGN) hosts at z ~ 0.9. These galaxies are a subsample of AGN hosts detected in the Cl1604 supercluster that exhibit strong Balmer absorption lines in their spectra and appear to be in a post-starburst or post-quenched phase, if not for their [O II] emission. Examining the flux ratio of the [N II] to Hα lines, we find that in five of the six hosts the dominant source of ionizing flux is AGN continuum emission. Furthermore, we find that four of the six galaxies have over twice the [O II] line luminosity that could be generated by star formation alone given their Hα line luminosities. This strongly suggests that AGN-excited narrow-line emission is contaminating the [O II] line flux. A comparison of star formation rates calculated from extinction-corrected [O II] and Hα line luminosities indicates that the former yields a five-fold overestimate of the current activity in these galaxies. Our findings reveal the [O II] line to be a poor indicator of star formation activity in a majority of these moderate-luminosity Seyferts. This result bolsters our previous findings that an increased fraction of AGN at high redshifts is hosted by galaxies in a post-starburst phase. The relatively high fraction of AGN hosts in the Cl1604 supercluster that show signs of recently truncated star formation activity may suggest that AGN feedback plays an increasingly important role in suppressing ongoing activity in large-scale structures at high redshift

    No Evidence of Quasar-Mode Feedback in a Four-Way Group Merger at z~0.84

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    We report on the results of a Chandra search for evidence of triggered nuclear activity within the Cl0023+0423 four-way group merger at z ~ 0.84. The system consists of four interacting galaxy groups in the early stages of hierarchical cluster formation and, as such, provides a unique look at the level of processing and evolution already under way in the group environment prior to cluster assembly. We present the number counts of X-ray point sources detected in a field covering the entire Cl0023 structure, as well as a cross-correlation of these sources with our extensive spectroscopic database. Both the redshift distribution and cumulative number counts of X-ray sources reveal little evidence to suggest that the system contains X-ray luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in excess to what is observed in the field population. If preprocessing is under way in the Cl0023 system, our observations suggest that powerful nuclear activity is not the predominant mechanism quenching star formation and driving the evolution of Cl0023 galaxies. We speculate that this is due to a lack of sufficiently massive nuclear black holes required to power such activity, as previous observations have found a high late-type fraction among the Cl0023 population. It may be that disruptive AGN-driven outflows become an important factor in the preprocessing of galaxy populations only during a later stage in the evolution of such groups and structures when sufficiently massive galaxies (and central black holes) have built up, but prior to hydrodynamical processes stripping them of their gas reservoirs.Comment: Published in ApJ

    Do we expect most AGN to live in discs?

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    Recent observations have indicated that a large fraction of the low- to intermediate-luminosity AGN population lives in disc-dominated hosts, while the more luminous quasars live in bulge-dominated hosts (that may or may not be major merger remnants), in conflict with some previous model predictions. We therefore build and compare a semi-empirical model for AGN fuelling which accounts for both merger and non-merger ‘triggering’. In particular, we show that the ‘stochastic accretion’ model – in which fuelling in disc galaxies is essentially a random process arising whenever dense gas clouds reach the nucleus – provides a good match to the present observations at low/intermediate luminosities. However, it falls short of the high-luminosity population. We combine this with models for major merger-induced AGN fueling, which lead to rarer but more luminous events, and predict the resulting abundance of disc-dominated and bulge-dominated AGN host galaxies as a function of luminosity and redshift. We compile and compare observational constraints from z ∼ 0 to 2. The models and observations generically show a transition from disc to bulge dominance in hosts near the Seyfert-quasar transition, at all redshifts. ‘Stochastic’ fuelling dominates AGN by number (dominant at low luminosity), and dominates black hole (BH) growth below the ‘knee’ in the present-day BH mass function ( ≲ 10^7  M_⊙). However, it accounts for just ∼10 per cent of BH mass growth at masses ≳ 10^8  M_⊙. In total, fuelling in discy hosts accounts for ∼30 per cent of the total AGN luminosity density/BH mass density. The combined model also accurately predicts the AGN luminosity function and clustering/bias as a function of luminosity and redshift; however, we argue that these are not sensitive probes of BH fuelling mechanisms

    Our Peculiar Motion Away from the Local Void

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    The peculiar velocity of the Local Group of galaxies manifested in the Cosmic Microwave Background dipole is found to decompose into three dominant components. The three components are clearly separated because they arise on distinct spatial scales and are fortuitously almost orthogonal in their influences. The nearest, which is distinguished by a velocity discontinuity at ~7 Mpc, arises from the evacuation of the Local Void. We lie in the Local Sheet that bounds the void. Random motions within the Local Sheet are small. Our Galaxy participates in the bulk motion of the Local Sheet away from the Local Void. The component of our motion on an intermediate scale is attributed to the Virgo Cluster and its surroundings, 17 Mpc away. The third and largest component is an attraction on scales larger than 3000 km/s and centered near the direction of the Centaurus Cluster. The amplitudes of the three components are 259, 185, and 455 km/s, respectively, adding collectively to 631 km/s in the reference frame of the Local Sheet. Taking the nearby influences into account causes the residual attributed to large scales to align with observed concentrations of distant galaxies and reduces somewhat the amplitude of motion attributed to their pull. On small scales, in addition to the motion of our Local Sheet away from the Local Void, the nearest adjacent filament, the Leo Spur, is seen to be moving in a direction that will lead to convergence with our filament. Finally, a good distance to an isolated galaxy within the Local Void reveals that this dwarf system has a motion of at least 230 km/s away from the void center. Given the velocities expected from gravitational instability theory in the standard cosmological paradigm, the distance to the center of the Local Void must be at least 23 Mpc from our position. The Local Void is large!Comment: Tentatively scheduled for Astrophysical Journal, 676 (March 20), 2008. 18 figures, 3 tables including web link for 2 tables, web links to 2 video

