27 research outputs found

    Electromyographic Activities of Masticatory Muscles in Class III Patients Treated by Facemask With Miniplate Anchorage

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    Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate electromyographic (EMG) activities of left and right anterior temporal, masseter, and anterior digastric muscles during resting, maximum voluntary clenching, and swallowing before and after facemask treatment.Materials and Methods:Fifteen patients with Class III malocclusion (mean age, 12.1 ± 1.43 years) were included in this study. The patients were treated by means of facemask with miniplate anchorage after 8 weeks of alternate rapid maxillary expansion and constriction (Alt-RAMEC) protocol. Before and after treatment, EMG examinations during resting, maximum voluntary clenching, and swallowing were carried out on all subjects. Total treatment time was 9.9 ± 2.63 months. Changes in the activities of right and left anterior temporal, masseter, and anterior digastric muscles were tested by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test.Results:The EMG activities of left and right anterior temporal, masseter, and anterior digastric muscles during resting, maximum voluntary clenching, and swallowing did not show any statistically significant changes after treatment (p>.05).Conclusion:The EMG evaluation showed that facemask treatment with miniplate anchorage after the Alt-RAMEC protocol did not change the EMG activities of left and right anterior temporal, masseter, and anterior digastric muscles in patients with Class III malocclusion

    Cephalometric Morphology of Turkish Children with Class II Malocclusion

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    Aim:To investigate the morphology of Class II malocclusion in Turkish children, to compare with Class I malocclusion sample and to identify possible sex differences.Subjects and Methods:Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 100 Turkish children with Class II malocclusion and 100 Turkish children with Class I malocclusion taken in centric occlusion were selected. The mean age of the patients were 12.2±2.1 years for Class II group and 12.3±2.4 years for Class I group. A cephalometric software system was used to perform lateral cephalometric evaluation. Independent-samples t test and Mann Whitney-U test were used for statistical analysis.Results:SNB Angle, ANB Angle, Facial Depth Angle, Condylion-Gnathion Length, Corpus Length, Convexity, Lower Lip to Esthetic Plane Distance, Overjet and Overbite showed statistically significant differences between the Class II and Class I children. The mandibular incisors were more proclined in Class II group. There was no significant difference in the vertical growth pattern between the groups. In Class I group, FMA Angle, Lower Facial Height Angle, Corpus Length, Condylion-Gnathion Length, Condylion-A Length, Anterior Facial Height and Posterior Facial Height were found to be smaller in females. In Class II group, SNA Angle, SNB Angle, Maxillary Depth, L1-NB Angle and U1-SN Angle were found to be smaller in males.Conclusion:The results of the study showed that the majority of the Class II pattern in Turkish patients was due to mandibular retrusion, and on average the children had dolichofacial growth pattern

    White Spot Lesions and Orthodontics

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    The aim of current study was to introduce a review on white spot lesions which may appear during the course of orthodontic treatment

    Craniofacial Morphology, Head Posture and Hyoid Bone Position

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    Head and neck region has recently been an investigation topic in orthodontics because of the effects of the dentofacial structures. In this respect, the relation between head posture, craniofacial morphology and hyoid bone will be mentioned in the present review

    Sistemik hastalıkların ortodontik tedaviye etkileri

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    Orthodontic therapy is not only performed on healty patients but also on medically compromised patients. Patients’ siystemic conditions can sometimes indicate compromising factors that should be taken into consideration in the orthodontic treatment plan. With earlier diagnose, a better medical care and noninvasive, spesific orthodontic procedures these patients can proceed a more life quality. Orthodontist should be aware of the oral symptoms of common medical conditions in order to early diagnose and prevent the potential risks and should consult the patient to the medical specialist. This rewiev discusses most common medical problems and focusses on the special considerations to be taken into account when planning orthodontic treatment of patients who have systemic diseases.   ÖZET Ortodontik tedavi yalnızca sağlıklı hastalara değil tıbbi sorunu bulunan hastalara da uygulanmaktadır. Bazen hastaların sistemik durumları ortodontik tedavi planında göz önünde bulundurulması gereken tehlikeli faktörleri gösterebilmektedir. Erken teşhis, iyi bir tıbbi bakım ve invasiv olmayan özel ortodontik yaklaşımlarla bu hastalar daha kaliteli bir hayat sürebilmektedir. Ortodontistler erken teşhis ve potansiyel risklerden korunmak için sık rastlanan sistemik hastalıkların oral semptomlarını bilmeli ve hasta konuda uzman bir hekimle konsülte edilmelidir. Bu derleme en sık rastlanan medikal problemleri ve sistemik rahatsızlığı bulunan bireylerde ortodontik tedavi planı yapılırken göz önünde tutulması gereken özel durumları tartışmaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: ortodonti, sistemik hastalıklar, diabetes mellitus, infektif endokardit, romatoid artrit

