163 research outputs found

    Multivariate analysis of attitudes on financial and other aspects of business ethics of future managers

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    Business ethics is a set of rules by which individuals and institutions behave and conduct business in a responsible manner. It involves appropriate constraints on the pursuit of self-interest and profits, particularly when actions affect other stakeholders. Research on financial and other aspects of business ethics includes an examination of personal attitudes which give insight into ways in which people tend to behave as employees, managers, taxpayers and consumers. In this research, the standard ATBEQ questionnaire was extended with five variables covering corporate social responsibility and applied to a sample of business administration students in Croatia. The aim of the research was to identify groups of future managers based on an evaluation of their attitudes on business ethics and corporate social responsibility. The analysis was divided into two parts. In the first part, factor analysis was performed on 35 variables (attitudes) relating to business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Six factors were extracted and factor scores were calculated. In the second part, hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analyses were conducted. Factor scores were used as input data for the cluster analysis. Firstly, the hierarchical cluster analysis was run on the calculated factor scores. According to the dendrogram, a three-cluster solution was chosen. The non-hierarchical cluster analysis was then used to improve the results of the hierarchical cluster solution. Finally, these clusters (groups) of future managers were characterised according to their attitudes on financial and other aspects of business ethics and corporate social responsibility

    Schizotypy: Current concepts and future research implications

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    Shizotipija je konstrukt koji se koristi kako bi se opisala grupa osoba sa simptomima koji ne ispunjavaju kriterijume za postavljanje dijagnoze shizofrenije, ali imaju sličnosti sa ovim kompleksnim i heterogenim psihiajtrijskim oboljenjem. MKB-10 opisuje shizotipiju kao privremeno stanje (shizotipalni poremećaj), dok je DSM-5 opisuje kao trajniji poremećaj (shizotipalni poremećaj ličnosti). S obzirom da se shizotipija prostire kroz normalnu, supkliničku i kliničku populaciju, temeljno teorijsko razumevanje ovog koncepta može biti od pomoći prilikom razvijanja mera procene shizotipije. Do sada, najveći deo psihometrijske evaluacije shizotipije bazirao se na varijetetima individualnih razlika (poremećaja) ličnosti. Ovaj članak se fokusira na evoluciju termina shizotipije, na razumevanje ovog fenomena, mogućnosti psihometrijske procene u skladu sa trenutnim modelima ličnosti i na klinička razmatranja koja bi dovela do poboljšane detekcije i intervencije u ovoj oblasti.Schizotypy is a construct used to describe a group of persons with symptoms which do not fulfill criteria for schizophrenia, but have some similarities with this complex and heterogeneous psychiatric disorder. ICD-10 describes schizotypy as a state (schizotypal disorder), while DSM-5 labels it as a trait marker (schizotypal personality disorder). Considering how schizotypy encompasses through the normal, subclinical and clinical population, a thorough theoretical understanding of this concept could be helpful in developing measures of assessment. So far, most of the tools for psychometric evaluation of schizotypy have focused only on abnormal personality. The present article focuses on the evolution of the term schizotypy, its current understanding, the possibilities of psychometric assessment in relation to contemporary constructs of personality and on clinical considerations for improved detection and intervention in this field

    Developmental Potential of Mouse Embryos without Extraembryonic Membranes in Modified Organ Culture

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    The long term stationary culture of postimplanatation embryos without extraembryonic membranes is a method to assess their developmental potential in vitro. The method was almost exclusively used on rat embryos, while mouse embryos were considered unsuitable due to their poor differentiation. In present study the postimplantation mouse embryos were used to verify potential of this method in mice. In addition, the course of in vitro differentiation was compared to embryo development in situ. Embryos were cultivated for maximum of 14 days and morphology and differentiation was analysed on serial semithin sections. Although anatomical relationships were lost from the beginning of the cultivation, the differentiation was only delayed, and the developmental potential after long term culture was comparable to those observed in rats. Therefore the advantages of long term cultivation could be utilized to analyse the differentiation of numerous lines of genetically modified mice with impaired postimplantation development

