64 research outputs found

    Clay Ramsay - The Ideology of the Great Fear. The Soissonnais in 1789

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    Effect of Wind Changes During the Last Glacial Maximum on the Circulation in the Southern Ocean

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    Present-day surface wind stress climatology is manipulated to simulate wind conditions during the last glacial maximum. These estimated wind fields force a one-layer, wind-driven numerical model of the southern ocean to determine if a change in the strength of the surface wind stress can shift the location of the Antarctic Polar Front, which is part of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. A change in the forcing by a factor of 0.5-2.0 results in a change in the speed of the flow by an identical factor with no change in position. However, if the present-day wind climatology is shifted meridionally there is a change in both strength of the circulation and spatial pattern. A shift of the wind stress of more than 5-degrees of latitude is required to produce a shift in the location of the polar front

    The Effect of Atmospheric Forcing Resolution on Delivery of Ocean Heat to the Antarctic Floating Ice Shelves

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    Oceanic melting at the base of the floating Antarctic ice shelves is now thought to be a more significant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet than iceberg calving. In this study, a 10-km horizontal-resolution circum-Antarctic ocean–sea ice–ice shelf model [based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)] is used to study the delivery of ocean heat to the base of the ice shelves. The atmospheric forcing comes from the ERA-Interim reanalysis (;80-km resolution) and from simulations using the polar-optimized Weather Re- search and Forecasting Model (30-km resolution), where the upper atmosphere was relaxed to the ERA- Interim reanalysis. The modeled total basal ice shelf melt is low compared to observational estimates but increases by 14% with the higher-resolution winds and just 3% with both the higher-resolution winds and atmospheric surface temperatures. The higher-resolution winds lead to more heat being delivered to the ice shelf cavities from the adjacent ocean and an increase in the efficiency of heat transfer between the water and the ice. The higher-resolution winds also lead to changes in the heat delivered from the open ocean to the continental shelves as well as changes in the heat lost to the atmosphere over the shelves, and the sign of these changes varies regionally. Addition of the higher-resolution temperatures to the winds results in lowering, primarily during summer, the wind-driven increase in heat advected into the ice shelf cavities due to colder summer air temperatures near the coast

    Variability and Dynamics of Along‐Shore Exchange on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) Continental Shelf

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    The continental shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is characterized by strong along-shore hydrographic gradients resulting from the distinct influences of the warm Bellingshausen Sea to the south and the cold Weddell Sea water flooding Bransfield Strait to the north. These gradients modulate the spatial structure of glacier retreat and are correlated with other physical and biochemical variability along the shelf, but their structure and dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, the magnitude, spatial structure, seasonal-to-interannual variability, and driving mechanisms of along-shore exchange are investigated using the output of a high-resolution numerical model and with hydrographic data collected in Palmer Deep. The analyses reveal a pronounced seasonal cycle of along-shore transport, with a net flux (7.0 × 105 m3/s) of cold water toward the central WAP (cWAP) in winter, which reverses in summer with a net flow (5.2 × 105 m3/s) of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) and modified CDW (mCDW) toward Bransfield Strait. Significant interannual variability is found as the pathway of a coastal current transporting Weddell-sourced water along the WAP shelf is modulated by wind forcing. When the Southern Annual Mode (SAM) is positive during winter, stronger upwelling-favorable winds dominate in Bransfield Strait, leading to offshore advection of the Weddell-sourced water. Negative SAM leads to weaker upwelling- or downwelling-favorable winds and enhanced flooding of the cWAP with cold water from Bransfield Strait. This process can result in significant (0.5°C below 200 m) cooling of the continental shelf around Palmer Station, highlighting that along-shore exchange is critical in modulating the hydrographic properties along the WAP

    Can Oysters Crassostrea virginica Develop Resistance to Dermo Disease in the Field: The Impediment Posed by Climate Cycles

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    Populations of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, are commonly limited by mortality from dermo disease. Little development of resistance to Perkinsus marinus, the dermo pathogen, has occurred, despite the high mortality rates and frequency of epizootics. Can the tendency of the parasite to exhibit cyclic epizootics limit the oyster\u27s response to the disease despite the presence of alleles apparently conferring disease resistance? We utilize a gene-based population dynamics model to simulate the development of disease resistance in Crassostrea virginica populations exposed to cyclic mortality encompassing periodicities expected of dermo disease over the geographic range at which epizootics have been observed. Cyclic disease reduces the incremental rate of development of disease resistance profoundly, primarily as a consequence of a reduction in the time-integrated population mortality rate, which will be about half the cycle\u27s apogean rate. Cyclicity enhances host survival for more susceptible genotypes at cycle nadir. Moreover, alleles conferring disease resistance typically are rare in the naive population. Cyclicity permits these rare alleles to drift and most often, that drift is towards lower frequencies because fewer animals carrying these alleles predestines a lower probability of their successful dissemination during sweepstakes reproduction at cycle nadir. Variations in population dynamics, such as differences in abundance, fecundity at size, and in the number of individuals successfully producing recruits varied the outcome little. The large number of loci contributing to disease resistance, the cyclic nature of the exposure relieving the population in predictable time units from selection pressure, and the tendency for conditions that might enhance development of disease resistance such as rapid growth to be counterbalanced by multiple yearly spawnings, hamper the rapid development of disease resistance. Unfortunately, epizootic mortality rates at cycle apogee, twice that observed at cycle nadir or prior to onset of disease, are consequential from the standpoint of population sustainability, but much less consequential for driving selection towards disease resistance. The periodicity of dermo epizootics may doom oyster populations to an extended period of low abundance, during which disease resistance slowly improves; bit by bit limiting the depredations of the disease

    Spillover of sea scallops from rotational closures in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (United States)

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    We examined evidence for larval spillover (increased recruitment outside the closures) of Atlantic sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) due to rotational closures in the Mid-Atlantic Bight using a 40-year fisheries survey time series and a larval transport model. Since the first closure of the Hudson Canyon South (HCS) area in 1998, mean recruitment in the two areas directly down-current from this closure, Elephant Trunk (ET) and Delmarva (DMV), increased significantly by factors of about 7 and 2, respectively. Stock–recruit plots indicate that low biomasses in HCS were associated with reduced mean recruitment in ET and DMV. Simulations indicate that larvae spawned in HCS often settle in the two downstream areas and that model-estimated settlement (based on gonad biomass in HCS and year-specific larval transport between the areas) is correlated with observed recruitment. This study gives strong evidence that the rotational closure of HCS has induced increased recruitment in down-current areas

    The Palmer LTER: A Long-Term Ecological Research Program at Palmer Station, Antarctica

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    THE ANTARCTIC marine ecosystem-the assemblage of plants, animals, ocean, sea ice, and island components south of the Antarctic Convergence is among the largest readily defined ecosystems on Earth (36 X 106 km2 ) (Hedgpeth, 1977; Petit et al., 1991). This ecosystem is composed of an interconnected system of functionally distinct hydrographic and biogeochemical subdivisions (Treguer and Jacques, 1992) and includes open ocean, frontal regions, shelf-slope waters, sea ice, and marginal ice zones. Oceanic, atmospheric, and biogeochemical processes within this system are thought to be globally significant, have been infrequently studied, and are poorly understood relative to more accessible marine ecosystems (Harris and Stonehouse, 1991; Johannessen et al., 1994). The Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (Palmer LTER) area west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. la) is a complex combination of a coastal/continental shelf zone and a seasonal sea ice zone, because this area is swept by the yearly advance and retreat of sea ice. The Palmer LTER program is a multidisciplinary program established to study this polar marine ecosystem

    Understanding How Disease and Environment Combine to Structure Resistance in Estuarine Bivalve Populations

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    Delaware Bay oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations are influenced by two lethal parasites that cause Dermo and MSX diseases. As part of the US National Science Foundation Ecology of Infectious Diseases initiative, a program developed for Delaware Bay focuses on understanding how oyster population genetics and population dynamics interact with the environment and these parasites to structure he host populations, and how these interactions might modified by climate change. Laboratory and field studies undertaken during this program include identifying genes related to MSX and Dermo disease resistance, potential regions for refugia and the mechanisms that allow them to exist, phenotypic and genotypic differences in oysters from putative refugia and high-disease areas, and spatial and temporal variability in the effective size of the spawning populations. Resulting data provide inputs to oyster genetics, population dynamics, and larval growth models that interface with a three-dimensional circulation model developed for Delaware Bay. Reconstruction of Lagrangian particle tracks is used to infer transport pathways of oyster larvae and MSX and Dermo disease pathogens. Results emerging from laboratory, field, and modeling studies are providing an understanding of long-term changes in Delaware Bay oyster populations that occur as the oyster population responds to climate, environmental, and biological variability