    Star Formation and Quenching Among the Most Massive Galaxies at \u3cem\u3ez\u3c/em\u3e ∼ 1.7

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    We have conducted a detailed object-by-object study of a mass-complete (M* ≥ 1011 M⊙) sample of 56 galaxies at 1.4 ≤ z ≤ 2 in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South field, showing that an accurate deblending in 24 μm images is essential to properly assign to each galaxy its own star formation rate (SFR), whereas an automatic procedure often fails. This applies especially to galaxies with SFRs below the main sequence (MS) value, which may be in their quenching phase. After that, the sample splits evenly between galaxies forming stars within a factor of 4 of the MS rate (∼45 per cent), and sub-MS galaxies with SFRs ∼10–1000 times smaller (∼55 per cent). We did not find a well-defined class of intermediate, transient objects below the MS, suggesting that the conversion of a massive MS galaxy into a quenched remnant may take a relatively short time (Gyr), though a larger sample should be analysed in the same way to set precise limits on the quenching time-scale. X-ray detected AGNs represent a ∼30 per cent fraction of the sample, and are found among both star-forming and quenched galaxies. The morphological analysis revealed that ∼50 per cent of our massive objects are bulge-dominated, and almost all MS galaxies with a relevant bulge component host an AGN. We also found sub-MS SFRs in many bulge-dominated systems, providing support to the notion that bulge growth, AGN activity and quenching of star formation are closely related to each other

    A controlled study of cold dust content in galaxies from z=0−2z=0-2

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    At z=1−3z=1-3, the formation of new stars is dominated by dusty galaxies whose far-IR emission indicates they contain colder dust than local galaxies of a similar luminosity. We explore the reasons for the evolving IR emission of similar galaxies over cosmic time using: 1) Local galaxies from GOALS (LIR=1011−1012 L⊙)(L_{\rm IR}=10^{11}-10^{12}\,L_\odot); 2) Galaxies at z∼0.1−0.5z\sim0.1-0.5 from the 5MUSES (LIR=1010−1012 L⊙L_{\rm IR}=10^{10}-10^{12}\,L_\odot); 3) IR luminous galaxies spanning z=0.5−3z=0.5-3 from GOODS and Spitzer xFLS (LIR>1011 L⊙L_{\rm IR}>10^{11}\,L_\odot). All samples have Spitzer mid-IR spectra, and Herschel and ground-based submillimeter imaging covering the full IR spectral energy distribution, allowing us to robustly measure LIRSFL_{\rm IR}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}, TdustT_{\rm dust}, and MdustM_{\rm dust} for every galaxy. Despite similar infrared luminosities, z>0.5z>0.5 dusty star forming galaxies have a factor of 5 higher dust masses and 5K colder temperatures. The increase in dust mass is linked with an increase in the gas fractions with redshift, and we do not observe a similar increase in stellar mass or star formation efficiency. L160SF/L70SFL_{160}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}/L_{70}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}, a proxy for TdustT_{\rm dust}, is strongly correlated with LIRSF/MdustL_{\rm IR}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}/M_{\rm dust} independently of redshift. We measure merger classification and galaxy size for a subsample, and there is no obvious correlation between these parameters and LIRSF/MdustL_{\rm IR}^{\rm \scriptscriptstyle SF}/M_{\rm dust} or L160SF/L70SFL_{160}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}/L_{70}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}. In dusty star forming galaxies, the change in LIRSF/MdustL_{\rm IR}^{\rm\scriptscriptstyle SF}/M_{\rm dust} can fully account for the observed colder dust temperatures, suggesting that any change in the spatial extent of the interstellar medium is a second order effect.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 21 pages, 11 figure

    Star Formation Quenching in High-redshift Large-scale Structure: Post-starburst Galaxies in the Cl1604 Supercluster at z∼0.9z \sim 0.9

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    The Cl1604 supercluster at z∼0.9z \sim 0.9 is one of the most extensively studied high redshift large scale structures, with more than 500 spectroscopically confirmed members. It consists of 8 clusters and groups, with members numbering from a dozen to nearly a hundred, providing a broad range of environments for investigating the large scale environmental effects on galaxy evolution. Here we examine the properties of 48 post-starburst galaxies in Cl1604, comparing them to other galaxy populations in the same supercluster. Incorporating photometry from ground-based optical and near-infrared imaging, along with SpitzerSpitzer mid-infrared observations, we derive stellar masses for all Cl1604 members. The colors and stellar masses of the K+A galaxies support the idea that they are progenitors of red sequence galaxies. Their morphologies, residual star-formation rates, and spatial distributions suggest galaxy mergers may be the principal mechanism producing post-starburst galaxies. Interaction between galaxies and the dense intra-cluster medium is also effective, but only in the cores of dynamically evolved clusters. The prevalence of post-starburst galaxies in clusters correlates with the dynamical state of the host cluster, as both galaxy mergers and the dense intra-cluster medium produce post-starburst galaxies. We also investigate the incompleteness and contamination of K+A samples selected by means of Hδ\delta and [OII] equivalent widths. K+A samples may be up to ∼50%\sim50\% incomplete due to the presence of LINER/Seyferts and up to ∼30%\sim30\% of K+A galaxies could have substantial star formation activity.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Ap
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