    Indirect pulp capping using different calcium hydroxide products: A clinical study

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    Introduction. Indirect pulp capping is a therapeutic intervention in the treatment of deep carious lesion in order to stimulate odontoblasts to produce tertiary dentin using different biomaterials based mainly on calcium hydroxide. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of hard-setting (Dycal) and a suspension of calcium hydroxide (Calcipulp) in the treatment of deep carious lesion (caries profunda). Materials and Methods. Clinical study included 29 patients of both genders, age 16 to 40, and 45 teeth of different morphological groups with verified caries profunda using clinical and radiographic examination. After the cavity preparation, calcium hydroxide materials (Dycal or Calcipulp) were applied on the pulpal wall and cavities temporarily restored (phosphate cement) for the period of two months. After this period cavities were restored with composite materials and clinically observed during twelve months, with mandatory check-ups after three and six months. Results. Obtained results showed that indirect pulp capping using calcium hydroxide suspension (90.0%) was more successful than hard-setting material (84.0%), but with no statistically significant difference. Conclusion. Suspension and hard-setting calcium hydroxide were equally successful in the treatment of caries profunda

    Green Alkali Activated Materials Based on The Different Precursors

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    The main goal of this study was the evaluation of physical–chemical, as well as radiological properties of residual materials used for synthesis of alkali activated materials (AAMs) for the possible application as new materials in a civil engineering industry. Also, the purpose of this research was to investigate the hydrophobicity of new alumino-silicate materials and the influence of Si/Al ratio on their surface properties. Contact angle measurement (CAM) as reliable indicator of hydrophobicity was determined for synthesized AAMs using water and ethylene glycol as reference liquids. Alkali-activated materials were synthesized from various precursors: kaolin, bentonite and diatomite. Characterization of phase structure and microstructure was performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) spectroscopy. Contact angle measurements confirmed that the alkali-activated materials synthesized from metakaolin are the most porous, which can be explained by the smallest Si/Al ratio. The maximum value of contact angle and free surface energy (110.2 mJ/m2 ) has been achieved for alkali-activated materials synthesized by diatomite (GPMD). Concentration of 40K and radionuclides from the 238U and 232Th decay series in waste precursors, their metaphases and AAM samples synthetized by alkali activation were determined together with corresponding absorbed dose rate (D˙) and the annual effective dose rate. Natural activity concentrations in the alkali-activated materials were found to be lower than that of both residual materials and calcined ones

    Evaluation of adsorption performance of phosphates removal using cell‐mg hybrid adsorbent

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    Abstract: Due to the high accumulation of nutrients in water (primarily phosphates) because of increased use of fertilizers and plant protection products, it is necessary to apply various techniques for their detection, and then removal. Adsorption is one of the promising techniques to removing them. Magnetite (MG) modified cellulose membrane (Cell-MG), obtained by reaction of 3-aminosilane and subsequently with diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dianhydride functionalized waste Cell fibers (Cell-NH2 and Cell-DTPA, respectively), and amino-modified diatomite was used for phosphate ions removal from water. Cell-MG membrane was structurally and morphologically characterized using SEM and TEM techniques. The influences of operational parameters, i.e. pH, contact time, temperature, and the mass of adsorbent on adsorption and kinetics were studied in a batch system. The calculated capacities of 79.08 mg/g at 45 °C for phosphate ions were obtained from non-linear Langmuir model fitting. The reusability of adsorbent and results from wastewater purification showed that Cell-MG could be used as general-purpose adsorbent. Based on the kinetic studies the adsorption process follow the pseudo second-order model. Thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption process is endothermic and spontaneous

    Physico-Chemical Properties of Geopolymers Based on Metakaolin with The Addition of Organic Phase PVA

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest in mixing two different systems, organic and inorganic, which would contribute to some improved properties, such as adjustment time, reduced shrinkage, improved mechanical properties and durability. A new class of geopolymer composites with an organic matrix has been developed with the main goal of improving the fire resistance of organic polymers and reducing the production of smoke resulting from their combustion, as well as improving mechanical properties. For the synthesis of hybrid geopolymer materials, metakaolin with the addition of organic phase poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was used as the starting material. For the synthesis of alkaline activator, a solution of NaOH with a molarity of 12 mol / dm3 was used. The chemical composition of the samples was determined by XRF analysis. Structural and phase characterization of hybrid and reference materials were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), which revealed new phases in the PVA-added samples. The results show that the content of added PVA in the reaction mixture affects the phase composition of the synthesized materials. The morphology was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), where efflorescence was observed and identified. After characterizing the geopolymer with the addition of PVA, we obtained a material that is far more porous than the basic sample, and we can conclude that we have synthesized a material that shows good mechanical properties

    Development and implementation of a protocol for the prevention of Clostridioides difficile infections aimed at the improvement of nursing skills

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    Introduction: Hospitalized patients have an increased risk of developing infections caused by Clostridioides difficile. Due to the changing epidemiology of C. difficile, it is necessary to educate nurses about the implementation of prevention measures, but also about the criteria for obtaining a quality sample of feces in order to establish an etiological diagnosis in a timely manner. The aim of the study was to assess gaps and flaws in C. difficile infection (CDI) prevention policies and practices, and to determine whether a nurses knowledge about early identification and isolation of CDI patients improved after education. Methods: The research was conducted in a quasi-experimental study at the University Clinical Center of the Republka Srpska (UKC RS) in the period from May 2020 to December 2021 on a sample of 60 nurses. A survey questionnaire Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was used as a research instrument and it was intended for the assessment of knowledge, attitudes and understanding about procedures for the prevention of infection with C. difficile. The applied strategy to prevent hospital CDI was based on the introduction of the concept of "package of care", which was based on scientific evidence. For the education of nurses, interactive educational modules were used that contained detailed prevention measures CDI in hospital conditions in accordance with the guidelines. Before and after the education, the participants completed a knowledge test about C. difficile and prevention CDI.The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the UKC RS. Results: Only 5 (8.3%) respondents stated that they were informed about CDI prevention during the visit of a nurse from the infection control team. Most of the shortcomings during the assessment of CDI prevention at the observed clinics were related to the practice of sending feces samples for laboratory testing for C. difficile. Nurses showed highly statistically significant (p<0.001) better knowledge about the importance of early identification of C. difficile and isolation of CDI patients in the post-education test. Conclusions: The implementation of a CDI prevention protocol intended for nurses can be one of the algorithms that will precisely identify C. difficile, and thus successfully implement CDI prevention measures


