849 research outputs found

    Looking for Instanton-induced Processes at HERA Using a Multivariate Technique Based on Range Searching

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    We present a method to discriminate instanton-induced processes from standard DIS background based on Range Searching. This method offers fast and automatic scanning of a large number of variables for a combination of variables giving high signal to background ratio and the smallest theoretical and experimental uncertainties.Comment: Talk given at ACAT2000 Conference at Fermila

    Measurement of the LCG2 and glite file catalogue's performance

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    When the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) begins operation at CERN in 2007 it will produce data in volumes never before seen. Physicists around the world will manage, distribute and analyse petabytes of this data using the middleware provided by the LHC Computing Grid. One of the critical factors in the smooth running of this system is the performance of the file catalogues which allow users to access their files with a logical filename without knowing their physical location. This paper presents a detailed study comparing the performance and respective merits and shortcomings of two of the main catalogues: the LCG File Catalogue and the gLite FiReMan catalogue

    Metadata Federation with AMGA

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    A Search for Instantons at HERA

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    A search for QCD instanton (I) induced events in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) at HERA is presented in the kinematic range of low x and low Q^2. After cutting into three characteristic variables for I-induced events yielding a maximum suppression of standard DIS background to the 0.1% level while still preserving 10% of the I-induced events, 549 data events are found while 363^{+22}_{-26} (CDM) and 435^{+36}_{-22} (MEPS) standard DIS events are expected. More events than expected by the standard DIS Monte Carlo models are found in the data. However, the systematic uncertainty between the two different models is of the order of the expected signal, so that a discovery of instantons can not be claimed. An outlook is given on the prospect to search for QCD instanton events using a discriminant based on range searching in the kinematical region Q^2\gtrsim100\GeV^2 where the I-theory makes safer predictions and the QCD Monte Carlos are expected to better describe the inclusive data.Comment: Invited talk given at the Ringberg Workshop on HERA Physics on June 19th, 2001 on behalf of the H1 collaboratio

    Duality, the Semi-Circle Law and Quantum Hall Bilayers

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    There is considerable experimental evidence for the existence in Quantum Hall systems of an approximate emergent discrete symmetry, Γ0(2)SL(2,Z)\Gamma_0(2) \subset SL(2,Z). The evidence consists of the robustness of the tests of a suite a predictions concerning the transitions between the phases of the system as magnetic fields and temperatures are varied, which follow from the existence of the symmetry alone. These include the universality of and quantum numbers of the fixed points which occur in these transitions; selection rules governing which phases may be related by transitions; and the semi-circular trajectories in the Ohmic-Hall conductivity plane which are followed during the transitions. We explore the implications of this symmetry for Quantum Hall systems involving {\it two} charge-carrying fluids, and so obtain predictions both for bilayer systems and for single-layer systems for which the Landau levels have a spin degeneracy. We obtain similarly striking predictions which include the novel new phases which are seen in these systems, as well as a prediction for semicircle trajectories which are traversed by specific combinations of the bilayer conductivities as magnetic fields are varied at low temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; discussion of magnetic field dependence modified and figures and references updated in v

    Detecting brute-force attacks on cryptocurrency wallets

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    Blockchain is a distributed ledger, which is protected against malicious modifications by means of cryptographic tools, e.g. digital signatures and hash functions. One of the most prominent applications of blockchains is cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. In this work, we consider a particular attack on wallets for collecting assets in a cryptocurrency network based on brute-force search attacks. Using Bitcoin as an example, we demonstrate that if the attack is implemented successfully, a legitimate user is able to prove that fact of this attack with a high probability. We also consider two options for modification of existing cryptocurrency protocols for dealing with this type of attacks. First, we discuss a modification that requires introducing changes in the Bitcoin protocol and allows diminishing the motivation to attack wallets. Second, an alternative option is the construction of special smart-contracts, which reward the users for providing evidence of the brute-force attack. The execution of this smart-contract can work as an automatic alarm that the employed cryptographic mechanisms, and (particularly) hash functions, have an evident vulnerability.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    Influência da concentração de NaCl e pH na extração de ricina em torta de mamona (Ricinus communis L.) e sua caracterização por eletroforese.

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    A mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.) é uma oleaginosa de alto valor econômico pelo fato de apresentar um mercado bem definido para o óleo extraído de suas sementes. A torta, que é um resíduo desta extração, se destaca pelo alto teor em proteínas. Dentre as proteínas encontradas na torta destaca-se a ricina, uma citotoxina, que inviabiliza sua utilização como fonte protéica alternativa para alimentação animal. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar um melhor tratamento experimental para a extração de ricina da torta de mamona, visando futuros estudos de perda de integridade da ricina, o que garantiria a inocuidade do produto. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar a solução de maior capacidade de extração de proteínas, empregando a metodologia de superfície de resposta. Um delineamento composto central rotacional foi elaborado a fim de verificar o melhor pH e concentração de NaCl para a extração. Dos cinco diferentes valores de pH (4,0; 4,6; 6,0; 7,4; 8,0) e concentração de NaCl (0,0M; 0,3M; 1,0M; 1,7M; 2,0M) utilizados, o tratamento associando fosfato de potássio 0,2M/NaCl 1,7M pH 7,4 foi escolhido como o melhor. A concentração de proteína extraída neste tratamento chegou a valores quatro vezes maiores que o encontrado no de mínima extração de proteína. Pela evidenciação do gel de eletroforese não houve extração preferencial de ricina nos tratamentos testados, entretanto etapas de purificação usando diálise e precipitação com sulfato de amônio, permitiram uma evidenciação melhor das duas cadeias polipeptídicas de ricina

    A Multi-variate Discrimination Technique Based on Range-Searching

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    We present a fast and transparent multi-variate event classification technique, called PDE-RS, which is based on sampling the signal and background densities in a multi-dimensional phase space using range-searching. The employed algorithm is presented in detail and its behaviour is studied with simple toy examples representing basic patterns of problems often encountered in High Energy Physics data analyses. In addition an example relevant for the search for instanton-induced processes in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA is discussed. For all studied examples, the new presented method performs as good as artificial Neural Networks and has furthermore the advantage to need less computation time. This allows to carefully select the best combination of observables which optimally separate the signal and background and for which the simulations describe the data best. Moreover, the systematic and statistical uncertainties can be easily evaluated. The method is therefore a powerful tool to find a small number of signal events in the large data samples expected at future particle colliders.Comment: Submitted to NIM, 18 pages, 8 figure

    Elliptic curves, modular forms, and sums of Hurwitz class numbers

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    Let H(N) denote the Hurwitz class number. It is known that if pp is a prime, then {equation*} \sum_{|r|<2\sqrt p}H(4p-r^2) = 2p. {equation*} In this paper, we investigate the behavior of this sum with the additional condition rc(modm)r\equiv c\pmod m. Three different methods will be explored for determining the values of such sums. First, we will count isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over finite fields. Second, we will express the sums as coefficients of modular forms. Third, we will manipulate the Eichler-Selberg trace for ula for Hecke operators to obtain Hurwitz class number relations. The cases m=2,3m=2,3 and 4 are treated in full. Partial results, as well as several conjectures, are given for m=5m=5 and 7.Comment: Preprint of an old pape