452 research outputs found

    Collagen of Chronically Inflamed Skin Is Over-Modified and Upregulates Secretion of Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 and Matrix-Degrading Enzymes by Endothelial Cells and Fibroblasts

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    In order to investigate the properties of collagen in chronically inflamed tissue, we isolated collagen from the ear skin of mice with chronic contact dermatitis and examined its biochemical characteristics and the functions that regulate the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and collagen-degrading enzymes from endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Collagen in skin with chronic contact dermatitis comprised 60% type I collagen and 40% type III collagen, which latter is higher than the content of type III collagen in control skin (35%). The denaturation temperature was higher (42°C) than that of control skin (39°C). The α2 chain of type I collagen was over-hydroxylated at both proline and lysine residues. Segment-long-spacing crystallites of type I collagen were unusually connected in tandem. Collagen of chronically inflamed skin was less susceptible to matrix metalloproteinase 2 after heat denaturation. Endothelial cells and fibroblasts secreted an increased amount of matrix metalloproteinase 2 when cultured on a gel formed from the collagen of chronically inflamed skin. Collagen-degrading activity secreted from fibroblasts was also upregulated when cells were in contact with collagen of chronically inflamed skin. These results suggest that the collagen in chronically inflamed tissue has altered biochemical characteristics and functions, which may affect the pathogenesis of the chronic skin disease

    Evolutionally Conserved Function of Kisspeptin Neuronal System Is Nonreproductive Regulation as Revealed by Nonmammalian Study

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    The kisspeptin neuronal system, which consists of a neuropeptide kisspeptin and its receptor Gpr54, is considered in mammals a key factor of reproductive regulation, the so-called hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis. However, in nonmammalian vertebrates, especially in teleosts, existence of kisspeptin regulation on the HPG axis is still controversial. In this study, we applied multidisciplinary techniques to a teleost fish, medaka, and examined possible kisspeptin regulation on the HPG axis. First, we generated knockout medaka for kisspeptin-related genes and found that they show normal fertility, gonadal maturation, and expression of gonadotropins. Moreover, the firing activity of GnRH1 neurons recorded by the patch clamp technique was not altered by kisspeptin application. Furthermore, in goldfish, in vivo kisspeptin administration did not show any positive effect on HPG axis regulation. However, as kisspeptin genes are completely conserved among vertebrates except birds, we surmised that kisspeptin should have some important nonreproductive functions in vertebrates. Therefore, to discover novel functions of kisspeptin, we generated a gpr54-1:enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic medaka, whose gpr54-1–expressing cells are specifically labeled by EGFP. Analysis of neuronal projection of gpr54-1:EGFP–expressing neurons showed that these neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic area project to the pituitary and are probably involved in endocrine regulation other than gonadotropin release. Furthermore, combination of deep sequencing, histological, and electrophysiological analyses revealed various novel neural systems that are under control of kisspeptin neurons—that is, those expressing neuropeptide Yb, cholecystokinin, isotocin, vasotocin, and neuropeptide B. Thus, our new strategy to genetically label receptor-expressing neurons gives insights into various kisspeptin-dependent neuronal systems that may be conserved in vertebrates


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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the phenotypic characterization of fibrotic process in adenomyosis occurring at the inner or the outer myometrium. METHODS: Eight cases of adenomyosis occurring at the inner myometrium (Subtype I) and 10 cases of adenomyosis occurring at the outer myometrium (Subtype II), and 10 normal counterparts were used in this study. A immunohistochemical study for smooth muscle cells (SMCs) was performed using cytoskeletal proteins, Type I and III collagen, TGF-β and its signaling molecules. RESULTS: An increased expression of Type I collagen was observed in the extracellular matrix of adenomyotic foci. In normal uteri, immunostaining of SMC differentiation marker proteins (Desmin, Smoothelin, Myosin heavy chain (MHC)) were absent or only found in low numbers at the inner myometrium, while all of these marker proteins were clearly stained at the outer myometrium. In both types of adenomyotic foci, Desmin, Smoothelin, and MHC commonly showed a negative staining at the adjacent area to the glands. A significant staining of Non-muscle myosin IIB, TGF-β, and phosphorylated TGF-β type I receptors were found only at the SMCs of Subtype II adenomyosis. The Smad3/2 ratio of Subtype II adenomyosis was significantly higher than that of Subtype I. CONCLUSIONS: The inner myometrium of normal uteri was composed of undifferentiated phenotypes of SMCs, while the outer myometrium was composed of terminally differentiated SMCs. Various fibrotic processes have been suggested in the development of uterine adenomyosis. Distinct expression patterns of fibrosis related proteins have been shown to be implicated with differences in the subtypes of adenomyosis.博士(医学)・甲第681号・平成30年3月15日Copyright: © 2017 Kishi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Predictors of the Response to Tolvaptan Therapy and Its Effect on Prognosis in Cirrhotic Patients with Ascites

