58 research outputs found

    Bambini con esperienza di migrazione nelle scuole polacche : problemi e sfide

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    This paper will reconsider the problems and challenges of children with migration background in Polish schools. The author refers to his own studies conducted as a part of the MiCreate project, supplemented by previous academic research in order to find the tools and solutions that could support the integration of migrant children, aid their wellbeing and empower them in their new environment. Legal aspects of the Polish educational system are described in the beginning in order to understand the background for the integration practices. Particular emphasis is placed on the intercultural competences of teachers and the development of the profession of intercultural assistants.Il contributo tratta dei problemi e delle sfide dei bambini con esperienza di migrazione nelle scuole polacche. L'autore fa riferimento ai propri studi condotti nell'ambito del progetto MiCreate, integrati da precedenti ricerche accademiche, al fine di identificare gli strumenti e le soluzioni in grado di supportare l'integrazione di bambini migranti, favorire il loro benessere e responsabilizzarli nel loro nuovo ambiente. Gli aspetti giuridici del sistema di istruzione polacco sono descritti all'inizio per consentire la comprensione dello sfondo su cui sono basate le pratiche di integrazione. Un’enfasi particolare viene posta sulle competenze interculturali degli insegnanti e sullo sviluppo della professione degli assistenti interculturali

    The use of R2P mechanism by international community in cases of serious human rights infringements in Africa

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    Artykuł przedstawia ewolucję podejścia do interwencji humanitarnej, które w XXI wieku zostało sformułowane w koncepcji odpowiedzialności za ochronę. Artykuł koncentruje się w szczególności na możliwości przyjęcia reguły R2P w Afryce, zwłaszcza drugiego i trzeciego filaru tego mechanizmu. Omówiono tutaj różne przypadki konfliktu w Afryce i inne rodzaje zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa; te, które zostały faktycznie wdrożone, i sytuacje, w których trzeba je było pominąć. Opis ten ma na celu zdefiniowanie sytuacji, w których mechanizm R2P okaże się przydatny w środkach bezpieczeństwa kontynentalnego, a także wskazanie czynników niezbędnych do jego praktycznego wdrożenia, niezależnie od czystych deklaracji państw i organizacji regionalnych.The article presents the evolution of the approach to humanitarian intervention that in the 21st century had been framed in the concept of Responsibility to Protect. The article focuses particularly on the possibility of adopting R2P rule in Africa, especially second and third pillar of this mechanism Various cases of conflict in Africa and other types of security threats are discussed herein; those which were actually implemented and situations where they were had to be foregone. This description serves the purpose of defining situations when the R2P mechanism is found useful in continental security measures as well as indicating the factors needed to implement it in practice, regardless of pure declarations from regional states and organizations

    The whole child approach in the context of joint activities with children from a migration background

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    The article presents contemporary views on a new approach to children studies in social sciences and humanities, and particularly the "whole child approach" paradigm. The basic features of this approach are discussed in the context of integrating children from a migration background and their social functioning within the structure of education. A brief discussion on the necessary structural changes in social life and its adjustment to the needs of children is provided. The whole child approach is promoted as a key element of social cohesion strategies

    Transformacja współczesnej rodziny egipskiej a model rodziny w Opowieści starego Kairu Nadżiba Mahfuza – analiza genderowa

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    This article portrays the Egyptian family known from Palace Walk and infl uenced by modernization, which affected the traditional understanding of the gender roles. To use gender roles as a basis for any discourse on the relationship between modern and traditional family environments, in an Arabic culture, seems to be an interesting proposal. The transformation of the contemporary Egyptian family, determination of the types of characters, and relations between the sexes characteristic of the Arab cultural sphere is presented based on the author’s analysis. The article reveals the condition of an Egyptian family and the shift in its functioning, related to the confl ict between the traditional and modern, in Muslim discourse and social life. The dissonance in the female and male presence in private and public spaces, as well as their ability to achieve professional fulfi llment is its signifi cant point

    Swedish roma integration policy : model and mood practicies

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    Sweden is inhabited by the biggest Roma people population among Nordic countries. The community is however very diverse in reference regarding the language spoken, the belief, and origin. For years this particular minority had been marginalized and even persecuted by the Swedish administration. Only since 1999 it gained the national minority status, which resulted in legal protection from the government and farther integration possibilities for the community that suffered social, political and cultural exclusion in the past. Sweden is perceived presently as country with one of the best Roma integration policy, reaching far beyond the EU minimal standards. Malmö is that Swedish city that may play as a pattern for the effective, successful inclusive approach towards Roma community. The discussed solutions implemented by the city council can play as example of conditions to be followed in order to successfully integrate Roma people

    Hate speech as a threat to cultural cohesion of contemporary multicultural societies

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    The article presents the idea of social cohesion and its implementation in diverse and multicultural societies or societies in transition, such as the Polish community. It also explores the phenomenon of hate speech in racial contexts or against migrants, both voluntary and involuntary, and tries to draw the conditions in which hateful language can interfere with the integration processes within such societies, affecting social cohesion. The role of institutionalized xenophobia and nationalistic attachment are discussed as part of the problem. Political, media, cultural and environmental contexts are described, with particular emphasis given to the actions to be undertaken in local municipalities in order to prevent hate speech against immigrants

    Polityka państwa wobec muzułmanów a relacje chrześcijańsko-muzułmańskie w Kenii

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Kenia jest przykładem państwa, w którym doszło do zetknięcia chrześcijaństwa z islamem, co w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach stało się powodem poważnych konfliktów między obiema wspólnotami religijnymi. W kształtowaniu relacji chrześcijańsko- muzułmańskich szczególną rolę odegrało państwo. Władze niepodległej Kenii niejednokrotnie bowiem wykorzystywały nieporozumienia między obiema wspólnotami religijnymi i podsycały konflikt, aby osłabić ich pozycje w obawie przed rodzeniem się ruchów antyrządowych. Wydaje się, że kluczowa dla zrozumienia stosunków międzyreligijnych w Kenii jest kwestia marginalizacji islamu jako religii mniejszościowej, zwłaszcza w sferze edukacji, kultury, a przede wszystkim polityki. Marginalizacja ta nie do końca wynika z braku homogeniczności tej grupy, ale głównie z prowadzonej przez państwo oficjalnej polityki wykluczania w jak najszerszym zakresie muzułmanów ze sfery publicznej. Stąd istotne jest przeanalizowanie polityki władz kenijskich w stosunku do wspólnoty muzułmańskiej oraz przyjrzenie się relacjom pomiędzy muzułmanami i chrześcijanami.

    The use of humanitarian intervention in Africa

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