    Adhesive Fragment Reattachment after Orthodontic Extrusion: A Case Report

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    In the treatment of crown fractures, adhesive fragment reattachment provides a good alternative to other restorative techniques, offering several advantages. The present paper reports a case in which the treatment of a cervical crown fracture was accomplished by reattaching the tooth fragment with a flowable resin composite. Orthodontic root extrusion was performed with a modified Hawley appliance prior to fragment reattachment. The clinical and radiographic results after 2.5 years were successful

    Orthognathic Treatment of Skeletal Class III Malocclusion with Severe Facial Asymmetry

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    A 26-year, 9-month-old woman had chief complaints of mandibular protrusion and facial asymmetry. Extraoral examination indicated mandibular deviation to the left side, severe facial asymmetry, and a concave profile. Because the patient had a vertical maxillary height difference and an occlusal plane cant together with maxillary retrusion, a differential downgraft and advancement surgery with Lefort I osteotomy was planned. To correct the facial asymmetry and mandibular protrusion, concurrent bilateral sagittal split osteotomy was performed. Double-jaw surgical procedures, including maxillary and mandibular movements, are effective in correcting severe facial asymmetry and skeletal Class III malocclusion

    Determination of Reliability of Different Reference Lines for Photogrammetric Assessment

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    The aim of this study is to determine the most reliable reference line among five different reference lines used for photogrammetric measurments obtained from women's standardized extraoral photographs. 35 healty females with a mean age of 23.25±2.64 years were examined in this study. Soft tissue measurements were done directly from the lateral and frontal view on each face. Extraoral photographs were taken with a standardized method from a constant distance and at the same lighting condition. The photographs were transfered to the computer and parameters were measured on each photograph by using three reference lines on the lateral view (Ex-Ex, En-En, P-P) and two reference lines on the frontal view (Sa-Sba, TEx). Magnification error was corrected by using values of reference lines. Three different values frontally and two different values laterally were obtained for each parameter according to the reference lines. These values were tested with repeated measure ANOVA and compared with the direct values obtained from the patients. For the lateral measurements, the values according to Sa-Sba reference line were statistically different from the real values (p<0.05). The values according to T-Ex reference line were statistically different for two parameters and not statistically different for remaining four parameters. Fort he frontal measurements, the values according to Ex-Ex, En-En and P-P lines were statistically different from the real values for all parameters. When the study group was assessed entirely, it was found that T-Ex and Ex-Ex lines were the most reliable reference lines for the lateral and the frontal measurements, respectively

    Apical Root Resorption: A Prospective Radiographic Study of Maxillary Incisors

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of apical root resorption in maxillary incisors during the initial stages of active orthodontic treatment and to test the hypothesis that root resorption increases with the progress of the treatment. Methods: The study sample consisted of 80 teeth of 20 patients (14 female, 6 male) with a mean age of 14.9±2.8 years. Root resorption was determined with standardized digitized periapical radiographs. All the periapical radiographs were obtained at the beginning of orthodontic treatment (T0) and 3 months (T1), 6 months (T2) and 9 months (T3) after the beginning of the treatment by a paralleling device. They were digitalized as 600 dpi with a flatbed scanner and analyzed by software for image analysis at 400x magnification utilizing a personal computer. Results: All of the 4 maxillary incisors had an increasing amount of resorption during the 9-month period. The amount of root resorption between the time intervals was statistically significant (P<.05). Conclusions: Root resorption of maxillary incisors can be detected in the early stages of orthodontic treatment and appears to be related to treatment duration. According to 9-month evaluation period, apical root resorption is of limited clinical significance for the average orthodontic patient.PubMe