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    Aims: The vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist, tolvaptan, has been reported to be effective in cirrhotic patients with ascites. Here, we evaluated predictors of the response to tolvaptan. Methods: A total of 97 patients with cirrhosis (60 males; median age, 63 years) who had been treated for ascites with oral tolvaptan were enrolled. Tolvaptan efficacy was defined as urine volume increase of ≥500 mL or a urine volume ≥2000 mL/day on the day following treatment. Normalization of the serum sodium (Na) level after 1 week of treatment and the posttreatment survival rate was analyzed. Results: Tolvaptan therapy resulted in effective urination in 67% of patients. A multivariate analysis revealed that the blood urea nitrogen/creatinine (BUN/Cr) ratio and urinary Na/potassium (Na/K) ratio were predictive of the tolvaptan response (p <0.05). The serum Na level was 135 (121–145) mEq/L, and normal levels were recovered in 50.0% of the patients with an initial Na level of <135 mEq/L. The posttreatment survival rate was significantly higher in patients who responded to tolvaptan therapy (p <0.05). Conclusions: The combination of the initial BUN/Cr and urine Na/K ratios and a normalized serum Na level after 1 week was predictive of a favorable outcome to tolvaptan therapy


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    Purpose: We investigated the role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in pretreatment primary breast cancer to predict pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in patients with clinical node-positive disease (cN +). Methods: The subjects of this study were 60 patients with cN + , who received NAC followed by breast surgery with axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). We conducted a semi-quantitative assessment of TILs in pretreatment primary tumors and their association with clinicopathological factors and axillary lymph node metastasis. Results: We observed a higher number of TILs in tumors with negative hormone receptors, positive human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, or high Ki67. TILs were associated with a favorable response to NAC in primary tumors. The rate of axillary pathologic complete response (Ax-pCR) was significantly higher in patients with a high number of TILs than in patients with a low number of TILs (72.0% versus 17.1%, p < 0.001). In multivariable analysis, a high number of TILs was a significant predictor of Ax-pCR as well as of pCR of the primary tumor after NAC. Importantly, all patients with HER2-positive tumors in the high TILs group showed Ax-pCR on ALND. Conclusion: TILs in pretreatment primary breast cancer had the potential to predict therapeutic efficacy of NAC in patients with clinical node-positive disease.博士(医学)・乙第1498号・令和3年3月15日© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Surgery today. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00595-020-02157-6

    Brazilian Propolis Suppresses Angiogenesis by Inducing Apoptosis in Tube-Forming Endothelial Cells through Inactivation of Survival Signal ERK1/2

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    We recently reported that propolis suppresses tumor-induced angiogenesis through tube formation inhibition and apoptosis induction in endothelial cells. However, molecular mechanisms underlying such angiogenesis suppression by propolis have not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ethanol extract of Brazilian propolis (EEBP) on two major survival signals, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and Akt, and to elucidate whether changes in these signals were actually involved in antiangiogenic effects of the propolis. Detection by western blotting revealed that EEBP suppressed phosphorylation of ERK1/2, but not that of Akt. Pharmacological inhibition by U0126 demonstrated that ERK1/2 inactivation alone was enough to inhibit tube formation and induce apoptosis. It was also shown that EEBP and U0126 similarly induced activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) and lamin A/C, all of which are molecular markers of apoptosis. These results indicate that inhibition of survival signal ERK1/2, and subsequent induction of apoptosis, is a critical mechanism of angiogenesis suppression by EEBP

    Thermal neutron flux evaluation by a single crystal CVD diamond detector in LHD deuterium experiment

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    The single crystal CVD diamond detector (SDD) was installed in the torus hall of the Large Helical Device (LHD) to measure neutrons with high time resolution and neutron energy resolution. The LiF foil with 95.62 % of 6Li isotope enrichment pasted on the detector was used as the thermal neutron convertor as the energetic ions of 2.0 MeV alpha and 2.7 MeV triton particles generated in LiF foil and deposited the energy into SDD. SDD were exposed to the neutron field in the torus hall of the LHD during the 2nd campaign of the deuterium experiment. The total pulse height in SDD was linearly propotional to the neutron yield in a plasma operation in LHD over 4 orders of magnitude. The energetic alpha and triton were separately measured by SDD with LiF with the thickness of 1.9 μm, although SDD with LiF with the thickness of 350 μm showed a broadened peak due to the large energy loss of energetic particles generated in the bulk of LiF. The modeling with MCNP and PHITS codes well interpreted the pulse height spectra for SDD with LiF with different thicknesses. The results above demonstrated the sufficient time resolution and energy discrimination of SDD used in this work

    Regulation of Mesodermal Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Basement Membranes

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    This research was originally published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Hironobu Fujiwara, Yoshitaka Hayashi, Noriko Sanzen, Reiko Kobayashi, Charles N. Weber, Tomomi Emoto, Sugiko Futaki, Hitoshi Niwa, Patricia Murray, David Edgar and Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi. Regulation of Mesodermal Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Basement Membranes. J. Biol. Chem. 2007; 282: 29701–29711 © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog