10 research outputs found

    Particle Motion over the Surface of a Cylinder, which Performs Translational Oscillations in a Vertical Plane

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    Generalized differential equations of relative particle motion over the internal surface of an inclined cylinder, which performs an oscillating motion, have been formulated. All the points of a cylinder trace ellipses in vertical planes. Such cases of cylinder oscillation, when either semi-axes or one of them is equal to zero, that is to say, a cylinder performs reciprocating motion, have been considered. The equations have been solved applying numerical methods and trajectories of relative particle motion over the surface of a cylinder have been built. Graphs of other kinematic characteristics as a time-varying function have been presented. Certain cases, when a cylinder axis is located horizontally or at an angle to a horizontal plane, have been considered

    Взаємозв'язок між кутами атаки та крену сферичних дисків грунтообробних знарядь

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    A holistic analytical model of a concave disk, which is arranged in a three-dimensional coordinate system with a given direction of unit motion along OY-axis, has been developed. It includes the design parameters of a disk and the depth of soil tillage. An interrelation between an incidence angle and a roll angle of a disk under a set value of a back angle at field surface level has been determined.Розроблено цілісну аналітичну модель сферичного диска, розташованого в просторовій системі координат із заданим напрямом руху агрегату вздовж осі ОУ. До неї входять конструктивні параметри диска та глибина обробітку ґрунту. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між кутами атаки і крену диска для заданого значення затильного кута на рівні поверхні поля

    Розробка та дослідження секційних гнучких гвинтових конвеєрів з кульковими шарнірними з’єднаннями

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    The article presents the design of flexible screw conveyors, working elements are made of sectional ball hinge connections. A power analysis has been performed in the details of a ball hinge connections for flexible shaft of a screw conveyor, through which defined the relationship between power and the mechanical of the elements. The experimental researches of determination of torque dependence on the section of the flexible working element from the angle of twisting of its end surfaces were conducted

    Рух частинки по поверхні гелікоїда, який обертається навколо вертикальної осі

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    Particle relative motion over a rough surface of a rotary vertical axis helicoid has been considered. Differential equations of particle motion have been produced at its movement over the surface of a helicoid as well as at its contact with a restrictive cylindrical casing. The equations have been solved by numerical methods. The obtained results have been visualized

    Розробка конструкції пневмо-шнекового транспортера та обґрунтування його параметрів

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    The paper presents the developed design of a research prototype of a pneumatic screw conveyor and the research methodology aimed at determining power characteristics for moving various types of loose materials depending on the influence of pressure and air volume. The dependences of pneumatic screw conveyor efficiency on the change in the area of a hopper hole, the rotation frequency of a screw feeder and the value of an operating air pressure in a technological line have been determined. The influence of the form and the geometrical parameters of a central replaceable nozzle on the distance of loose materials transportation has been determined

    Визначення параметрів процесу транспортування та змішування кормових сумішей на криволінійних трасах трубчатих конвеєрів

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    The results of theoretical and experimental studies of simultaneous transporting and mixing the components of feed mixtures along the curvilinear paths of tubular conveyors are presented in this article. A mathematical model of the dependence of the change of elementary work performed while transporting the bulk material elementary mass along the curvilinear section is developed. Based on experimental researches, the technique of determining the technological parameters, which ensure the reduction of energy consumption while mixing bulk materials with the given quality of feed mixtures, is proposed. When considering the range of changes in the inner holes of the washers dh = 14…25 mm and the angles of their position to the horizon = 30°…75°, the intensity of the material components passing-through and their consequent mixing increases with the increase of the value of the parameter dh and the reduction of the angle

    Вплив потоку сипкого матеріалу на техніко-економічні показники роботи гвинтового конвеєра

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    The paper covers theoretical investigations of the movement of bulk material flow when it is fed by a pneumatic screw conveyor. Process calculation of the impact of bulk material particles during their transportation in guiding covers has been conducted. A mathematical model, which characterizes the overall energy spent on the impact of two particles, depending on impact velocity, physical and mechanical properties of bodies and impact conditions, has been developed. The limits of design and kinematic parameters that provide the effective application of pneumatic screw conveyors for transporting bulk materials have been defined

    Обґрунтування раціональних параметрів живильника пневмошнекового транспортера

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    The article presents the justification of rational parameters of the operating parts of a pneumoconveyor screw. The dependences of pressure screw efficiency on the change in design and kinematic parameters and process variables of a screw and on loose material characteristics have been considered. In addition, general analysis of the choice substantiation of a feeder pressure screw diameter and the cross-sectional area of a hopper loading opening, which provides the required efficiency of a pneumoconveyor screw, has been conducted


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    The article presents a development of new machine safety devices, which provide protection of operating elements from overload. Theoretical calculations have been made in order to determine the optimum design, kinematic and dynamic parameters of safety devices. A test bench has been developed and experimental investigations have been conducted in order to determine basic parameters of overload clutches

    Loose material flow motion on surface of screw with overlapping elastic sections

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    У статті представлено нову конструкцію шнека з секційною еластичною поверхнею, яка призначена для зменшення ступеня пошкодження зернового матеріалу при його транспортуванні. Проведено теоретичний розрахунок взаємодії зернин з еластичною поверхнею шнека, секції якої встановлені з перекриттям країв, для забезпечення гарантованого руху потоку в зону вивантаження. Встановлено вплив різних факторів на час та шлях вільного переміщення частинок матеріалу до контакту з наступною секцією, а також виключення можливості взаємодії зернового матеріалу з неробочою поверхнею шнекового робочого органу, для зниження пошкодження зернин.Despite the considerable amount of research related to determining optimal parameters of screw operation, the problem of reducing the damage to grain materials during their transportation by screw working bodies is not completely solved. Significant reduction of damage to agricultural production materials can be achieved by applying elastic interaction of elements working surfaces of the product transportation options, which minimize damage to them but at the same time, provide the necessary performance of the process and minimize energy costs. To solve problems related to damage to agricultural production materials, a new design of a screw with a sectional elastic screw surface has been developed. The influence of constructive, technological and kinematic parameters on the nature of the movement of the ear of bulk material flow has been theoretically substantiated. Therefore, based on the analysis, the rational parameters of working bodies and operating modes of the screw working body can be determined. The article presents a new conveying screw model with a sectional elastic surface designed to reduce the damage degree to grains during transportation. The work carries out the theoretical calculation of grains interaction with the screw elastic surface, which sections are installed with overlapping edges, in order to ensure the guaranteed flow into a loading zone. The influence of various factors on the time and the path of free movement of material particles to the contact with the next section is established, as well as the impossibility of grains to interact with a nonoperating surface of the screw working part, which can lead to seeds damage