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    Vinogradarstvo ima stoljetnu tradiciju na otoku Hvaru i jedna je od važnih grana poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Danas vinogradarstvo egzistira prvenstveno na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi postojeće stanje zaštite zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu vinogradara na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima, s posebnim težištem na uporabu pesticida, zaštitu na radu prilikom njihove uporabe, zdravstvene tegobe povezane s uporabom pesticida te ozljede na radu za vrijeme obavljanja vinogradarskih poslova. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim upitnikom u razdoblju od mjeseca lipnja do studenog 2012. godine, a obuhvatilo je 57 vinogradara. Rezultati su pokazali da su sumporni i bakreni pripravci najčešće upotrebljavani pesticidi u vinogradima otoka Hvara. Vinogradari ne upotrebljavaju sva dostupna sredstva zaštite pri radu s pesticidima. Značajna razlika u pristupu uporabe osobnih zaštitnih sredstava ovisi o pojedinim fazama rada koji obavljaju prilikom upotrebe pesticida. Od zdravstvenih tegoba koje su se javile nakon uporabe pesticida najčešće su iritacije očiju ili kože koji se pojavljuju u gotovo svih ispitanika i povezuju se s uporabom sumpornih pripravaka u obliku praha. Simptomi blažeg oblika trovanja pesticidima javili su se u malog broja ispitanika nakon uporabe bakrenih i sumpornih pripravaka istovremeno i očitovali su se kao simptomi probavnog trakta. Ozljede na radu zabilježene su kod čak polovice ispitanika. Uglavnom se radilo o lakšim ozljedama prilikom rada u vinogradu, pri čemu je petina ozljeda okvalificirana kao teške tjelesne ozljede nastale prilikom padova, spoticanjem ili nesretnim slučajem dok mehanizacija nema velikog utjecaja na nastanak tih ozljeda. Može se zaključiti da je edukacija i bolja informiranost vinogradara o štetnim učincima pesticida na zdravlje nužna kao i obvezna uporaba osobnih zaštitnih sredstava prilikom rada. Potrebno je na nacionalnoj razini izgraditi učinkovit sustav zaštite zdravlja na radu radnika koji rade na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima.Viticulture on the island of Hvar is a tradition and has been one of the most important branches of agriculture for hundreds of years. Today, it exists mostly as family-owned businesses. The aim of this paper was to determine the status of the winegrowers’ safety and health at work in family-owned businesses, especially with regard to the use of pesticides, safety at work while using them, health problems connected with the use of pesticides, and injuries at work sustained in the vineyard. The research, lasting from June to November 2012, was carried out at 57 vineyards using an anonymous questionnaire. The results showed that the most widely used pesticides in the vineyards on the island of Hvar are sulphur and copper preparations. It was found that, while working, the winegrowers do not use all the protective equipment available. There was a significant difference in the use of protective equipment depending on the phase of the work with pesticides. Among the health problems connected with the use of pesticides, the most frequent were the irritation of the eyes and skin, which appeared in almost all examinees and were connected with the use of powdery sulphur preparations. The symptoms of mild pesticide poisoning appeared in a small number of examinees after using sulphur and copper preparations together and were manifested as symptoms of the digestive system. A variety of injuries were observed in as many as half of the examined persons. They were mostly classified as mild injuries, while 20% were classified as serious injuries that occurred as a result of falling, stumbling, or an accident. The mechanical equipment used in vineyards had no significant impact on the injuries sustained at work. The results of the research show that the winegrowers need additional education and training in the harmful effects of pesticides on human health, as well as developing a more responsible attitude to the obligatory use of protective equipment. Thus, it is necessary to develop and implement an efficient system of safety and health at work for the workers in family owned businesses on Hvar and nationwide

    Structural Characteristics and Adsorption Properties of Alkali Activated Blends Ashes/Metakaolin

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    The aim of this paper is to show the possibility of using waste materials, blends of (wood ash, fly ash, from thermal power plant, and metakaolin) for the production of alkali activated materials that can be used to purify wastewater from different kinds of pollutants such as heavy metals. Heavy metals are toxic, especially cadmium, so they must be removed from wastewater to prevent or minimize contact with the environment and humans. The synthesis of the alkali activated materials was performed by mixing solid precursors with a liquid alkali activator. Two- and three-component systems of wood ash, fly ash and metakaolin (wood ash/fly ash, wood ash/metakaolin, fly ash/metakaolin and wood ash/fly ash/metakaolin) were used as precursor materials. The alkali activator solution was a mixture of sodium silicate solution and sodium hydroxide solution of concentrations (6M and 12M). The characterization of alkali activated materials was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). XRD measurements of investigated samples showed a characteristic halo between 18 and 35º 2 with a dominant crystal phase of quartz. FTIR spectroscopy showed that the main vibration band of all investigated samples appeared between 1037-996 cm-1, and corresponds to Si-O-Si/Si-O-Al bands. SEM/EDS analysis was used to determine the microstructure of the samples. The adsorption efficiency of the investigated alkali activated materials for removing cadmium ions from aqueous solution was tested under different conditions: initial concentration of cadmium ions in the range of 20-100 mg/l, pH values from 3 to 7 and mass of adsorbents from 0.02-0.05 g